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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 13, 2024 1:05pm-2:05pm MSK

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special equipment is sent to areas of rivers and reservoirs that are overgrown more intensively, then the mowed algae is sent for processing. throughout the season , the condition of water bodies is assessed by specialists. cleaning of aquatic vegetation in the city of minsk has begun on the reservoirs of the svislych river within the city and the slepyanskaya water system. work began in the naslyan reservoir. about 14 water purifications have been completed. activities, well, for this we use berk cleaning complexes, made in germany, which means we have such complexes three, underwater cleaning will be carried out until the end of september; for this procedure , minsk-vodokanal has all the necessary equipment. that's all for now, my colleagues will tell you about the development of the event at 15:00, have a nice day.
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and a socio-political talk show in essence, we are talking to you about the most pressing topic, today the focus of our attention is passenger transportation, as... we know that very soon, well, almost in a month, new rules will appear that will have to be observed absolutely that's it, we've gathered today are wide, have gathered a wide pool of experts, so we intend to discuss all the nuances in order to approach these changes in full force, as always in our studio, respected experts, kirill kazakov and alena syrova, but at the same time you can become participants in our program, here below screen qr code, please point your smartphone screen at it and go: to the youtube broadcast,
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ask a question, share your opinion, we will try to voice it and figure it out, well, in the right corner there is a link to our telegram channel, you will find out what is left behind the scenes, go, good evening, well, it happens in our country that sometimes our society is divided into those who are for and against, it all concerns that taxis are the same, which means that we very often use this type of transport, in belarus, it’s like people who are... then... they want to ride cheaper, which is logical, the taxi drivers themselves want to earn more, which is also logical, well, and most importantly, i would like there to be some kind of competition, because well, we were always taught that when there are several offers , the price always goes down, because that someone cannot inflate it, who comes to the market alone and rake all his competitors around him, usually dictates the rules, and these rules are not always liked, well, for example, those who use taxis in the city of minsk, now...
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and i would like to understand a little about how taxis will actually work in our big, big capital, what will change? nadezhda anatolyevna, question: do we, journalists, think correctly that there is one service, even if it is not a taxi, but an information service that provides service. between the passenger and the driver
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is now a de facto monopolist, yes, you are right about this, this is really so, we as local authorities do not agree with this, and we still believe that there should be a mandatory alternative, and even yandex’s opinion about the fact that they are only an operator and represent the software does not suit us either. we have held meetings several times, we believe that they should also be directly responsible for the passenger, for the driver who works, because well, the answer is that we provide the program, we are not responsible for the driver, sorry, this is the safety of our children, this is the safety of our city, and we believe that this must be taken into account, and i am sure that in the new bill this will be taken into account, well, in fact, the key word is safety, yes, when we gathered in this studio after.
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i still have, let’s say, a desire, probably yes, for this to work, but if we talk about the results after 6 months, then in addition to the intentions from the state put things in order, there’s nothing else, there’s a mess on the road, it remains on the road, just as there was a mess at the station, so it remains, just as there was a mess at the airport, so they remain, that is, nothing has changed at all, everything is the same the most that was, but there are intentions, a presidential decree. which actually provides a legal, legal basis for establishing order, that is, it provides a tool in particular, well, look, the city authorities recognize that we really have a monopoly of one player, and indeed this wrong, that is, there is some understanding of the situation, yes, today they said for the first time
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that they recognize, before this march did not recognize anything, no matter how many times we appealed, the ministry of antimonopoly trade regulation does not recognize this, it does whatever , he asked me a question when i was at a reception with... the first deputy vezhnovets, i don’t remember his name, he asked a question, he asked me, why do you need to establish that they are a monopoly, why do you need this , there was such a question, although we are already talking about it probably for two years now that they are monopolists, we need to pay attention to their pricing, i would also like to note, you know, excuse me, but even you started saying, the opinion is being imposed in society that yandex is not a taxi dispatcher, you just said, that renting a car with a driver, it was never renting a car with a driver. he was never an operator, an operator is a completely different concept, this is a taxi dispatcher, there has always been a taxi dispatcher, here sergei stanislavovich back in 2019 and was the first to announce it in the media, before we didn’t know who he was, and we
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wondered, we went around for six months asking the question, so who is yandex, still explain, well , let’s be more clear about who yandex really is, from the point of view of the dispatcher’s definition, everything functions. that are performed by a given subject is the definition of a dispatcher, and no matter how the subject calls himself, in fact there are actions that are carried out by the subject, there is a definition of his actions at the legislative level, then the question is how society perceives this subject and how, look, look for money everywhere, i’ll just explain everything, wait, here i am for a second, can i just, i’ll just make a remark right away so that it doesn’t turn out that we ’ve gathered here to trash yandex, no, question is this: we specifically understand that under the yandex brand we have several dozen taxi companies that provide these cars and people
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use them, this is all wonderful, everything is great, and yandex, in principle, is not a bad company, another question is that i will return to my the beginning about what when exists competition, then there is a lower price. and higher responsibility, then you can really agree on security and something else, when we actually have one company working for us, and we understand this perfectly well, that one company provides these services, well, we can say again, we were figuring out some screenshots, for example, at the same time, on different days of the week, for example, a trip from sukharev to the city center will cost 10 rubles. or it will cost 60 rubles. all this will be said in a raised voice demand, we don’t know what demand it is, we don’t know it.
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which should start operating on august 1, we are talking about creating a register, that’s right, yes, in theory we should equalize competing organizations among themselves, among other things. the main thing that we expect to get from the decree and from the implementation of the principle of registration in the register is a clear division of the name of each entity, that is, who, and if you are not registered in this register, you are outside the legal framework, no matter how you consider yourself, the owner there , not the owner, someone entity that provides information services, this falls under the definition written in the legislation, so we interpret this as... either a dispatcher or a carrier, we do not have the concept of a taxi fleet, many are also now appealing to taxi companies, that is, a company
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that has several cars, i call parks, so you call a park, a fleet of vehicles, which in the end we came to the conclusion that the driver considers himself supposedly a hired person, but he is not one, because the park rents him the vehicle says, you ’re going to drive it, but again they don’t explain it to the driver. the cars are parked in parking lots all over the city where these drivers spend the night. we have the concept of a carrier, yeah, a carrier of taxi cars, there is a dispatcher, there is a driver, and these subject composition will now be clearly regulated in the register, two, three, with us a taxi is a public contract, respectively, if you, you say rent , in rental relationships, the customer, well, the passenger, he determines the conditions that he would like see in this transportation, here he agrees to which they give him. agrees by signing the corresponding agreement, a taxi is a public contract, respectively, if you
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have chosen a car and expect that it is a taxi, you understand that the state imposes certain requirements on it, which it must comply with, well, naturally, if in a certain period of time the state decided that we will let go of this area a little so that carriers themselves control how they drive, and we are there with transport inspection if necessary.
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registration, the question is what will happen on november 1st, i will give you a picture of what is happening, which means november 1st.
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resources, an information system that will, let’s say, transmit orders in violation, to those drivers and for vehicles that are not included in the register, respectively, which means such a measure is also provided, that is, if it works illegally not in the legal field, accordingly we of course, we will take measures, but i would like to say that these 3 months are still provided, which is given from the first.
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in any case, the transport inspection will initially act loyally, that is, we will not take any harsh measures, because we understand perfectly well that it is necessary to ensure the passenger transportation market. here, but nevertheless, in the future, of course, we will act in accordance with the law, well, once again i want to draw your attention to the fact that this period that is being provided means it is free, that is, everyone will be able to join, and we must understand here that that being a taxi driver is a profession, it’s not a part-time job, about which many people say, including that
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they went and worked on the weekend, they still say, after the factory, after the factory, a person goes and works part-time, what kind of part-time job is this? ?
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the condition of the tires and we pay attention to the problem, unfortunately, when something happened, one of the so-called dispatchers had a traffic accident, a deomat car hit the roundabout, crashed into a truck, the passenger burned, well, that was several years ago, this story is quite old, the dispatcher said that
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the trip ended there, he did not compensate the victims, well, the victims in this case , according to our legislation, are relatives. personal opinion, we can resist yandex by creating, for example, a national operator, we have companies in minsk that operate under other brands and they, in principle, provide similar control rooms , how would we resist, well, again, my services, but they cannot compete, oleg nikolayevich, how does the state control control such a story, that is, okay, we can’t, let’s assume the transport inspectorate doesn’t block it, well, well, companies that,
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relatively speaking, provide information services, will begin to provide not quite information services on november 1.
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you see, if you show the violator several times that he is violating, the sanction will become tougher, then accordingly, well, if he is an adequate person or an adequate economic entity, he will not violate again, it is clear that now we are talking about such a giant, but like yandex, yes, well, not only, probably about yandex, if we are talking about the whole country, then in principle yandex has a monopoly in minsk, but in other cities there are also taxi drivers who are with this yandex compete yes. in big cities and well, in fact, the whole yandex, we look, for example, at yandex cars that work on weekends here, there are numbers for all regions, they come to work here on weekends, that is, well , well, we imagine. a situation that didn’t work out, no, we called for to common sense, november 2, yandex, we are there
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, yes, there are some instructions for them, and so on, and so on, and so on, even take it to the worst, roughly speaking, we prohibit access to this resource there, what we get, from us it turns out that people who regarded this as a part-time job are deprived of some kind of income that they were counting on and... that means passengers who are used to traveling there - using yandex, they can’t get there either, who are used to traveling for very little money, and they can’t get somewhere there, well naturally, if they want, they call our taxi services there, there may not be enough cars for everyone, what are we going to do? colleagues, i want to point out that, in principle, a taxi is not social transportation, but we do have public transport.
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minister that indeed the most important task of local authorities, the government is to provide a social package, and of course we have very well-built,
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clearly logistics routes, even in part of the city of minsk and three new stops and metro stations are opening at the end of the year, which more will improve the delivery of people there, but i am sure that if we talk so much about this entity , i repeat once again, we have repeatedly met at the site of the city of minsk with this entity, because we really have a lot of... many complaints about this entity, because that there was not enough legal framework to make it work the way all carriers should work, and indeed they should be responsible for ensuring that the driver has a license, that he is prepared for the movement, and if they hire him, they must to answer him unfortunately, this carrier did not have this measure of responsibility, and you know, of course, you worry that it’s cheap, cheap, but if , god forbid, trouble happens in the family, they all come to the local authorities.
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we discuss the passenger, yeah, the dispatcher, sometimes we remember about the carrier, but we completely forgot about the driver, yeah, in this chain
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today the driver is the most unprotected person, because in fact the dispatcher has relieved himself of all responsibility, the carrier is trying to relieve himself of all responsibility by creating a certain rental company cars that he wants to give to the driver, all the dispatcher-carrier today says: “let’s do it.”
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so this tool has several settings, yes, but only one setting is used by the ministry of transport and transport inspectorate, that is, relatively speaking, if the tv is not working well, what do we do, we adjust the clarity, brightness, something else, yes, we fist we usually hit or punch, so we have a situation where we are now turning one regulator, we are trying to force it through the driver, force the carrier and the dispatcher comply with the conditions that are prescribed.
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here is an interesting story, how, for example, they determine why a taxi goes to a particular area, well, look, here is a map, here it is drawn, yes, that means a map of the city of minsk, this is yandex paying there 25, 26, 25, 28 rubles for an order, if a taxi driver comes here, and it doesn’t matter what for the passenger, for example, this taxi will cost 7-8 rubles there, so yandex is attracting here, well, roughly speaking, to the most massive consumer, those who go to school , to work, to kindergarten, cars, who pay in this way... dump so that another, another taxi will never go here in his life, because it is not profitable for him, but it is profitable for a driver from any part of the city to come to this area, why, because yandex pays extra, here are the amounts surcharges, this is dumping, this is dumping of 100% pure water, pure water, a violation of monopoly legislation, but march does not see this, we have been talking about this since the twentieth year, look, there is the experience of hungary, yes, which followed this path, they have a state operator, any carrier
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can come and connect, so it needs yandex.
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initially, it was said, remember that there will be cameras configured for photographic recording, license plate recognition, and so on and so forth. this means that work is currently underway to create a state information resource, a register of motor carriers and passengers, and this means that when the work is completed on august 1, information and information about vehicles will be included. about drivers, about dispatchers and so on, which means that if we talk about a vehicle, there will be information is included at the request of the motor carrier, and the motor carrier will be required to post photographs of the vehicle that comply with the requirements of the law, that is, four angles of the vehicle on each side, which will indicate that the vehicle is registered and complies with the rules for the carriage of passengers by car, inside the cabin will also
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need to be done. by and large, in order to bring self-control to another level, when the driver, who is given the car for whom he works, he himself will be able to check there whether his motor carrier is in the registry, not in the registry, whether he is in the registry or not in the registry, the dispatcher with whom he works is in the registry. or not in the register, the question is not control, we generally want to get away from control, that is , the biggest responsibility is the decisive link here is the driver, again not the driver, these are all all the chains of this link, driver-driver, but there must be a dispatcher,
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wait , all the chains of this link should work simultaneously, it’s not like the dispatcher said something to someone and you have to take his word for it, ideally in the future this system will be made in such a way that it would be impossible to transfer an order. back in the day, our taxis were supposed to be covered with i have a small question: another 10-15 years ago with yellow tapes, they had yellow license plates, they always had cash registers of a certain type, they always had a yellow lampshade, that is, all this was rigid , and i remember when you take a taxi, all the taxi drivers they complain that they are changing things for us again, again we need to install these new taximeters. or something else, now we have come to the conclusion that we are not responsible for anything at all, but you can have whatever kind of cars you want, whether you want them covered or not, you, in principle , must understand what kind of cars you should have is this true or am i wrong? no, car stickers, it was clearly regulated,
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regulated by the rules and there is no alternative, pasted over, not pasted over, it’s not there, well , every third, well, in my opinion, dmitry says, four out of five are not pasted over and so it is and there is a violation, accordingly we are now. understand, today neither the transport inspector nor the passenger to whom the vehicle arrived can determine whether it is a taxi or not a taxi, small, excuse me, please, sergei stanislavich, i’ll just explain, yandex has such a concept of photo control, everyone one of you most likely observed when the driver gets out of the car and begins to take photographs of his car from all angles, but you observed the picture, there is often one in the city, so the question is, how does yandex let through a car that has no...
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we continue to discuss transportation, well , now we’ll probably expand into interregional ones, there are no less questions, no less questions, more, in general, last time we started from the fact that there are state carriers, there are non-state ones carriers, in general somehow. it turned out that non-state carriers, often unscrupulous, run away from them at the sight of transport inspector employees, knock them down, and, moreover , manage to squeeze the very
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state ones out of the market, the state ones work because of this, at a loss, in general, again, the adopted decree should correct this situation, well, subjectively, the same, if we are talking about minsk, but i think.
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then, as he said, he revealed one of the main fakes that was laid on us in the nineties, this is a free market, then the americans came and said, a free market, this is a free market that will regulate everything, no planning is needed, and if it means someone is planning something, then this is not a country with a market economy, we say, we tried all the time, that means call it forecasts or something else, but i say i think: that all western countries, america,
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japan, and the entire european union are always planning, and there is no such thing as a free market surviving, and here i see the same thing somewhere history: we released it to the free market, then it turned out that this free market works in its own way, here is our state control, this is a free market, so we see that, for example, without taxes, we somehow actually created our own structures parallel to the state, you survive, you pay, you drive up, well, it’s not like that, it’s the same, yes, of course, how? you can’t say whether they are private or state-owned; many private companies comply with the transport sector; we say yes, this legislation has appeared, and i’m sure most likely many of them, most of them want to do this; these are probably those entities that, under the guise of irregular transportation, carried out regular transportation , yes. so they created some kind of unfair competition, as already
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said, yes, they picked up passengers before the government ones, maybe not entirely, this led to losses, the driver says, my personal case, if anything, we all we're going to a wedding in mogilev, we say, yes, just like that, yes, and there are actually a lot of such examples, both locally, but everywhere, not only the state control committee, and the tax inspectorate, the transport inspectorate, the internal affairs bodies, they constantly fought, yes, but what? criminal cases against quite large, probably, organizations, these are tens of millions of unpaid payments to the budget, but as the head of state instructed, order must be restored, transparent and clear rules of the game must be defined for everyone, for this i believe a decree has been adopted now we are discussing, alexander, well, what do you have to say about this, did you sigh, has it become easier to work or? in regular
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traffic there was an increase of 25%, that is, all directions from the city of minsk to regional cities, they all became regular, and because last year we confiscated a minibus right on the route, it was the city of minsk, the first minibus that was confiscated was this was done by us, irregularly, because everyone said, yes indeed. but they also worked out when we sowed together with the transport inspectorate, with the tax inspection, with the ministry, we decided this issue, we just started taking concrete actions, when we took people off the route, transferred them to our own, and the minibus was taken away, confiscated and a court decision was made more than once, and this was not the first minsk, but then others the regions got involved, and as soon as our subjects realized that this was a serious issue, when the fines were much greater than their revenue... they all began to get involved, indeed, a lot of
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subjects came to the minsk region, to us in the city of minsk with registration, and to me at receptions came, they spoke honestly, but they worked irregularly, yes, now we understand that this is no longer a joke, and yes, we are ready to work until you rein in people with money, they are not going to do anything, that’s really how it is, it’s possible, yes, well , in general, i want to say that since 28 there was such a turning point, probably in this area, it was october 27 last year, when i tried on one of...
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the colossal problem that exists now lies in two components, the two most important components - driver, which is behind the wheel and itself.
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perhaps there are problems with drivers, but public transport in the city of minsk runs on schedule, i could be wrong, there are no questions, as for the private fleet, well, yes, they will tell you this in the state fleets, please, i’m not, i’m just saying look, i also travel by public transport, i use minibuses, i have no problems with the bus or trolleybus not arriving, listen, well, let’s not compare minsk again and not minsk, well, i’m talking about minsk now, let’s not compare, no. the fact is that there are certain requirements, which i will not delve into deeply; you don’t know how many hours the driver has already worked on this bus, well , the transport inspectorate should help in this matter, if it starts helping, so it’s just that the bus won’t come to you on time, because we, i don’t represent only myself, yes, i’m the general grigorievich, well, tell me, you mean this
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issue is not checked, it turns out that the work and rest regime is also checked , and requirements for drivers and requirements for vehicles, complete. shortage of personnel in any structure, industrial enterprises and so on, 3,500 vacancies in the city of minsk, this is not a question of someone leaving, but the question of how many children we give birth to, what is our birth rate, you know, so how many our birth rate will be lower, i think,
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you don’t pay income tax there, well, who thinks about a pension at 30 years old, well, in general, this is how it turns out, this is where it comes from that we got here, as far as i understand, talk about problems, i am a person from the ground who knows about what is happening, i represent not only the interests of private companies there, i am in constant contact with state vehicle fleets, because... we have the same problems , for example, there is a big problem with tariffs, yes, we have certain tariffs that are regulated, it is prohibited here, it is strictly forbidden now to raise prices, but the fact is that one hundred 2.5-3 rubles in minsk is a lot or a little and it's worth the trip, it could already be a few
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more, yes, that is, we want the vehicle fleet to be updated so that it is not just accessible, yes, but in order to be financed from other sources, this has never been the case. source of fleet renewal, 40% of the subsidy comes from the budget for a private carrier, you said that you represent all the interests, so i will correct you, but the fleet, you see, has where to get it, the state has the opportunity to subsidize, such a carrier comes with participation , well, again , here i am, well, i now do not have any social obligations like government ones have a participant coming to work on certain lines should probably also understand what costs he has, including buying equipment for a particular route, hiring... drivers, well, it seems to me, just again, okay, there may be someone - somehow the transport inspectorate doesn’t get enough sleep, doesn’t notice , but again people drive in the same way standing up as they drove, in the same way between the city and also, at least one vehicle that was invited to drive standing up, well, at least one isn’t, but people come in and the driver doesn’t mind, but what? not really, i myself witnessed when
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passengers were disembarked, moreover, it’s probably not ours to wear seat belts, now they ask people to wear seat belts in minsk. moreover, i have repeatedly witnessed when a minibus no longer stops at a stop, as a route transport society, but the question is different, that tariff setting in these minibuses used to be based on the passengers transported while standing, now in some cases, when the carrier starts increase your tariff, an unregulated tariff, then complaints from passengers begin, this also applies to intercity transportation, but if we are talking about the fact that all people. only city, there is such a rule, which means the carrier needs to ensure the receipt of revenue to ensure depreciation, driver’s wages, taxes, everything, well, okay, tell me, please, here i will give it again. own example, a minibus from minsk to bobruisk used to cost 12 rubles, after 3 months it costs 17, colleagues, we have alternative
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routes, we have alternative routes of state carriers, there are electric trains, there are electric trains, well, colleagues, here is the same bobroysky, and the train runs once a day, look, i wanted to ask another question about this story, remember, probably, a few months ago we said that we would create some kind of national platform, where all carriers will be collected, you can go in and register. to leave, and it seemed to me, listen, well, in principle, the time is such that this kind of platform should have existed a long time ago, that is, i go on one platform, bobruisk, korsha there mogilev, vitebsk, grodno went in, booked ticket, it’s time to calmly come and go, our editor says that she did this, she came, and they tell her that somehow they are not working well with us, she needs to call, but the fact is that the problem with the platform is, we have a platform, which unite a fairly large number, yes, but not everything is visible, no one knows about it.
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a private owner simply won’t go there, and schoolchildren and pensioners get free buses, but we must talk about the fact that it is also impossible to live endlessly on subsidies, in an amicable way, we need to create conditions so that state carriers could make money, bravo, but again let’s take some village where three people live, i don’t know, there are pensioners who go to minsk, the state should provide them with transport, that’s right, but a private owner won’t go there, why does he go by... . it’s the same for us now in a tender, when you participate, you also have a social marshal of private owners, each
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sub-farm makes his own decisions about the risks, they come to these tenders and participate and no one works for free for themselves, and indeed i, for example. , for so that the tariff is regulated not only on intercity, but also necessarily, as you say, from bobruisk to minsk it was not always 12, and not then 17 rubles, and sometimes it happens...
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under control and control measures , facts are again revealed and non-payment of tax payments, well, why bother at all, if we sum it up like this in this case, it’s probably like a private owner will make money, so, but the prices, the cost, it should be regulated and transparent, well, that’s what it says, in general
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, really . where to get it from we planned based on tariff belarusian buses netoman is nemoman mzkt produces i spoke with the general director two weeks ago, he tells me we produce so- called buses.
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no, no, for 55 seats, what you buy here will be 7000, and there were 13, if you bring it, the same will be 7000, the question is not the cost of the bus, the question is that the tariffs should really allow the carrier to cover its expenses, and if we are talking about regulated tariffs, if we are talking about mass transportation, then it is necessary to provide a mechanism so that we regulation also needs to be approached carefully.
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question, it’s still a question, hope for here at the end i have a question again about what is called regulated and unregulated transportation, and the railway station, for example , the vostok metro station near dana, they say, have actually been turned into one large fleet of vehicles, and everywhere there are minibuses in all corners, which -something on druzhnaya, something on bobruiskaya, something on kirovo, something there, and for everyone it also gives the same approximate feeling that when you, for example, call a minibus in some city, they tell you: you go like this...
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excuse me, i went more, for example, from the point there from the uruch, and we see it, a decision has already been made, we have worked with the minsk region, these are more routes of the minsk region , in the direction there of zhodina, zhodina, smolevichi, borisov, and we worked out the landing points in other places, and of course, the main landing point will be, this, as you say, is the bus station, which we also have nearby there, another question, will they want whether people go to the bus station, or whether it is convenient for them. get off the metro and get on this minibus, you know, that is , we have every minute, and these routes are connected every day by train to work, that is, it’s not easy to come on weekend trains, yes, when every day every minute is precious to you, so of course we we also want our citizens to feel comfortable, so we were very careful about agreeing on a change in the route; there will be some
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decisions made on, let’s say, how to put it correctly. distribution of passenger traffic, yes, thank you, but in no way will it aggravate the situation for our residents and guests of the capital, let’s say, it seems to me that summing up all these changes.
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