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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 13, 2024 9:00pm-9:45pm MSK

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live panorama in elena nasacheva's studio. hello. the president has a big personnel day and a wide field of work for his appointees. we'll tell you who received ministerial portfolios today and who was appointed to other important positions. and how
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the elections to the european parliament are falsified and how observers are forced to turn a blind eye to this, a current interview with a former parliamentary candidate from latvia will tell. my colleagues will complete the picture of the day. personnel thursday at the palace of independence, minister of information, head of the ministry of labor, rector of the academy of management, the main order of the president and career vicissitudes in the panorama report. a marathon of all belarusian regions at the largest exhibition. the capital ends at vdnkh. we will show how minsk presents itself to muscovites and tell you why it is worth coming here. a game of gate days under the guise of stimulating a future peace process. the closer the summit on ukraine in switzerland, the poorer the composition of participants. what kind of world are we talking about? details in the periodic table. unexpected and dangerous air attacks in minsk attacks have become more frequent crows on... passers-by,
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ornithologists talk about what causes this behavior of birds, advice on how to behave in case of injury from doctors, we will tell you all the details in the panorama. on the first competition day of the brix games , 23 sets of medals were contested. belarusians closely followed synchronized swimming, artistic gymnastics, weightlifting and sambo; representatives of these sports did not disappoint and rose to the podium. the president made important emphasis on these topics today when making personnel decisions: in the country new ministers of information and labor, assistant to the president for the minsk region, head of the ont tv channel, the local vertical has also been updated, an ambassador of belarus to kyrgyzstan has been appointed, and specific areas of cooperation need to be determined in bishkek. regarding
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work in the media sphere, alexander lukashenko instructed to pay special attention to the distribution of finances for media projects to ensure control over their use. the belarusian leader first of all demands from the head of the ministry of labor to improve the system of support for large families, a clearer system preparations, it is necessary to build an academy of management under the president, where today there is a new rector. read more about personnel decisions natalya breus. it's always appointment day for the president. takes place in a special atmosphere, you can feel the same fusion of excitement and responsibility in the air, even though the list of applicants for the position includes well-known, self-confident people , true professionals. marat markov is well known not only in the journalistic community, he is a media manager with extensive experience, but also by the audience, a real fighter of information front, and gained administrative weight even earlier in the presidential administration. these are also arguments in favor of
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appointing him as the country's new information minister. what prompted the head of our online channel to change his profession? well, it’s not one thing to work where you’re already like a duck to water, it’s another thing to move on to an bureaucratic job, albeit a serious one. in fact, alexander grigorievich, as you say, time chose us, probably today time chose him in this position. that is, without asking him, you offer his. we interviewed him, enough, we sincerely had open conversations, for me personally, vladimir borisovich, this decision was not made in one day, there was time to think, but this is the best candidate at the moment, the time is such that the best should lead the information except sergeevich, did you make the decision yourself or did you get pressured, sit down, i understand perfectly well that the time is quite serious and... the tv channel, the work on
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the tv channel is lined up, but who will interview the most serious people, the point is that there were precedents in history when ministers were ministers - this will be your main position.
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markov considers the form from which the former leader left for promotion to the presidential administration to be correct, because this is essentially a line of truth and upholding national interests. the strategic task is still the maximum delivery of truthful information about belarus to the outside world. here we are, of course, a little limited today, primarily by
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the tools with which we are trying to do this, because one way or another most of these tools, they are hostile, let's be honest, this must be taken into account, we at any moment... despite the huge subscriptions, the huge coverage of views, we may be subject to blocking, or a shadow ban, this must be taken into account in our work, but here we have help, i think, which we should and will use in the future, there are new world associations that are not subject to, let’s say, this kind of democratic influence or work, there are sco countries, there are brix countries. there is a union the state, naturally, the ias, within the framework of these associations we need to create or improve those tools that work within the framework of these associations, information ones and thanks to them convey this information to the outside. colleagues were not left without a leader. ont was headed by igor lutsky. based on
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the rhetoric, it is clear that alexander lukashenko was bribed by his professional backstage, information specialist, real manager, statesman. apparently, there were enough dates, lutsky will come there, well , i would like him to bring something of his own, he he’s a good tv guy, he’s well versed in the media, a trained person, but he needs to become recognizable, i know that other candidates and good journalists were proposed, well, i just felt sorry for them, we can kill them, you know, you also worked in government agencies . then the team will evaluate him, and here too, by how he will work, and
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he has good authority, those guys who were offered and maybe you too, i ’m afraid of simply losing them, they are not officials, they are good journalists. and the team that has always defended state interests, which has always been at the forefront of all political events, and the journalists who work there have a strong civic position, in this sense i will, i hope, work well with
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the team that exists. the post of head of the ministry of labor was vacant for several months after irina kostevich was elected as a deputy. minister, of course, is not a very woman’s job, but that’s how it is. it turned out that everything related to the sphere of social protection is usually on the fragile shoulders of ladies, and the new minister natalya pavlyuchenko is no exception.
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must be in violation of the laws, so look who you will work with, from all your departments, culture, public education, economics, industry, agriculture, management and so on, some of you have worked in these positions, from these to yours deputies, but as i always say, everyone should be given a chance,
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the presidential elections are still ahead, but in essence the election campaign has already begun, and this is always... a special period for the country, the chairman of the central election commission reported on the situation a day ago, how we will conduct the elections and etc., there is no need to wait for something new, you were all participants in these elections, we, as i said, should not offend people, everything should be clear, beautiful, in the interests of our state, especially since our so-called fugitive opponents are already they were confused that there was nowhere else to go, it was not them, not their curators. they cannot blame us for using administrative resources or any other resources prohibited by law, he is out of 7 million, we have almost seven voters, and 6,000 voted, not even the diaspora to vote for them there, they already organized it there, and even then they don’t believe themselves, but why
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did they hold it, we spoke openly, what would this lead to, why did we hold these elections? but you need money for existence, but how can you go without a briefcase, it seems like he has a briefcase, well, what a briefcase it is, so they shouldn’t blame us, i always said, we hold elections for ourselves, don’t look around, that’s all they want us taught these years after the collapse of the soviet union, this is in order to have at hand in subordination, step to the left, step to the right, not money,
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alexander lukashenko understands this, reminds local personnel not to let agriculture out of their sight, after all, it feeds us, and this season is going well for farmers, a good harvest in the fields, this is your concern, a good harvest, bye god us. i regretted this year, for now, i think that we will still reap a good harvest, if you prepare for this, no matter how difficult it is, we need to finish preparing feed, somewhere around the second mowing, and quietly, in parallel , prepare the combines for harvesting today breads, therefore, distribute yourself, see which machine operators you lack, decide
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on the chairmen of the regional executive committee, the city executive committee, attract people from the cities, but this needs to be prepared now. for this difficult test, the pressure and control will be very serious, also because in order not to lose this harvest, there will be a good reserve, we have some extra tons, well, we have somewhere to put the gold and foreign exchange reserve, if we talk about the pro-malit region itself, it is basically an agricultural area, so it is small, we will focus of course, we will do agriculture, we will also pay attention to the education sector, there is a children’s camp there, we also need to pay attention. that, as the head of state said, communicate with people, with your personnel who will be on the ground, to carry out work, with everyone who is worthy of what, who will strive where, therefore, well, i think that this is the most important thing. another important decision, the head of state appointed igor buzovsky as rector of the academy of management. the prefix under the president always obliges one constant requirement, this
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an educational institution must prepare super-cadres for the state apparatus. it was, they work well or poorly without the academy, why ask, we trained, spent money, so we need , together with the administration, to develop a clear... system of who should receive an education at the academy, there should be selection there, well, as they used to select in party or a hunting
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group, it was impossible to join, for the last 2 years all first-level graduates have been assigned to government bodies of the organization, even there is a queue behind them, all this or the prosecutor's office, the investigative committee, the central authorities, the ministry, departments...
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help for those who need it, rational spending of funds and most importantly, caring attitude towards people, such guidelines in the work of the new minister of labor and social protection today was outlined by the first deputy head
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of the presidential administration, maxim rozhenkov, introducing natalya pavlyuchenko to the team, the tasks facing the department are difficult and important, since they cover sensitive categories of the population, but the minister does not doubts, the team has been selected well, which means everything planned will be accomplished. all edges. our capital, from industry to tourism, is represented these days in russia; the days of minsk are held at vdnkh, they complete the marathon of belarusian regions. since the beginning of the year , the main exhibition site in russia has shown the full potential of our country. for minsk , russia is the main trading partner. more than 80% of exports are sent there. mutual trade turnover last year exceeded $16 billion, an increase of 16%. we are recording an increase in indicators now, and every one of them. month. at the moment, minsk has 10 sister cities in russia and the geography is the widest, from sochi to kholodny novosibirsk, and
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in general more than 100 cooperation agreements have been signed with various regions and cities of russia. the program of the days of minsk at vdnh plans to hold a presentation of various areas of activity of the belarusian capital. the three-day minsk tourist marathon starts tomorrow. the russians will also be shown minsk construction. educational cultural. the words of the belarusian pavilion at vodnkh are full of life. our the film crew also looked at the belarusian set in moscow and were convinced that it was worth coming here. report by olga anishchenko. as soon as a long weekend is on the horizon, russians are heading to the belarusian capital. but now you can visit minsk without even leaving moscow. minsk has temporarily moved.
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and i like that belarus has preserved all this, we really like medicine, my husband and i go to sanatoriums in belarus twice a year, medicine there is at the highest level. previously, as a rule, at vdnkh many people took photos near the model of the vostok rocket, the same one that delivered gagarin into orbit. and now this belarusian giant has become another point of attraction. minsk has shown how rich each belarusian region has been since the beginning of the year. carries the baton, today he sings, calls for a journey and returns to the roots. do you give master classes right here? well, yes, we are little by little trying something, but this is
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lard weaving.
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according to city authorities, 60,000 russians took advantage of this opportunity last year, but the main thing is that it is convenient. the union state made the most important barrier-free medical care for our citizens. we mutually maintained emergency medical assistance to our countries free of charge. and, for example, i am not afraid for my health while in the russian federation, and citizens of the russian federation, while in the republic of belarus, understand that medical care will be provided in the republic of belarus at a high level. the mayor of minsk, by the way, will even tell us that the capital’s goods, especially products in russia, are known, loved, bought, at vdnkh - this is such a must-have, but minsk and of course, the mayor wanted to show it capital not only as a manufacturer of machines or products. our export of services is developing very well, we tried to maximize our potential in order to further expand our practice of working in this direction. at vdnkh these days they don’t talk about cooperation only between the two capitals, but visiting
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without desire there are no barriers. olga onishchenko and dmitry chumak, tv news agency, moscow, russia. today , a representative of the armenian embassy in minsk was summoned to the ministry of foreign affairs of belarus. subject of conversation - unfriendly statements by the armenian leadership towards our country. prime minister pashinyan’s demarche occurred against the backdrop of massive anti-government protests in armenia. we all.
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emphasized in the belarusian foreign ministry.
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the baltic region continues to transform into another nato testing ground. in lithuania , the largest naval exercise of the baltops 2024 alliance is in the active phase. more than 50 ships, 45 helicopters, and 900 military personnel from 20 countries are involved in the maneuvers. the main task is working out. landings on the coast will last until june 22. in parallel with the navy maneuvers in in lithuania, the strong shield exercise organized by the volunteer defense forces has started. about a thousand soldiers from the baltic republics and other nato countries take part in them. it is stated that the military is practicing joint actions in the event of a military conflict. however, in its militaristic plans, vilnius went even further. lithuania is introducing nine-month military service for young men after finishing school. now. summer teenagers must register at conscription centers, and upon reaching 18 years of age they will be drafted. minister defense of lithuania hastened to assure that this does not mean a complete transition to universal conscription, but is a step in that direction. while
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the lithuanian army recruits about 400 recruits a year, now their number will increase to 7,000. the group of seven summit started in italy today. this time we decided to meet at the resort of borga enya, apulia region. the nalazornye coast was not chosen because the summit was the fiftieth anniversary. the italian prime minister said that in this way the g7 wants to signal their desire to strengthen dialogue with the global south. the media called this summit of the weakest leadership meeting the group has convened in years. in a political newspaper, a feature story was published under the headline "six lame ducks and george miloni." meet the g7 in 2024.
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warned that retaliatory measures would be very painful for brussels. another one: the summit on ukraine in switzerland will take place this weekend, but the ranks of participants are thinning day by day. what caused the massive reluctance of countries to take part in the conference. details in the author's section periodic table. the illusion of versatility in the swiss resort of bürgenstock from june 15 to 16 , a conference conceived by the organizer zelensky as a peace summit, supposedly a platform for
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finding peaceful solutions, risks turning into an empty pastime. let's look at all the political elements and put them in their places. this is the periodic table. let's figure it out together. the closer. summit, the more sparse the composition of participants becomes. initially , switzerland invited more than 160 delegations to the conference on ukraine, including the g7, g20 and brix countries. main bet was made against a state in the global south in order to dilute the western coalition and give credibility. at the same time, moscow was not invited. how this fits together is very difficult to understand. either you are for the strategic defeat of russia, or you are for peace conferences. but if you are for peace, then it is probably necessary, as mr. minister said, to solve problems with the participation of all parties involved; not all countries want to get involved in adventures, and therefore stay away from such an understanding
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of the world. participation was confirmed according to various sources only about 80 states rejected the invitation due to failure to meet the conditions for its participation in beijing. china has repeatedly emphasized that... brazil, india, argentina, saudi arabia, cuba and venezuela will let it through. the ministry of foreign affairs of nicaragua stated that they consider the upcoming summit a political farce. mexico also refused the invitation it received. the list goes on. the general will not go to the conference either.
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they call it the scam of the year. a few
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example headings. peace conference of peace or hypocrisy, that is the question. critics they call the conference in bürgenstock an expensive pr show. peace conference on ukraine, switzerland overestimated its strength. are local residents much more interested in the life of the fawns? wondering if a peace summit will lead to deer deaths? the hunters' association of the canton of lucerne asked the government. during the conference, lift the ban on launching drones, with the help of which it searches for young animals in order to move them to safe places during the winter season. the world summit advertised by western countries was dressed as another game of one gate under the guise of stimulating a future peace process. the house of cards is crumbling and the europeans and the elections to
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the european parliament are proof of this, for example, the turnout in latvia barely exceeded 33% of the total number of residents with the right to vote. a significant part of citizens are disappointed in the electoral process, and there is a lack of trust in the ruling parties. olga chernyavskaya, a former candidate for the european parliament from latvia in this year’s elections, stated this in an interview with our channel. chernyavskaya had to leave the country before the end of the elections. they planted these ballots, how the elections were rigged, i was an observer, there was another person with me from another party, he also saw all this, she says, when i called ours, and the head of the head of our party, they were like, what should we do? , what to do, we have a video recording there, we have this, we have everything, i didn’t do anything, go, go home, that’s it, all people are afraid. something to say, they are afraid that they will be grabbed, that the special services will grab them, that they will be imprisoned, and
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so on and so forth, are the latvians really that intimidated, yes, very much. most latvians do not understand exactly how the european parliament influences their daily lives; the work of european deputies is of no use. over the 20 years of latvia's membership in the eu, politicians and the state have failed to convince residents of the need to participate in european affairs. details today on the evening broadcast of belarus one. in a current interview with olga chernyavskaya ex. the first day of performances and the first medals in the treasury of belarus in kazan , the sports games of the brix countries continue. total number of people taking part in the sports forum: more than 4 and a half thousand athletes. our team is represented by an impressive team of 450 people in the belarusian delegation. in total , 387 sets of awards will be played out in 27 sports over 12 days in kazan. the geography of the participants is impressive;
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not only the states that are members of the organization, but 90 countries take part in the brics games, while in the twenty-third there were only five participants. so, the first day of the brics game is over, today a total of 23 sets were played awards belarusians closely followed synchronized swimming, artistic gymnastics, samba and weightlifting. and it’s gratifying that our representatives in all these events rose to the podium. in synchronized swimming, three silvers were won, in artistic gymnastics, two bronzes, in sambo, four silvers , one bronze, in weightlifting, gold and two bronzes. results of the day: in the report by kristina komysh. the aquatics palace in kazan is one of the largest indoor sports facilities in all of russia. the facility was built for the 2013 universiade. it took place here
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world cup in 2015. however, of course, for the brix games, the building required a little renovation for the june ones. competition, updated diving equipment, and installed new information boards. by the way, in total , it was planned to spend more than 5 billion russian rubles on sprucing up all sports facilities for the june multi-tournament in the capital of tatarstan. as part of the brix games , the polovtsian synchronized swimmers will perform in the complex, as the most persistent and courageous, to open the competitive program of all the forum was entrusted to fragile mermaids. the country's medal box was opened by vasilina khandoshka, the girl won silver in the soloists' technical program, the belarusian scored 296.4 points, losing only to the host of the forum, three-time olympic champion
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svetlana kolesnichenko. we worked a lot, a week before the start i was at a training camp in russia with my trainer. we prepared, i think that everything was successful, our duet and the acrobatic group for the girls’ games brix did not let us down, an outlet and the main start of the whole season, since the international federation world aquatics and mock allow only individual athletes into the planetary arena, so there is no chance for belarusian athletes to prove themselves in team events due to spectator interest. all tickets for the final day of the synchronized swimmers' performance in kazan were sold out last week. parents even came here for a week to cheer for our athletes, and it was very difficult for them to buy tickets, but the organizers helped, skated, immediately skated him, again, the same, the same, the head coach of the belarusian samba team yuri rybak was concentrated as much as possible on performance of their boys and girls, great
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medal hopes were pinned on this team today, because sambo wrestlers have learned that they bring no less a suitcase from each forum.
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