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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 13, 2024 12:10pm-12:40pm MSK

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there are four dozen bookmarks there, the rest were hidden in a rented garage in brest. it was established that young people responded to the offer to earn money in messenger. the unknown person promised them complete safety and avoidance of criminal liability upon arrest. they worked at the drug market for less than two weeks without receiving their first paycheck. investigators also discovered and seized in a rented garage in brest a similar psychotropic drug weighing about 600 g, already packaged, which the defendants also planned. be over 20 years old freedom, imprisonment now faces each of the detainees, a criminal case has been initiated for drug trafficking. nine import-substituting drugs were put into industrial production by the borisov medicinal products plant this year. their permanent assortment includes more than 250 types of drugs from twelve pharmacological groups. more than half of the plant's output is exported.
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countries of the world, the demand for drugs is confirmed by the presence of a large number of registration certificates. annual our company’s specialists are mastering about five to six new types of drugs. all the drugs that we develop are developed within the framework of a long-term working program, within the framework of the import-substitution plan, within the framework of state scientific and technical programs with the attraction of funds from the republican budget. domestic developments in the field of mechanical engineering, well-established tactics to save those who need emergency help and the belarusian approach to treating patients. about this and more, watch the film dedicated to the 105th anniversary the ministry of health of the country, the health of the nation on sunday in belarus alone, when every second costs a life, something is bothering you now, from the moment when the team moves in until the moment he is on the operating table, only a few passes.
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film, tv news agency, health of the nation, on the 15th anniversary of the country's ministry of health, watch this sunday on belarus 1. origins.
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well, naturally, this is the teacher’s skill too, that’s why the works that are presented here are very good, i wanted to show my my own style, my own manner, and what i like to draw is the main thing - people, portraits, also the color scheme that attracts me most, they choose the artistic one, and we will tell you the development of the event at one o'clock in the afternoon, see you. the closer the national
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hockey league draft gets, the more belarusian defenseman artyom levshinov is discussed. according to the athletic , the eighteen-year-old player from our country will be selected second number, although black house has many promising defenders, the appearance in their levshenov's ranks will most likely strengthen and complement the defensive line. such quotes are seen in the overseas press. the boston celtics won game 3 of the national basketball association finals against dallas and brown teitun. 61 points. this leaves celts just one win away from the title. at night victoria 106-99. the most productive player of the meeting was kari irving from dallas, who scored 35 points. the teams will play their next match on june 15 in dallas.
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in the studio of the radio house on revolutionary 3 announcers lyubov botvinnik and vladimir yurevich were preparing to go on air. it was difficult to hide my excitement. having taken their usual places at the table, they scanned the text for the last time, checked the microphone, and waited for the radio director’s command. a moment later, she was already going on air. govoryts radio station name of the saunnarkom of the bssr, govoryts minsk. good afternoon, comrades, a live broadcast from
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germany, from nuremberg, has begun, with the next meeting of the international tribunal for nazi criminals. since the beginning of the process , such meetings have been broadcast in belarusian radio, but this was especially important for the republic. on february 8, 1946, in belarus , they waited with particular excitement for the speech of the chief prosecutor from the soviet union, lieutenant general of justice roman rudenko, at the trial in nuremberg. it was on this day on... and private property in the ussr. for the first time in the history of mankind, justice is confronted
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with a crime of such a scale that has caused such dire consequences. the criminals who were co-owners were the first to appear before the court. the fastas destroyed and burned 1,710 cities, more than 70 thousand villages and villages, destroyed over 6 million buildings, deprived more than 25 million
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people of their homes, the invaders destroyed 31,850 industrial enterprises, equipment... were taken to germany. a large number of livestock were stolen into germany, more than 17 million heads of cattle alone. 7 million horses. 98 thousand collective farms were looted and destroyed, the damage caused to residents and settlements of the country was determined in the amount of 679 billion rubles. at the nyberg trial , damage figures were presented not only, say, within the soviet union as a whole, but... figures that concerned belarus, as one of the most affected soviet republics.
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along with the most affected cities such as kiev and leningrad, mention was made of, say, not only the capital of belarus, the city of minsk, but also virtually all cities, regional centers of belarus and district centers of belarus. if we talk about specific numbers, out of 270 cities, more than 200 suffered during the nazi occupation. more than 30% of the republic’s residents found themselves homeless, more than a third of the housing stock was destroyed, and half of the republic’s national heritage was lost, the total damage amounted to about 75 billion rubles in 1941 prices, this, of course, was colossal material damage. the scale of damage to the republic is enormous, never before. the belarusian land has never known such destruction and loss of life, but these
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figures are inconclusive. the nuremberg trials drew a line under the stage of collecting and publishing facts about the plunder of the occupied territories by the nazis during the period when information was collected in the context of ongoing hostilities, when the first losses of the bssr were calculated after liberation. a full assessment of the damage from equipment, other material and cultural assets, human and labor resources exported to germany has not yet been given. but even this period of 2 years became a drama for the republic. its inhabitants had to live through the most difficult period in the history of the restoration of belarus. information about
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the damage caused to the bssr began to be made public immediately after the enemy was expelled from belarusian soil. on march 21, 1944 , work began in gomel, the first regional city of the republic liberated from the nazis. session of the supreme council of the bssr, and
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from the speech of delegates from the brest region. the nazis shot and tortured over 90 thousand people, burned over 10 thousand peasant farms, destroyed the ancient city of brest, and drove over 35 thousand young men and women to germany. so, in every speech. if we talk. with some specific figures, during the period of occupation of belarus more than 140 large nazi
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punitive operations were carried out against the mostly civilian population of belarus, one 1.4000 civilians were destroyed, let's say a loss namely the civilian population, the majority of whom were women, old people, and children, so all these facts began... to be recorded and documented back in that period. the broadcast was listened to throughout the entire soviet union. to the released one.
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people heard the voice right away, these are the codes, the joys, the noises. respect, listen to us, belarusian people, listen to us, belarusian native land. tsikava, that for many there were known galas, favorite galas, uladzimir yulevich and any father. now the organization of the broadcast was more like a special operation. front line took place literally 60 km from gomel. at the beginning of 1944 , three carriages with a mobile radio station arrived in the liberated city. its installation is a separate page of the heroic work of radio engineers and equipment adjusters. but we managed to put everything together in
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the shortest possible time. on march 7 , broadcasting began from the territory of belarus. on the day of work of the current gomel city council, there was a sluggish scene, where from the very beginning of the offensive of hitler’s troops, the stations stopped running, many of their sorrows died down, and there, of course, vyartayuchysya on vyashchanna, geta was a glad padzeya, both for the residents of hamel, and of course for your supra-counikas of radyevuzla, as... despite the difficulties, radio broadcasts in gomel resumed in december 1943, almost immediately after his liberation. invaluable help from the military. on the instructions of rakosovsky, commander of the first belarusian front, the radio center was allocated
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an engine with an electric generator, electric lamps, and electrical parts. how important the start of broadcasting was was confirmed by events. residents liberated territories needed truthful information, german propaganda worked professionally, refuting the offensive of the red army. military operations were still underway, the republic had not yet been liberated from the nazi occupiers, but already in march of forty-three , a special emergency state commission was created to establish the facts of the atrocities of the nazi occupiers on the territory
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of the republic, as well as their accomplices. the main task of this commission. the farmer has already tried to connect the wiring to the loudspeaker, which he managed to secure under the roof of the log building of the executive committee. with
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a serious look, understanding all the responsibility, he diligently carried out the assignment given to him. andrei fomich was in a hurry: residents were already approaching the executive committee, and they also needed to check whether the signal was coming. the broadcast from minsk was supposed to start at noon; they were waiting for an important message. in a small room of a dilapidated building , workers would soon begin to gather, waiting for an important message. the directors of the belarusian radio lyubov batvinnik and vladimir yurevich could not hide their excitement; for the first time they had to start
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stationary broadcasting, and even from his home radio on revolutionary 3. the mobile carriage from which the broadcasts were broadcast was becoming a thing of the past. restoration work was still in full swing in the dilapidated building. during the retreat, the germans blew up the transmitting radio stations, took out the equipment, and installed the novaya, as they say, on wheels. it was possible to adapt only a few rooms for work, but something else, the text that had to be read out on air, did not allow me to overcome my excitement. this was a message from the extraordinary commission of belarus about atrocities nazi invaders in minsk. at noon on september 22, 1944
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, the radio station’s name, the name of the saunarkom of the bssr, went on air, so familiar to the residents of the republic since pre-war times. and terrible figures about the damage caused to the republic by the nazis. destruction only in the capital in large cities, in vitebsk, mogilev, gomel from 70 to 90%. human losses in belarus as a whole amounted to more than 3 million inhabitants, another 3 million were left homeless, 2 million were forced to live in dugouts.
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known in the earliest programs of both yurevich and his father, they were broadcasting, and people were getting rich because of this information, this was what people were drinking, what was strengthening their power. people listened to the radio while gathering at village councils, in the collective farm yard, where the surviving radio station was located, as a rule, there was only one per village. contact with them was just being restored. in 1944, the signal was not received in all areas. belarusian radio was revived along with the rebirth of the republic.
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information was broadcast about the initial conclusions of the commission to establish and investigate the damage to the republic caused by the nazis in occupied territories. the government of the republic of the central committee of the party almost daily received telegrams from the localities about the destruction, the lack of personnel, and simply human resources. the situation in belarus as a whole is listed in lavrentiy beria’s note. from a special message from the people's commissar of internal affairs of the ussr beria addressed to stalin, molotov, malenkov. absolutely. about the situation in the cities of belarus liberated from enemy troops. july 5 , 1944. in the city of mogilev, a destroyed
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railway junction, power plant, bridges all industrial enterprises. vitebsk, everything is destroyed. only the outskirts of the city and one road bridge across the western dvina river have been preserved. city of orsha. almost completely destroyed, borisov was destroyed, all industrial enterprises, a power plant, a water supply system, almost all buildings were destroyed. so, in the context of almost every city. we know exactly how to start the morning right.
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this has been said thousands more times: breakfast is the main meal of the day, especially for those who are trying to live efficiently, i of course highly recommend adding slow carbohydrates so that you have energy, work and stay awake during the day, together with the audience we will prepare a delicious breakfast, today we will have a salad with bulgur, beets and vegetables, it sounds interesting, but i think it’s difficult, these are good proteins, and we will receive a charge of vivacity and energy for the whole day. you can spend a great time in a way that will give your body what it really needs, which is energy, health and vigor. while charging, i do the usual rotations with my head, shoulders, stretch my chest, back, this
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all light exercises 10 times.
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wants to achieve something, whoever wants to really work, has the opportunity to both work and achieve, so you need to be friendly in this world, as it comes, so will it respond, in general you need to do good, there is only one life, watch on friday on our channel. the government not only calculated the damage, it was necessary to take measures to restore the republic as quickly as possible, and in all spheres of the national economy, to feed people, provide them with housing, work, and achieve terms to military level, but it was
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enough. the republic actually turned from an agrarian one in the last pre-war years into an industrially agricultural one. by the end of the thirties, belarus significantly increased the share of belarusian industry in the all-union industry. by 1937, 1,700 enterprises had been built. more than 30% of the all-union production was produced in the republic. plywood, matches, artificial drying oils, 25% of yeast, more than 10% of metalworking machines, more than 10% of peat was mined here, the basis for generating electricity, light industry industries produced up to 70% of the all-union output, the difficulty of restoring
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the national economy. was that some of the enterprises that managed to evacuate remained in the soviet rear.


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