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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 13, 2024 9:10am-9:31am MSK

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that the chick sits and squeaks, as if asking for our help, in fact, it simply indicates its presence in this way for its parents, the hooded crow, since the bird is, say, the most intelligent, cunning, it very quickly understands who is trying to help it in quotes help. the dangerous period lasts, as a rule, about two weeks; as soon as the chicks begin to fly, the crows will stop attacking the residents of the megalopolis. this period does not last long, as soon as the chicks, literally a couple of days, a maximum of a week, the chicks grow up, they...
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nets, new slides and green areas, by the beginning of autumn in minsk they plan to complete the improvement of courtyards, repair pedestrian paths, external stairs, special attention to playgrounds, as well as their safety. half of the work has already been completed; first of all, specialists are taking on the courtyards, where a comprehensive overhaul of houses has already been done. every year , some work is performed in each yard, depending on the need. the peculiarity of the courtyard areas that are included in the plan is that at least three
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types of work, in areas where improvement of at least five types of work is planned using an integrated approach. the largest project for landscaping the city of minsk is the green yard together project. thanks to this project, residents can contribute to the landscaping of their yard areas. housing and communal services provide equipment and seedlings to minsk residents who want to help in landscaping the area. the brix games started in the capital of tatarstan. on the first day, athletes will compete for 23 sets of medals. our interest is in nine sports, we follow synchronized swimming in weightlifting and sambo. there will be preliminary races for academic rowers, qualifications for badminton and table tennis. also that night , a large delegation of belarusian track and field athletes arrived in the universiade village. almost 100 people will represent seniokuja in the queen of sports. our guys are in a great mood and everyone is ready for the competition. the team is ready very well,
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we had a two-week training camp in minsk, in stayki, it turns out that we arrived great, we were also well received, everyone is ready, the best composition, we will fight only for the highest awards, we always, that is, not only at these competitions, in principle at world tournaments we always compete only for gold medals, there is a very interesting atmosphere here now, like a university, all the athletes are here from our country , on the other hand, in terms of organization, everything seemed to be done very well, only... if only the weather wasn’t so hot. live broadcasts from kazan will be carried out by the belarus 5 tv channel as early as 10 a.m. synchronized swimming will be broadcast. my the technical program will be presented by soloist vasilina khondoshko. let us remember that she recently stood on the podium at the world championships in katera. we cheer for belarusian athletes together. this is all the news for this hour , we will tell you about the development of events at 12:00 have a good day.
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exchange trading is transparent and efficient. the countries of the eurasian union are ready to build the system in a new way and are actively discussing marketplaces. following the st. petersburg forum, we spoke with the minister of the eurasian commission. we are opening new production lines in kazakhstan, but the interests of the minsk region are much broader. let's ask our ambassador pavel utsyupin about them. we grow into our own. the first harvest of vegetables is already ready to be harvested in the stolin region. we went to visit. our report on food security, this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about the most notable events in the economy, svetlana lukinyuk is with you, hello, in st. petersburg on the sidelines of the economic forum there is a big discussion on the development priorities of the eac five and the integration
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of price indicators. this is important for all manufacturers who export or imports goods. the main mechanism makes the system transparent, taking into account all the specifics of our market, forming. fair prices. an exchange is an open trading channel through which goods instantly reach the buyer. in belarus, this market is growing by leaps and bounds; last year’s trade turnover through our exchange was about $4 billion, and in 5 months of this year it has already grown by 160%. in general, this market segment is growing in all countries, this is exactly what was discussed in st. petersburg.
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which we produce according to which we dominate even on global markets, not to mention regional ones, then this is completely wrong, because we must have a clear, transparent mechanism for the formation of these price indicators, and moreover, it is important that the methodology for the formation of these indicators be clear and transparent, and that’s all took place in a legal environment controlled by the government of our state. now this is absolutely not the case, price guidelines come from abroad, there is always a temptation to disrupt competition through manipulation these price indicators, through influencing them, create negative
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consumer expectations in the market, so that all this does not happen, we need to move away from the indicators that we have traditionally used for many years. will ultimately give us a full-fledged, unified exchange space of the eurasian economic union. if an exchange is effective and concrete, then the development of marketplaces raises many questions for the eurasian economic commission regarding compliance with fair competition. these
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aggregators are increasingly uniting consumers, suppliers, and logistics companies around themselves. up to 80% of buyers in the eurasian economic union go for goods online, forming a marketplace, involving a significant number of consumers in it, forming a large number around e-commerce aggregators.
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three assembly plants of belarusian tractors have been organized in kazakhstan. now the emphasis is on localization. in may, kastanay began producing cabins independently from a to z, that is, a full cycle, capacity of 10,000 units per year. a new line was launched in kokshetau in the spring. in general, belarusians have ambitious plans in the region. so, in the next 2 years , the assembly of a new one will be established in kazakhstan.
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joint belarusian-kazakh productions, i will separately note the belarusian-kazakh ones, this is not belarusian equipment on the kazakhstan market, these are tractors, combines, these are trucks, that is, these are the projects where we can talk about localization, this is there, where exactly localization is already just assembly. no it's not just assembly, these are additional technological operations that are carried out on the territory of kazakhstan, and
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then from components, which are partly supplied from belarus, and partly produced in kazakhstan, equipment is assembled, we see a fairly large market for passenger equipment and updates in this direction in kazakhstan, therefore, we also offer our kazakh partners the opportunity to work in this direction, for example, belkomunmash on trolleybuses and trams. by electric buses, which produce, this immediately suggests the following topic: the network of charging stations, which we also have competence in belarus, at the intergovernmental commission the kazakh side once again expressed interest in creating production of building materials, a very large market, well, imagine about 17 million square meters are built in kazakhstan every year m2 of housing, this is a very large market, therefore building materials are needed for it, furniture is needed for it, which... by the way, is in great demand in kazakhstan, so to speak construction design, a separate
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project, i will say, which i would really like to implement, which we are also moving towards, this is the construction of a dairy farm, turnkey, i tell our kazakh partners that these are the competencies that we have in the agro-industrial complex, starting with farms, processing and , accordingly, then sales, promotion strategy, a simple example, more than 8 billion us dollars - in us equivalent, we sell only products of the agro-industrial complex. in my opinion, this is the most striking example that our technologies are competitive, then yes, we provide our own market, we supply another... billion, so colleagues, and the products are still tasty, again, the residents of kazakhstan can see this, it’s true, the products are delicious, in general, everything connected with belarus is associated in kazakhstan with a quality mark, that’s why you mentioned food products, indeed we are actively developing a network of belarusian food stores, they already exist in all regional cities, we are developing this
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network, we were literally in baikanuri on the occasion of the ceremonial launch of our astronauts. with the city administration that we will open one or two stores there this year too, we have entered a large chain of hypermarkets, and we have not just entered the shelf , but we are moving through the creation of islands of belarusian products, the second direction, if we have affected trade and stores, these are light industry products, we are working to create such a multi-brand store. light industry, there is a desire to do it in astana and almaty, perhaps with a certain order in the largest cities, in order to present belarusian products on a more, let’s say, scale in the assortment, to isolate the goods that are in greatest demand, and then move, let’s say, in promotion, we followed the same strategy in relation to food products, so i said about stores,
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now we have seen that confectionery products already need to be created as a separate business to the point that the network for our confectionery products, we are now working out the possibility of holding a forum of regions between belarus and kazakhstan, and in this way, we will involve a very large layer of regional cooperation, we have signed about 25 cooperation agreements between the regions of belarus and kazakhstan, this is an area of ​​interest, now a short advertisement, further in the program are the results of trading on the belarusian currency and stock exchange. and we are growing our own, the first harvest of vegetables is already ready to be harvested in the stolin region, our report on food security. i am russian, such a nation does not exist, just as
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americans do not exist, who is the girl, the ghoul, i brought her a gift. i'm leaving for the front, see you off no, i don’t like it when they see you off, you ’d better wait for me, wait, i’ll marry you, who gave you the right to teach me this way, dad asked to take care of you, you betrayed your father, you joined the komsomol, you walked with a man, you’re a strong zoya , and the ghouls are weak, that i’m one of them, that comrade stalin, it’s clear about those, as you said, alarmists and deserters, what if you ’re a german spy, i have a fiancé, mitya, he’s brave and kind, comrade the head of the state...
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on the tv channel belarus 24. the host of the travel show knows exactly how to behave at home , if you are in a bad mood, leave it here with with you, take with you only kindness, smiles and the warmth of your eyes, great, what you need today and what you need, let's go, you are with us too, so tall, huge, yes, in general, come here.


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