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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 12, 2024 3:10am-3:45am MSK

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carrying out sowing, caring for plants and finishing grain products to obtain quality seeds. the breeding plant is adapted for sowing rabbees, as well as grains, legumes and grain crops. this milling cutter, it somehow prepares the land for sowing, we prepared the land with the milling cutter, the saplings have left, the operator sits down and falls asleep. into a glass, only this grain, presses, here we have a button for raising the glass, the grain is blown out with the help of air and falls into the ground, with the help of these rollers they are rolled, it can also turn gray automatically, the glass will automatically rise and release itself, after assessing the offspring of hybrid plants in the breeding nursery of the first...
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to the control nursery, this is the next stage, where there is a sufficient number of seeds, and we form the following nurseries: control nursery in duplicate, two plots, preliminary varieties tests are traditionally carried out in quadruple repetition and competitive variety tests are formed to evaluate productivity, as well. various backgrounds of fertilizers
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or plant protection are formed, which allows a comprehensive assessment, both in terms of yield, in terms of resistance to unfavorable factors, as an opportunity to realize oneself on various nutritional backgrounds. in this case , the offspring of winter wheat are presented. phytatron-greenhouse complexes operate on the territory of our scientific institutions. this will significantly speed up the selection process. now we are in the fetotronic-teclic complex. growing breeding material of prototypes allows us to obtain two additional harvests. year, that
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is, one in natural field conditions, and two in artificial ones within this phytatron-greenhouse complex. here you can see samples of leguminous crops, propagation of original plants, as well as hybridization, in which artificial pollination occurs, between two parent forms, and this allows us to get a certain one. the size of variability, that is, the initial hybrid material, which we further multiply and accelerate the selection process. the setotron-greenhouse complex operates year-round, there are ground greenhouses, as well as cultivation in vessels for special studies. growing
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crops in the conditions of a fetotron-greenhouse complex allows you to regulate the color regime, duration of lighting, use a certain soil with certain acidity levels, nutrient content and obtain seed material. in this case , flax flowering and the formation of heads are completed at the same time. certain crops have already been removed.
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the breeder wants to get the maximum yield and not lose quality, since increasing productivity in some cases. dilution occurs, the amount of nutrients is reduced, the quality of the products is checked in a biotechnology laboratory, today there is no such concept, here is one scientist, there is no such concept of one breeder, there is the concept of a team of professionals, we come to the aid of breeders and technologists. to all researchers who work in our center. our researcher is currently isolating dna from barley parent plants. we together with
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breeders are trying to obtain samples that will have a low content of fetic acid, its salts and fetates, if we succeed. if you carry out this work until you obtain a variety, then it will be a unique variety that will not exist throughout the cis in europe. the biotechnology laboratory has a variety of equipment that allows us to establish the quality indicators of the varieties being created. here we carry out very subtle analyzes of the chemical composition using. gas liquid chromatography methods in order to determine those substances whose concentration in our sample is very, very small. in rabs, for example, we control such a trait as the absence of ruic acid in the oil, because until recently rapeseed was not
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a food crop, only thanks to the efforts of our breeders, new ultra-modern varieties appeared, because few people know, but rapeseed oil... is very the composition of fatty acids is close to that of olive oil, and although we do not have our own olives in belarus, we do have excellent modern varieties and hybrids of rapeseed. quality of produced varieties is determined precisely by the purpose of the product that we produce , the corresponding product, that is, for baking qualities. protein content and gluten content are required. in our experiments, we also bring samples from control nurseries to the test baking stage, that is, before submitting the variety to the state variety testing system
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, the baking power of the flour is tested. assessment of the baking qualities of wheat varieties is carried out not only by technological properties, but also by organalyptic properties are assessed. this is the taste, color, bread, shape, crust, very tasty, smell, pleasant, and you can feel the difference between the samples. in the process of life activity and human impact on the environment, some
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plant species have already disappeared, therefore, to preserve genetic material for future generations , an agricultural center was formed. work is being carried out on the state program of plant genetic resources, collection specimens are being studied and seeds are concentrated in our gene bank, in general more than 53,000 collection specimens
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samples, unique samples, because the world gene pool, the gene pool of our belarusian scientists, is collected here, which is the basis. type of conservation of plant resources is long-term, medium-term and short-term seed storage. we are in a chamber where the active collection of our gentbank is stored, collection samples are stored at temperature, but... this collection is intended for exchange and for the active
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use of our breeders. the collection pest persists for 15 years, does not require reseeding and a collection of about 15 thousand collectible specimens is in this in this chamber in this storage. samples are registered under a specific number and coded.
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played by the western selection center for grains, leguminous cereal crops, it was organized in 1970, this period
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is characterized by the intensification of the selection and senovic process, from the creation of the institute in 1927 until the creation of the western selection center, only 11 starts of grain legumes and cereals were created at the institute cultures, and over time the work of the western selection center, this is for 22 years... shined on the hero of socialist labor, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor
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nikolai dmitrievich mukhin. the variety zimóří belta brought him fame. this variety was distinguished by a fairly high yield, good economically valuable traits, and today this variety is an indispensable genetic source for the creation of new high-yielding varieties of azimrzhi, and you can see the interiors of the furniture, everything that was in nikolai dmitrievich mukhin’s office, stationery.
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so that they can defend candidate and even doctoral dissertations, a breeding cycle for each crop, this is a significant effort and considerable time, therefore...
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at the institute, a dissertation is already, for example, a new rubbish, a new developed technology for improving regulations on cultivation technology, so much years of activity of our institute in terms of selection, centuries of developments already exist in this regard, there is a lot of breeding material from which you can select the best varieties, evaluate and thanks to this the amount of work, perhaps...
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smiles, i’m dying that i’m trying to dry it off, we have an hour now, when we go out to the kambay field. i didn’t mention the options, if you want it and everything that is, only the swimmers on the belly, if it’s the first time, but a jump, like, right, a jump, a bird - this is a great happiness. for the most part, i have such a strong feeling, i’ll tell you, 100%. sennya didn’t save you anything,
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i know. as adroit, the terms are older and older. the elders are geta zanne, pasada, for example, the elders vykladchyk, and the elders - geta pa ўzrostse, for example, the elders brother. the broadcast has an intellectual and entertaining program in its own words. i am alena tracenka, and we are starting to grow. sonia will focus on researching her knowledge in language and literature, and will also develop her passion and knowledge as mentors and their students. i appreciate you being so jumpy, laughing, with a good attitude, and well, let’s know. good zen. i am aksana ivanaina, peinyavets, i am the head of belarusian language and literature,
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chamyaryskaga dzitsyachaga garden of the current school, we know each other in the bragen district, it seems, the language of may is coming to an end, the age of our workshop, a couple will meet, for me, yana lives forever, like a tear, like a race, like a dawn, a belarusian language i love velma. and i want my students not only to love the belarusian language, but also to laugh at it. i didn’t come here just with my student, and a group of students from our school, but also from our district. good day, we meet with another mentor. good day, i thank you snyazhana syargeyaina health, i pray ў burkoşský sáredny school bragenská district. i am the governor of the hole for teaching and learning work, and i am posting the belarusian language. in this class, i love the lord, the father of the lord, and the nobleman’s dachshund and i respect the belarusian language, i went to the walk for
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this, to see what the price is for the viktaryn, so that we can continue on this tv taryn and your schoolchildren. snyazhana syargeeva, i correctly understood that the daughters are not your students, so you are. katya, are you your own friend here? so. well what? well, we know syabruka. good zen. good zen. my name is katlabai daryn. i am a 10th grade student. i like to scribble
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and read. i really love and respect belarusian language. katsyaryna ўdzelnіchae in the olympics. daryna, do you have such information? i’m a dachshund of the olympic games and this year i took three months. abavyazkova , we are waiting for you so that everything will get better, and everything will get better. shanouny udzelniki, during the course of our walk , a writer, a scholar of literature, a publisher of belarusian language and literature, an expert of our program svyataslav krupenka, i want parades to help us with your words. bolsh daskanala. cardiac greetings to the sonny knots of our charming gulni vectary in your own words. we are glad to see our tv presenters,
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the amatar of our native words. to our sunny ghouls, we call for the removal of gulni, trap reports, paddrymki gledacha, and madness, at least a lid of good luck. think about it in your own way, think about it in your own way, in the native words of darazhy. let me help you know that you are on the right path. pamylkova varyyant budze paznanany otherwise kab paspyakhova completed the first
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task. it is necessary to know yago umovy. let's get to know them. teams translate words, words derived from russian language into belarusian. the signal signaled the command, which was the first to guess, for the correct skin order 10 points. we're walking. the first word for translation is mill. the first sisters are aksana and snyazhana. we're dying, that's geta mlyn. that's how it is. jakui. respect, the next words: achki. katsyaryna, daryna, kali laska, we think that they are sharks. dakladna, malays. advancing words, ztstva. sisters first, aksana i snjazhana. wow, grain. and the first were the katsyars.
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snyazhana and aksana. we are lichy, just like the words of dukhmyany. dukhmyany, dukhmyany loaf happens. and all these are the words of the second. malays, daryna, katsyaryna. others, we believe that they are different. amal that is horam, others, correct, and all that, that’s it. i know daryn, katsyaryna. adkaz is correct, malays. let's re-arrange it side by side. and here they are, aksana and snyazhana, pasusedskaya. menavita taki kanchatak. pa-sousedsku. so. uvaga, hutka let’s re-interpret the words of the evil one. the first couples are katya and
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daryn. little girls, running with a gasket. advancing words to the evil one: better now. nastaunitsy first, aksana, snyazhana, these words are lost: sculpt at once, or sculpt at once? sing at once? lepey tsiaper tsi lepsh at once tsi lepsh tsyaper. jakui, geta correct adkaz. respect, the pisacel is known. the malays, daryna, katsyaryna are literate writers. malays are busy . daryn-katsyaryna. off the hook, malays. issued, teams. coped
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with the first task and earned your first points. aksana ivanaina snyazhana syargeeina - 50, katsyaryna daryna 60 points. first stage passed by paspyakhov. tsiaper paglyadzim, yak syabrovskaya padrymka pratsue na adleglasci. this hilarious episode features two super teams representing different teams. let's get to know each other.
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well, aksana ivanaan i katsyaryna, we request a gaty apladerations, walk, dzyasy, persha words for you, zhuan, and stea geta, areh, adzenne, daile, aksana ivananayana, kalia laska - geta adzenne, marchenne, mushrechenskaya geta correct adkaz.
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advance words, geta budze prysloe. kagadze. what a great lady, cheerful, friendly, that’s all. kali weasel, katsyaryna velma. yes, oh, katya-katya, in kagadze - this only means something wrong. advent words, and most important for you, zyauchaty, words marmol, geta hitrun, myarzlyak, mauchun, tsi sknar. katsya knows i'll try it, katsya, you're a bastard, not a bastard, katsyusha, you know, a marmol. the one who is great and small. well, shameful aksana ivana and katsyaryna, it was a great party, we lost a lot of new layers, maybe not new ones, but others that we occasionally dig out and forgot about them.
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prahodztse, kali weasel. teacher snyazhana syarheeina and tenth grade student daryn. kali weasel, first. words for you: kpiny. what geta? uzgors, nazhnitsy, ridicule and sharks? and who would be the first? snyazhana syargeeina. snyazhana syargeeina. yes, gavoryts daryn. kali weasel. i'm glad that the kpins are ridicule. that's how it is. evil, abrasive heat and ridicule. well, this happens. dzyauchatki, important words for you, the words “ёўня”. what am i going to do for? i will not be for this, if i learn, i cook, i do nothing, i don’t like it, i don’t know what i’m afraid of? kali weasel, daryna pershaya, i fly, because i
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’m working for this, let’s dry it, malaychyna, sapraudy awakened for drying your sleep before the baby, dzyachaty, the next words for you: spakvalya! like from the pakval, from the acceleration, pavolna, hutsenka tsi simply? i know daryna, dear caress, i’m flying because i’m sorry . off adkaz, pastupova, patrohu, marudna, pavolna, malaichinka, offensive words, yano and aposhnye words vetah, geta month.
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80 and 90 points for teams! it’s easy to explore belarus; all you need to do is create a non-trivial route. in 1780 . the dubrovno lands are bought by prince grigory potemkin, and thanks to him, here one of the first watch factories in russia starts operating. in ancient times, voluns were the site of various rituals and ceremonies.


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