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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 10, 2024 9:00pm-9:45pm MSK

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standards in the project are different, watch on the belarus24 tv channel. panorama live, in elena nasachova's studio. hello. the time has come to cooperate more closely. belarus and the voronezh region intend to develop cooperation and strive for the coveted billion in trade. our president today held a meeting with the governor of this russian region. the policies of the ruling elites are unpopular. the disastrous elections to the european parliament, a crushing blow to the positions of the authorities, states and eu members, were dealt by the far right. we will tell you in detail in the material of our correspondents. and poland fences itself off further. buffer depth.
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the first episode is already today. smolensk has become the main integration platform today. a meeting of the high-level group of the union state was held here. what decisions did you come to, including the abolition of roaming? we will present operational comments. construction, industrial cooperation, military-industrial complex cooperation. belarus and the voronezh region intend to develop cooperation in a variety of areas. the regional delegation is headed.
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works as a governor in belarus these days. at the meeting with the president it was said: in trade we need to strive for the coveted billion dollars, the region is advanced in industrial terms, and today we really have many promising niches that can benefit both belarusians and russians. as alexander lukashenko will say, the time has come to cooperate more closely. negotiations also took place in the government in parliament. the main thing is from natalia breus. format of personal meetings and negotiations of the president with '.
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in terms of export volumes from our country. construction is our common driver with the voronezh region, with the participation of belarusian specialists, a lot has been built in the region, from housing to industrial and social facilities. the tire recycling plant, for example, operates using belarusian technologies, and they want to keep it that way. all the agreements that we already have in the form of agreements, plans for implementing the agreement, and those that we reach, they will certainly be implemented on our part, we are in this. extremely
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interested in those successful projects that have been implemented, in particular a very large educational center, for almost 3.00 students, it is called the commonwealth of russia and belarus, so we assigned this name to this educational center, and many other facilities were built on our territory, we see that it does everything efficiently, very quickly, and of course for this is such a big thing for us, a big format of interaction, we are now... planning to start building a large football stadium next year, voronezh is a football city, it lives by football in many ways now, and we would like our belarusian colleagues from belustroy engineering would help us in the construction of this stadium. people call the local stadium work; without work, you can’t expect results either in sports or in the economy. now the voronezh region is among the top 30 industrialized regions of the country, the minimum task for the authorities is to be in... the top twenty, and
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therefore they are seriously investing in development and belarusians are very impressed with this approach: in the foreground, industry and processing in agriculture and special attention to selection. organizations of belarus and voronezh region in in the field of seed production, for our part we can also offer technology in the field of dairy production, including designing the construction of complexes, equipping them with equipment. as for industry, we are clearly not finalizing this,
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minsk offers to supplement trade, almost the entire line of equipment from maza mtz, gomselmash, amkadora goes to voronezh cooperation projects, we purchase a lot of equipment. which is now already used on our territory, perhaps about some small assembly plants, well, we’ll be here finalized together with the government. both belarus and the voronezh region have competencies in microelectronics; they want to increase mutual supplies and join forces, so they have been pursuing paths with other
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russian regions for a long time. the president's visit to the irkutsk region allowed us to discuss issues related to expanding production cooperation in the aircraft industry and plans to increase supplies.
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for electronics, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, information and communication technologies, energy saving and many other areas, as well as support production cooperation using domestic developments and components, you know our economy well, our enterprises too, so there are no topics closed for agreements and negotiations, we are ready for this, ready to make all sorts of decisions that will interest you, but if we say, we will do, i think the time has come for us to cooperate more closely with each other; finally, thanks to circumstances, we understand who is who, who are real friends, who have simply stuck to
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russia for many years, to our cooperation. cooperation with the voronezh region can be set as an example, this was discussed in parliament, many joint projects, the result of a lot of work and...
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this was agreed upon even earlier, but today the parties have come to an understanding of what standards will apply to internet traffic. so the interim decision of today's group was that these will not be unlimited tariffs, obviously not unlimited tariffs, because. world statistics for the past
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year, which shows that on average, a resident of the planet earth uses roaming tariffs, which do not exceed 300 minutes of outgoing calls and 20-25 gigabytes of traffic, we put approximately the same formula in today’s decision, we have a lot of time for... increasing the number of lanes on the belarusian side, which of course will help
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speed up the passage of goods through this checkpoint. the smolensk region traditionally ranks among the top three of our trading partners in russia, the number of contacts is constantly growing. the practice of holding meetings in regions other than union capitals will continue. our cooperation is growing countries with distant arc partners, a big premiere in... on our air, the project “understandable politics” visited four continents. the authors have traveled more than 60,000 km and will tell you about the brightest points on the map of belarusian diversification. the largest parts of the world are asia, africa, europe and latin america. people, cities, enterprises where they know, appreciate and respect minsk. our technology and products reach all over the globe. clear politics - a great journey. four large videos. the first stop is
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a great chance for other countries to raise head. belarus can help us with food security. we have not only a posthumous relationship, but as friends. seeing how you work, one gets the impression of smart, knowledgeable people who understand agriculture. our relations are, first of all, a huge contribution of the presidents of belarus and brazil. can never forgive president lukashenko for being a man of the people, yes, that he really
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understands what it means, local farmers say, give us belarusian equipment, i wish i could send all these flowers to belarus, belarusian equipment can work without problems even in the harshest conditions. we have been working with gomsilmash equipment for 10 years and are very pleased. we chose belarusian tractors because after studying we realized that this is the best offer on the market. we have many requests regarding imports from belarus. brazil always opposes sanctions.
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support from the governments of belarus and indonesia will help businesses operate efficiently. vietnam is our gateway. there are more and more orders for equipment. street of the republic of belarus, one of the central ones in the city. i'm proud of
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that i represent belarus. i won’t let go of my beloved. the belarusian military joined the second stage of the exercise with non-strategic nuclear forces of the armed forces of the russian federation. it is taking place in accordance with the decision of the presidents of belarus and russia and the agreements reached between the defense departments. as the minister of defense of our country noted in his statement.
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called for attacks on military targets of the russian federation located on the territory of our country. we monitor and analyze all these aggressive attacks,
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we are consistently strengthening our defensive potential. and our participation in the second. are created both for our country and the union state. in addition, holding such events is, among other things , an excellent opportunity to actually evaluate the level of training of the armed forces to ensure military security and armed defense
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of the republic of belarus. however , i would like to emphasize once again that the event with... related to the participation of our forces in training exercises to prepare for the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons is carried out in the interests of ensuring their own safety and are planned. as viktor khrenin noted, belarus has no goal of creating any tension in matters of ensuring regional security. we do not project corresponding military threats onto third countries or... anyone. the far right dealt a crushing blow to the positions of the authorities, states, and eu members. according to the first results of the european parliament elections, far-right parties will dominate the transnational parliament, ahead of the parties of the ruling elites. active politicians and the current european bureaucracy are getting a kickback from the failed sanctions policy, which led to an increase in the cost of living for europeans
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without control of migration and certainly did not add optimism to the european voter; the involvement of eu countries in the elections to the european parliament; in france, the victory of the national unification of marine lepine was called a humiliation of macron. the prime minister immediately asked for his resignation.
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the king has already accepted the resignation of dro, who had previously signed up as one of the largest fighter suppliers for kiev with the transfer of thirty f-16s to the armed forces of ukraine. for unity is important for the european parliament, but now there is a clear danger of a split on the issue of the conflict between ukraine and russia, some are aimed at providing further support to kiev, others are friendly to russia. this is a powerful dividing line.
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both paris and berlin, as well as hungary, slovakia, spain, and ireland, have repeatedly accused the defendant of nepotism and lack of political transparency; she mistakenly decided. chatter, chatter, well, the decaying west, what we wanted in soviet times, now we got it, this whole storm in european cauldron, does not mean that the united states
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will allow european politicians to refuse to participate in the ukrainian war, which is profitable for the west, the eu is unlikely to curtail negative rhetoric towards russia and belarus, and the election campaign itself was not at all democratic and transparent.
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format of politics and the current type of existence of society, they want changes, the spokesmen for their position are now becoming more right-wing, although previously there was a pronounced left-wing tilt in european politics, including, this is an indicator of the problems caused a war against russia and belarus, sanctioned aggression, from which europe itself suffers to a greater extent. no matter how the european deck is pining now. committed to partnership with moscow, advocating peace negotiations on ukraine , and finally emphasizing national priorities, hungary, slovenia or serbia continue to resist predictable pressure from brussels. the message of these elections, their political content, can be summarized as follows: the hungarians sent a clear signal that they want peace if the choice
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between war and peace, then... one should not expect any drastic changes from the elections to the european parliament, this opinion is increasingly heard among experts, yes, everything did not go according to the scenario that was previously determined by politicians and officials in brussels and washington, but there is no sensation here either. europeans are tired of homelessness.
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the ultra-right comes to power in germany, we cannot say that they have already arrived, but nevertheless they are seriously strengthening their positions, then not only the whole of europe, but also its immediate environment should be wary. today we can to say that in england there is a very serious situation for richie sunak. at the last, by the way, summit, so to speak, a short summit in normandy, i was forced to leave my colleagues and allies in their place. mirona will urgently go to london, because the electoral situation there is also very unfavorable for him, this suggests that european voters are dissatisfied with today’s aggressive, so to speak, rhetoric, and not only the rhetoric, and the practice of the european elites, and this affects their careers , specific prospects for election or re-election. another unfriendly step
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by its western neighbor: poland is restoring and expanding the buffer zone on the territory bordering belarus. the length of the special regime will be several tens of kilometers. the depth of the exclusion zone will reach 2 km in 27 places in the gaynovsky and blastock districts. prime minister tusk announced the approval of the relevant resolution. at the same time , a meeting of the country's national security council was convened in warsaw due to the shooting of polish soldiers at... a legal migrant, the polish leadership has more than once expressed its desire to legitimize the use of firearms by military personnel on the belarusian-polish border. border euro-democracy has turned into a real death machine, in its millstones are children, women, old people - all those who went for a better life. only now they greet foreigners with batons and machine gun fire. let me remind you that last week four citizens of iran and a citizen
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of afghanistan were literally thrown out...
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the departure of the unipolar world is a great chance for other countries to raise their heads. belarus can help us with food supplies. really understands what it means to work, local farmers say: give us belarusian equipment, i wish i could send all these flowers to belarus, belarusian equipment
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can work without problems even in the harshest conditions. we have been working with gom silmash equipment for 10 years and are very satisfied.
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support from the government of belarus to indonesia will help businesses operate efficiently. there are more and more orders for equipment. the street of the republic of belarus is one of the central ones in city. i’m proud to represent belarus, i won’t give up my beloved.
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it’s an understandable policy that the program will have a different format during a long journey; in the coming episodes we will work outside the television studio in just a few. are working successfully and are ready to continue working, despite the artificial barriers of the west and the absurd policy of isolation. new partners and new markets, distant destinations, diversification of exports, these ambassadors are increasingly heard at a high level not only in our country, is sanctions pressure real? time of opportunity who is against the dictates of western values? places where? there were no cameras of belarusian tv channels yet, there were four largest continents, people, cities, enterprises where minsk was known, appreciated and respected. we begin the story with latin america.
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diplomats say understanding latin america is extremely difficult, but if you can do it, it's a love of a lifetime. our team visited brazil and argentina, they, of course, have their own specifics, different history, traditions, mentalities, present, but there is a place for belarus in the heart of each region. the largest economy in latin america
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is more than 10,000 km from belarus, but is this an obstacle to the modern and fast world? the country across the atlantic ocean calls itself industrial-agrarian and pays great attention to the development of the agro-industrial complex. you feel notes familiar to belarus. there is virtually an endless field for the application of technology. brazil is the fifth largest in area and the seventh largest in population in the world, after the united states it is the second largest economy in the western hemisphere. and only in advertising brochures is brazil a country. exotic beaches, coffee and carnival, all this is there, but the palette of local life is much richer and much more complex. what we will talk about today. in the elite shopping center of sao paulo, the daytime is always quite calm, with bright signs, famous brands and a very discerning buyer. the price tags here don’t always make you happy. pay attention to quality without fail. our guide among
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the glitter showcases, grigory golshleger, a long-term partner of various belarusian enterprises, for example, has been working with the arshan linokombinat for 30 years, supplying earrings from belarusian fields. linen is valued and loved here. since in our country flax is considered an expensive product. for the mass of the population, this, this material is used for the elite. these are the kind of skirts and jackets made from belarusian material that brazilians are willing to buy even for $600; they also sew shirts and other clothes. belarusian flax is present in the products of several large brazilian brands, only in this shopping center you can find it on several floors at once. belarusian flax is attractive because it has a very high level of quality. works at his company
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more than 20 people, it is one of the largest importers of belarusian products in latin america. grigory is a partner not only of ligprom, but also of the petrochemical industry of our country. now he plans to engage in more potassium supplies, despite all the difficulties. we don't have rut fertilizers. we only have one place. this means that where you need to drill, drill, then this salt is mixed with water, then it is dried, the process itself costs one and a half to two times more than the soligorsk potash mine. the story of a businessman, a ready-made script for a film. born in the ussr,
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he began serving in the army back in mosyakovshchina, then moved to sao paulo to live with his aunt, where after the seventies he looked through more than one sphere in search of an entrepreneurial niche. despite this, he has been coming to belarus often since the nineties, and has seen a lot. the first time i came to belarus, belarus was, minsk was a shabby city. when was this? yes, this is the ninety-first year, the station was generally smelly, we must give credit to alexander grigorievich for taking up the country, it has survived, why? because alexander grigorievich is a smart person, lukashenko worked a lot in belarus; today, when i travel, i drive on all the roads in belarus. everything is in order, the roads are excellent, he
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supports them, he supports them, in addition, lukashenko has made a very big renovation of the industry, mills such as magilevin fiber, orsha alpine mill, orsha has invested more than 170 million dollars, this is a man who cares about the country , he has something to compare with. brazil is called a fabulously rich country. there is a huge amount of minerals in the depths, but they could develop faster. interfering lack of reforms, corruption, high tax burden. some companies pay up to 40% of turnover. at the same time, gregory lives and works in the main city of the country, as brazilians call sao paulo. industrial locomotive of the economy. sant paol. the largest city in brazil and all of south america is included in the world top in terms of population, together with
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its suburbs, more than 20 million. the capital of the state of the same name is considered chaotic, maybe not as bright, naturally beautiful as rio, but it is undoubtedly the most important rich point on map of brazil. it is here, in the heart of the brazilian economy, that a third of the national gdp is generated; it is here that the largest businessmen of the company, which are engaged in importing, including belarusian products, have been located for decades. sao paulo is primarily about money. the city is famous for the fact that outdoor advertising is prohibited here, and the roads are so busy that cars. can only travel according to a special schedule, for example, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, if you violate the fine, up to 5.00 brazilian reals, that's almost a thousand dollars, due to the pace of life the city is often called a soulless jungle. in
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one of the most prestigious areas of sao paulo, you simply won’t be able to visit your neighbor’s lot or someone on the street. high fences, about 2.5 meters here, probably there, plus barbed wire and electric current. all this is, of course, a necessary measure. people can get robbed here, although this does not happen so often, but in order to avoid trouble, house owners also hire special security. several people with guns in their hands constantly ply along the street you have to pay about $200 a month for this. but in general, sao paulo is certainly a good example of the fact that work does not leave time for bad ideas from a point of view. danger and the metropolis there is calmer than rio, although in the evenings it is better not to wander around the outskirts, in rio deaneiro, carnivals, beaches, warm climate, here is a jungle of buildings with offices of serious companies, banks and stock exchanges, the locals expressed this mental difference in a very short, but quite popular saying: while everyone is dancing in rio, everyone is working in sao paulo. one way or another, exactly
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these two cities are the basis of brazilian culture, life, and economy. if you look at the map, they are located in the southwest, that is , the rest of the country is a little away from the financial centers, add ports, a huge gap between rich and poor and, of course, one of the key issues for brazil is the very issue of security, but to him cryo, we 'll be back today. brazil is a country of contrasts and sometimes paradoxes, as anyone familiar with local life will tell you. despite the problems, the state has enormous potential. the economic cooperation organization has a very positive assessment of what is happening in the economy recently. brazil
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has the fourth fastest growth rate in the world. agriculture is the circulatory system of brazilian food security and financial stability. brazilians are the first in the world to export orange juice concentrate. and of course, coffee, another important element of the local agro-industrial complex. on average, people travel to 128 countries around the world per year. 44.5 million bags of aromatic grains, each weighing 60 kg. coffee plantations - this is the national pride of the country. it employs 3.5 million people and cares for more than 6 billion coffee trees.
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chief tobacco. the fairy region of the planet, among other things, is also a leader in soybean exports, occupies half of the world market. prices for grain, oil and animal feed are constantly rising, which attracts thousands of farmers to the top crop. today , nearly 250,000 farms produce soybeans in brazil.


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