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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 11, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am MSK

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the teacher breaks the fate of his students, the mistakes of politicians always have a higher price, the lives of entire nations are sometimes at stake, how many wars have you lived through, how many sorrowful tears, does everything really fade from memory so quickly, to please your interests about the greatness of dreams, you are preparing a new storm, chattering about humanity, these crazy people, who occupy high positions in the state duma, say that kazakhstan is the cossack vodka of russia, these are crazy people, you can’t say that on air, being in the same bloc in the sco , being in the same bloc of the uec, being in allied relations, this is unacceptable, this is anti-russian rhetoric, this is treacherous rhetoric, lukashenko did the right thing when he did not let zhirinovsky come here at one time, when he insulted our country, insulted our president, and before his death, zhirinovsky wanted to come here and could not come, and rightly so did it because it is necessary to respect the country,
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it is under external control, yes, he led the country to war, yes, he behaved towards us in a dishonest manner towards us, he imposed sanctions against us, and we condemn this, by the way, alexander lukashenko is absolutely right, when he was in mongolia now, he said that russians were really killed, they were burned in odessa, this was a huge provocation and crime, this is not a lie, this is not some kind of speculation, but let’s figure it out , well, let’s reduce this to the level of a street fight, people imprisoned each other in the nineties because someone’s dad was a prosecutor. someone has authority, so
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they all start, first the children got into a fight at school, then they start pitting each other against each other, it got to the point where jailings began parents, it continues, so i’ll read it to you, the british newspaper telegraph reported that nato is preparing a plan to transfer troops from the usa to europe, why is this, well, because the usa will divide the territories later, the usa, firstly, they still have those withdrawn from afghanistan the guys are prepared, that means they are there, and so on, like we’re going to... there for this, but not for us, but for those hotheads you ’re discussing, but what do you suggest, well, let’s kill each other with nuclear weapons, the best a way to descalate all the children of high-level officials who call children of their families and wives in the military unit, or then shut up in ukraine, in russia and in the west, that’s it, forward, forward to the trenches, no, that means, let’s come to an agreement, well, you don’t want to, but how long have we agreed in the unit, how much there was a negotiation, so i’ll explain it again. what washington is doing, i
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say again that today putin absolutely, these hotheads need to listen to their president, putin is a very competent, smart , careful politician, and listen, he was very much forced into this provocation, very much, here putin did everything so as not to to start, well, lukashenko helped him, not to start, because he persuaded zelensky to use his brains, that is, listen, i say again, the provocation was severe and he pushed washington towards this. today we don’t need to rely on hot heads, because hot heads in the course of any confrontation only worsen the contractual position, on specific actions, specific actions, they are concluded in some kind of economic union, with china, with a number of other states, work within international structures, now russia he is doing a lot of work through his agents, through his diplomacy in europe, so that there is a little disunity in these circles in parliaments.
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from this entire company, but in general these elections will not affect the strategic line in any way, yes, only if the kgb did not once manage to recruit the trumps, which... i very much doubt, you know, accordingly, putin’s policy is, in principle, correct, well, my opinion, well, to what extent do i have the right to give an assessment, well, i have the right to have my own opinion, thank god in belarus it is, so here i am i think on the whole this is correct, but today we need to shift our focus to making it smell like something is fried, so that they feel threatened, because everything concerns escalation in europe, exchange of blows, even tactical nuclear weapons. it will suit them, and i say again, it will be in any case, taking into account the fact that both sides have strategic nuclear potential capable of mutually destroying each other . negotiations, but the question is that either these negotiations will begin when we still retain all the infrastructure population, or the second option means another option,
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when you and i first destroy the entire infrastructure, destroy the population, and then sit down for a small negotiation, listen, today in russia we do not have enough labor in the region?
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based on the moment, based on their awareness, and this is their right, but in general, i say again, these hot ones...
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you know, when we are here next to you, we must very soberly evaluate, based on patriotic sentiments, always support our ally, but i want us to be very calm in this situation acted extremely harshly, but harshly where it does not expose us to an immediate threat, there is still such a moment, yes, there is the concept of information wars, and i understand here, in many aspects, it is impossible to reflect everything so objectively, i ’m telling you 5%, well, 15% of what i could say in order for someone in...
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a coma to say the same phrase that this is russia and propaganda, when 33 channels are simultaneously a threat to our democracy, you understand, let me say, i’m a supporter. victories of our union state, we are not separate from russia, we are not we can now consider our fate in context, apart from the russian federation. secondly, i understand that in a period of information war, it is acceptable in some places, well, yes, a certain kind of
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rhetoric is acceptable, but in any case, individual politicians, opinion leaders, somewhere need to refrain from provocative statements that may cause the wrong resonance. let’s talk about this phrase...
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let’s go back to this studio, for now subscribe to our telegram channel, that’s what it’s called say , don’t be silent, look for all our releases on youtube channel belarus 1. a show where they fight not only... with the help of physical strength, a show where the main weapon is intelligence. if i set myself a goal, i
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always have to achieve it, but of course, when i found out that i had passed the casting, my emotions were simply overwhelming. which ancient country, along with greece, gave its name to the olympic form of wrestling. artyom, rome, italy. roman empire, i accept this as the correct answer. however, activity will also play a role. such an italian coach broke sir alex ferguson's record for the number of matches in may 2023 in the champions league. carlo anchelotti. carlo anchelotti. two steps forward. watch the intellectual sports project. head game.
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on the air again, say don’t be silent, our guest is the deputy of the minsk city council, vadim borovik. at the beginning of july , the sco itself will take place in ostan, at which belarus, as previously announced, will become a full member of the shanghai cooperation organization. let's listen to what secretary of state of the security council alexander volfovich said about this quite recently.
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economic potential is already more than 25% of global gdp and it has also been growing 10 times since the formation of this structure ; the total gdp there has grown more than 10 times, so first of all, look, even where alexander gorvich participates, as the first person, we immediately have bilateral meetings are held with the leaders of pakistan, india, china, respectively, and so on, that is , conveniently, yes, this is one of the platforms, secondly, we are building up trade and economic symmetry, we are building these mutual settlements. in national currencies, we are looking for ways there, agreements, some we are developing, developing new logistics
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for supplies, evading sanctions, again we are moving away from this so-called isolation, but what kind of isolation is it if we can, but it would be nice if we could insert a member after some time on our territory summit, if it is there in accordance with the documents, it can make some changes, but if it were possible, that is, we are thus demonstrating that a modern state in the center of europe cannot be isolated. this is beneficial for us in terms of security, additional some guarantees in matters of, of course, bilateral and multilateral international cooperation. first of all , we are interested in the economy, access to markets, this is the country’s authority in... we were more or less relatively quickly accepted into the organization, which means our country is treated with respect, well, listen, china and russia supported us in this matter , of course, such authoritative countries in this organization, naturally we are quite prompt in a reasonable time, but then this is an imbalance of forces in general in the world economy,
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indeed, we are adding our voice to the hegemon that the world... so weaken the region that the only competitor for the united states in the next 20 years can appear only in the eurasian region, or china or russia, or china and russia, having united , or the european union, but maybe in this region. a competitor to washington and its hegemony, in order to prevent this competitor, so they are weakening, the euro zone, we are weakening, we are withdrawing the capital industry, russia, today the largest the problem will be demographic, labor shortage, the need to replace, restraint in the supply of technology, then it will be very difficult to get out of the conflict, you understand, because the economy will need
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to be stopped, if today you have 8% in the military-industrial complex, then you will need to reorient the economy, create jobs, warmed up.
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chinese, india, pakistan, other countries , well, we can solve all our problems , we won’t even have time to solve so much. produce, we are doing the right thing by diversifying, we are not against it everywhere trade, but if today somewhere they create obstacles for us illegally, i will remind you that belarus is landlocked, we generally cannot create an obstacle according to international law for the transportation of our goods, for building logistics, they violate international law, which means we work there , where the norms of international law are respected, and what is respected, where participants have the right of veto, even an equal right of veto have equal rights, that is, this... is more consistent with the spirit of those documents that adopted after the second world war, that is, respect for the rights of participants in international dialogue. unfortunately, today international law is being violated, but within the framework of such structures we are building a new system of international law, where the participants are equal
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, where there are no barriers to economic cooperation, the so-called bad faith. it will be very interesting to see how they will write about this after the 4th of july, when, of course, they will be signed, without any doubt, and let them gnaw at their elbows, vadim, well, we subscribe to all your words, why, because your attitude, determination, categoricalness and lack of populism in your thoughts are captivating, and poetry
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in general, we take off our hats, write a big book of prose, we will read a lot, well, meet you when they do. .. questions have arisen, thank you, goodbye, goodbye, now vadim says thank you very much, tatyana shcherbina, victoria popova, we say goodbye to you for today, see borovik. dear friends, we are going through difficult times, but the distinctive feature of the belarusian people, our republic, is that we contribute in every possible way to the peaceful resolution of any conflicts, we join any organizations, we try to be useful to our partners. so i want to wish all of us that in the coming months, a year, our fraternal countries, russia and ukraine, will come to some kind of agreement that will... suit both sides, we will do our best to promote peaceful regulation, i hope that already next year we will discuss how we will help each other in matters of
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trade and economic cooperation, restoration of territories, the war agenda will go away. vadim, the previous canvas had your autograph, but it went to the museum, so i ask you to leave the new one on the new canvas. fine. everyone wants everything, everything they want, a peaceful sky, that’s what we want, i wish it for us.
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we don’t want to run and run and play, like the sun, the sun, the sun, and how our life is built up from these little things, we want to look at it. on this light for our skin and skin day, there is something new for ourselves, this is so good for us, where we are working with this anyone, with anyone and belarus.
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passes, passes.
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i love you and this is for life.
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first name, last name, age, nationality.
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zurück, we're even.
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“she’s georgian, really, please, please, mr. officer, please, musya, what do they want, i don’t know, to shoot,
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she should get to know her own people, my place was nice, she gave me a fur coat, why be silent, you don’t know anyone, look, they killed my little girl from moscow, where are you from moscow? to a valiant officer of an even higher rank, under your personal responsibility, let this be a lesson to you, next time you will be shot, my neighbor, a professor
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of anthropology, is engaged in serious research for the benefit of the reich, and his wife often gives concerts to wounded soldiers, they need an au pair . she will like your task, it will not be easy, but you have dignity, german, french and origin, by the way, you play the piano, yes i do, my friend, the mother of a girl.
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and to your friend, when we return, a monument let's treat him like a hero, take the shovel. good morning belarus with svetlana borovskaya, this is a fascinating acquaintance with unusual people, my name is olga, i am the owner of this institution, a cultural institution, a house of crafts, i thought there was no one here, someone comes in once a week, that’s the most important one.
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come in, please, take off your clothes, it’s true , it’s cold here, yes, it’s cold, i ’ll treat you to tea now, come on, velenchik, take off your clothes, oh, come on. sit down, baby, drink tea, eat candy, don’t be shy, i still have jam, that’s great, my last name is pedina, i’m a wife academician pedin mikhailovsky, i want to inspect the house, hello, hello, what’s going on here that you don’t know yet, you weren’t told, your house is now the property of the academy of sciences, by decision of the academician lived the commission, it was transferred to my husband to ensure scientific studies , so i want
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to inspect it, we are going to evacuate, literally in a week, so i want to prepare the house for departure, yes, where should we go, and this is none of my business, wait, this is our father’s house, by the way, he is also an academician, well by the way, of course i apologize, but your father has already i haven’t been an academician for a long time, keep quiet, i understand, boy, they didn’t teach you to ask for permission, huh? well, are you sorry or something, let the child play, this is our piano, by the way, oh the piano, you can leave it, it’s expensive to transport, and when we arrive, the ticket holder will enroll in a music school, oh well, and now i suggest you look around the house so that everything is as described, yes, help me, show me, show me. what is it? apples? apples from the plot? uh-huh,
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great. you can take one bag with you, you will have to leave the second, this is also the property of the academy of sciences. velenchik, no hunch your shoulders, you've lost your voice, haven't you? ghoul, what kind of expression is that? we planted these apple trees with our own hands. gula, sorry, we're just here.
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rat, granny, we need to do something, we need to fight, dad had friends, let’s find his friends, when he was arrested, verochka went and asked to sign a letter in his defense, no one signed, they were scared, you know, i don’t understand, i i don’t understand anything, we’ll move to... she’ll accept us for the first time, ghoul, it’s better to be the one who’s being driven out than the other way around, come on! tell me, what else should we rejoice? i'll tell you, only you for now you won't understand this. i won’t offer a pike; if i offer them cheeks, they will multiply, because there is no one to punch in the face.
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rastopchina, hello, what are you doing here? and where? “so listen here, listen here, i’ll give you one piece of advice, that’s what i’ll tell you, galina, you understand, the komsomol now has the most advanced youth, how will you continue to live without a collective, without the komsomol, i
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want to help you, write like this, so, and so, my father, you have an ideological feeling, do you want to live in soviet society and join the komsomol? i believe that the only relatives we have are those who are close in class, my father, he was not a stranger, i don’t want to have a father like that, well, comrades, you see, the girl realized her mistakes, well, has she fallen apart? i didn’t hurt you with the badge, by the way,
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hello, comrade, hello. well, he brings me to the boss, well, in the sense of comrade lopatkin, and he suddenly says: i ’ll let you go, but you make a promise not to take someone else’s, can you imagine, he’s the one telling me this to a street kid, well, i gave it in exchange, business mine was closed, and you won’t believe it. that since then i can’t even lift someone else’s comb into the ground, like i cut it off? i understand, oh you, here i am for you now, hey, come on, put on your hat, put on your hat, you’ll catch a cold, what do you understand about the life of moscow, munponies, yes, just like
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twins. it’s okay, now we’ll kill the fascists and buy you the montponsier girls. nikolai, tell me, do you consider me a traitor? but this is not a five-minute conversation. i would invite you to my home, but there’s nothing for tea . what are you all drawing there? the structure of the hip, i had a b in college, draw mine, i also have a hip, that i have nothing, my hips are cool, we
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’ll hang it in the corridor, let the fighters study it. beautiful, with her hair, all pre-war, they even moan less, i can say with my appearance that i am raising their morale and bringing our victory closer, okay, that’s enough, lady, well, you’re just like not a doctor, but a college student, but that’s what i really like about you, it's a shame, lady, i can testify, instead, here... legt euch, los, los, habe ich gesagt, weitergehen, weiter, legt euch, weitergehtweise.
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and i have lokshin, steppa, hunting, they look like us they’re not going to feed you, we’ll freeze to death, betya, it’s like you were captured, you ran for a rifle, we were given one for two to the militia, a tutboy.
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werden wir heute überhaupt unseren schlaf bekommen. i can’t feel my legs, i have matches, i have a badge,
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what about you, maybe you need some more tobacco, you’ll read, yeah, come on, come on, come on, come on, about a year ago, while doing research in the royal library for my history of louis, i accidentally attacked mr. dart's memory, come on now, oops, it's printed like most works of that time, when the authors, who strived to tell the truth, did not want to go and then spent a more or less long period of time in amsterdam with pierre rouge, the titles seduced me. “the title seduced me and i took these memoirs home, of course, with the permission of the library keeper, that the last one, yeah, in childhood
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it seemed that there would be no end to it, it’s funny.
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okay, we need to make our way to our people, you can do as you want, but i’ll stay here, i miss my woman, okay, what are you doing? let the smart guys cut off the cartridges first, otherwise they’ll have the ass themselves are warm, and they send death to unarmed people, and then they scribble orders to shoot deserters and prisoners, i heard it myself, you’re lying, you and i are not deserters, you’re a good guy, andreev, but it just hurts. life oppresses straight people and will bend you, but because of someone like you,
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i burned dumas. we are embarking on an expedition in the depths of our land. we are embarking on a folklore-historical expedition for number 590. things will happen again and again in advance in the past land. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. our routes took us to ўskrayek agro-garden opsa, in braslauschyna. here on the bank of the lake with this zhanazov month there was a meeting, published on the pachata of the village of stagodz to the counts felix klyater. to the byasedachka, a new hut, a new hut, sa znoў.
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braslau district has 300 azer. the regional center itself is based on several of them. the most flaccid ones are the most dry ones. from old traditions to new life. i missed the projects ahead. to the tv channel.
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excuse me, speak russian, where are you from? i'm from moscow, and i'm from minsk. what's your name? maria rastovchina, or musya? vera mikhailovich. well, can i help you? no i myself. look, use it. take this, take off the things here, throw them right on the floor, let me take it all, i’ll have to throw it all away, come on.
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don't be a sharp razor, mrs. elsa körner is there asking about the new maid. dress
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quickly, get dressed quickly, kernush is waiting for you there. heil, heil hitler, gut, komm, als klar, littler, hallo.
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