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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 11, 2024 2:10am-3:10am MSK

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she wrapped it in children's clothes, pretending to be a young mother, disguised it as coal for a stoker, even carried it at the bottom of a can of milk, and another object flew into the air. the surrounding area was shaken by a series of explosions, a flax factory, a brick factory, and a water pump. there was panic among the germans, then they could not even think that this was the work of local youth, if only. returning from the partisan detachment, with the next batch of min, fruza was met by arkady borbashov. fruza. you can’t go to the village,
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volodka grichukhin, whom we considered our school friend, betrayed us, all of our arrested, this cannot be, we trusted him so much, he is ours, ours, many considered him a friend, and volodya izavitov, he was his best friend, ruza, we must hurry, come back. the squad is raiding all around, they may be here soon. the drama took place on august 26, 1943, when punitive forces surrounded the villages of obol, zui, mostishche and ushaly and arrested almost all members of the underground. november 5, after terrible torture and abuse. they were shot,
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fruza’s mother and other relatives were also shot, but she herself continued to fight already in the partisan detachment. on july 1, 1958, at the editorial office of the newspaper sovetskaya belorussia, the mood of the employees was high, and this despite the fact that they quickly had to change the material on the front page. wonderful, wonderful. on the first page was published a decree of the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr on awarding the title of hero of the soviet union to efrasinia savelyevna zenkov for the courage and heroism shown in the fight against the fascist invaders during the war with the presentation of the order of lenin and the gold star medal. our fellow countrywoman, hero of the soviet union. zenkova efrosiya sovelevna. “we are preparing
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another material, what do you have about the young avengers? lyub, this will be sensational, we managed to collect so many facts, meet with some members of the organization and even with the commissar of the voroshilov detachment. yes, we must definitely talk about it, we will publish a lot of material, but for now, prepare the facts for me to review. region during the war. and its leaders, fruze zenkova. the lines of memories about her fell by themselves. the patriot, despite the mortal danger, brought reconnaissance information about the movement to the detachment every 2 days. enemy echelons to the front,
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completed dozens of important and complex tasks. title of hero of the soviet union. member of the underground organization zenoid portnova was awarded posthumously. 12 people were awarded the order of the red banner of battle and the order of the patriotic war, first degree, also posthumously. we will travel along unexplored paths and routes all of belarus. we are glad to welcome you to our ivanian land, and the sign of affection is a sign. our country,
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yeah, vezha, you read belarusian, no, i can’t, come here, you, my dear, this is history, you understand, ola, i can’t, oh, yes, there was a fire, the monastery burned down,
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beef to the polish state , look how they take money, these belarusian parasites, to distort reality, to lie to the poles at the same time to lie to you, the belarusians. be vigilant and selective about the information you consume. ksenia's author's view lebedeva’s response to the policy of double standards in
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the project is different. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. computer game or real world. they entered the game. but they didn’t take into account one thing, everything is for real here, this is the country’s most extreme project, heroes, reboot, fighting with itself, this time instead of young fire and rescue professionals , representatives of belarusian show business will fight, first lines in the charts, rating they they want to show character and express themselves even louder, i admit honestly, but i’m not an athlete, i’m an artist, this is not a vocal competition, i would like my fingers to remain intact, anton kushnir is waiting for you, these leading dances are not needed, the fall,
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every time gives birth to its heroes, but the control center. ready for flights, tsup, ha, you have to unscrew it, otherwise you will stay there to live, that’s it, i lost, yes, it seems, yes, goodbye, what serge is doing, it’s incredible, guys, watch it on the belarus24 tv channel.
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10 weaving traditional knowledge in the list of elements.
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i’m interested, that’s why i call, and the more i communicate with ordinary people, every time i convince them that they are not simple at all, the more more than the president recently at a media forum in mogilev. uh-huh, he indicated that he wants to see on the screen just more professionals, not only in politics, anton kolennik, chef, dig a little deeper, it turns out that this is a people's chef, and menchanin of the year, yes, and the owner of the title of one of the 200 best chefs in the world, well, the first in the cis, and the only one, as far as i know, everything is so, everything is so, everything is true, it’s true that you started your career by burning your debut dish as a child, let’s say so, yes, i just burned it to the ground, only a spoon remained, a spoon in the very center, in this. it was pearl barley porridge with meat, pork and carrots, it was made in the oven, in the oven, i put it
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right in the carriage, my grandmother put it there in a corner, and of course, by lunch it all turned the color of cast iron, but in the center there was that same spoon, which is one spoon, one spoon that you could eat, yes, yes, it was very tasty and why didn’t this discourage you from studying, what happened next, well, i was always interested all the time. and i always repeated, then porridge - it was, it was the first one was so bright, yes, and then how old were you, six, it was first grade, then a little older, i began to read my mother’s recipes, and my mother is a health worker, they write everything there with the letter o always, yeah, something i understood some things, i didn’t understand others, but i still tried to cook, i went to the trash a lot, i have an older brother, he was always my taster. and these were pancakes that i fried in a waffle iron, yes, it was,
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well, there was a lot of things, there were some derivative cakes, i tried to make cutlets, that’s all, so i came home after school, did something for everyone, just this, well, i always played sports, yes, i always went to some kind of clubs, basketball, there i just went to the hairdressing salon, i just went with kids go outside to play ball, so that they can at least somehow develop, well, i know that basketball and auto racing are still... a hobby remains, yes, yes, this is what it is, well, look, anton, in our invitation has a motivational moment, because we are so accustomed to living by stereotypes that higher education supposedly will definitely help us become successful, and many parents and children ignore working professions and colleges, yes, now is the time to enroll, so maybe an outstanding chef or hairdresser would be better than... a sad lawyer or economist, i agree, in general, i’m in favor of people they didn’t go to
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work, but went to do what they loved, so that he would get up in the morning and the sun would burn like the sun with this work, and he would fly there, it would make him crazy, then everything would work out for her, then he would be outstanding, famous and glorify himself our country well, well, i’m only talking about belarus , you can do this everywhere, the main thing is not to go to work, but that’s the word for me - work. yes, such, such a lying ear, this is a hobby, this is the work of your whole life, yes, you choose what you will always do, and my choice, my parents did not support, i ’ll be honest, and when i went, everyone just pushed me according to my brother, it was a higher college of communications, i went to the exam, there was the first exam there in mathematics, what was it called, i just passed a blank sheet, that is, it was such a principled position. gave me a blank sheet, came, said, well, wrote, well, i’ll wait to see what the result is, but i myself knew that no, well, what will happen there, i don’t go through right away,
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took the documents, came then, which was called vocational school number 221 of cooking, and they tell me, young man, in 2 days you have to enroll somewhere, you have such a certificate, certificate, run and they didn’t take me that day, but what kind of certificate was it, well, i had one c, and maybe there are four fours. there were five, ok, and what gave you this an ordinary minsk vocational school 221, it taught you the basics, gave you the basics, yes, yes, why is it free, if you love it, then you will move on, they give you basins, then you yourself, you yourself search, dig, then it was difficult, now there is the internet, there are also all sorts of channels, but before it was some magazines at my mother’s, some with recipes, some old cookbooks, there was a library, you could read it all. everything was studied, i had my first place of practice in the canteens of the amkador plant, well, i
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learned how to make cutlets there, and yes, i was there too there’s a lot you can learn, then i had such a global job, i was hired at the first pizzeria in minsk on prospekt, and they called me the man squid, because for six months i came and cleaned squid at the sink, i’m further than the kitchen i didn’t go into the crowd, they weren’t allowed, well, i was a trainee. well, these squids are 60 kg, clean then 60, then i grew up, grew up, and all the time i needed more, well, look , so that mothers and grandmothers were completely. late yes - that's how many chefs there are in your subordination at the same time, now there are about 20 people, 20, but this is a little maximum, but i once had such a peak - these are our summer olympic games, which were in minsk in the nineteenth year, i was then responsible for the global structure for the guest house belarus, then and
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every day i had about 110 pavars under my command at the same time and... everything went well, no, i just can’t imagine how you can manage so many people who do this, well, the dish is being prepared, in any case it’s necessary prepare quickly and you need to have time to look at this, and besides, you are also a playing coach, and it is also very important, this is what the japanese taught me, i am there with them, i studied with the japanese in 2000, this mood is very important, this is what i always say, now, if you’re not in the mood, don’t stand there. only there will be a mood to come to the whip, i just once read your statements that the main thing you learned in france is to smile, yes, but what happened between vocational schools getting into the top 200 best chefs in the world, it was labor, it was smiles, work, yes, this, this was italy, where i studied at the academy, where our, our
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education was not accepted, yes, and i had to study from scratch in italy, but i graduated with honors, then after... 3 years confirmed my training by passing additional exams and i am a master chef studying in france it was small it was not long it was only a month there but this is an opportunity to meet the great paul bacuse for me this is just such a standard he taught he did not he taught and gave more than this - fuel for this fire that this thing needs to be loved. yes, and you convey your love through dishes to the guest, and you change his mood for the better, yes, you can even cure him, yes , from the blues, this is important, so for the chef it is important to start the day not just to say hello to the staff, to so that before the start of the service they are all in a good mood,
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then this energy, it will be transferred to the hall, this is very important, to the dish, therefore... it’s not like the chef just comes there and you sit there and command, you're like a clown single-shoulder bicycle, you must juggle, you must be able to laugh at yourself, know a lot of interesting stories, know about cooking, of course, so that your staff is already charged at the beginning of the service, then everything will work out, well then the question is very polar , why didn’t you stay in italy or france and why haven’t they opened their own restaurant serving belarusian cuisine yet? well. well, to the first part of the question, and it’s all very simple: having gone there, you will always be an expat visitor, but you won’t have truly warm friends, now you’d know that you’re in trouble, but i grew up on this land, why should i leave here, i love this land, i love these forests, lakes, fields, even when now i go
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on some culinary travels with my master classes, i’m returning home and... and i realized that i was at home, so i was crossing the border by car, and i realized that this is, this is my land, i grew up here, i love this land, i can’t imagine how you can go and live there and say that you are a belarusian, yes you are a belarusian then, but about your restaurant, he of course it will be, it will be, it will be soon, and it will be of such cuisine as belarusian, and even my cuisine, but it seemed like i had guests from the city. they know, as the city residents know me, it will be delicious, it will be interesting, with stories, of course with me, well, if we are talking about belarusian cuisine, what is belarusian cuisine, why even if potato pancakes are not the top of the food chain, yes, then , in reality, we know so little about the diversity of our own cuisine, yes, well, our cuisine is not pancakes at all, well, this is now where we are , belarusians, bulbash, pancakes, but
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potatoes were brought here literally 200 years ago, well, we ate something before... or we were waiting for potatoes, well, yes, they brought them from america, yes, we have it - river fish, yes , we have forests in which there are wild animals, we have, well , wheat has always been root crops, but there everything is possible there - before potatoes we used a lot of silderia root for food, this is ours, it grew, they also made it from it and fried it, you can fry it, steam it, cook everything, these trendy smoothies are all coming back, our location is also very important. through us, they brought people to tsarist russia, including chefs, they left their recipes here, they shared them with local residents, in 2008 we went to this one,
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but it was called nalazanka, it was prepared on pancakes, and thanks to the french, we came up with the idea, well, there was a fashion for cream soups, they were called podkolodka because the potatoes were crushed with a deck, they were boiled, crushed in mashed potatoes and added to the soup when cooked and stirred, it turned out like a cream soup and now you were making dishes like this yes yes i well, sometimes i do it for guests of the city , especially when i worked in a hotel, it was right.
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we bypass us, well, in fact , we have it, like in italy they have mortadella , yes, it’s an open sausage, it’s not very tasty there in italy, honestly, they’re trying to add it there, dilute it with pistachios, anything, peppers, you can to give it a taste, ours here's the yard sausage, it's cool, which is still made according to gosts, which is according to gosts, but that's the thrill that we have preserved these gosts and that our factories prepare according to gosts without adding any kind of food or any chemical elements, everything is natural, well, our vegetables are good if they are ripe, but there is always such life hacks, a fashionable word, how
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to ripen the same tomatoes bought in a store in the winter, buy a couple of apples, eat the tomatoes put them with apples, this is the first time i ’ve heard about this, well, we all know the word banana gas, well, everyone knows this, well, who is involved, banana gas is something that... for bananas to ripen, because they they pick it green, yes, they put it in the truck in this container, yes, let's go and put gas in there, banangas is malic acid, apples emit this kind of gas, let's call it this one, the one that ripens anything, that is , fresh tomatoes with apples in a dark bag, put them there in the kitchen, just in the kitchen tomorrow you will have completely different tomatoes, and this way you can ripen everything, well, of course, except for the potatoes, they will start to grow, wow, this is the first time i ’ve heard about this. well, these are the life hacks our grandmothers used, and our great-grandmothers definitely used them for in order to preserve something, in order to pass on something, we need
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to rebuild it all again, we just somehow went very much into european culture, we want it to be like that, but we have forgotten how it was with us, but with us it was no worse, we never had these taverns where we eat next to a carriage with some kind of cart, plows and so on and drink some terrible... liqueurs, everything was fine with us, we had tablecloths, which our great-grandmothers knitted with their hands, lay on the tables, we ate delicious food, yes it was from the oven, yes, our culture is stewing, this is some kind of baking, everything came from the oven, but it was very tasty, but what about this story with cast iron frying pans, we are all used to fashionable anti-stick coatings, it’s all very simple, anyone can make it from... such a life hack at home, here buy a frying pan, metal, teflon or some other super coating, make the same pancakes, yeah, here are pancakes in a bowl,
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yes, put four shorts on the fire, well, so that it’s an honest life hack, and a spoonful at a time into every frying pan, but the chigun will have the most delicious, no wonder our all our grandmothers, grandmothers, they cooked only on cast iron, but what do you cook on now? i also cook on a chigun, i also have a small chigun at home, of course there are all those fancy teflon ones, yes, but it’s very tasty on a chigun, and i just bought a cast iron pan just like this for making something like that, well, like that too stewing, it tastes different, well, western sanctions, how they affected haute cuisine, were replaced with hazel grouse, and these belarusian shrimps, but in fact yes, in fact they are yes. though they said that they used to grow in potato fields, but no, in fact, production is normal, it exists, and in response to our aggression, in general, sanctions, on the one hand, are even
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good, because we are still possible. we don’t feel it as strongly as our brothers the russians, they have had the sanction for a long time, and this has given a huge impetus to this word of import substitution, yes, when our factories start, they finally begin to move, think and offer us something new, in including in the food sector, yes, yes, we are talking about it mainly, they are starting check, we have some delicious cheeses, um, yes, and really tasty, well , really tasty cheeses, well, they might turn out to be, but they’re great with mold, hard and what kind? baltic, they say that on your chicken the broth is so fatty, rich, tasty, on ours it’s just water.
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we follow the sporting life of our country. menchanka secured her championship for olga polchevskaya - this is her first gold award as the main coach of the team. gomel managed to restore parity in the series against bntu bilas 1:1 final score of the return match 21/20 in favor of the gomezh handball players.
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and to negotiations and interaction. don't miss it on the belarus 24 tv channel. popular a couple of years ago. online guide, yes, he compiled a rating of the most tasteless dishes in the world, 100 dishes, yes from different countries, it included, including the well-known and beloved by our compatriots, jellied meat, yes, yes, why such a wonderful, truly delicious dish , well, in my opinion, i have both a mother and a grandmother, well, great, my mother still cooks since then, my grandmother cooked this dish perfectly, why is it included in this list along with...
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with the same rotten, half-decomposed shark carcass, yes - a little bit of jerky or whatever they do there, well, how can you put this on the same level? well, just like any top there, yes it is always very subjective, because it is chosen there by a certain number of people, perhaps they did not understand the taste or they had a very bad recipe for our cold, because our jellied meat is very tasty , he's delicious and he's very useful so much collagen. well, yes, we need to look for nothing else, but it’s just that it’s made for women, it’s generally the best recipe, for our audience, it’s an excellent cosmetic product, let’s say, well, lard, the best belarusian doping, that’s what our president once said, i agree, but at night i told you to eat potatoes not with meat, but better with herring, so here are the president’s quotes, even if i drive by, they tear up tiktok, this has been
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known for a long time, right? well, what can you say about these culinary tips from our president? everyone is correct, this is correct, because well, when you eat potatoes and meat at night, it’s a process. very long digestion, yes, it’s hard for you, and well, it will be uncomfortable to sleep when you eat something light, uh, fish, okay, fish, it ’s digested very quickly, it’s healthy, each one is healthier than some kind of fried food piece of meat, you sleep well, you feel light in the morning, well, you probably want to drink a little more than from meat, but in principle i agree with him, well - in general , potatoes, potatoes... we’ll even remember these are the soviet times, maybe no one even thought about it, and this is a very important stage, when we cleaned it, we now put it in water for a while, it just lay in the water, the excess starch was removed so that it it was easier to
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digest, yeah, now they’re trying to remove this step somehow, bypass it, yes, they just cleaned it, fry or boil it right away, leave it there for half an hour. that’s why in the armies they don’t use potato peeling machines, but cadets, yes, well, it used to be like that, well now also, i think, he doesn’t use his hands, and while the potatoes are lying in this water, i peeled a lot of potatoes during the 5 years of military school, here they are, here they are, lying in the water of starch, going down, well, yes, right there , constantly at this base. don’t clean it quickly, it takes a few hours, a few hours, yes, this is a great option to make the salad’s life easier. anton, i was told that you have some kind of unique recipe for the perfect mashed potatoes from our potatoes, well, yes, it’s actually a recipe, in general mashed potatoes were invented by the french, it’s theirs
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it is a national dish, it is included in the cookbook of france, as the main, main dish of france, and there is a recipe that cannot be violated, it has two components, we keep laughing about it, but it is really very tasty, these are potatoes. girl butter one to one, wow, yes, but the main thing is of course not to beat with a mixer, not to beat, not with a mixer at all, but just mix just yes, just mix with this masher, like yes, yes, just with a mixer we immediately get wallpaper glue, yes you can glue the wallpaper right away, it will work hold on, it will be one to one, you have to try it, it’s very tasty, i even remember about all these mixers, all these gadgets - studying in france. polebaza academy, meringue class, these are whipped dried or baked whites, we come to class to learn from it seems, well, everything is already there, mixers have definitely been invented, yes, whisks have been invented, we have neither whisks nor mixers, we have a teacher
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says: guys, when they came up with this recipe, there were no whisks yet, there were these small brooms, they are like rods, yes here is a small whisk, we will do it as we did before, i will say that with these small whisks we beat well one time... four times faster than we beat with a whisk, because there is a lot of air, and it is very tasty, and it is really better, than with a mixer, because you feel the product, and you understand when you need to stop, and with a mixer, even in our national cook, we see that it is sometimes better to remove it, because people get into some kind of spirit, they want to make their own life it's easier just to spoil everything, well, i remember the recipe, i i'll try to make potatoes, one to one with butter anton. nekrasov believed that the meaning of life was in cabbage soup, pies and goose offal, yes, and how beautiful bulgakov was through the hippopotamus cat, yes, he described this kerch herring, yes, herring, bunin
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confessed his love for the antonov apple, yes, like a patriot belarus, what would you prefer to immortalize in belarusian literature, yes, and what could become... part of our cultural code or even national ideology? i think this will be our cheesecakes, this is our dish, this is our belarusian a dish, these are definitely not potato pancakes, yes, because they are potato pancakes, but it’s still imported, our potato pancakes are a derivative of german rösti, yeah, we’ve been making cheesecakes all our lives, all our lives our grandmothers baked cheesecakes in the oven, they were of different shapes, and balls there and... someone there made them flatter, and it’s very tasty, and the recipe goes away, in fact, uh, we start adding flour, well, i see how they cook, yes, flour in the creation so that it doesn’t spread, so
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he’s trying to make some missing step simpler, but it’s all simple, we need the cottage cheese, just slightly warm it up next to the stove, it’s there like our grandmothers did, they hung it on the stove, it hung there, yes, yes, yes, that’s right - the whey was released, the cottage cheese was heated, they squeezed out the whey, used it further, they added egg, sugar, their love to this cottage cheese, of course, yes, then a little later in... our recipes are so cool, you even
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tell us deliciously, though, why they essentially disappeared, they were stolen from us , they replace it with this fast food and all this crap, sorry, food, they impose it, it’s an imposition, it ’s like all these taverns came to us, the poles, in order to make our man weaker, they came up with these taverns with fatty food, with cheap alcohol. this is, well, this is such a journey of more than one day, this is a long-term decrease in our genon, but this is the relaxation of our man and they hooked people up on these stands of incomprehensible quality for fatty food , that’s it, there’s fatty food for everyone, it’s hard for everyone, it’s hard to sleep, yes, it’s not just the blood vessels that are clogged with cholesterol, bad cholesterol, yes, we have everything was different, it had to be. to come back, i’m in favor of bringing it all back to this, but after all, you worked in fashionable
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city restaurants, yes, where the visitors were mostly regular, i myself read the comments when you left from one restaurant to another, yes they how will we now - yes, we always went here to anton kolennik, we will go to another restaurant, but they cooked in hotels, yes, where the contingent is mainly visitors, yes, is there a difference, well, let's say , in needs? yes in respects and what do foreigners want, well, their usual or is it still an acquaintance with our authentic? well , if we’re talking about tourists, it’s also ours, they’re ours, of course they’re interested in our national one, they really want them, they want potato pancakes, they want cheesecakes, they want babka, this was even before potato pancakes in our kitchen, they want some of our soups, our belarusian cold stuff with kefir without water, although... they want all this, but what unites everyone, both city residents and
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our tourists, is that they want to come and pay for a quality product, so that it was today and a week later and a month later there was the same high-quality product, and of course i really want my colleagues to communicate with the guest, they go out to their guest and find out his preferences, yes, yes, and this too like such as a traction magnet.
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employee, this is the atmosphere, this is very important, i’ll probably say something that i wasn’t going to say, you can directly make a face of the year’s quality, yes, yes, this year - it’s a matter of, yes, how important is this when preparing a dish,
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for this times instead of young professionals fire and rescue business will be fought by representatives of show business in belarus, the first lines in the charts, rating projects on tv. they want to show their character and express themselves even louder. i admit honestly, i’m not an athlete, i’m an artist, this is not a vocal competition, i would like my fingers to remain. with the whole, anton kushnir is waiting for you, there is no need for these dances, the presenter, the fall, every time it gives birth to its heroes, and the mission control center is ready, tsup, ha, you need
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to unscrew it, otherwise you will stay there to live, that’s it, i lost, yes, it seems so , goodbye. what is doing, it’s incredible, guys, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, at that very second the merchant decided to give praise to the gods, he first built a temple on the nearest island, then built huts and founded a city, and we set off to a fascinating journey, our country is wonderful. please note, to show how unusually the top of the gate is decorated with a sculpture of a stranger,
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who she is is still unknown, the locals call her the patroness of small towns. behind the walls of which these ruins remained were used to resolve issues. national significance, well, yes, ruzhany castle was in no way inferior to the palaces of the kings of the grand duchy of lithuania. in ruzhany you can literally see the holy trinity church from everywhere. the uniqueness of the temple is that it was never closed, even in soviet times, like other churches in belarus, it was not turned into a storage facility, a cultural center, or a theater. watch the program "cities of belarus" on the tv channel "belarus-24". anton, very soon the olympics will begin in paris, yes, a place where ours will no longer be flag, but i know that you have a special
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relationship with flags, in calm times you represented belarusian cuisine at international fairs, yes, yes, could you bake a masterpiece? under neutral flags, well, it would be a masterpiece, but still with our taste, with our baby accent, everyone would understand that it is ours, yes, that it is our belarusian one, honestly, i am now traveling with our flag in europe, yes, i make my own dinners, we gather a full hall of people, i talk about our belarus, i always show our photographs of our country, i have such a book, almanac of our photographs of belarus, where our... forests, fields, yes, well, ours, this is our native country, everyone, everyone is extremely interested, everyone is interested, and what the president did without visas for europeans is a big plus, that is, we are a little satiated with this beauty and don’t see it, we don’t see it, we live in minsk, we don’t see it, look
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how not quickly, slowly, take your time, yes, look, you need to look back and you will understand that this is our homeland. it’s here, but how is our flag perceived in europe now? ok, ok, i had no problem with that never a problem, even this year i am taking a small group of our farmers to the teramadar mazemlya global festival in turin in september, and we will stand under our flag and we are transporting, so last year i was transporting our grain, and it was , it was such a small... contraband, yes, i was just there in a suitcase, three bags of 5 kg of grain, one grain went to arizona, well, one bag, one bag went to norway, i gave one bag to the kyrgyz. yeah, and the guys sowed it and it came up, everything was fine, everyone was happy, satisfied, i drove it, in
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in the eighteenth year we filled the museum of words in turin, i brought land, our belarusian land, but in the jar it says, well, i had the house of the vozmersky castle, i just went to the city, dug up our lands and brought them, and there is a land museum, yes , and there is a museum of the earth, there is earth from all, well, from all countries of the world, from cities, where the country is repeated in different regions, and you look at this diversity of the earth, yes, but it’s just mesmerizing , yes, it’s fascinating, you’re right, i once carried our eggs, these are chicken ones eggs, shells, yes, they just completely deteriorate red, they used a thread to nail the shells of eggs with a needle, and also when we see that they are either white, or like that - yellowish, yes, they are burgundy when you look at palette shells from all over the world, you’re just surprised, yes, it’s different, somewhere with such and such things, somewhere it’s not the right shape for everyone, it’s interesting, and you’ll immediately
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put our flag on our product, but we can say that this is truly belarusian real belarusian cuisine, it is unique, unique, has something to brag about and has something to offer, yes, everyone wants skin treadmills, well , traditionally, traditionally all treadmills, because they don’t know anything else, yes, but when you... what am i doing in ’22 our mochanka on dorzhzhe pancakes with kefir, it was difficult to find kefir, of course sour cream, but yes, but we found it, well, kefir is a purely soviet recipe, well, yes, as far as i know, it was sold there to two countries, canada and finland , yes, well, it’s already there in france, they’re already using it more, the arabs countries are starting to use it, kefir, well , it’s a unique product, unique, yes, we made pancakes with kefir and made mochanka and served it simply. so we treated the guests, and what was the reaction, they were all in shock, give me the recipe, how is it, and tell me, such thick pancakes, this is interesting, we
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have something to show, i am convinced once again that ordinary people, ordinary people, europeans, european politicians - these are two big differences, a huge difference, there is just a huge distance between them, i just... ordinary people communicate with them, they are all, of course, all worried about this situation that is now in the world, but they want... more clearly, they are going too far, or something, yes, or is it still the case that western politicians can just spawn, brew
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porridge, hang noodles on the ears of your citizens, yes, but in fact, it’s all neither fish nor meat, the question is, i think that the most striking example is our neighbors poland, well, a little bit now . from my side, how i see it, how i communicate with people in poland and germany, yes, germany, under their new chancellery, became weak, well, honestly, she, she is no longer unmeasured, it was the engine of europe, yes, everything is weak, and poland, realizing this, that now they have such a chance to hit the american jackpot, they begin say such things, there are some gesticulations, there are giving... there is everything to close, let's help there, let's do everything through us, but germany, i don’t know, even what it is, like the cart is now behind poland, it’s not
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being pulled, and poland did it all beautifully, they get a lot of money, i’m sure from - from america, but people want something else, people don’t want this horror that is happening now not only in our part of europe, but people don’t want from these uh. changes in values, well, yes, just a huge change in values, it was the same 10 years ago, yes, but any italian family, especially a polish one with a catholic background, yes, connected, yes, when they gather as a huge family, they eat at a common table, well, in italy it’s generally developed, yes, they even go so far as to go to other countries, these italian family feasts, when there are several generations sits, but that’s normal, yes, maybe it’s better to actually promote it to them.
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a lot of things have closed, it’s just written that they were abandoned, a lot of them are being sold and people are getting poorer and communal apartments and what kind of communal apartments are there? everyone says that the salaries are there, that’s there, but just calculate it, it’s just mathematics, take away the costs that are there and you will understand that we are doing quite well, well, the question is how much is left after you have everything on hand, it’s true, anton, well, unfortunately, the last semi-philosophical question,
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yes, unexpectedly, maybe, but i remember, yes, a quote from... a film about ratatouille, yes, not childish, wise ratatouille, i would even say, a hero, yes, in this cartoon he said, it’s true, he can cook everyone, but only the fearless, achieve greatness, all this can be extrapolated to any sphere of life, to manage the state, we said in the previous question, yes, many may try , many, but a few begin to...
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rush from corner to corner when we understand exactly, that this is our land, we grew up here, our children are growing up here, and will grow up our grandchildren, and we must preserve it for them, yes, this gives us that we must protect it by any means, by any means, and move it forward, show that it is, well , it is, it is cool, it is beautiful, and people live here too, they are happy here, it is unique.
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in braslava, the azers are as blue as the early sky, which is on the right in the racing forest, at the beginning of the glowing dawns, the washing of creatures and the world, and the fall of the azers. the charms are woven into the smiling suns, you look at yourself from the sea, the bottom is gilded, pіў and without end, the accumulated azeris, like not most years, so much so, i would like to sustrezza, so that no one knows, mountains, seas, and the azeris will never forget you, my dear sir.
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i'll cross the ford. everything you want to know is rightfully holy . these signs are so simple and extraordinary for the skin vernik, they have great significance. pa sutnastsi geta samae karot...
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he comes to classes with joy and pleasure, our classes are held right here in the church, i thought it was right, necessary, because children should at least breathe church air. a... the president of belarus met with the governor of the voronezh region of russia. minsk and voronezh closely cooperate in various fields,
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a good example is the construction of the largest school in russia in the region. it was built with the direct participation of belarusian specialists. construction is a leader in trade relations between minsk and boronezh. the system of state trusts, which has been preserved in belarus, makes it possible to compete advantageously with local ones. companies build with quality on time, but these partners do not are limited, alexander lukashenko is convinced that cooperation needs to be strengthened through cooperative projects, and more actively interact in other areas. time is moving rapidly, it seems that not so long ago we met, but 2 years have already passed; then in minsk we outlined a number of the most important areas of our cooperation and agreed to interact more actively in industry and agriculture.
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you know well, our enterprises do the same, so there are no closed topics for agreements and negotiations, we are ready for this, ready make all sorts of decisions that will interest you, but if we say, we will, i think the time has come for us to cooperate more closely with each other, finally, thanks to circumstances, we understand who is who, who are real friends, who have just stuck for a long time. years to russia to our cooperation. belarus is ready to meet the growing demand in russia for equipment. we can offer a wide range of machines. alexander lukashenko considers cooperation in agriculture promising.
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according to the results of last year, the voronezh region in dozens among russian regions for purchases of belarusian food and agricultural raw materials. on our part, there is interest in the opportunity to bring the region into the top five. the partners expect to continue cooperation in the construction sector. so the governor. invited the president to support the construction of a large football stadium in voronezh using belarusian specialists. belarus will build a multi-brand combine harvester center in orel. mechanical engineering is one of the promising...


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