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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 13, 2024 10:05pm-10:16pm MSK

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state control checks show frequent violations of food preparation technology, including lack of raw materials; such facts , for example, were established in 18 of the 29 inspected schools in bobruisk. in some places , the problem of lack of demand for certain dishes persists; it is clear that part of the prepared food goes to waste. in the current one. during the academic year , the situation in more than 240 schools in our country, including in the regions, was studied, out of 242 schools inspected, 216 violations were identified, recommendations and orders were issued for all violations to eliminate violations, to restore order in this part, and information about the identified shortcomings is also sent to the government and local authorities for response measures, but the river has not yet been fixed, for example, strict control over
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the quality and safety of products is not always ensured, but the figures confirm , the number of violations is decreasing, but the task is to eradicate them as much as possible, especially since a common cause of shortcomings is the human factor. as an example, the case in brest, when parents excluded soups from the children’s diet without permission, a gross violation in person, but apparently it did not seem so to the director of the bresse catering plant, on whose initiative the decision was made. a few more examples from the southwestern region. countries, the inspectors go to the canteen in one of the city schools. i’ll say right away that there are no questions about preparing lunches; everyone here enjoyed the new food in a new way. the menu is lively discussed by both children and parents. based on the results of the survey, we added our school menu, what children like and what they will be happy to eat. in our we tried to tell the school newspaper to show our students the benefits of school meals. so, no delays were found here, which is good, but that’s it. monitoring is not completed. the list
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of items being checked always includes the condition of the catering units themselves, as well as the presence and operation of the equipment. and here was something that attracted the attention of the inspectors. a new combi steamer was purchased, but air conditioning conditions were not provided, that is , there was no exhaust zone installed above the new equipment, which, to put it simply, allows the smell will go anywhere, just not where it needs to be. this is not the only thing that state control will reveal; there are several for budget funds. with access to a ramp that constantly opens, creating cold in such a room is, to put it mildly, pointless, well, the external unit of the system itself, which ensures air capture, is not installed according to the rules set by the manufacturer, that is, this is precipitation that can fall on it's solar radiation. this leads to premature
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failure of expensive equipment. violations of the installation of a split system were noted in another brest school, where the inspectors, by the way, did not come by chance; after the previous visit of the inspectors , a roof had already appeared over the external unit of equipment. of course, it makes me happy that the comments were heard, but alas, not everyone does. questions regarding the internal unit are still open, and accordingly, the effective operation of this system is a big question. last year there was a budget subsidy. to provide free meals for children in schools amounted to almost 414 million rubles. bigger in 2022 the amount is 60% more. this is a convincing example of the social protection of children, families and the state’s specific concern for their needs, but such care is clearly not demonstrated by those who feed on children’s breakfasts and lunches. unscrupulous intermediaries sometimes wedge themselves into the procurement chain and are ready to grab a piece of even the school pie. the state committee saw such a violation.
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parents’ wallets, because the dishes in the school , which affected the budget funds in the canteen, came out more expensive than they could have been, so that this does not happen, the state control recommends purchase products directly from manufacturers. the regional executive committee indicated the need. basic food products from
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regional suppliers; as part of the transition to new principles of food organization, regional suppliers also released new types of products. also indicated is the need to take the estimated cost from manufacturers when placing public procurement procedures, which is posted in the national register on the marketing and pricing website. we are located in magilevey on our route, one of the city gymnasiums, where there are over a thousand students and 87% of them eat in the school canteen. let's look at the full picture of what the process of preparing lunch looks like here today. the point is clear, it is not always easy to please children, because most often they choose with their eyes. this school takes a thorough approach to waste so that after lunch there is as little food left on the plates as possible, thereby awakening the appetite; the cooks try to improve the appearance of the dishes. as part of the experiment, such freedom is given, the fish is approached with the greatest creativity,
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they say that it is not a favorite among schoolchildren, but diet must be we try to make cutlets, it’s a natural fantasy, there’s a little pork in there, the smell of fish is interrupted, the children come here. we have golden fish, we also have corn and mayonnaise, i think that variety is welcome, children like it, of course, what has not gained children’s interest, we remove them, and also something new, it sounds and really delicious, the gymnasium joined the new principles of catering at the start of the last school year, using a survey we found out what the children liked most and what they would like more, the menu was adjusted twice in a year and, as a result, the coverage of school meals among students increased. the equipment is being modernized regularly; a new refrigerator for storing vegetables and a combi oven are already in operation. during the transition to new approaches to catering, we implemented new zoning of the hall. we divided
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the dining room in such a way that it was convenient not to come into contact with the senior class and the junior class, and also allocated a separate food area for employees, the so-called. we have a buffet area for now inspectors are looking at the food block, the plates in the dining room are already empty, school is studying and lunch is on schedule, do the children really like everything so much, we couldn’t help but ask them, the best thing, of course, is red borscht with sour cream, so the grandmother smells delicious, the food too quite tasty every year it becomes more and more delicious, then more, i like buckwheat with sausage and ketchup, and any salad with... but i don’t like babka, i don’t really like salad, sauerkraut, as they say , there’s no arguing about tastes, yes, it can be difficult to feed children even in one family, but how to please to everyone, when there are a thousand or more of them? during the experiment, it was possible to decide on dishes
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that the majority liked, as a result , over 300 recipes were included in the information collection of the ministry of education, where the technology of preparing the dish, its final appearance, and shelf life were described in detail. and storage conditions, as well as nutritional value. of course, experts immediately assured that there will be no fast food on the school plate, despite new approaches, hygienic principles remain unchanged, issues related to quality, including safety, with a certain set of proteins , fatty carbohydrates, that is, what is called complete nutrition. the goal is one simple thing: for the food to be tasty, presentable in appearance, but at the same time retain its usefulness and completeness. yes, of course, this is being implemented in some schools there. through the buffet system, in some schools this is implemented through a system of choosing dishes, let’s say certain ones, but in any case this satisfies the requirements, first of all, of safety, especially from the new menu, students will already have a different one the capital's school took a closer look at the dumplings,
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by the way, this dish is at the top of all institutions that participated in the pilot project, the school dumplings have a special recipe, you can’t buy them in the store, the manufacturer eliminated excess salt, worked on... quality. as part of the inspection, the state control looks at how the dish is prepared and, of course, what it is served with. we serve it with sour cream and sauce, that’s right. please show me the label of the cascala sauce. and as far as i know, it should say that it is for baby food, yes. everything here is natural ingredients, it complies with the principles of children's dietetics. finding and implementing the most optimal approach to organizing school meals is something everyone is interested in doing today. departments and bodies, openness to any suggestions and even criticism, surveys, questionnaires, meeting meetings are the main confirmation of this. we conduct a survey of our children, find out what they like in the menu that they have, what they would like to add, and constantly work with
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the parent community. the purpose of state control checks is not to take them by surprise, so that punish, but rather promptly prompt what and where is wrong and prevent violations. i would like... the children's diet did not suffer, everything was according to the rules: the school canteen is not a place where you can cheat or profit, this is a separate point of attention to which no less than to the educational process, because it is about health. of an entire generation of belarusians, which is why the control here is the most serious.


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