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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 13, 2024 9:30am-9:51am MSK

9:30 am
sports as you should, well at least do exercises, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus24 tv channel. the hosts of the show know exactly how to behave at a party, if you’re in a bad mood, leave it here with you, take only kindness with you, smiles and the warmth of your eyes, tune in.
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the place is called the myadel calvary, and they also share their vivid impressions, but it looks like something like bikten, yes, from london, yes, and maybe we’ll go further and it’ll be like buckingham, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, this sphere. interests and we are now continuing the results of trading on the belarusian currency and stock exchange, we will tell you how exchange rates have changed, as a result, the growth of the dollar and the chinese yuan, the russian ruble has weakened against our ruble, the following rates have been established: the dollar costs 3 rubles 19 kopecks, the euro exchange rate according to the national bank 3 rubles 43 kopecks, for 10 yuaniya they give 4 rubles 40 kopecks at auction, and for 100 russian rubles 3.58 belarusian rubles. exhibition belagra. 2024 is officially completed,
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the results of the forum were summed up at the closing ceremony, so this year 490 companies took part from 11 countries of the world, including russia, kyrgyzstan, kazakhstan, germany, mongolia and others. the exhibition area has increased significantly compared to last year and amounted to more than 32,000 m2. and most importantly, belarus has once again proven that it can ensure its food security. and we’re not just talking about such popular export items as meat or milk. we are taking big steps in refusing to import vegetables and berries. report by anton malyuta from the stolin district. like this, one big team for a common matter, just have time to choose products for retail chains. their trucks arrive several times a day. of course there are on the shelves. imports, so farmers are interested in
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growing their own as quickly as possible, we see such special equipment, iron doors, how important is technology in general for all this to be preserved, well, the technology is simple, there is storage, refrigeration equipment and everything, there are special containers knocked down, which were vented , the technology is simple, often just retail chains complain that they are not always, for example, the same vegetables can survive the winter, that's why this happens and do you allow this here, do we have this here?
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depend on the price, if it is today, if the price is 2.5 rubles, 3 rubles, then it pays off, this is a normal price, and the farm will make a profit. in principle, when you set a price for one such carrot, what is already included in this price, what is included, not only the carrot itself, the fruit itself, also the work, probably, well, of course, this is work, this is from spring, this it's a spudbon, it's watering, it's fertilizer, it's, well, it's a whole technology, it's not easy. sat down and it was time to vomit. yes,
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the off-season is considered the most difficult period, where there is still dependence on imports. this issue is under special control in the country. for example, there are really more belarusian cucumbers, huh. there is still work to be done on tomatoes, and also on apples, so more and more new orchards are appearing in the country. why does the state support such orchards, because there may not be enough apples in the country yet? there are enough apples in the country, but there must be new varieties so that we do not buy only from there from poland, so that they could bring this apple there , so that it would be more beautiful, so that they would have their own varieties, these are all the varieties that we planted this year, but the farm of 120 was extinguishing the garden. this is how we planted it, immediately trellised it, everything was as it should be according to technology, we applied special drip feeding there, these apples will be of the european standard, not only apples, but strawberries, bogatobrsk region, stolin region, in particular, red berries, are now strewn the famous market
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in alshany, a kilogram is sold for 6 rubles, demand big, hurry before it's taken apart, anton malyuta, sergey matveychuk and pavel poznyakov, area of ​​interest. and that's all for today. we will tell you about the most noticeable things in the economy in your area of ​​interest tomorrow. let me remind you that we are on air every tuesday, wednesday and thursday. i wish you success in all your endeavors. belarus is not slowing down the pace of import substitution and relies on the strong shoulder of the union, but for the russian regions this is also the most important task, and the countries intend to solve it together. belarus and tatarstan will have to take new heights in cooperation and trade of a billion dollars, this is no longer a cherished dream, but
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a reality. and another example of long-term and strategic partnership is the relationship between belarus and china. what can be noted in the news agenda? they are actively developing not only politically. trade and economic ties, but also humanitarian partnerships and youth contacts. joint events are being held, which also deepen relations between women's organizations. meanwhile, the most striking joint project, great stone, is increasing investments. they approaching a billion dollars. the first shoulder joint transplant operations were performed at the republican scientific and practical center for orthopedic traumatology. these interventions are unique not only for our country, but also for the entire east.
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what a hell of a century have we lived through, i am belarus, i am glad that i have this name, and the good glory of belarus is known for good reason, i am belarusian, and i am happy that matsimov gave me, that i can feel my native songs from nearby dalya,
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i'm belarusian , and even though this is small, i will say, i come from the pakora tribe. but i don’t know who i should choose, it’s us who choose the european parliament, well, that’s what their media tells us, soulless and corrupt, that everything is overrun there, belarusians. russian spies, searches
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were carried out even in the main brussels building, but what can i say, i’m proud of ours, let, for example, zhenya pustovoy head the european commission, then we will overwhelm germany with belarusian sausage, and the genecologist ursula will run away, she will run away when she sees him, she is not used to men look, only between the legs of women and biden, there she sucks money, it’s not a lie there is truth, but there is always only one truth, my name is grigory azareno. this is the secret of the spring of politics, hello, but in general there is hysteria, big, fat, loud, shrill hysteria in all the capitals. the fact is that people like our hungarian comrade orban are very popular, people really want people like them, they are sick of them, the gynecologist ursula and the gardener barel are already sitting in their livers, people are crazy, gay parades, the ukrainian war, zelensky in a dirty t-shirt and nothing meaningful smiles of homunculi. lying under america, people want freedom, people want cheap fuel, people want tasty food,
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people want their land back, and not to trample on it while the black rock corporation allows it, in short, people want lukashenko, alexander grigorievich, but they don’t give it to them, any such european lukashenko is mowed down on the way, there a huge machine is working, negative selection of anyone. whoever has even a little charisma tramples a herd of copper bulls right away, and if someone breaks through, like a fitsa, they are already shooting, and today they have a very joyful event, prides are going on everywhere, this so now it’s correct to call it that at 2:00 in the afternoon before the european european parliamentary elections, a pride will begin, the so-called gay pride, the so-called in... uh in this, damn it, listen, i forget the words, i’m saying that today i won’t have very easy, provocation
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instead of propaganda, i wanted to say, in general, in propaganda it’s called a gay parade, in the civilized world it’s called pride, you understand, gay parades, that’s what we call it, we, uncouth scoops, slaves, dictatorial henchmen, well, just when i see a creature with the sexual characteristics of a male are covered in feathers between his legs, he has a helmet with a phallus on his head, and he is hugging another similar creature, i am a simple man, that’s what i say, hamadryas, rear-wheel drive, i can say many more words, by the way, i remember very well, like 15 years ago, even in the west, there were voices against this, well, there were some black rappers, 50 cents, and other brutal guys who allowed themselves to mock all this insanity, but now look, no one will dare, not a single brave bandit of the black quarter won't dare from...
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redneck bitch psya krev you don’t want, where is the video recording of the incident, you’ve got cameras all over it, you’re eastern flanknuts to rip it to the root, there’s not a single worst photo here, where and how interestingly the refugee poked a stick with a knife, what a soldier, who in theory should be wearing a bulletproof vest, received a mortal wound, well, don’t be a fool, it doesn’t happen where this ultimately happened, on polish territory, then where is the refugee himself, poked and ran away, what the...
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opium for people, but remember yourself, andryukha, how many good people have suffered in life from this damned tribe of women, it’s also impossible to count how much waste is caused by them, how many drunkards have been created through them, how many party-line reprimands the good guys got for them, and how many people are in prison because of them, it’s one nightmarish
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horror , pure opium for the people, can you imagine what... crap lived on our land, let's list it: the wife of the do-gooder kicked him out to live in the car, she herself went with his last name to the cc. edik babarik's girlfriend spent 2 years tumbling with a haircut in lithuanian hotels, and then said that she not edik babarik’s girlfriend, what, 2 years ago? but there are other examples where our brother is already letting us down, for example, andrei sharenda, for example, is making a lot of money off of his busty aunt, she has already given an interview to bt and...
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was heading for a divorce, but why should he still have to sit for 15 years? she’s a young girl, and franya is sitting in lithuania, she calls him dear, calls him in correspondence, and he hits fish for her, i thought he’d come to lithuania for a couple of days to interview extremists with a dirty conscience and legs, but no such luck it was, the jokes are over, here’s a dispensary, fresh air, physical labor, penitential interview, responsibility, what you were caught doing, but what about the execution?
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this whole farce, this whole performance called the tikhonovsky trial has come to an end, how do you feel after all this? i won’t ask, but i really hope that it’s bad, what it feels like to realize that you have broken the destinies and lives of innocent people, i hope that it hurts, you trampled all the laws and regulations, although your job is to comply with them,
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and accordingly, perhaps someone then somewhere there, some mystical, i don’t know, person behind border, he will do something and he will be released. igor is not guilty of anything; he is accused of organizing and participating in mass riots under the first part of article 342 of the criminal code of the republic of belarus. the absurdity of the accusation is clear to absolutely everyone. it sounds something like this, but in fact it’s wildly blurry and it’s not clear how at the age of 28-30 you can fall for it. well, like a repentant woman, everything was blamed on the guy. everyone was dancing, but i wasn’t dancing. i am sincerity itself and my mouth does not lie. this is all. but imagine that this whole gopkompany would made our country, imagine, drink some water, this is what is happening in the world, good people, and we have a holiday of national cultures, it’s sacred here, in grodno, in the westernmost city, right next to this border of
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good and evil, where every day the cemetery is growing, in grodno it is solemn, beautiful, in all colors they pass... belarusians, russians, ukrainians, poles, jews, eastern peoples, representatives of all nationalities, some of which are in our latitudes. belarus is about love, this is an armenian-azerbaijani hugging, this is a ukrainian and a russian who they'll drink and sing together. these are poles who admire our kindness and praise god for our independence. this is lukashenko. people will pray in all languages, in all dialects, to all their gods. for lukashenka. eight miles of land. belarusian, i want the words getai songs may.


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