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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 12, 2024 8:15am-9:00am MSK

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dollars, while when using the services of an aggregator, the rights of passengers are protected less than when traveling by a regular taxi. the procedure for paying pensions and some other social benefits is changing in belarus from july 1. the ministry of labor reports that citizens who did not manage to open a basic bank account to receive a pension or benefit can do so until the end of next week. this applies only to recipients of social benefits in cities, but not in rural areas. also, everything will remain the same for pensioners over 70 years of age. disabled people of the first and second groups, payments of child benefits to disabled parents or parents who have a disabled child will also be carried out according to the previous scheme. basic accounts can be opened in several banks of your choice, where you also need to write an application for the transfer of social payments. what ’s important is that you don’t have to get a physical bank card, you just need to open an account, and you can receive money by mail, as it was before. and that's all the economic news for this hour, good luck in your business. and see you,
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morning broadcast on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus24 continues the “zone x” program. i'm karina pashko. hello. he packaged drugs at home. a drug courier-wholesaler was detained in the capital. law enforcement officers tracked down a dealer in illegal substances. the twenty-two-year-old salesman was caught red-handed. the guy worked for an online store selling datura. more than 300 g of hashish and about 500 g of marijuana were found in his car, made in the forest. the detainee explained that he purchased large quantities of drugs from shady online stores, packaged them into small doses and laid them out...
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it is known that the defendant has already been prosecuted for drug trafficking. a criminal case has been initiated for drug trafficking with intent to sell. the review of criminal and emergency incidents will continue to be published. yuri shevchuk will talk about the latest news. a fisherman drowned in the berezovsky district. on the morning of june 10, a thirty-year-old man went fishing. didn't return home. the brother went in search of a relative and found him in the zaluzhsky quarry reservoir, without signs of life. first the summer of this year in brest region - this is the second case of drowning. a week earlier, in the city of kosovo , ivatsevichi district, esvot workers removed the body of a forty-nine-year-old man from the water in a pond. in the summer of 2023 , 29 people aged from 21 to 69 drowned in the brest region. the circumstances of each incident were carefully studied by investigators. it was established that most of
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those who died the day before drank alcohol before going into the water. in a number of cases, citizens suffered from epileptic attacks during their lifetime, and some of the dead didn't know how to swim. traffickers were detained at the capital's airport. it is reported that operatives from brest, with the forceful support of amon, blocked the channel for exporting belarusian women abroad for prostitution. it was established that a twenty-three-year-old resident of the drogichensky district met girls on the internet during a conversation with a proposal. were detained at the minsk airport, with them were three recruited girls, for which they were detained today by employees for organizing the transfer of girls abroad.
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how many girls did they try to take out? three. behind organizing the use of prostitution, the defendants face imprisonment for up to 10 years. the involvement of the defendants in similar crimes is being verified. a unit of the ministry of emergency situations extinguished a fire at the naftan oil refinery. the circulating water supply unit in the cooling tower was on fire; as a result of the incident, a forty-nine-year-old construction worker from novopol reportedly received burns. he probably carried out renovation work on the territory. the cause of the fire is being established. in brest, driver and passenger brought to administrative responsibility for joyful driving. on the internet, guy's employees came across a video that showed a bmw passenger sitting on a window opening while driving. law enforcement officers identified the violators; they turned out to be nineteen and eighteen-year-old residents of brest. five administrative materials have been compiled against the driver, including: for violating the rules for transporting
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passengers, his friend was also brought to justice for violating traffic rules while driving in the cabin. it was about...
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good morning belarus, how is it there they said in one famous soviet classic film, every morning in our establishment, wednesday morning begins the same way, yes, firstly, nina mazeika ol genskaya greets you on wednesdays, secondly, always on wednesdays we welcome our beautiful masha khrustaleva, masha , good morning, what juicy details and news will you have today, yes, good morning, a new wednesday has arrived, a new day, the work week is in full swing, so i suggest you cheer up. the most acute and truly piquant portion of news from the world of media. all we know david beckham as a footballer, but apparently the celebrity has a new look. beckham became a garden blogger and became seriously
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interested in rural life. he recently appeared on his subscribers’ feed with news from his own chicken coop, and now he showed how he replants lush rose bushes. beckham performed all the manipulations with dexterity, and also with... definitely, i think that this audience is huge, because you must agree, these videos with cats, which are gaining a colossal number of views, will now always compete with videos and photographs by david beham. and maybe this is exactly what many stars need to do at a certain period of their career, don’t just start going on various such you know gossip shows, maybe
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doing something like that is very attractive judging to get closer to life to the ground in the end everyone has such a desire turns out to be yes, regarding the desire, i think that very many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, after such photographs , there was a desire to invite dade beckham to be their gardener. hire a gardener like this even if you don’t have a garden, you still suddenly need this gardener urgently. david, even if you don’t have a garden, come to belarus to really film a show, we’ll find and see how beautiful the roses are, what beautiful photographs, he should definitely think about something like that, and what does victoria think about it? bekham, history is silent, we don’t see her in photographs, but where is she? can’t we see her? with a dissatisfied face, she is probably filming content for him, perhaps that’s why we don’t see her, we need to keep an eye on david, apparently okay, let's move on to the news from the fashion world, and a new star may soon appear there, renata letvinova took to the podium at her daughter's graduation show,
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an aspiring designer presented her main collection at the show of master's graduates of the antwerp academy of arts, the actress walked to the podium in a black trench coat tucked into a shawl. well, i see how cool the images are, really, i especially liked the image with the corset, look at the skirt there, which in some miraculous way absolutely turns into tights, it’s absolutely impossible, by the way, rinata has an absolutely impossible figure, i think she’s lost a lot of weight, it’s kind of, well, it won’t be said on air, of course, but it’s a certain chic, i think you understand what i mean, and in general it’s a certain chic to look like this at her age is amazing, and let me remind you that renata is a beautiful girl of 50 plus, but you are simply inspired. looking at her, i understand that you can grow up so beautifully and elegantly, it seems to me that this is a definite step for a daughter when you have
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there is a mother, in fact, who looks like a real supermodel, and you can try on absolutely all your creative experiments on her and do, experiment, actually begin to train your skill, let’s say, more and more extravagantly, especially since rinata letvinova really sets trends, in this case too, that is, you want to say that soon we will find things like this... this may be too bold for us, but on the left of the podium, let's be honest, this is straight couture, i like it, mash, what other news? next week, by the way, one of the main serial festivals in russia, pilot, starts, it has been held in ivanovo since 2018 and this year it will be held for the sixth time, in the main program there are 15 projects, all of them will be shown for the first time by an industry representative and the viewer, but except in addition, at the festival they will show spitter with sergei bezrukov in the leading role, this is a historical detective story by anna motison, telling about the legendary russian lawyer and speaker
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fyodor nikiferovich plevaka, one of the most prominent representatives of the era of alexander ii. the series was not included in the competition program, but instead it will open the festival itself. in general , it seems to me that sometimes even just from the trailer you can understand the quality of the picture and the scale of the project. and in my opinion, it’s very cool that the serial industry is developing so actively. quality series, not a street of broken lamps, it won’t be said to the table, honestly, a cool, good series that has grown, which has raised a generation, i understand everything, friends, but at some point it has become such, you know, a conveyor belt, they have already started filming it about nothing, roughly speaking, and inventing some incomprehensible stories, but here we are still talking about something else almost, this is cinema, this is art, you know, in general, the topic of tv series is already gaining momentum, in general, all over the world, cinema is now focused on filming tv series, first of all, rather than on... filming some documentaries, for example, and so, they say, there are even
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stalkers, who are looking for interesting stories, some interesting historical episodes, which are told, for example, by some youtubers as an option, yes, but in general, if the script is bad, you need to invite some super movie star, don’t spare money on the fee, she will ensure the box office, how is it possible that this happened in this series with either, or there is another option, you can coolly stylize and costume the series, just like the raincoat in shorts that was worn on... yes, they say, in fact, in good series there are also good costume designers, and good actors, and moreover, screenwriters, that’s it they tell screenwriters that today they pay much more than actors, so dream of becoming an unknown actor, perhaps a good serial scriptwriter, because, apparently, they will now be at the peak, in the top, as they say, apparently, everything about you. yes, that’s all the news for today, we’re waiting to spit on bezrukov, it’s just some kind of
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top news, thanks to masha khrustaleva, friends, in order to truly create, no matter who you are by profession, have a good breakfast, right now we’ll tell you such an inspiring recipe from anatoly moiseeva, write it down, try it, good morning, i offer it to yours. on one side of each piece of dough we make parallel cuts, cut the strawberries
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into small pieces, mix sugar and a little starch in a small container, place the strawberries on a section of dough without cuts, sprinkle the berries with sugar and starch, it will retain the juice, brush the edges of the dough with beaten egg so that the puff pastries are stuck together, use the dough to press the strawberries onto the edges with a spoon, place the puff pastries in a baking dish, brush with beaten egg, place in the oven to bake for 25.30 minutes at a temperature of 180°. that's all, enjoy the juicy strawberry puffs with an incredible crispy crust. the airy and neutral-tasting dough harmonizes perfectly with the aromatic sweet berries. the puff pastries are not only tasty, but also delight the eye with a beautiful, bright appearance. have a good,
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positive day and bon appetit. in the very center of the night, in a huge city. i’ll find a tired old telephone, it will stretch out its hand, as if it were an acquaintance of mine, and the midnight call will break your sleep, in the very center of the night, in
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a huge city. we will find a hotel that has come true hope and no one in this sleepy world will interfere with us or say no, beloved, beloved, beloved. save me, save me, save me, i want to snuggle up to your hair, i want to snuggle up to your hair, save me, save me from loneliness,
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i want to snuggle up to your hair, i want to snuggle up to your hair. i want to, save me, save me from loneliness, in the very center of the night, in a huge city, i will find a tired, old telephone, he will stretch out his hand, as if he were my friend. we and the midnight bell will break your sleep,
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and no one else in this world. no sleep for us will interfere and will not say no, beloved, beloved, beloved, save me, save me, save me, i want to snuggle into your hair. i want to snuggle up to your hair, save me, save me from loneliness, i want to snuggle up to your hair, i want to snuggle up to your hairlines, save me, save me from
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loneliness, i want to snuggle up to your hair. i don’t want to snuggle up to your hair, save me, save me from loneliness, they know everything about their small homeland and generously share this knowledge with the viewer, in our village there was such a tradition during haymaking... residents traveled far into the swamp in order to mow hay, to save time, they spent the night there, in freshly mown huts. happy childhood. youth, a calm and measured life, they have what many strive for, i am connected with this roar, both during my childhood,
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at school, and now as adults, we live, look at the water, enjoy life, but now, when the swamp is cultivated, when the birds have returned...
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good morning belarus. good morning belarus, good morning country, olga venskaya and nina mozheika continues to help you wake up this morning on the belarus tv channel, one of putnikov belarus 24. today is wednesday, june 12, this weekend
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the family festival city of profession returns to the capital’s botanical garden. if you are hearing about this festival for the first time, then catch the details. this year , more than 100 different professions will be presented at the festival; in an interactive format, children will be able to try themselves in the role of, for example, an audiobook announcer; this, by the way, is a very relevant profession. family guide, mountain an engineer and even a tax inspector. each child will receive an entry in the so -called work book, and will even receive their first salary, seeing the internal currency of the bukits festival. it can be spent on entertainment, charity, additional education, or exchanged for goods in festival stores, this is also cool. oh, by the way, this year the festival will have its own public transport, which will take you to different parts of the botanical garden. our garden is simply huge in minsk, you know about what's this. in scale, it even, in my opinion, competes with the famous park in london. well, right now, friends, let's go to a height, on the side of the mountain, a drone
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delivered three oxygen cylinders to a height of over 600 m, and hung out unnecessary climbing equipment back. the developers believe that the use of drones can revolutionize the logistics of mountaineering on everest; until recently, the supply of cargo was mainly handled by nepalese guides, which, unfortunately, were often received.
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stolen, how to avoid accidents while driving motorcycle. here are some tips from state traffic inspectors and our correspondent, oles boyarskikh. with the arrival
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of warmth, the noise of city streets was supplemented by another sound, reulos, engines, motorcycles, but bikers should not forget about the rules of the road. at the beginning of the motorcycle season , the number of accidents involving motorcyclists increases significantly. the main causes of accidents are excessive speed, violation of the rules of maneuvering and positioning of vehicles on the roadway. for the purpose of prevention. also, gai employees conduct joint preventive measures with the leaders of the motorcycle club. together with bikers, inspectors discuss what are the main causes of tragedy on the roads and what driving skills
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are needed for a beginner. at our motorcycle school you can learn how to drive a motorcycle correctly, safely, and first of all, safety for yourself and for others. we provide, in addition to the usual motorcycle program, which is required for the gi exam, additional elements that will help students already in the city when driving in city traffic, used as an emergency braking, maneuvering, setting the right look, landing, giving full equipment so that the person gets used to it , the most common violations on the part of bikers are speeding, driving a motorcycle on one wheel, lack of a driver’s license of the appropriate category, as well as hiding registration plates. i remind the state automobile inspectorate that on the road you must be extremely careful and strictly follow the requirements of traffic rules, observe the speed limit, distance, lateral spacing with other vehicles, follow your lane in one row. hello
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inspector and partisan documents, please. aren't you reckless? no, we try to drive carefully, correctly, safety, the guarantee of health. it’s great that gi’s employees conduct such regular raids, because it has appeared on the roads. there are a lot of motorcyclists, some ride according to the rules, some without, but there are a lot of accidents with motorcycles in this regard, people without experience get on, after motorcycle schools, they think that the road is this is the same as a playground, but the road does not forgive mistakes, while driving, the driver and passenger of the motorcycle must wear a fastened motorcycle helmet, in addition, during the day, do not forget to turn on the low beam headlights or daytime running lights, it is also recommended
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to use once again throughout the country, we we say good morning belarus, well, what a breeze, friends, let's fly through our meteorological map, find out the indicators of this beautiful summer morning, find out how the situation will develop during the day. yes, so let's start with the fresh morning ones, +12 +14, these are the temperature indicators right now in minsk, in brest the air has warmed up to +11, 13:15 with a plus sign in the northern capital in vitebsk, gomel
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is showing unprecedented plus seamen. gomel is rainy even in the morning, yes friends, let's see what will happen during the day, they say it will flood today, these are the cities, regional centers, let's look at the meteorological map, today in minsk 21:23 oh yes no precipitation, 2022 with a sign plus, even more modest than in our capital, this is an unusual phenomenon, +2224. v the northern city of vitebsk is also without precipitation, it’s raining today in gomel, as i understand it, yesterday’s downpour continues to please, although how can it please, probably bother the residents of this city, + 21 23 at the same time, well, here are the following indicators 20-22 with we expect a plus sign in grodny, and also without precipitation, there will be rain in mogilev 22:24 with a plus sign, well, in fact , gomel residents have no reason to worry, because it turns out that an atmospheric front is coming towards them,
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which will bring warmth and yes.. . in my opinion next week it will be up to +30°, they promise in any case, imagine, these will be some kind of tropics, imagine, the tropics have such temperatures and rain at the same time, we will really feel like we are practically in the jungle, that’s for sure, well, as the mushroom pickers say. but they will reap a good harvest, we wish you this, yes, well , if we rephrase the word harvest, yes, then, in principle , the capital’s dynamo stadium, a unique structure that has been familiar to many generations since childhood , has also reaped a good harvest over the 90 years of its history. your ninetieth anniversary, that's it for details, contact our correspondent matvey lichonko dynamo stadium. the main stadium of the republic of belarus, history was made here. 1980 he celebrated the twenty-second olympic games. 2008 - bate juventus - 2:2, 2012 - bate bayern - 3:1. now this is not only ideal
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technical equipment, but also simply the soul and history of belarusian sports. dynamo stadium celebrates its ninetieth anniversary. its history can be divided into two stages: the stage of post-war reconstruction and the stage of the olympics. 980, in the first days of the offensive the stadium was destroyed almost to the ground; dynamo even had a rule: at least 100 hours, each of them had to work on restoring the sports facility. the second stage is so bright in history, well, these are the olympic games, because our source of pride is the olympic torch, this is the historical arch and this is the design of the runners, the historical art appeared in the fifties after well , the restoration, and the olympic one. this is the one, as we say runners, this is within the framework, it turns out, of the preparation and holding of the olympic games in moscow. the torch of the olympic flame, its history began in 1980 at the opening of the twenty-second
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olympic games, was lit by three-time olympic champion in freestyle wrestling alexander medved, although before the torch was on the eastern stand, but now it is mothballed and waiting. of its time, in the history of independent belarus, the stadium hosted argentina, england, holland several times and, of course, the second european games. but the real pride, as the stadium’s managers admitted, is its modern appearance, such an architectural solution allowed preserve the historical facade and modernize the stadium according to international standards. there were many critics that it was easier to build a stadium than to restore dynamo, but still dynamo is part of history.
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the stadium is not just a sports facility, it is now a universal platform that provides a huge range of services, ranging from the provision of synthetic ice to an underwater photography studio. in addition, the management’s policy is aimed at maximizing the involvement of the common man in
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visiting the stadium. these are various film screenings open air, concerts and events. there are thoughts about organizing charity events at the dynamo stallion, but from the kind that is already possible. i’m thinking of advertising that on the upper platform of the dynamo stadium, i think before august there will be a sports entertainment zone, that is, we want parents with children, well , either while they are waiting, let’s say, for their young athletes, or just walking around the stadium, they can make good use of your time. every year, the main sports facility of our country is only modernized, improved, and the occupancy rate is amazing, the relevance of sports in belarus. is growing every day,
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today we will talk about coordination, we will show you exercises to develop coordination, but first we will conduct a test that will determine the level of your coordination, for this we need to choose some level place, stand so that the fingers of one our feet touched the heel of our right foot, we put our arms to the sides, our head is level and... we close our eyes, so we stand for 5 seconds, if the child stands for more than 5 seconds, this is a good level of coordination, and if the child stands less, which means we will need to work on coordination, our first exercise will be the swallow, for this we need to stand on the strip, put our right foot forward, left back, arms to the side, raise the katyusha, put it on the toe and lift the swallow. head straight, arms straight, and stand like this for about
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5-10 seconds. we repeat the same on the other leg. our next exercise is called a spinner. what are we doing? we position katyusha, she closes her eyes, and we begin to twist her five times to the right. to the left side five times and now i say: purple cube. katyusha finds me this cube. the same can be done at home, but with other objects, you just name the child an object that he must find, and you can increase the number of circles and the number of objects. our next exercise: also on coordination, but
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in a playful form, it is suitable for both younger and older children, it all depends on your imagination. to begin with, we explain to the child what we will do: a bush, a christmas tree, a bubble, an air bubble. we can also add parts of the body, that is, these can be knees, ears, stomach, butt, head, nose, eyes, and now we will call this a child. in general, in any pattern you want, a bush, a christmas tree, an air bubble, eyes, ears, butt, place one leg forward, the other back, spread your arms to the sides, put your back leg on your toes, lift it, move your body out. forward, do not bend your knee, the toe should be stretched,
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try standing like this for 5-10 seconds, repeat the exercise on the other leg, close eyes, spin several times in different directions, now the adult’s task is to give the child the task of finding certain objects in the room, agree with the child what movement is called, now in different orders, name these movements, and let the child perform them, this is how attention is divided and ... coordination.
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i’ll leave at dawn, i’ll return if i can, the wind is in my will, but i won’t have time to catch it. taiga and kilometers, a star, barely shining, siberia, who will answer you if you shout, taiga and kilometers, a star, barely shining, siberia, who will answer. if you shout, the snow
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is knee-deep, even deeper, i ’m going to visit god, he’s the only one who hears, and the game, and the kilometers, the star, or the light. siberia, who will answer you, if you shout, taiga, and kilometers. the star is barely shining, it’s hard to tell who will answer you, if you freak out, snow and snowstorms, frosts are blowing, it’s not too late and not
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too early, but we didn’t have time for each other. road and kilometers, a star, or shining, siberia, who will answer you, if you shout, dike and kilometers bet, if you shout, i’ll leave at dawn, i won’t be jealous of you anymore. no one now will not help in siberia, drowning taiga taiga taiga yes kilometers the star barely shines sibi who
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will answer you when you shout yes and kilometers the star barely shines sibi who will answer you if you shout.
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live broadcast news on belarus 1 in the studio olga kalairova, good morning, watch in this issue, approx. 5 thousand athletes from almost 90 countries will start the brix games in kazan, belarus will represent 600 athletes. the west continues to arm ukraine from germany, kiev will send petriat, cheetah and ammunition to the system, agent nato will create a monetary fund, but it will not be independent to fight.


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