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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 13, 2024 9:45pm-10:05pm MSK

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there is less excitement because you see guys, belarusians from other sports and you are also charged with positive energy, these shots usually remain off the air of the broadcast. belarusian alina shchepanova and russian olga tyo were preparing for a personal confrontation in the weight category up to 59 kg. a year ago , the russian representative won at the cis games, leaving our weightlifter with silver. well, today alina returned the favor for the first time on...
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a competitive day of 10 sports, where representatives of our country will compete, in in seven of them, athletes compete for the podium; in total, kanu has 40 sets of awards. kristina kamysha, dmitry golovatchy and vitaly selyavka, telenews agency kazan-russia. crows attack residents of minsk. social networks are flooded with videos that show unexpected and violent incidents. attack of birds on people. some of the victims turn to doctors for help after being injured by sharp beaks and claws. and if such sudden dives cause bewilderment and fear among pedestrians, ornithologists have their own version of what is happening. scientists say aggressive behavior of crows is typical at the beginning of summer during the period of offspring behavior. ilya tsvetkov understood the nuances of birds.
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diving, accompanied by loud screams from the tops of trees in situations where passers-by are not expecting them at all, crow attacks are increasingly being caught on smartphone cameras, videos are going viral on social networks, what is the reason for such aggressive behavior of birds, we will figure it out, i just missed the phone, oh my god my, the goron made an attempt on my life, a selection of footage of violent attacks is updated every day, the story is from a resident of minsk galina sword, while walking in the park it was not possible to avoid a winged dive, fortunately there were no injuries, a crow falls, she screams, she flaps her wings, which of course scared me great, well, somehow it happened that she was quite she soon left me, i didn’t have to quickly come up with something, hooded crows have long ceased to have bird rights in the big city, they have adapted perfectly to life. side by side with
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a person, easily find food, crack nuts and acorns, throwing them under the wheels of cars, steal food from pets they build nests in public gardens, away from the noise of roads and other dangers, and they have also mastered human speech quite well, what is your name, what is your name, the aggressiveness of crows is a seasonal phenomenon, ornithologists explain this is due to the appearance of chicks, the task of caring parents is not to let people get close to the cub falls... from the nest, during this period of the year they grow up and prepare for their first flights. often it seems that the chick is sitting and squeaking, as if asking for our help. in fact, he simply signifies his presence to his parents. the gray crow, since the bird is, let's say, the most intelligent, cunning, it very quickly understands who is trying to help it, in quotes. the dangerous period lasts, as a rule, about 2 weeks; as soon as the chicks take wing, the crows will stop attacking the residents of the megalopolis. this
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period does not last long, as soon as the chicks, literally a couple of days, a maximum of a week, the chicks grow up, they get stronger, they learn to fly, when they already begin to fly, they move freely in this and other territories, if a person nevertheless becomes a target for defensive eyes and aggressive attacks of urban birds and is injured, you should definitely consult a doctor, while doctors calm you down, crows cannot tolerate rabies, burst is not transmitted through crows, but you can get a... a disease like carnitosis or get an infected wound, which is also unpleasant, if a crow attack occurs, wash the place of damage, even contact with soap and water; if a scratch appears, be sure to contact a surgeon at the clinic, but for now it is better to avoid places where there are mass gatherings of crows and being careful while walking in forested areas, taking a chick home and sheltering it is also a bad idea, because birds know better how to properly raise and take care of their offspring, there have been fewer violations,
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as well as violations in dining rooms. this is a task from the head of state. the process is monitored by state control. in the project, under the control of the president, we will publish the results of inspections and show what they feed during the big break. watch the new episode today after the panorama. some people ask for extras, some for extra money. trade markups were inflated, intermediaries indicate. false information about selling prices, when there is no less attention to nutrition than education, let's regulate, work on it so that the child receives normal food, we will control it in the most severe way, in search of appetite, with an emphasis on a deliberate approach. based on the results
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of the pilot experiment , an information collection for more than 300 dishes was developed, they received high marks during the experiment from students and... a joint project of the state control committee of a television news agency in control president, watch on the evening broadcast. the situation with the provision of medical services in the regions should not be compromised under control. capital level, which the head of state constantly emphasizes: medical care for residents of the pinsk region has now become more accessible ; a car has appeared in the central district clinic for conducting on-site medical examinations. belarusbank made a contribution to strengthening the material and technical base of healthcare. a special mini-office on wheels - a gift for
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medical worker's day in the framework of charitable social project vector of kindness. such a car plays a big role in ensuring this transport accessibility. both doctors and specialists, as well as those manipulations and examinations that we need to do for the population, since the main task of the villagers is to ensure the food security of the country, the head of state has set the task not to distract them from work at such a serious time, but to ensure the maximum possible opportunity for specialization and on-site medical examinations. pleased with great service, this is length is 140 km, and largely depends on how...
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new horizons for personal and professional growth, modernization of approaches to doing business, as well as acquaintance of business. lady from our country and russia. today a major forum, the world of women, started in minsk, it is held by the wing of entrepreneurs of the bsg. the program includes thematic sections from the best speakers, creative, fashion shows, exhibitions, sales of new collections of clothing and accessories from famous brands, ekprom enterprises and young
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designers, activity zones and master classes. a special challenge is collaboration between the social sector and business. for a belarusian woman , everything is truly available. our women are amazing.
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based on the print for the branded bsj scarf, the organizers expect that
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the forum conference will be attended by about 700 people, the event site itself will receive up to 8 thousand guests. factor byy is ready to rock new stars; qualifying rounds begin on tuesday. on your screens is a map of belarus with the dates of auditions, where exactly the casting will take place. so, vitebsk will sing first in the capital slavic bazaar. we are looking for talents on june 18 and 19, june 21 and 22, the selection will take place in grodno. on sunday, june 23, the baton will pass to brest. there will be singing there until monday, june 24, then on the gomel map there are qualifiers on june 27 and 28, july we will meet in mogilev with an open microphone, here on the first of the second. the culmination of the tour in the capital, minsk will audition talents from july 4 to july 10, inclusive. and this is the information picture of thursday, june 13,
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there is a current interview ahead, right now a new series of the project is under the control of the president, i thank you for your attention, all the best, happily, someone is asking for extras, others for extra charges, there were inflated trade markups, intermediaries indicated inaccurate information about selling prices. when there is no less attention to nutrition than to education, let's regulate it, work it out so that the child receives normal food, we will control it in the most severe way, in search of appetite with an emphasis on a deliberate approach, based on the results of the pilot experiment, an information collection was developed for more than 300 dishes, they were highly appreciated during the experiment from students, and trust, but verify, in the oven. there are products that will already be orphaned by the next meal. a joint
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project of the state control committee of the television news agency under the control of the president. watch it now. school nutrition is a topic whose attention is not decreasing, and never will be, to the health of children; the approach and requirements are always special. this is the case when retreat. unacceptable, because children spend most of their time at school, and the task of adults is to provide them with delicious dishes with an emphasis on health, both on the menu itself and on the buffet shelf. discipline, amount of waste, adherence to technology, all this is in the area of ​​special attention of the state control committee, large-scale monitoring throughout the country, pay attention to this area, the president’s instructions, whether it is being carried out, the controllers are studying with them and
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the area of ​​​​state control employees is not here by lunchtime they waited, of course, for an inspection without warning. surprise is extremely important, this is the only way to see the real picture and pay attention to the shortcomings. how exactly are collections checked? specialists monitor the process of preparing dishes, and then weigh the finished puree or, for example, meat, and controllers check the weight of not just one, but ten servings at once in order to calculate the average weight of each. underweight of ten servings. there are only two servings of this dish, but the weight is underweight within acceptable limits. here we
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stayed for several hours, because the volume is impressive, the school has a little over one and a half thousand students. inspectors undertake the inspection thoroughly, out of sight nothing escapes. how many people will you feed now? please bring the stated food so that i can see how many people there will be now, what is 420 now somewhere, right? 450, right? spoiler: the answer to this question will not satisfy the inspectors. 129 servings of chicken tenders, which should have been served in the afternoon by 10 am. were, so to speak, out of the heat. and it would seem that what is the problem, if there is an opportunity to optimize the time to prepare more in advance, why not take advantage, but there is one thing, the technological map, which states the storage time of this dish, no more than 3 hours. in the closet there are products that will already be past their expiration date by the time the next meal is served. by the way,
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the prepared surplus is the only violation in this school that the state control discovered. the standards are met, the catering unit in the hall itself is orderly, the menu is varied, the guys don’t overdo their food, they eat with pleasure. we checked the school earlier as part of monitoring, so we decided to take a look a second time, what is the situation and what has changed. in general, i want to say that the school is equipped with equipment, almost all of it is new, it is all in use, in the kitchen, considering that we came without announcing our arrival, it was suddenly clean. sanitary standards and rules were observed, which means that certain measures are being taken in this area, our comments during the inspection, which we voice, are eliminated. and this is brest, state control with monitoring in the largest school in the city, spacious and modern, over 3.00 people study. it is nice here
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they know what they especially like for lunch. tastes are studied through regular questionnaires. a way to quickly respond and supplement the diet with new dishes, of course, taking into account the main thing is balance in all requirements. nutrition coverage 96%. today we have borscht for free choice, we also have cutlets, fish fried in cheese, everything is prepared entirely from fresh ingredients, delivery is regular. this school will join new approaches in september, like all those remaining in big cities and in rural areas. the main task of innovation is to maximize eliminate violations in the organization. school meals. the pilot project started in 2022 . the task was both simple and complex at the same time: to feed the children deliciously and reduce the amount of food that has to be thrown away after lunch. so they emphasized healthy calories and vitamins, and more fruits and vegetables appeared. we studied what schoolchildren like and received the optimal diet. of course,
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it’s too early to say that everyone eats 100%, but both the children and parents themselves, and the menu, respond well. results of the pilot project. which was carried out on the basis of 23 schools and gymnasiums, in which more than 22 thousand students participated, they have already been implemented since september 1, 2023 in more than 20 schools, it remains to switch to these principles from september 1, all schools will already be entirely in the republic of belarus, and just over 500 educational institutions . we want to achieve full health-saving nutrition for students. work is going on in all directions; to cook in a new way, we need new equipment. they are also actively involved in the modernization of catering units, updating technological dish cards. it is clear that we must strive for high standards, and this is a fact, but we should not forget that, after all, a school canteen is not a restaurant, a prudent approach in all senses, this is what the president is focusing on. let's adjust it, work it out so that the child
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gets a normal meal, it's money, you understand, it's money and it's colossal. although a lot of questions from state control inspections show frequent violations of cooking technology, including a lack of raw materials, such facts, for example, were established in eighteen of the 29 schools inspected bobruisk. in some places, the problem of lack of demand for certain dishes persists; it is clear that part of the prepared food goes to waste. in the current academic year, the situation
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in more than 240 schools in our country was studied, including in the regions of 240. in two schools inspected, 216 violations were found, recommendations and orders were issued for all violations to eliminate violations, restore order in this area, and information about identified deficiencies are also sent to the government and local authorities for response measures authorities. yes, complaints are still being made, for example, proper conditions are not always ensured.


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