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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 11, 2024 8:15am-9:00am MSK

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the currency and stock exchange ended with the dollar rising, the chinese russian ruble fell in price. so, the following rates have been established: a dollar costs 3 rubles, 19 kopecks. the euro exchange rate according to the national bank is 3.42. for 10 ua they don’t give 4 rubles, 38 kopecks. and for 100 russian 3.58 belarusian. at the end of may, the belarusian car entered the top 10 best-selling cars in the crossover segment on the russian market. almost 3,600 of these machines were sold within a month. for the first time, our brand entered the top ten in march. let me add that not long ago it became known about launching our own network of car dealerships in russia. since july, belarusian cars have officially entered the market of their eastern neighbor. before this, cars were sold at dealerships. and finally, thailand has abandoned its tourist tax. in 2019, authorities planned to charge foreign tourists who arrive in the country by air in the amount of $8. the main goal was to raise funds for restoration. natural sites
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of the kingdom, but the thai government changed its mind about introducing a fee, citing its short-term prospects for generating additional income. this was the economic news, have a good day and be productive in your business, see you later. the morning broadcast on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus 24 continues with the program “zone x”. i'm karina pashkova. hello. a group of men attacked a pensioner in the ivatsevichi district. after the incident, the victim contacted the police. events unfolded at night, two strangers broke into her house, beat her and demanded money. seventy-five year old woman. gave
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the raiders savings in the amount of $3,000, having received the loot, the bandits fled. during the search, detectives found out that there were more actors in the robbery. in a matter of hours, law enforcement officers identified the four attackers and, in cooperation with operatives of the slonim district department of internal affairs, detained them in slonim. some of the money was confiscated. the defendants were residents of the ivatsevichevsky district aged from 28 to 33 years, including a thirty-one-year-old girl. one of the accomplices was previously prosecuted for property crimes. currently, together with colleagues from the investigative committee, urgent operational search and investigative measures are being carried out with the detainees. the review of criminal and emergency incidents will continue to be published. alexander kamovich has compiled a digest of the latest news. three attempts to smuggle goods through our country were immediately prevented by the vitebsk people. customs officers, near
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the belarusian-russian section of the border , stopped three trucks in which fruits were imported into russia; all of them lacked documents and certificates for the goods. in total, the weight of apples and pears was more than 62 tons, their cost is about 388,000 rubles. one of the carriers proved to customs officers that he was carrying 22 tons of apples for personal use. for the illegal movement of cargo , administrative proceedings have been launched against two carriers, and... this is a large fine, but against an apple lover they have begun a process for illegal business activities, and this is the loss of all goods. forensic experts were able to identify varishka using fingerprints; the previously convicted man turned out to be a guest in the victims’ apartment. a resident contacted the police svetlogorsk, who said that money had disappeared from her apartment. the woman explained that while she was at work, her husband brought home an unknown man with whom he was drinking. according to the victim, money disappeared from... her
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wallet, as well as other valuables. during the inspection of the crime scene, experts found traces of hands on the utensils; soon the suspect was detained in orishca; there was nothing left to do but confess to the theft. from the beginning of summer to mid-september, a special poppy program takes place in our country. there is already a first one result. thus, in the braslovsky district , a field of half a hectare was discovered in which a narcotic flower grew. the total weight of the prohibited plant was 38 kg. the entire harvest was burned in brasovsky. nine cases of illegal poppy cultivation were detected in the region within a week; as of june 7 , the total mass of destroyed poppy plants was almost 65 kg. four cars were involved in an accident on gvardeyskaya street in the capital. the incident occurred the day before. according to guy, due to failure to maintain a safe distance, fiat, gili, lada and kia. as a result of the accident, no one was injured; the vehicles received mechanical damage. but who is the culprit is being found out in... the inspection. and in pinsk, a drunken lawless man
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tried to escape from being chased and got into an accident. the incident happened yesterday. while on duty, traffic police officers signaled a stop to the driver of a volkswagen car. but the driver continued driving and tried to escape. the pursuit began. at some point , the fugitive lost control and collided with another car. no one was injured in the accident. thirty years old was driving a one-year local resident who has never had a driver's license. moreover, he was drunk, they are publishing it only now. it is reported that a sixty-five-year-old resident of the novogrudok district was trying to turn around on the road when a biker on a kawasaki flew into him. the motorcyclist received various and multiple injuries. fractures and was hospitalized in intensive care. this was the program zone x. don't miss our evening broadcast on belarus-1 at 18:15, take care of yourself and have a nice day.
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good morning, good morning, i want to continue this is an emotion, because many people think that being angry is wrong, being angry is wrong, at mom and dad, it’s possible, not just possible, but necessary. because our grandfathers, our grandmothers, our mothers, unfortunately, they taught us that being angry is bad, what is fundamentally wrong here is that anger and aggression are completely different things, anger is an emotion, irritation is an emotion, and aggression is a behavior, you can be angry, but you
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will not offend anyone, you will not harm yourself and you will not harm others, therefore, how we teach this to our children , including, and through... ourselves, we show by our example how to be angry correctly, because anger and love are also different things, anger is again an emotion, love is a feeling, anger is situational, it passes very quickly, but love remains with us, so it’s normal to be angry and to love when your child, for example, misbehaved, acted badly, your husband got off on the wrong foot, i don’t know, your mother-in-law told you something unpleasant , yes, you can be angry, but at the same time...
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not about that, yes, but about the fact that you you say, you admit that yes, it’s normal to be angry, i have the right to be angry, my child has the right to be angry and so do other people, but this does not negate our good relationships in the future, it’s just important for me to tell them that my personal ones were violated here borders, here someone didn’t hear me, i didn’t receive that attention, that respect that should have been accumulated about it, because then, it definitely needs to be spoken. if your child is angry, your child may also be angry with you, yes, what do you need to know here?
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that anger and any other emotions of ours begin with the body, uh-huh, this energy on the physical level begins to clench our fists, clench our teeth, in the chest, yes, in the chest, in the stomach you have such, you know, a fire, a fire arises, and is produced hormones that motivate us to action, what happens to energy? with which we have inside, which we do not express outwardly, the law of conservation of mass of substances, that means something will go inside, inside, absolutely right, anya, because this will be auto-aggression, and a person unconsciously when he didn’t take it out of his body, he starts doing it from the inside, he can bite himself, he can scratch himself, he can expose himself to the risk of some, you know, these adrenaline adventures, but then it is reflected in...
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the cross, yes, you can share the feeling
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and say: you know, it’s quite normal that how can you be angry with your mother, you’re immediately angry, if i were you, i would also be angry, upset, i would be sad, but this is my responsibility, for example, distribute the family budget, so i can’t now they’ll give you extra money there, or you haven’t done your homework now, we need to do your homework, wash up for bed, if you miss this time and go to bed in two.
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classic, enjoy it, or is it bad? harmony in everything, we maintain balance, because the child
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, as an adult, will thank you with his cool, confident self-esteem, because if you, of course, show that i can be angry, you can be angry, but at the same time i remain with you, i share your feelings, the child within himself cultivates a lawyer, his own lawyer and says: i made a mistake, but it’s okay, what can i do about it, how can i do it... a wonderful speech, i’m sure it was useful, not only for parents, children, but in general for everyone, and for us, well, we are now moving on to our next story, don’t go far, we will be back soon, funny dances, national costumes and unforgettable performances, all this could be seen at the counting concert of the children’s studio
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of the horoshka ensemble, stage in the cultural yard of railway workers, talented studio graduates gave the audience a real emotional celebration, the guys demonstrated on stage everything they had learned, we have graduates this year, 15 of them, who do things a little differently, some of us came to us from the very beginning at the age of 6 and reached their ninth grade, to the moment we release them, they can go somewhere into adulthood, someone came 2 years ago, 3 years ago, there are different girls and boys, this year the program of the reporting concert lasted 2 hours, it was full of diverse numbers , we couldn’t do without premieres either, the kids will present the most with us miketu, this year we have the premiere of a quadrille
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. our youngest children, six years old , perform it very cheerfully, we have a number called winter kuzhelev. a very beautiful number with canvases, we also have the premiere of yuriev horse, we have an unusual one with a surprise, girls, what is the most difficult thing in belarusian folk dance? i think that the most difficult thing in belarusian folk dance is, of course , to convey the image that we create together with the teacher, because if the actor does not cope with his role, then no one will understand either the time in which this dance was created or what should he convey, what do you think? i think the hardest thing is to live up to the expectations that people come to see us for. are you planning to continue your dance career? yes, this year i am going to enter the minsk state college of arts at the faculty of choreography; in fact, participation in all the pretty concerts contributed to
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this decision. i'm going to continue dancing because this...
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this is a folk stage dance performed by stage graduates.
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what is the difference between outdoor games and targeted training in games? as a rule, the child chooses how much he should run, when, where and what he should do. the key link in training is adaptation to increasing physical activity, a load that allows you to improve the quality , which we, in principle, will not achieve by engaging in some kind of play activities, although given how much a modern child sits, he definitely sits at school for more than 6 hours, then i would recommend outdoor games along with training, the child must certainly be captivated, in order for him to be interested in spending this time in order not to provoke negativity. well, with the simplest, in principle , effective pedagogical technique, this will be to time the training process to the game. yes, of course, this is just a pedagogical technique
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that is used not only on children, but on adults. game sports, like any sports games in principle, are primarily aimed at teamwork skills, communication skills, and some kind of joint activity. gamers, as a rule, they are distinguished by the fact that they are able to quickly make sometimes unusual decisions, able to navigate in space quickly, but game sports develop these qualities. well, let’s probably summarize it this way: a game is a pedagogical technique that allows you to interest a child, motivate him in the process, endow him with, say, a competitive spirit, our physical activity, so of course, a game as a non-pedagogical technique is very cool for that to use it in the training process, well regulated training, they are needed in order to adapt to increasing
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loads, improve the physical condition and coordination skills, tactical skills of the trainee, so it is best to use a combination of pedagogical game techniques during the training process.
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please, so, in minsk today until 24 with a plus sign, cloudy with clearings in brest, actually the same temperature picture as actually, moreover, thunderstorms are expected there, and +25 +27, in mogilev 23, 25, there will also be a thunderstorm at least that's what they promise weather forecasters, the weather is not bad, and rain is good, as we have repeated more than once, but you still know, the hottest month of the summer is july, not sunbathing.
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thank you for the very cold ice cream on a very hot day, and also in the heat, eating ice cream can cause sudden hypothermia of the mucous membrane and thus provoke. the vessels were a little intimidated, here’s what to replace, you ask and do the right thing, put , for example, fruit in the freezer, then take it out, yes, before going out you can add it to a bottle of water or other drink, this way you can cool down, this method will not harm so much, for example, our teeth, and our body, and throat, but by the way, yesterday we celebrated world ice cream day, i was glad that ice cream is a healthy product, you just need use it in moderation, there is a lot...
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you want it, and not when the search and rescue service finds you, uh-huh, good morning, the season for searching for people in the forest opened along with rowing, and we decided to find out from the belarusians if they know, what to do if you're lost, you know what to do if you're in lost in the forest, yes, you can always be found, have your phone with you, if you don’t have a phone, you look at the trees, which way the moss grows, you roughly guess which way to go, and somehow you get where you need to, you have to look roads, how you can get out of it, how to look for them, what landmarks you need to follow, yes, as long as you remember, from
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school there are all sorts of anthills, well, if you have... a mobile phone, then probably use it, well, i probably would , screamed, maybe someone would respond, and you you need to look for some landmarks to get back, you need to get a compass, oh, and you know how to use a compass, well, yes, there you can, if you don’t have a compass, there’s wood there, at the moment there’s no problem, the phone is here, you can find it the road, super, all the questions, but in your time, what needed to be done, tell us you walked by compass, and you understand the compass, it’s easy just right. a common answer from belarusians is to use the phone, and it can really save your life, but do not forget about other rules. before when going out into the forest, carefully study the weather forecast for the coming day, do not go into the forest alone and do not let your loved ones go there unaccompanied. study the place on the map in advance, take with you a phone, water, necessary medicines, a knife, matches and a compass. if you take your child into the forest with you, be sure to give
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him instructions. explain to him that he must remain within your line of sight at all times. since the beginning of the year , 39 people have been lost in the forests, 13 of them children. in search of people sent to rescue teams, one of them is bison. together with the search and rescue group zuber, we decided to conduct an experiment. now i’m going deep into the forest, and rescuers will be looking for me, so you understand, i will be absolutely alone in the forest. we leave the operator with the search group so that he can show you the whole process of saving human lives. begins with the primary collection of information, who, where, when, the possible entry point of the lost person into the forest, which gives us the opportunity to facilitate the search, then we begin to detour around the trails, paths, perhaps a person is somewhere on it lost, for this we use atvs and other equipment to increase cross-country ability, also along with
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this... we work with quadcopters, we begin to fly over the territory, and when working at night we use thermal imagers, that’s it, i’ve already started hiding, in fact there are absolutely no paths here, you have to climb through such trees, poor little creatures, i already realized my first mistake, i took absolutely nothing to eat in my backpack there is only one bottle of water and it is not full. so i have a zaker with me, yes, thank god, there is water, we are waiting for rescuers, it’s cold, but this amount of water is enough for you, but for two hours in this heat, it’s scary, in fact it’s already very scary, i’ve been here for a relatively long time, first of all, i know that they are looking for me now to save me, but i can’t imagine how people who have lost their lives feel and
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they can’t even call, anya, this is how a dog barks to indicate a found person, so that rescuers will come to the loud sound, after them upon arrival, the victim is taken on an atv to the car, where first aid is provided if necessary. the canine handler, with the help of a dog , helps our search engines simplify the search, because the dog covers a large amount of work in the forest area. and this increases the speed of searching for the victim, let’s say, what is our job? upon arrival at the search site, we need the thing of the lost person, so that the dog can smell it, so that the dog understands who it will look for, so that it can simply you won’t find any random mushroom picker, just a person who is lost, but so that a rescuer with dogs and equipment doesn’t have to look for you, install an orienteering app on your phone and study the route in advance, don’t risk your life, take care of yourself. they know everything about their
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small homeland and generously share this knowledge with the viewer. in our village there was such a tradition: during haymaking, residents went far into the swamp in order to mow hay, to save time, they spent the night there.
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a cultural swamp, when the birds returned, when we go out, we sit down, we hear this singing, some kind of connection with nature...
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every day we work to ensure that you receive the latest and most useful information. the twenty-minute format allows us to talk about what is happening in belarus and the world. take a linguistic walk around
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the capital in the company of our guides. find a new place on the map of belarus that is definitely worth seeing. and also suggest projects and films that will certainly become your favorites. this and much more awaits you in project ether 24x7. watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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good ranitsa belarus, good morning country, we continue to wake up, we remind you that today is tuesday, today is june 11, which means that in exactly a month the fanfare of the thirty-third international arts festival slavic bazaar in vitebsk will sound. what will surprise this amazing music forum this year, let's talk with our guest, i am glad to welcome to the studio good morning belarus the general director of the vitebsk cultural center, director of the festival, member of the council of the republic of the national assembly of gleb. good morning, good morning, good morning, gleb, we hear from everywhere that the thirty-third festival will be special, tell us what will be its special feature, its special feature even today, which you correctly noted, the grand opening will take place on july 11, exactly one month from now of our festival,
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what will make it special, because we based our festival on such a very symbolic symbol 33, if you put it on top of each other, you get eight, eight is infinity, this is a festival of endless creativity and i think that’s exactly what it will be like, but what exclusive surprises await us? we know that there will be nine big concerts, two competitions for children’s and adult performers, yes , as i understand it, that’s not all, where are you all from? you know, you are a good example for our viewers, who should definitely go to the festival website, choose a festival project for themselves, because it’s impossible to tell about everything, you said it right, nine large projects on the stage of the summer amphitheater, starting from our new blogger-tiktoker project and rock in between. among other things, with the belteleradiocompany orchestra and of course our big events, opening and closing, the union state, competitions, as well as an exhibition, theater, philharmonic program, puppet program, dance program, program of solo concerts, openers, all this will be
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for this busy week thirty -third festival, gleb, big names, big names, we know, since we touched on dance, egor druzhinin comes, i imagine this year we will have our dream, plus our theater program will not start from the usual. and the project will allow the dreams of many of our
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contestants to come true, because children’s contestants cannot go on stage at the summer amphitheater, only the grand prix winner receives this prize from the head of state, and here the drawing and presentation of the children’s competition participants will be here, and i think that this will be the largest concert in terms of the number of children, we are going to gather about 2-300 children, these are dancers, and choriographers, and this again, the dreams of these children come true, they will perform next to their own.
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we will show patriotic films, and entertaining films,
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and cartoons of our belarusian films, and this is really a film creation, it constantly gathers friends, oh great, in short, minsk, vitebsk lives just some kind of super-saturated life 24 by seven, even not seven, even more, but you started talking about creative laboratories, this year there will be not only a theater laboratory, music, instrumental, vocal, what does this give? how does this all happen? you know, the most important task of these laboratories is that we must integrate into different areas, you know, the educational sector this year is very solid at the festivals, because the slavic bazaar is not only about creativity and culture, it is also about tourism and business, including about education, we are starting it in general with our educational vector on july 5th, when our contestants are just arriving , members of the jury are arriving with them, our friends from colombia will come specially to the academy of music to give a master class in fingerpicking without being a doboombia.
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no, i simply cannot help but touch on another important topic: this year we celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the german fascist invaders. i am sure that the slavic bazaar will also touch upon this topic. yes, indeed, our festival is not an anniversary, but there are a lot of anniversaries, and the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus and vitebsk, and the 105th anniversary of vitebsk, and 30 years of the presidency, and 25 years of the union state, and if we say about the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus, of course, this red line will be drawn across all projects, but... and there will be separate projects dedicated to, these are vr, exhibition projects, and
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theatrical performances, the quiet dawn here was not on the lists, so i think that the slavic bazaar is not only about entertainment, but also about the soul, this soul has been living in vitebsk for 33 years, well, at least for this festival week, as they said, yes, it’s really an exclusive exclusive on a very large scale, yes, friends, here this is how the slavic bazaar will be; i think those who decide to attend at least part of the events will not have to sleep. within the framework of the slavic bazaar, friends, thank you very much, we are also good morning, we will definitely come to the slavic bazaar, and we will broadcast broadcasts, have a great day, have a great day, our dear, beloved tv viewers, we are waiting for you. tomorrow on tv channel belarus 1. have a nice day, bye. we love life sunshine. we love the rain, the laughter of children, we breathe easily, we sing, among friends, among friends. we love day and morning and
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a home in which there is peace and harmony, everything that is difficult for us, that has yet to begin. all the flowers of july, all the flowers of july, all the flowers of july, let's gather together, all the flowers of july, all the flowers of july, with droplets of the sun, let's bring our home, with droplets of the sun, let's plant it with a knife. let there be a beautiful life from the clear sky above the earth, let everything go astray like in a fairy tale, what you and i dream about, we love day and morning, we love the rain of children's sweeps, we can breathe easily,
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we sing, among friends, among friends, everyone is holy july. all the flowers of july, all the flowers of july, together let's collect all the flowers of july, all the flowers of july, with drops of sun, let's bring our home, all the saints of july, all the saints of july, all the saints of july, together with...
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news live on belarus 1 and belarus 24 in the studio pavel azovik good morning in this issue the signal is clear: europeans want peace, a crushing defeat of the center and left parties in the elections to the european parliament.


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