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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 11, 2024 5:40pm-6:01pm MSK

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he calls her the patroness of small towns. behind the walls of which these ruins remain , issues of national importance were resolved. well, yes, ruzhany castle was in no way inferior to the palaces of the kings of the grand duchy of lithuania. in ruzhany you can literally see the holy trinity church from everywhere. the uniqueness of the temple is that it has never been closed. even in soviet times, like other churches in belarus, it was not turned into a storage facility, a cultural center, or a theater. watch the program "cities of belarus". on tv channel belarus 24.
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december 30, 1945 minister of foreign affairs bssr kuzma venediktovich kiselyov initiated an extraordinary meeting of the central committee of the communist party of belarus. for management, the request came as a surprise, since it concerned those who had already been prepared. resolutions on the participation of the delegation of the republic in the work of the first session of the un. it opened in january 1946 in london. hello. the minister insisted on its revision. the meeting was convened promptly. do you, kuzma venediktovich , have any questions? and it seemed to me that we had already discussed everything. the document has been endorsed by those interested. it's like that. i have offer. the proposal to make changes is not to the text of the resolution itself. to
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the delegation, i propose to include comrade uralova in the delegation. does anyone have a comment or suggestion? no, no, no, no, yutaki ilinichna did a lot to ensure that scientific and creative personnel appeared in our country. she worked with them in evacuation, brought them here, worked with refugees. and... this issue is on the agenda of the session. i think the proposal is reasonable and very correct if there is a woman in the delegation. the world must see how important woman plays a role in the life of a socialist society. this is true. only in our country can a woman take part in solving important government problems, and she is entrusted with the most important areas of work. in addition, comrade uralova, an authoritative leader and member of the central committee of the party. on december 30
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, 1945, the central committee of the communist party of belarus adopted a resolution, which emphasized the special status of the republic in the international arena, on the composition of the delegation of the belarusian ussr at the first session of the general assembly of the united nations, in january 1946. uralova already raised the problem of refugees and displaced persons during the war, which meant a loss of human resources for the republic, she knew not from reports. in the late autumn of 1910 , a girl about eight years old began to come to the parochial school of the village of sakalyany almost every day, and she came when she was already over...
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entering the small wooden building, she immediately found herself in the brightest room, it was here that classes were held with students, girls from her village. there was a completely different life here, in which i so wanted to stay longer. suddenly she approached her teacher she had long noticed a child who often ran into school, but after standing a little by... the stove he went back, what’s your name, dosya, come with me, you like school, very much, and why then don’t you go to classes, the school accepts all the children, do you see how many books there are? there is no need to cry, any
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grief can be helped, tell me what happened. so my dad died in the war with the japanese, i need help around the house, there are three children in the house, and i want to study, but i don’t let my mother in, i need help, but the girl’s dream came true, she graduated from both the parish and two-year public school in the neighboring village of studenets, where she was transferred as a very diligent student. then there were two-year higher legal courses in moscow in 1931, she was sent there by the volost committee of the party, whose ranks
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uralova joined in the twenty-sixth year. but the path to big politics began with teaching in a rural school in the klimovichi district of the mogilev province. i really wanted the children of the new country to be literate, i also dreamed about something else, the women of this new country must build a completely different life with her. women's organizer evdaka uralova was always eagerly awaited by both village women and factory workers, in party cells, and in the district women's department. she could convince, explain clearly why you need to study, what it opens up for you... for a woman, how can the women's departments help in this matter? secluded in the darkroom, elya berman hung out
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photographic portraits to dry with special trepidation, in fear of disturbing something in the process of creating them. delegates of the first session of the supreme council. special attention to one. now in front of him was a young, self-confident woman, who at least then tried to look like a stern comrade, was so young, so pretty, uralova, a representative of the district janitor, where should we be located, please, here, we have an important party assignment, now this smoothly combed hair, gathered in a bun at the back of the head, the look of a person vested with power, said that this was a high-level leader, and it was so, the first secretary of the polotsky
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district committee, evdokia ilyinichna uralova, a young lady. in in july 1938, after the first national elections in the history of the bssr to the supreme council of the republic, the first session of the belarusian parliament began. representatives of all regions, cities and districts of belarus, different ages and professions took part in its work. 61 women were elected delegates. the phenomenon itself is unique in european practice. along with men, they participate in government, including uralovo evdakia ilyinishna, an authoritative party leader. in 1938 she was appointed people's commissar of education of the bssr. throughout history
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in belarus, this was the only case when a woman occupied such a high position in the public education system. with her characteristic energy, she got to work, everything is going according to plan, schools are preparing for the new school year, we need specifics, how many schools are there in the republic, why are there just over 5,000 children studying in them, and this despite the fact that the population of the republic is 6 million , in fact, we are about...
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by the beginning of the 1939-1940 school year, the picture was already different: in the eastern regions of the bssr there were 7,195 schools, 1,116,000 students attended them, 22 higher education institutions operated educational institutions, in the western regions there are four. this is despite the fact that before the revolution the republic did not have one. tatyana sergeevna, urgently take the children out. on june 24
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, 1941, there was an unusual bustle at the school in the small town of cherven, minsk region. concerned teachers, children who were told to urgently pack their things and line up in the corridor. the excited voices of adults came from the director's office. the connection has been interrupted. especially persistent, i need the station chief urgently, uralova, khevdaki, we have everything ready, a train is heading to mogilev, we will load here, i will warn the station chief, we have little time, the decision of the central committee to prepare places in deserted areas for the evacuation of children from minsk has been canceled, the capital is being bombed, the evacuation has begun. country club. in the conditions of the rapid
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advance of the nazis, 164 children's institutions, in which there were almost 15,000 children, were removed from the republic. but there were still almost 100 orphanages in the occupied territory. the children were rescued as best they could, taken under fire to unoccupied areas of the country. they were taken to partisan detachments. but most of them suffered a tragic fate. for uralova , work began in the soviet rear to resume the activities of educational and scientific institutions, to record their personnel. after liberation, no less heroic work was done to restore the entire education system. the material losses of the educational institution alone amount to almost 5 billion rubles. about 7.0 schools were destroyed. 20 million copies of educational literature were destroyed. for 8 years, evdakeya ilyinishna
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was deputy chairman of the council of ministers of the bssr from 1950 to 1958. with her new universities were opened, the national theater was revived, and the humanitarian sphere reached a new level. what was uralova’s authority? member of the secretary of the party of belarus from 1950 to 1960. deputy of the supreme soviet of the ussr and the bssr of several convocations. evdakia ilyinishna uralova stands among the outstanding women of the country who built and created this country with such people.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives on today on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of especially important events. live broadcasts from the field events, current interviews with famous
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belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia. iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up a satellite dish azerspace satellite 1. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus. we are embarking on an expedition in the depths
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of our country. expedition for numbers 597. things that happen again and again in the past land. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. our routes took us to the ukrainian agricultural town of opsa, in braslauschyna. here on the bank of the lake, with a nasty zhanazov, there was a meeting, published on the pachata of the millennium to the counts felix platars. new hut.
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i continue to intend to maintain these good relations with both parties to this conflict, because we are generally for peace in the world. azerbaijan has achieved a lot in recent years and, above all, solving its main problem: the return of lands that for a long time, well, simply
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turned into desert. azerbaijan is already busy restoring the war-damaged territories, for us, that is, belarus, russia, ukraine. this still needs to be done, thank god that a very powerful, normal leader has appeared here in the person of azerbaijan, you are able to control the caucasus region, every region should have, if it is smart enough, such a strong leader, because where there is no regional leader, the world hegemons will constantly spark new conflicts, and people need peace, not geopolitical disputes, even if people have been convinced that disputes are more important, this will pass. author's project of igor turay, propaganda. watch on belarus24 tv channel.
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everyday broadcast on the tv channel belarus 1 , covering the news of the capital of the minsk region. elizaveta lashkevich is with you live. good evening to our dear souls. short. start of the final semester of the udzelny student of the city of minsk is a hero. vodarastsi's season is beginning in the villages near stalitsa packages are available for specialists using water harvesters. and not only the look, but also the screen.


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