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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 10, 2024 11:05pm-12:00am MSK

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the work is very efficient, very efficient, the brightest head in my course, remember it, victor lyubarsky, let's drink to the bright head, with pleasure, but victor, no, thank you, you know, i'll go, vasily andreevich, pedin wants to be my reviewer, i consider it my duty to warn you, but why?
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goodbye, goodbye, who is this? this is my father 's student lyubarsky, they say, our older sister zaikova, and she, and she loves medicine, this is our home, let's go,
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comrade major, this is lyubarsky, there is a conversation about rostopchin, yes, urgent, hello, dad, meet this. mitya, this is trafim, hello, hello, my friends, who are they, these are men's suitors, what are you doing, this is gulka, not gulka, but galina, this is my younger sister, boys, help mom in the kitchen, yes, yes, order, excuse me, is it possible, what about a theatrical musya, no suitors, wait, wait, what a theatrical one? what is
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your vile propaganda? vasya, you know that in our country this is the only profession that corresponds to the state of souls, if you are going to lie, then lie artistically, correctly, right, okay, okay, then let’s start with the artist, let me pass, dad, and you, and you? do you think that what you teach is better, who needs history and philosophy now? artists, if they play something, it’s about life, but what are you talking about? are you already there or what? aunt lil, where is grandma? liza, upstairs, is scribbling something, a white seamstress.
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tell her, musya, that if she doesn’t come down now, i’ll leave and won’t come back. the greater the pressure, the greater the resistance. and the very idea of ​​a solar power plant is based on the principle accumulation of energy, that is, gratuitousness, communism. no, wait, communism is not dormism. well, yes, from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs. the needs of our neighbor peskkunov greatly outstrip his abilities, by the way. he’s stealing soap with you, so with peskunov and into communism, bah, let’s go, your friend is waiting for you, bah, well, let’s go, what’s wrong with your lips, jam, wipe it off, right?
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here you are, a doctor of sciences, yes, an academician, well, justify it scientifically, what? such communism, well, justified, justified, our dear, well here to justify, look at this luxurious table, we have everything here from everyone according to their abilities, each has a stopper, a waiter, here you are a woman, and you speak vulgarity, you also smoke like a locomotive.
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mitya, please apologize, why should i apologize? you are all wrong, there will be communism, there will be solar power plants, and no one will smoke under communism. mitya, mitya, stop, where are you going, oh, you, mitya, two boots, a pair, or rather, two felt boots, yes, stop, mitya, well, mitya, stop, don’t pay attention to them, mitya, stop, i’m a fool , yes, no, well, it’s just them, they... doesn’t understand anything, what are you doing, just, mitka,
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dawn, and as you wrote, freedom is perseverance and determination until death, no, that’s what you need, freedom is for your own student, you can abandon your children, yes, mom, zoya, you keep quiet, you don’t understand anything, lyubarsky was arrested
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yesterday, vitya, yes, this principled comrade is his scientific supervisor, you understand, s... daddy, you will you, and then all of us, i must be responsible for every word i say, i must be faithful to every word i say word, to myself, if i teach one thing and then act differently, then i simply don’t exist, i simply don’t exist, vasya, vasya, this is all philosophy, i’m fed up with your philosophy. “i’m tired, mom, mommy, mom, mom, why, he’s selfish, he thinks only about himself, dad, they’ll sort it out, he’ll let him out, zoya,
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vitya, this has nothing to do with it, everything here is much more serious, promise me , what..." will you take care of mom, well, about your sisters, dad, there's a black car, like there, where, so quickly! wait quickly, then bring me some sakhvayash, old grandfather, calm down, so what? you, oh well, we can’t figure it out, it’s a misunderstanding, and it’s all a misunderstanding, they ’ll figure it out, i’ll be back, i
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’ll be back of course, daddy, calm down, you’re not going anywhere, i won’t give it to you, but everything will be fine, what what... what, calm down, calm down. musya, ghoul, eat, i don’t want to, what kind of
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hunger strike is this, you will eat, fall in love, get married, sing and dance, live, for the sake of dad, even if he doesn’t come back, he will come back. mitya, the war began, today at 4:00 am, without presenting any claims. soviet union, without declaration of war, german troops attacked
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our country, attacked our gatehouse in many places, did not give vangoshke a lift from their planes, our cities, etonia, kiev, devostokol, kauna and some others.
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getting to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work, this is a very interesting job, because when you come to work in your own department and in others. we are constantly introducing something, constantly developing something, when it is still released it turns out that the consumer also makes his choice in our favor, this is such pride and you can’t imagine such happiness as from a manufacturer. an approach to business that everyone should strive for. what is vinegar production? this is actually, to be honest , a specialty for which the most responsible people in the enterprise. work for me is joy, it is pleasure. result: this is stability, confidence in the future. my work is life for me. they always say to me: you go to work,
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smile, leave work, smile, go forward, move, and we are here too, so come to us, see how we live, watch the project, a quality mark on the belarus 24 tv channel. all individuals who hold extreme right-wing views are used today by foreign intelligence services.
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i questioned the quality of belarusian products, i showed you your belarusian beef jerky and compared this packaging with polish beef, which contains an incredible amount of chemical additives. the quality of belarusian beef commands complete respect. this article features a fugitive traitor, a citizen of the republic of belarus, a certain pavel latushka. he raised the question of by what right do i
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brought this piece of beef to the polish state. look how they take money. these belarusian parasites. to distort reality, to lie to the poles at the same time to lie to you, the belarusians. be vigilant and selective about the information you consume. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. i’m leaving for the front, i want to leave an audio letter for my fiancee. there is no cellophane, only paper remains. okay, give us the paper. come in, sit down, sit down, mitya, what did you come up with, everything will be fine, now we’ll record an audio letter, get ready, come on, we’re ready, we’re ready, girl, you can, mitya, i love you very much, i
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love you and will always wait. “i love you, and this is for life, the next one, that’s it, and now i, let’s change places, come on, so you go there, and i’m here, yeah, i’m ready, come on, musya, i. that’s it, the equipment is on strike, sorry , young man, when you return from the war, we’ll sign you up too, wherever
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you’re going, boss, drama, wave, wave your fist, intellectual, well, what does that have to do with it? intellectual, the whole intelligentsia is here, but there are only speculators and opportunists, excuse me, but you don’t know, they give milk on ration cards? zhdanochka, you need to go to the village for milk and cheese, they are there, and you muster up something better, maybe they will exchange it, come on, come on, food, food, once again, food, fats,
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very deep bronchitis, yes... and perhaps, but tuberculosis, and what kind of fats, butter, cottage cheese, uh-huh, dairy products, uh-huh, lard, well , at worst, red caviar, i understand that in these days the recipe is almost impossible, mom, it’s dad’s, so don’t say anything else, otherwise i’ll get angry. so you have to take the cart, don’t worry, as soon as i exchange everything, i’ll go right back, that’s what everyone does. “mom, mommy, veronya, mom, where are you
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going, mom, don’t worry, i’m going to the village for an exchange, mom, i, i ’ll go with you, no, and don’t argue with me, otherwise i’ll be angry too, and i’ll go "where are you going? will he be keeping an eye on the zoek?" the main thing is don’t worry, it’s very close, we once picked mushrooms there along the mazhaisk highway, remember? well then, okay, okay, bah, well, no need, well because superstition, so i took everything, so this, well, that’s it, mom, stop it, well, mom, well...
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yes, here in the crosses there are such gurgouls fighting three roads, i gave a gold ring for a piece of bacon, mom, listen, well, zoe i need the creation, the doctor said, christie is not far from vasiliev, we will make it in time, we will get there, okay, let's go.
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musya, knock on there, now pussy, come here. this is a teapot, a sugar bowl, there is also a coat, no need for a coat, yes a coat, men's, silver, a show where they fight not only with
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the help of physical strength, a show where the main weapon is intelligence, if i set myself goal, i always have to achieve it, but of course, when i found out that i passed the casting, emotions simply overwhelmed me, what an ancient country , along with greece... the name of the olympic type of wrestling. artyom. rome, italy. the roman empire. i accept this as the correct answer. however, activity will also play a role. which italian coach broke sir alex fergusen's record for the most appearances in the champions league in may 2023? carla ancilotti. carla anceloti. two steps forward. see the intellectual sports project heading. the twentieth year gave a very serious
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a lesson to our country, we saw the logic of hostility and began to look at things in the world differently. we wanted to show a belarusian morning in belarusian nature. the models had practically no makeup, as it is, that’s nature, yes, because len is that.
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all individuals who hold extreme right-wing views are used today by foreign intelligence services to escalate the conflict, in addition to creating the image of an enemy, there is a constant escalation, look, the baltic countries have already made statements that they are ready to take part in the ground part of the operation in ukraine to send his troops there, he has not learned to lose to the west, and he will have to lose and no. without economic prerequisites in order to maintain its hegemony, the involvement of belarus in the war will lead to the loss of sovereignty, loss of statehood and destruction of our country, which is why we rely on our strategic ally, on its potential regarding tactical and strategic nuclear weapons. the project is objective, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. through the unknown
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paths and routes. come here, my dear, this is a story, you understand, i can’t, oh, there was a fire, the monastery burned down, and in the morning they found drowned people in the river, in their faces they recognized the monks who married lyubomirsky’s daughter. and
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kroer, open belarus together with the belarus 24 tv channel, yeah, it’ll work on the farm, wait here, there’s a hunt, the place smells. nadya, what are you talking about, well , there’s nothing here, you’re a soviet man, what a soviet man, there’s been no soviet power here for 3 days already, i thought of it as a teacher, it’s a snot, say thank you for me i didn’t hand you over to the germans, they won’t be here right now, so get ready, let’s go, listen.
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let's quickly, quickly, let's go through the backyards, go, little darling , quickly, i don't need any harm, mom, just run, mom, i'll shoot.
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informationen für den transport, was ist unsersagt, franke und stichgegenstände, und tiere, andere sachen mitzuführen, die den sanitätsnamen des dritten nicht entsprechen. achtung, achtung, informationen für den transport.
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listen, you are militia fighters, no you have the right to read the enemy propaganda, our task is to break through to our own, orders are not discussed, panicking, sabotage, not following orders, i’ll shoot on the spot, it’s clear to everyone where your weapons are, fighter, weapons, we were given one for two in the people’s militia, you have 15 minutes, find a weapon, comrade, allow me, his eyesight is bad, he broke his glasses, follow the order, there is an order, wait, wait, wait, where, i’m not sending you, wait, wait, where, i’m shooting.
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first name, last name, nationality, ivanova, tatyana, russian, ivanova tatyana, first name, surname, nationality, masha, well, masha, maria rastopchina, russian, maria rastopchina, russian, first name, surname, nationality, nationality. what is nationality? nationality, dear, what is printed in our narozhe, oh narozhe, well, check, rosalia ivan konoplyanin, georgian nationality, georgian, you tell them, i’m
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georgian, i understand, my mother is georgian, my father is russian, first name, last name, nationality, alena, georgian, and make lists for me, georgian! i 'm hungry, i'm hungry, my eyes are stupid and i think i'm jewish, eating bread, i look like a jewish woman, well , look at me, i look like, what difference does it make, name , surname, nationality, mikhailichenko, daria, why are you walking here, the main one, i’m still in charge here, appointment, oh, oh, oh, what were you thinking, by the way, they are also keen on going to germany, you don’t know for a long time, listen, where did you come from, and your last name?
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brought this piece of beef to the polish state, look how they take it . he raised the question of what right do i have money, these belarusian parasites, to distort reality, to lie to the poles too...
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ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. a show where they fight not only with the help of physical strength, a show where the main weapon is intelligence. if i set myself a goal, i always have to achieve it, but of course, when i found out that i passed the casting. the emotions were simply overwhelming. which ancient country, along with greece, gave its name to the olympic form of wrestling? artyom. rome, italy. the roman empire. i accept this as the correct answer. however, activity is also will play its role. which italian coach broke sir alex fergusen's record for the most appearances in the champions league in may 2023? carlo anchelotti. carlo anchelotti. two steps forward. watch the intellectual and sports
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project "game" with your head. all individuals who hold extreme right-wing views are being used today by foreign intelligence services to escalate the conflict. in addition to creating the image of an enemy, there is a constant escalation. look, the baltic countries have already made... statements that they are ready to take part in the ground part operations in ukraine to send your troops there. it has not learned to lose to the west, but it will have to lose, and it does not have the economic prerequisites to maintain its hegemony. drawing belarus into the war will lead to the loss of sovereignty, loss of statehood and the destruction of our country. that is why we rely on our strategic ally, on its potential.
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the light that gave his only son, about the importance of religious holidays: we celebrate the victory of life over death, the victory of righteousness, purity, light over evil, about the need for spiritual upbringing and education, they come to classes with joy, our classes are held right here in the church, i... thought it was right, necessary, because children should breathe at least
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church air, about the sacraments of the orthodox church, when people come to the divine liturgy, when they take communion there, in some sense, in some sense , a certain sacrament of our unity with each other , with the living, with the dead, is performed, we will tell and show in spiritual and educational projects on the tv channel: belarus 24?
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heute haben wir einige jungs verloren, wussen natürlich auch, noch mehr haben sich gefangen gegeben, trotzdem, man muss alles durchkehren, ja. schau mal, da ist noch ein busse, ach was, tatsächlich, guck mal eine an, der scheint verletzt zu sein, ja, hallo,
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in another 2 years we published more than 10 walls of newspapers, in the lower grades we spent minutes of organized laughter, laughed, yes yes. humor is good, good. by the way, who gave the description of trampling? me and the teacher mathematicians filonov. you're friends with trampling, aren't you? what were your thoughts? what were you guided by when you gave her characteristics for joining the komsomol? galina, tell me, is it true that your father is serving his sentence as an enemy of the people? this? yes, ghoul, how could you, comrade shutkin, i didn’t know anything, well, this is a mistake, a mistake, that is , you think that our soviet authorities are mistaken in such matters, the enemy is rushing towards moscow, the evacuation is in full swing, and you are lying,
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you’re being young, hiding the truth from your comrade, it’s a mistake, dad. good, he is a professor, he doctor of science, this is a misunderstanding, you know? oh my god, where are they? bah, i want to get a job at the hospital, zovenka, with your health, do you have any health?
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is it painful to scratch your mittens? i need to live on something, the evacuation didn’t work out, maybe somehow through the hospital it will be possible to organize a departure, though my mother and music, so much time and no news, the war was a year, i waited for your grandfather for 3 years after the war.
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then attack moscow from three sides and occupy it. for this purpose they were concentrated against our right flank on klin-solnechnogorsk-dmitrov direction, the third and fourth and general goot and hüpner, consisting of the first, second,
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fifth, sixth, seventh, tenth and eleventh tank divisions, thirty-sixth and fourteenth motorized infantry divisions.
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and we breathed, otherwise we would have burned like them.
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my friend knows german very well . she feels bad there, just a second. are you feeling bad or something? lord, let's go, now it will be easier, let's go. i don’t know, from that carriage, which carriage that was burning, zaitseva, hey, gas, force
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it on, but what will it be like there? in german, women, we do everything we can to see what you are looking at, what are you looking at, calmly not in the world, what is vinegar production? this is actually, to be honest, a specialty where the most responsible people in the enterprise are.
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work for me is joy, it is pleasure and results, it is stability, confidence in the future, my work for me is life. they always say to me: you go to work, smile, when you leave work you smile, we go forward, we move, and we are here too, so come to us, see how we live, watch the project, quality mark on tv channel belarus 20. four. all individuals who hold extreme right-wing views are used today by foreign intelligence services to escalate the conflict. in addition to creating the image of an enemy, there is a constant escalation. look, the baltic countries have already made statements that they are ready to take part in the ground part of the operation in ukraine and send their troops there. the west, it hasn’t... learned to lose, but it will have to lose, and it doesn’t have the economic prerequisites to maintain its hegemony. drawing
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belarus into the war will lead to the loss of sovereignty, loss of statehood and the destruction of our country. that is why we rely on our strategic ally, on its potential regarding tactical and strategic nuclear weapons. the project is objective. don't miss new episodes on tv channel belarus 24. skin hero may create a unique history of life and creativity. yes, i studied with the italians, they were italians in the czech republic, we worked with them, then my older brother, he is a member of pizza yoli association of naples, there was an opportunity to go and learn. the fact that they are combined is a great desire to realize our potential. we represent the country, we represent ourselves, this is what we have in our country. a very large-scale event where people from the regions come, that is, indeed for young designers this is the only, perhaps
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even a way to show, declare about... hey, pass auf, ist weg,
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that hurts, right? it hurts, from a fool, god, what a fool, you, you, from another carriage, why did you sit there, well, go and sit by the door, well he takes the best places, listen, boss, don’t come forward, come to us, lie down, man, that’s it. listen, hare, who are you anyway, and girls, well, be quiet, i’m a person, no, so i worked at a factory circulation plant, wrote poetry, yeah.
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12:00 am
sorry, but nikolai ivanovichki nikolai ivanovich.


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