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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 11, 2024 3:00pm-3:11pm MSK

3:00 pm
you are watching the news in the studio tatyana nekrasova, good afternoon and briefly about the main thing.
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points of contact and prospects for cooperation between minsk and baku: the president held a meeting with the head of the azerbaijani parliament. the vice president of malawi died in a plane crash, search and rescue efforts were carried out all night and morning, the plane was destroyed, no one was left alive. the competition for the best coverage of the city council and the activities of the prosecutor general's office has summed up its results, and our colleagues are among those awarded, congratulations. today alexander lukashenko received a report from the head of centers of the electoral commission. the meeting began with a significant moment; the president was presented with the certificate of the chairman of the all-belarus people's assembly. i already work as a chairman, but i don’t have a certificate. in accordance with the law, decide to present you with the chairman's certificate.
3:02 pm
there are presidential elections ahead, they should take place no later than july 20, 2025, the exact date will be determined by law by the house of representatives, this conversation with the chairman of the central committee about some upcoming organizational moments...
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the parliament will make a decision, but my point of view we will also discuss some details of these elections, starting from inviting international observers to working with voters, so i am ready to discuss the issues of the first approximation, i think there will be no formal problems with making decisions on other issues, but we will try to conduct the elections in such a way that there is no mosquito on the nose undermined, we don’t need any, here...
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a big electoral cycle, it started after the republican referendum in 2022, amendments to the constitution, amended electoral legislation worked on a single voting day and today adjustments are no longer required, but expanding the circle of international observers is quite possible. we see that their number may be greater than on one day, the vote of international observers on one day was 294, i think this may increase.
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europe, by the way, we also do not exclude that this is also possible, and especially as you know, we had european countries in the form of experts, represented on a single voting day, so we intend to do this work conduct. now the election commission center is actively working on the legal education of citizens, and a concept for digitalizing the electoral process has been developed, but this does not mean that presidential elections will already be held in a new electronic format, this is rather a prospect. they will also look and discuss what is acceptable for us, with security and ensuring electoral sovereignty at the forefront. and another event in the palace of independence in the spotlight, the prospects for cooperation between minsk and baku. the president held a meeting with the head of parliament azerbaijan by saghib gafarova. the country is united by a common history and the same values. on
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the eve of the important date for our country , the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders, alexander lukashenko noted the participation of azerbaijanis in the battles for our country. symbolic. the visit of the distinguished guest began with the laying of wine at the victory monument in minsk, the focus of attention of parliamentarians was the implementation of agreements between leaders alexander lukashenko and ilham aliyev, reached during the state visit of our president to azerbaijan in may. as for the relations between our parliaments, they are developing very well; this is the case when inter-parliamentary relations do not lag behind the level of relations between the leaders of our states. you know our relationship with ilham gentarevich well, and recently, one might say, since the time of his father, ilham, a worthy successor to his father’s work, has probably done so much in history that it is unlikely that any president after
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alkhaim heydarovich will repeat this, especially in terms of restoring the integrity of azerbaijan, i am with i remember with warmth my recent trip to azerbaijan, we...
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have deep roots, we were once all together in one big country, but relations between peoples have been developing for centuries, and today it is very gratifying that these relations are developing on the basis on the solid basis that already exists, you said that i came to friendly belarus, and on my own behalf i would like to add fraternal belarus, we are not only friends, but our peoples today maintain that level in the agricultural sector and industry, as well as in activating interparliamentary cooperation within the framework of integration associations. the breakthrough of right-wing forces
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in the last elections to the european parliament caused problems for the ruling european elites. macron has already accepted the resignation of his protégé , prime minister ottal, and is forced to accept the possibility of appointing a candidate from the right to this position. this suggests that the french do not like the president's policies.


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