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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 10, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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i think that these are such works, different composers created them, which are called ave maria, a prayer to the virgin mary who gave birth to the infant christ, many composers, including bach and schubert, many addressed precisely this topic, i believe that this is the most important theme that exists in music, the virgin mary, who gave birth to christ, this is the basis of our...
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come to us, and after your dialogue with us, i will definitely dedicate the opera. according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from our guest. i would like to - give you a small souvenir, from me personally, i would like to invite you, uh. bolshoi theater
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belarus and a certificate for 50 rubles. a visit to our theater, you can buy two or three tickets with your friends, but any performance you want, opera, ballet, concert, and i will be very glad to see you in the theater, i hope that you will have great fun and visit our theater you will really love opera. thank you very much, i will definitely attend the opera with my family,
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visiting the program 100 questions for adults, i’m waiting for you at the entrance to the site, well, here, anastasia, i’ll ask you to stay, which of the questions asked today was the most difficult for you? the question i couldn't answer was the most difficult. thank you, what question were you waiting for, but you were never asked? one of the most important stereotypes , a question that i was asked very often throughout my career, is the question:
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is it true that opera singers, in order to make their voices sound better, drink raw eggs, for some reason i thought that this question is mandatory will be, because this is another stereotype associated with the voice, today you managed to answer 44 questions, tell me, if we call you again, you will agree to come, of course, with pleasure, i am addressing our young audience, do you think that the heroine today was as frank as possible with you, who thinks so... anastasia was absolutely honest with us, because when she answered our questions, there was a special sparkle in her eyes, which not only i, as i think, but everyone believes , gave us advice as the younger generation, it seemed to me that that the conversation was very interesting, thank you, it seems to me that mostly she was honest, but there was a question about... she didn’t have
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such moments in her life, i don’t think that at that moment she was completely honest. anastasia, can you comment on the young man? of course, like all ordinary people, i have different moments, both good and bad, but i try to think about the good moments, and every person should have their own secrets, you don’t need to tell the whole world about everything. anastasia, we have this rule, the last one the word is always up to the hero, summarize the conversation that took place. i want to express my deep gratitude to everyone who was in this studio today, the most important thing is that my message is not me, it’s not the people’s artist of belarus, anastasia moskvina, but it’s the love of music and the love of opera, theatre, oh
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to whom i wanted to tell today, i am grateful to everyone, thank you very much, people’s artist of the republic of belarus. anastasia moskvina, a member of the bolshoi theater of belarus, was a guest today on the program 100 questions for adults. see you in a week. look in the next issue. first secretary of the central committee of the belarusian republican youth union, alexander lukyanov.
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100 questions for an adult 11 12 12 17 18 27 28.
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let you love like a flower in the field, like a young bird, who flocks over a crayfish, like a patched bird. may you be free, may you be loved, may you be loved for the song that i hear, for the sweet booming laughter that is a frequent call, for clear eyes, for your young soul, may you be loved, may you be loved for the bright hours that and you give it.
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such an authority that many men would envy, i really trust the iron, she he has never let me down, i have some kind of special, amazing relationship with him, i know that it’s just right, it won’t let me down, having received a higher education at the faculty of artistic metal processing, for a long time she perceived herself exclusively as a master of decorative applied works, i saw the environment of these very amazing artists, dynastic mastodons, oh god, what art, where am i, where is art, this is my wonderful niche, arts and crafts, i’m graduating from the academy, i forget about art, and only 15 years after receiving her diploma , she began to create as a full-fledged artist and sculptor and discovered
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large-scale interesting projects in all corners of the globe, and it was just like flying into space, flying with a suitcase of iron, i had a suitcase of iron and... she knows how to negotiate with metal like a woman, to make it flexible and pliable, and this material reciprocates her feelings, as a result , art objects are born that catch the eye and leave almost no one indifferent.
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okay, that's it, beautiful, smiling, beautiful, yeah, look how it turned out, interesting, see, wow, in the workshop. another mini-photo shoot of her work is taking place, professionally set light, a good angle, a well-functioning shadow and of course the authors in the frame. many people follow the blacksmith woman’s account, although maria herself usually introduces herself in the following order: sculptor, artist, and only then blacksmith. well, i have such a low efficiency that my efficiency is correspondingly low, so in order to take a piece of hardware to interact with it, you need everything in advance, very, very well.
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they just imagine this kind of cinematic picture: a forge, bellows, an anvil and next to all this in the heat, soot and soot, a hefty man-blacksmith is working, there is a fragile woman who is working at a computer, and if there is fire here, it is in her eyes when she shows her author's projects, one of the latest participation in the famous burning man festival in the nevada desert. on burninmen , many people approached the work, the work is called kissing yourself in the mirror, you can
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only on the lips, and they said, yes, it’s true, how i never thought about it, such a simple phrase, such an obvious phenomenon, well, how come it never occurred to me, the work is about how you can love yourself like this, who you are, and you can’t kiss yourself pityingly on the forehead or somehow affectionately on the cheek, you can only love yourself... this is a legendary art festival where tens of thousands of the most progressive artists, sculptors and musicians from all over the world gather. just a guest ticket there can cost a couple of thousand dollars. for maria torletskaya, the invitation to take part in this project was an important event. the sculpture is large, it’s 2400, it’s 3500, and i brought it, i actually brought it in two. suitcases, and it was just like flying into space, flying with a suitcase of iron, i had
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a suitcase of iron and a suitcase of bolts, and it was necessary to somehow bring it all to the other end of the earth, it was such a challenge, maria began to exhibit as a real artist quite late, only after forty, and before that time immediately after graduating from the academy of arts, i worked exclusively as... and i had such a monstrous impostor syndrome that some big important person needed
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to somehow transform this from me into something else, and larisa davidovna became such a person, everything is personal, and larisa’s personality played such a big role, it is not surprising, but even after studying at the faculty of artistic metal processing and receiving a complex and completely unfeminine profession, maria for a long time did not dare to call herself an artist or a sculptor. 15 years after graduating from the academy... she worked with private clients and was mainly involved in the arrangement of interiors and exteriors. it was very difficult for me, i studied at the academy under some kind of severe monstrous tension, i saw k'. i graduated from the academy and forgot about art, then it finally caught up with me, the academy of art taught me some professional things, but somehow it clipped my wings very much, when a creative person’s
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wings are clipped, there is only one thing left: their to grow again, and for this... you need the character of a fighter, this is exactly what maria had to do since childhood, while girls her age dreamed of becoming actresses and ballerinas, she dreamed of becoming an astronaut, her father worked at baikonur, participated in space launch projects buran and lunakhod 2, and for little masha sometimes he brought home tubes of food for the cosmonauts. i didn’t just dream, i actively trained, i... did pull-ups eight times, i did a turn-over, i was trained by my older brother, one of my brother’s workouts was the fact that i stood under a birch tree upside down and learned to eat like this, i succeeded, but when masha grew up, the painful nature did not disappear anywhere, having completed three courses at
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a pedagogical university as a teacher of drawing and drawing, maria did not regret the time spent. decides to dramatically change his path and goes to study at the academy from all possible specialties, choosing blacksmithing . editors club. russia is our main market, we have grown there in 2 years. in export supplies by $8.5 billion. calculations in national currencies between belarus and russia at the end of the twenty-third year reached 92% of russia's investments in the belarusian economy, over $4 billion last year. some people want to tell us that they will come here, take away our sovereignty, swallow up our economy, but the russians don’t need that. they have
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a different philosophy of development, they have a philosophy of development through cooperation. and we found this one. you will eat, fall in love, get married, sing and dance, live, for the sake of dads, excuse me, we need the village of vasilyeva, what are we talking about, ladies, it’s another day there, there will be fascism, you hear, the front is close, russian spies, it’s
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not true, you don’t dare, that’s what you are. germany, mom, they need an au pair , she will like your task, it won’t be easy, but you have dignity, i believe that the only relatives we have are those who are close in class, my father, he was a stranger to me, i don’t i want to have such a father, i want to say that elsa brought a russian woman, she is now cleaning our house, but the worst thing is that now the russian woman is taking care of our boy, watch the series, i will be back on the tv channel belarus 24. they are devoted to their work, the land for me is a nurse, it gives us everything, bread and milk, without labor, nothing can be produced, i can’t imagine another job where i am not connected to the land, ready to share knowledge to show one day from
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their life, the battalion is designed to carry out tasks of searching for invective... in the burial of military personnel with the aim of their further perpetuation. based on the results of field search work , information was established about more than 3,700 deaths during the great patriotic war, as well as during the first world war. watch on tv channel belarus 24. in the ostromechevsky expanses there is the most fertile land and the most hardworking people, with whom you can achieve high and good harvests. moral satisfaction. i get it when i hear the gunshots of the guard of honor during a ceremonial reburial, when you really understand that the work was done efficiently and the result was achieved.
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it seems to me that the possibilities of metal are limitless, in general it is an ideal material, it endures for a very long time and it can do a lot forgives, metal can be tormented, tormented, tormented. forge it and heat it endlessly, it will begin to change its properties there, decompose, then heat it up, release it correctly, and it will continue to endure the debt, glass or, especially, wood does not allow this, it does not forgive mistakes, but it forgives almost everything as long as you you can’t turn the vingal fire, it just won’t physically burn, it will endure and respond to all your experiments. at the academy, our heroine recalls, there was no time for experiments; there they were taught all stages of forging production. which are made in the old fashioned way by hand, you had to saw metal and hacksaws and chop them with a chisel, and there she did it, maria laughs for the first and last time in her life, of course, there are
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blacksmiths who do it now as before, gunsmiths who make homework, of course, they don’t weld by welding, they do the same classic forge welding, this is a very complex process, i don’t know how to do this, there is a blacksmith who can shoe a horse, uh-huh, i don’t know how either. and we are blacksmiths of free artistic forging, and we we use in our processes, in general, all possible, convenient tools for us. today she has access to the entire arsenal of modern tools, laser cutting, plasma, and welding machines. the larger the task, the more funds and people are involved in it. one of these large belarusian projects was participation in the creation of the kovalskaya sloboda metro station, for... maria it was another challenge, to find a compromise between the tasks of a whole team of architects and artists, a huge number of requirements for technology and the safety of the metropolitan specialists and
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my vision of what should happen in the end, when an artist is given such a big project, then one of them is enough for a lifetime, a 200-year guarantee for each part, i don’t know what kind of guarantee i will have... in 80, 80 - it will be 120 for me, well , it’s still normal, huge forged chandeliers, made with a reference to the national belarusian technology in vytinanka, this is both part of the lighting and at the same time an unusual decor, the chandeliers are shifted slightly to the side from the center and are illuminated so that on the ceiling as much as possible played out the shadow of a fabulous forged pattern, complex, long, voluminous work , all...
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with a small hammer, and the other with a huge one, with a small hammer, well, it seems that it’s not clear what he’s doing, he’s forging with his head, that’s that man with a huge , with a huge sledgehammer,
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he is not a blacksmith, he is a hammer hammer, to my greatest regret, he did not become a hammer hammer with a blacksmith, because after 2 years his hands were broken, well, completely, this is about the physical participation of the blacksmith in the process, but with all this in the forge maria. it happens often, she just really likes it here, to an outsider it may seem that worse working conditions cannot be imagined, loud noise, soot, digging, heat, but maria adores this unique atmosphere of the forge, where artistic images are born from shapeless iron, i enjoy it endlessly, because that here, here the end result is born, when you live in a project for months, sometimes years, you live in a laptop. you live in pieces of paper, you live on sites, you live with customers and co-authors, well, with others professionals, and here it is... it
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is embodied and here it is a very special smell of magic iron, it is right here the smell of the embodiment of everything that i live by. maria torletskaya, a fragile woman who once upon a time chose the profession of a blacksmith and never regretted it. when people around her find out what she does and see her work in person, most people ’s stereotypes are broken. there remains no doubt that this woman has definitely found her place in life, but if skepticism creeps in, then maria torletskaya, belarusian sculptor, artist and blacksmith, there has long been an answer to this. i explained, at the moment when i was left in this forge near the horn, to myself that yes, i am a blacksmith, then i believe that i should not explain anything to anyone, but if someone, well, there are very different funny reactions, well no, i haven’t heard anything offensive. well, i
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generally don’t hear bad things, you know, blacksmiths don’t hear well, but that’s how it is.
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the news is on air now in the studio of elizaveta lokotko. hello. belarus and the voronezh region expect to double the figures in trade, enter...


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