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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 10, 2024 11:00am-11:36am MSK

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the murder of babiky, even our great biathlete smolsky. in general, raobichi is probably one of the best stadiums for preparing for the season. rababich is convenient because the logistics are very good. we have enough trays for the trails. the circle is large, about 6 km. raubchi is modernized every year. of course, we have a direction, the sports component is the main one, but at the same time, over the last few years we have been actively developing the zone. activity for the population, well , in general, once upon a time during the union it was a mushroom canal, so today in terms of development, we decided that such a place was not wasted, to make vikboarding here, you see, at the moment people are relaxing, riding, we are also actively developing for the population, we have a complex of a virovochny town, rabbichi in recent years - this is such a social history, any a native of the name, and not only a resident of our capital, can come and have a good time here, a novelty of recent years, for sure, this is such a rope town, which is already famous.
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multifunctional for the professional athlete and at the same time accessible for anyone belarusian, this is a feature of most objects in our country. the labor reserves sports complex, which appeared on our sports map in 1982, survived a fire, restoration and subsequent reconstruction, which does not stop today. at the moment it is a first-class athletics base. the infrastructure of the belarusian state university of physical culture is also in constant dynamics, because its
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facilities are currently being used by various national teams. to the same extent , the capital's water sports palace sokolympic, a full-fledged sports base, which also has a specialized freestyle center. the gymnastics palace, mushroom bases in minsk, zaslavlie in rest, these are the names of large, so -called sports and health centers, with which literally the whole country has become overgrown. pay attention to the number of cool workout sites. this is a historical place. the formation of this tent camp historically on the basis of which our athletes were preparing for the all -union parade since 1947, and of course it’s been warm for many years and of course the flocks that were there then.
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were, in general, this entire period of time, which is today, these are completely different things, the complex is really multifunctional, today we are really capable, having a good, fairly good sports infrastructure and material support, to deploy within a few days for any team, that means preparing the facility so that training camps are not held, right now, this is literally right now, and they continue to acquire new... facilities, fresh fat for thai boxing, where not only such beautiful graphics are behind me, such as, for example, the image of our titled athlete andrei kulebin, but most importantly, there is everything here to engage in professional sports, now that we are around our, well, really brilliant sports infrastructure, it seems to you that not everyone understands this, how much effort is put into it, how much it really is heaven and earth in just 20 years, it would seem that people get used to good things very quickly, people perhaps they underestimate that...
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in the braslav region, the azers are blue like the early skies, which are in the right of the racing forest, at the beginning of the evil
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dawns, the creatures and the light, and the fall is known , the new azers are enchanted and are woven, smiling at the suns.
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we follow the sporting life of our country; this week, volleyball venchanka won her eleventh championship for olga polchevskaya, this is the first gold award. as the team's main coach. gomel managed to restore parity in the series against bntu bilas 1:1. the final score of the response match 20120 in favor of gomel handball players. we review the most interesting event. 1500 people in minsk alone , tens of thousands more in fifteen countries around the world.
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a total of 189.00 people joined the international half marathon. the strongest team of the continent at the european youth wrestling championship. became the belarusian women's team, as a result the belarusians won seven medals, three of which were gold. we listen to the opinions of competent specialists. minsk, as i already said, has a very high-quality back line, a couple of foreign players, namely defenders who make really the whole game. all this is in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel . selection from latin means onbor, the
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process that man has been engaged in for thousands of years, when he stopped eating everything in a row and began to leave it. part of the collected material was left for reseeding and small animals for breeding, and from this began selection, selection, and thus selection. national academy of sciences of belarus. for almost 100 years, scientists from our center have made a significant contribution to the development of
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agriculture in our country. scientific and practical center for agriculture historically took place in 1927, when, on the basis of the unification of disparate territorially regional experimental stations, research institutes and laboratories of various profiles, the belarusian institute of agriculture and forestry was created , the development of agricultural science, which contributed.
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a scientific research institution in the republic of belarus, which determines the strategy and tactics of work to ensure food security. josina is a center of agricultural science for crop production. we are the main ones suppliers of varieties that are necessary for the republic of belarus, the main suppliers.
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it already strengthens this position that you have had many years of experience.
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we use this thresher to thresh the panicles and evaluate the selection material. at the initial stage of selection, from 5 to 10 thousand panicles are threshed, better are the samples that we selected, they are in such bags, those that did not suit us, we discard them, from such bags we pour
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cassettes, then these cassettes we place it on plates like these. then we put them in a breeding seeder that sows meter-long plots of lovsa, well, in principle, all breeding crops; the production site has agricultural machines for cultivating the soil, sowing, caring for plants and finishing grain products to obtain standard ones. the selection plant is adapted for planting rapeseed, as well as grains and grain crops, this milling cutter here, it prepares the land for sowing, we prepared the land with the milling cutter, the sochniks have left, the operator sits down, pours it into
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a glass, this is the grain, he presses, here we have there is a button to raise the glass. the grain is blown out with the help of air and falls into the ground, with the help of these rollers they are rolled, it can also sit automatically, the glass will automatically rise and release itself, after assessing the offspring of hybrid plants in the breeding nursery in the first year, a certain number of seeds are obtained that will go to further selection
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this is the next stage, where there is a sufficient number of seeds, and we form the following nurseries: control nursery in double repetitions, two plots, preliminary varieties are tested traditionally in quadruple repetitions and competitive varieties are tested for productivity assessment, and various backgrounds of fertilizers or plant protection are also formed, which makes it possible to carry out. a comprehensive assessment, both in terms of yield, in terms of resistance to unfavorable factors, as an opportunity to realize oneself on various nutritional backgrounds, in this case the offspring of winter wheat are presented, on the territory...
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within the framework of this phytatron-greenhouse complex, here you can see samples of leguminous crops, propagation of original plants, as well as hybridization. in which artificial pollination occurs between two parental forms, and this allows us to obtain a certain amount
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of variability, that is, the initial hybrid material, which we further multiply and accelerate the selection process. the petatron-greenhouse complex operates year-round and receives seed material. in this case , flax growth and formation are completed heads at the same time, certain
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crops have already been harvested. the breeder wants to get the maximum yield and not lose quality, since with an increase in yield, in some cases there is dilution and a decrease in the amount of nutrients. examination.
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at the moment, our researcher is extracting dna from parental barley plants, we, together with breeders , are trying to obtain samples that will have a low content of fetic acid, its salts and fetates. if we manage to bring this work to the point of obtaining a variety, then this there will be a unique variety that will not be available throughout the entire territory.
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chemical composition using the methods we perform very subtle gas liquid chromatography analyzes here in order to determine those substances whose concentration... in our sample is very, very small. in rabsa, for example, we control such a trait as the absence of rucic acid in the oil, because until recently rapeseed was not a food crop, only thanks to the efforts of our breeders, new ultra-modern varieties appeared, because few people know, but rapeseed oil is very close in the composition of fatty acids to olive oil, and although we don’t have our own olives in belarus, we have a wonderful one...
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we also bring from control nurseries to the test baking stage, that is before submitting a variety to the state variety testing system, the breeder rejects his material at all stages, not only in terms of chemical composition, but in terms of technological quality indicators; at the moment, the baking strength of the flour is determined. bakery assessment the quality of wheat varieties is produced not only
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by... technological properties, but also organalyptic properties are assessed, this is the taste, color, bread, shape, crust, very tasty, smell, pleasant, and the difference between the samples is felt. in the process of life activity and human impact on the environment, some plant species have already disappeared, therefore, to preserve the genetic material for future generations, a bank of genetic resources was formed by agricultural centers. we are located in the national seed bank,
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economically useful plants. rubles of the scientific and practical center of the national academy of sciences of belarus for agriculture, this unique scientific object is a national treasure of the republic of belarus, this object was put into operation in 2015, since 2000, our institute has been actively working on the state program of plant genetic resources, studying collection samples. and the seeds are concentrated in our gene bank, in general more than 53,000 collection samples, unique samples, because the world gene pool, the film fund of our belarusian scientists, which is the basis of our collection, we can use it for exchange with other countries, and of course, we transfer everything to our breeders,
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conditions have been created here, three types of conservation of plant resources have been created: long-term, medium-term, and short-term seed storage. we are in the chamber where the active collection of our genebank is stored. the eggs are stored at a temperature of 0 +3°. this collection is intended for exchange and active use by our breeders. the collectible image is saved on for 15 years, does not require reseeding and a collection of about 15,000 collection specimens is stored in this chamber in this storage. samples are registered.
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encoded under a certain number, they are entered into the database, where each sample has its own place, its own rack, its own shelf, so it is easy and simple for every employee of our gene bank to find this or that sample, this material is the basis for breeding activities for the majority of crops cultivated in the country , from there we draw the signs that we need, which nature has formed over centuries, but there is long-term preservation, this is a basic collection, which provides for the storage of a collection sample for up to 40 years, this is the golden fund of our gene bank, this is how the basic collection is preserved, this is vacuum packaging with seeds that are stored in...
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undoubtedly for a long time during the period of operation of the institute, the subsequent scientific and practical center was accumulating material, this was the improvement of production tools, this was the development of methods, these were all
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signs of attention. we are in the history museum scientific and practical center of the national academy of sciences of belarus for agriculture. the opening of our museum took place in 2013 on the eve of the day of belarusian science. this project has collected a large number of unique archival photographic materials that tell about our history. an important role in the development of our institution was played by the western selection center for grains, legumes and cereal crops. it was organized in 1970. this period is characterized by the intensification of the selection and scientific process. with from the establishment of the institute from 1927 until the creation of the western breeding. center , only 11 varieties of grain and leguminous cereal crops were created at the institute, and during the work of the western selection center, this is 22 years, 36 varieties of these types of crops were created, many worthy people worked in
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our center, their works are known from publications in the press and directly based on the achievements that are currently being used , then... undoubtedly creates a sense of pride, and we also have an exposition, which is called the office of a soviet scientist, and we dedicated this exposition to the hero of socialist labor, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor nikolai dmitrievich mukhin, the azimyrzhi belta variety brought him fame, this variety was distinguished by a fairly high yield, good economic valuable traits, today this variety is irreplaceable gene source. to create new high-yielding varieties of azim rye, and you can see the interiors of the furniture, everything that nikolai dmitrievich mukhin had in office, office supplies, work notes, everything he had to work with and deal with every day. the pride
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of our museum is a truly valuable award for our institution, this is the order of the red banner of labor. we were awarded these awards in 1977 on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of our founding, for development.
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improvement of regulations on cultivation technology, so many years of activity of our institute in terms of selection, centuries of developments already in this regard, there is a lot of breeding material from which to choose to evaluate the best varieties, and thanks to such
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a number of developments, it is possible to submit more than 60 new varieties a year to the state fort for testing.


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