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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 11, 2024 6:35pm-7:01pm MSK

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this is an understandable policy. hello. belarus violates human rights. belarus oppresses journalists. belarus prohibits freedom of speech. all this, like a broken record , is repeated year after year by the us state department. the last song report for 2023. we saw it recently.
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time after time you violate everything possible, but is the ensign as purely american as he is painted, what is happening in the usa with the notorious human rights, believe me, everything is very interesting there.
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be careful there, but the white house has its own truth and its own rules. us state department likes to accuse our country of cruel treatment of prisoners, demands the release of political prisoners. there are no such people in belarus; those who violated the law are in prison; according to the law, they are responsible for this. what can't be said about the states? let us remember at least one word: guantanamo. the united states is illegally holding people in guantanamo bay without charge. charges and trial. prisoners are subjected to all types of torture, from sexual harassment to physical psychological violence. the us transferred prisoners to prisons in latvia, poland, morocco and egypt so as not to take itself responsibility for the cruel torture inflicted on them. the horrifying details of torture carried out by the cia's central intelligence agency at guantanamo bay can be seen, even though much of it was redacted from the senate report. they set it up on the territory
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of a sovereign state, they built a concentration camp, which means it’s a filtration camp, and there, accordingly, there, in this camp, this terrible prison, which is also called hell on earth, people are sent there for some far-fetched crimes, they say, yes, they mock them, they can afford it, simply because they wanted to, there is the fbi, the cia or some other other repressive organizations in what... 2 years ago , un human rights experts called on the united states to close the prison. in their report dated january 22 , 2022, the experts said guantanamo bay is a blemish on the us government's reputation for commitment to the rule of law. in recent years , nine prisoners have died due to harsh conditions, and not one of them was convicted of a crime. it's all because of political views, because many prisoners. transported from iraq and
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afghanistan. we have already repeatedly talked about how george floyd was strangled by the police during his arrest, as well as the cia torture facility. yes, not only guantanoma united. and please remind us how many such torture facilities belarus has, especially those located in other countries. in 2014 , the us senate published a 500-page report on torture in secret cia prisons. the senate came to the conclusion that the brutality of the agents went far beyond what was permitted by law. it is noteworthy that the most meaningful part document, more than 6,700 pages remained classified, from a number of sadistic techniques, the applications of which were revealed. a 2014 us senate report showed that authorized, enhanced interrogation techniques often emboldened interrogators, giving them the impetus to commit even more brutal abuses against some detainees, amnesty international noted.
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once again, amnesty international is an international organization that calls for an understanding of us crimes against humanity, have you figured it out, where is it? here briona teilar's story. taylor, a nurse living in the city of louisville, kintuki, was shot and killed in march 2020 by police during a raid on an apartment, but the assault was mistaken, law enforcement were looking for another criminal, the ktailar burst in because they saw black residents. no police officers were charged with ms. taylor's murder, but on aug. 4, 2022, the justice department indicted four current and former police officers on federal civil rights violations, including lying to obtaining a warrant to search her apartment. the police report of the incident contained numerous errors, stating that ms. taylor was not injured even though she
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was shot several times, and stating that the police did not break into the apartment, although they used a battering ram to break down the door. there was no body camera footage from the raid. and the cherry on the cake of the american themis, the alleged attack on the capitol. remember how the americans said that peaceful protesters were being beaten in belarus. but that same storming of the capitol, of course, in large in quotes, those who walked along the corridors and took selfies, let me remind you, were called internal terrorists. in the two years since the storming of the capitol, law enforcement has arrested and charged hundreds of people with assault. in total
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, more than 950 people have been arrested in connection with the attack since then, the us department of justice said shortly before the second anniversary of the attack. many of them were charged. you know, this is such nonsense, in not a single country in the world, that is, in the global south, do we take the west into brackets, because they are already showed themselves in this to the fullest, in no part of the world of the global south, which means that it would be even difficult to imagine, so of course, it’s not for the americans to talk about
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what is happening in belarus or not, washington is so democratic that it doesn’t get not only other countries, but also international... security could face harsh treatment if extradited to the us. it appears that the us authorities blame him mainly for exposing their own illegal activities, violating human rights, as well as similar actions of other states.
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edward snowden still lives in russia, his way home is barred, as is another victim of freedom, according to american words, juliana sanche. juliana sanche became famous thanks to his work on the portal. wikileaks is a huge database of documents that shed light on the affairs of american officials and businessmen. secret deals, property ownership and even scandals such as the infamous lolita island. the same bill clinton stopped by to have sex with minor children. assange fought for the truth, but received a sentence in the united states for espionage, 175 years. washington did not like that the wikileaks website published information about the deaths of reuters journalists during the iraq war. the pentagon ordered a strike on them, while the american military can be heard laughing and rejoicing in the video.
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from assange, when americans are asked questions about the fate of their compatriots, who for some reason, perhaps an awakened conscience or simply objectivity, begin to try to talk about what what is really happening is what a bloody dictatorship is now established in kiev, illegitimate, and these journalists, american citizens are disappearing in kiev prisons, then they are found dead, the us does the same. their face is inscrutable, they close their eyes, mouth and ears, because
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it is not profitable for them to talk about it at the moment. the state department report says that belarus is an accomplice in violations of russia, human rights in ukraine, how, only biden and his clerks know, god bless them, but there is an example of israel, to which american is right minsk is much warmer, not taking part in. the government of us president joe biden has decided not to impose sanctions on israeli army units responsible for human rights violations against palestinians, despite initial plans to do so. violation of rights committed by israelis. forces will not delay the delivery of any us aid, and israel will be able to receive the full amount
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appropriated by congress. recently , thousands of people have been detained in the united states, for which they dared to support palestine, but what about freedom of speech? further more. the white house is ready to close even undesirable universities to stop the protests. the bill is an attempt to silence critics of israel and a violation of the first amendment to the us constitution, which protects freedom. words, it became a tough response to the wave of pro-palestinian protests that have swept across the country's university campuses in recent weeks. the media is also under attack. the american research center indekson censorship has found that journalists in the united states are being persecuted and arrested only for that they are doing their job. the revealing story of tara reid. the american journalist worked on television in the united states for a long time. in 2020 she scored.
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because you find yourself in a foreign city and give a television interview. i'm missing something. well, in 2019, if you remember, one of the slanderous accusations made against me was that i was a russian agent, although i had no ties to russia right out of the gate. this is exactly what the biden campaign told the new york times. they said it was their first answer. not a denial, don’t you know anything else? they said ua is a russian asset. and it started in 2019, spread all over the world. and then continued to live its life because it was distributed by former obama administration officials, edward isaac
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daver, or people like him. just think, from july 1, 2022 to june 30, 2023 , there were 29 attacks on media workers in the united states. political journalists received the most hits. journalists have repeatedly become victims of unlawful actions of law enforcement officers and intelligence services we are talking about the use of physical force. and special means, illegal detentions, searches and confiscation of equipment, as well as requirements for disclosing sources of information. at least 12 journalists in the us have been arrested or faced unfounded charges in 2023, including two journalists in alabama who faced criminal charges for reporting and a reporter in illinois who was accused of asking city employees too much questions. and while we are writing this program, in american dungeons there are still many journalists, and ordinary citizens who came out, for example, to that
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ill-fated protest at the capitol. the prison also expects from other activists. parliamentarian from 11 states. yes, trump supporters, it is obvious that the attitude towards this will also be as cruel as possible, but if they come out on the contrary, and there are blm supporters, some kids holding a rally, on the contrary, they will be supported there from every corner, and regardless of whether these protests go inside america, yes, for example, on behalf of trump’s opponents, or this some protests will take place there in georgia, which
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we are now seeing, and, for example, or in some other countries of eastern europe, where the national government is in power. government-oriented, so it’s as if it should just be taken for granted, yes, that this policy of double standards, it is actually the pillar of everything that the americans do, and not only in foreign policy, but already within the country. for the fourth year now, reports from the european union and the united states have been filled with such phrases about migration crisis in the center of europe. this is what our beloved state debt writes. in january, the border rights initiative published a report on the systematic obstruction of migrants at eu borders, alleging violations of international law. among other things, the review contained information about massive violations of the rights of migrants by belarusian border guards. of course, analysts of the american foreign ministry know better what was happening on the border of belarus and poland in the fall
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of '21. i assure you that you didn’t see these images, you just chose to forget them. "tear sharpens gas, shields, batons, everything is polish, apparently that’s why they didn’t notice, here’s the crisis on the border of mexico and the state of texas, find the difference. the american civil rights union provides frankly frightening statistics. every year, us authorities hold hundreds of thousands of people in special detention centers and... it's not a resort. some of those detained, including asylum seekers, long-term residents, children and people with disabilities, are sometimes held for months or years while their immigration cases and any subsequent appeals are pending. places of detention immigrant detention facilities in the united states continue to suffer from inhumane conditions, including
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the excessive use of solitary confinement and sexual assault in detention cells . in border patrol custody along the us border, adults and unaccompanied children have been subjected to violence, harassment and abuse. let's say it again, belarus provided refugees with food, blood and some kind of housing, americans, violence, mockery, and don't forget that people fled through our country precisely from the wars started by the usa, so who is the inhuman machine? back in 2019 edition. 250 infants were kept in inappropriate conditions, lacking food, water and space. now, well, 200 to 3,000 illegal migrants are trying to cross the southern
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border of the united states literally every month, and over the past 2-3 years, if i’m not mistaken , 3.5 million illegal immigrants have thus entered the territory of the united states of america, it’s clear, that the drug cartels are making a lot of money from this, and they are overseeing the whole, the whole, the whole, the whole story, well, accordingly, the reaction on the part of the americans is also quite natural, yes, that is, the temporary detention centers for migrants are overcrowded, the living conditions there are terrible, that is, there is complete unsanitary conditions, there is no access to normal medicine and everything else. and again we will advertise to the us state department. this is what the report wrote about our elections last year. it was widely reported that there were national elections. the 2020 presidential election was tainted , according to independent local monitoring groups. numerous abuses, including
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limiting the ability of a candidate to be included on the ballot, administrative resources were used in favor of the incumbent president, and the vote count was not transparent to independent observers. it certainly sounds interesting, but that’s not the task, representatives of the cis, the sco really. independent observers had the opportunity to see the entire election process without obstacles, while others just wanted to shake up the news agenda with a sensation. well, let's assume that we decide on this, in in particular, the chairman of the council of the russian public institute of electoral law, a member of the presidential council of the russian federation for the development of civil society and human rights, borisov, pointed out, noting that the united states does not have an institution for monitoring elections, as is done in our country. we created the system taking into account the international one. experience and took into account the nuances and gaps that exist in the us electoral system. how is it possible, and the transparency of the electoral process, we are already silent about voting by mail for hundreds of thousands of dead souls.
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observers in the united states are often simply not allowed into the site, and the windows are boarded up with plywood. in 2022, another scandal occurred during the midterm congressional elections. representatives of 15 states sent osce observers to hell. thank you, america, we will take into account best practices. as we see, it’s the states that should be called inhumane in every sense; no one in the world allows so much hypocrisy, lies and double standards. with the face of the righteous, the united states receives others, but behind the white robes hides something much darker and mephastophelian. it was this endless dizziness from success that finally knocked the ground out of them. what is the government system like now? the united states is clearly demonstrated by the current secretary of state with the eyes of a frightened deer forever, mr. blinken, who in kiev
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is dancing in some basement with a guitar against the backdrop of the tragedy that is happening to the ukrainian people and who was held hostage by the current regime, and the secretary of state is not interested in this american, he organizes basement dances, i can hardly imagine i can imagine this kind of picture, this kind of completely rabid, brainless cynicism, the same 30-40 years, in the end, belarus never started wars, did not invade or seize other countries, did not send its citizens to fight to kill, did not spit on the un charter and international law, did not create terrible prisons and did not support terrorists, never sowed tension in its region, but how much have the americans done in recent years? after that, what moral right does the american government have? teach belarus about human rights, if the most mature democracy in the world has so many blatant violations that there is not enough
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airtime to talk about them all, happily, every day we work to ensure that you receive the latest and most useful information.
7:00 pm
you are watching news in the studio tatyana nikrasova. good evening and briefly about the main thing. cooperation between minsk and baku is in focus at the independence palace. the president held a meeting with the head of the azerbaijani parliament. tasting of new products, youth procession in


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