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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 13, 2024 10:15pm-11:15pm MSK

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we constantly work with the parental assets, the purpose of state control inspections is not to take them by surprise in order to punish, but rather to promptly prompt what and where is wrong and to prevent violations. i would like the children’s diet not to suffer, everything was according to the rules, the school canteen is not a place where you can cheat or profit, this is a separate point, attention to which is no less than to the educational process, because about the health of an entire generation of belarusians, therefore, the control here is the most serious.
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olga, you have been in belarus, tell me why you had to leave latvia because i could have been put in prison, and i have a small child, and i can no longer afford it, they wrote an article about me that he... the special services are involved, they i was already being dealt with, they warned me, therefore, that is, the fact that they were busy, well, they started to deal with me officially, it was already serious, and after a couple of days they banned me from tiktok completely, well, as always, without explanation, that is, if it there was a tick current, yeah, then there are always warnings, there you are you break such and such rules, there and so on and so on, that is, this happened more than once, here it’s just that he just disappeared all without warning. and they don’t return it,
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well, that is, i was very nicely, carefully removed right before the elections, well, as i say, it doesn’t remove the weak, they don’t bother anyone, but you ran for the european parliament, tell us how this idea came about, what program did you come from? from which party? i didn’t have this idea myself, i had no desire to go into politics, especially in latvian politics, but one party leader wrote to me and offered to nominate... my candidacy for the european parliament, well, my first reaction: i’m not qualified, i’m not a politician, he says, you don’t need to be a politician, well, maybe, well, just like anyone can run , you say that everything is in place for you, our values ​​coincide, our views coincide, the vision of the whole situation, i’m so good, well then, let’s meet, well, we met, we all talked and i agreed, that’s all, i was interested because i speak english i speak fluently, from the podium i can... speak
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freely, that is, i believe that i represent the values ​​of a large number of latvian residents, yes, given the situation in our country, so i understood that this was a good idea, what kind of program and what i wanted change in latvia, because again you talked about this on your social networks, and i understand that i am going to promote this same position within the framework of a... party in the european parliament, yes, although my party was not here directly it wasn’t specifically in the program, it was written there that here we are there for the russian language or something else, because in fact i was the only russian in the party, in principle our program was not as important to me as mine was, my personal program, yes, that is, what i would present, what i represent values ​​and goals, and i will represent them there, and i really liked that no one limited me in my party. and i specifically said what you
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want from me, i had a specific question: let’s have some garlic, what do you want from me, nothing, be with yourself, everything is fine, okay, what they meant what it means to be with yourself, as you were before you got involved in this dirty politics business, i was very loud, very direct, and i just didn’t want to be this talking head, which is all like that very... beautifully wraps this beautiful wrapper, yes, that is, i wanted to tell the truth, so that this truth, which comes from the soul and heart, i cursed very much in my videos, sometimes attacked our government specifically our ruling ones, yes, that is, that’s how i was, somewhere i told the truth about latvia about the state there economically and so on and demographically, i really didn’t like it. what
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bothered you most about the situation in latvia today, what needed to be changed, what did you pay attention to, what did people react to, the economic state of the country, yes, that is... well, i don’t even know what to call it, well in your opinion, what is the current economic situation? terrible, disgusting, just, well, how can we, how can we have in our country the most expensive utilities in the world, it’s generally like where, where does this income come from, that is, having lived in england, in america, you compared and came to the conclusion that, of course, my relatives in america say where do you get these, well , you have five times more utility bills than we do, how is this possible. yes, what did they have there in america, well, how is this even possible, and the situation, the russian language, everything connected with it, the russian language, the russian world, that is, if you don’t run around there with the ukrainian flag, then that’s all you , it doesn’t matter what nationality you are,
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you can even be latvian, that’s it, you’re a quilted jacket, you kremlin agent, you are a racist, a fascist and occupiers, in general, that is, all the words that are possible, everything is there. who don’t know what’s going on, so they can’t support us in any way, and that is , if we came, we told what and how, then no one can get away with it, on record, so let’s say, yes, everything that in parliament, it’s all on record, it’s not like they said they forgot, it disappeared somewhere, it’s all there, everything is on record, well, that is
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, it was important for the whole world to know what’s really happening in latvia , yes, this, this, this was first of all, it was very important, and to explain that we are against... a lot of things there, such as the green deal, plus we were against the pandemic treaty, because it took away all our powers as a sovereign state, yes, that is, we would not have decided virtually anything in our country if we had signed this agreement, and that’s all there is, there is complete censorship, complete censorship, yes, that is, you have something there, what about freedom of speech, what freedom of speech , our rulers told me so, olya, what kind of freedom of speech, there is no freedom of speech, that’s how i am, i say, i’m used to it like in america, i learned. they have there for freedom of speech, for their rights, and there is a constitution back and forth, that’s what they told me, we don’t have freedom of speech, who said? i can’t say, those important people who say: don’t do this, or else there’s a prison, these are the same
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people, that is, as i understand it, these are the special services, which, again , warned you more than once, well, let’s leave it at that as you say, as you understand, at the beginning of the conversation in... you mentioned that they first began to study you special services, after you became inconvenient, they began to persecute you, and tell us more about this and why, again, you had to leave, why you didn’t sit through this election campaign in latvia and didn’t wait for the results, yeah, well, we became interested right away , yes, that is , as soon as i became a candidate, that’s it, they called me with these folders with... this is everything, everything there, i don’t even know how much they had there, yes, and i say, why ? that's it, you 've become a candidate, now your words, they much more important than some simple blogger, a person, yes, but what’s most interesting is that before they wrote an article about me, the latvian
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authorities banned my tiktok, and we had several arrests, and quite simply. “they criticized our government, they told the truth, well , they are simply creating chaos, our budget is being stolen, just any budget, nothing goes to either the people or the country, well, for example, our schools are closed, about four have been closed over the last 20 years,
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first of all in the regions, that is, they tell us, we don’t have money for this, we don’t have money for this, we don’t have money for schools, we don’t have money for education, we don’t have money for the post office, we don’t have money.” yes, with russia, we have allocated, for example, almost a billion euros there to give to ukraine over the course of 10 years, but we don’t have a penny, they tell us: oh, we don’t have 2 million to save the post office, 2 million, and a billion, well, that is, i’m just telling you as an example, yes, that is, of course people everyone is indignant, very dissatisfied, our prices, taxes and fines are increasing, more and more, more and more, we have money for it. to wash trees in the city, have you
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ever washed trees in minsk, and we, yes, you understand, rain, no, no, no, haven’t heard, we pay taxes for rain, we pay money for rain, you pay, well this is the first time i’ve heard about this, and we pay, but everyone is afraid to say something, people don’t believe that they have some kind of power, that they mean something, that they are the voice of something. this means that why they have such an opinion, almost 70% of people have not revealed it now. for the elections, yeah, can you imagine how small the turnout is, that no one believes, that is, only 30% 33 voted, yes, yeah, why don’t people believe that their vote decides something? ugh, because they once voted, and either the parties greatly disappointed them, abandoned them, betrayed them, and so on, or someone wrote to me in the comments today, i ’ve been voting for 25 years.
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european parliament, tell us who won in let's now return to the elections in latvia, what kind of parties are these, the new unity party won, the national unification, and the new unity party, which... has actually been in power for 20 years, who don’t like it so much that for example, in russia, yes,
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putin has been in power there for 20 years, although they themselves sit in the same way in this government and won’t let go, they just squabbled in these chairs and don’t let anyone through, they falsify votes, that is , rigged elections, of course, how can you stay in power when the majority people are unhappy with you, a person comes to me, says: i saw... how these ballots were planted, how the elections were rigged, i was an observer, there was another person with me from another party, he also saw all this, she says, when i called the head our party, i’m like, what should we do, what should we do, we have a video recording there, we have this, we have everything, i didn’t do anything, go home, that’s it, all people are afraid to say something, they’re afraid, that they will be grabbed, that the special services will grab them, that they will be imprisoned, and so on and so forth, are latvians really that intimidated? yes, they will fire me very much, they will persecute me, and so on and so forth. that is, the latvians also cannot
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say anything, neither the russians nor the latvians. who can speak then? only those in power can say only what they consider necessary. now, if our rulers say that there will be a war, russia will come, then this is normal. and if any of us, mere mortals, say that russia will come and there will be a war, then we will get an article for it. we are duns, which means they write us a 93 -page booklet about what to do when there is a war, how to behave, so i was very indignant when i found out that it was written there that it would be necessary to support the state, the government, i was naturally indignant, how can i support the state, that is , instead of saving my children, i will support my government, which made enemies out of us. which makes us into some kind of occupiers, but into fascists-racists, agents of the kremlin, and so on. what was
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the key moment because of which you left latvia and left the country? i was being followed, yes, that is, there was a certain incident, and i realized that i’m not making this up, and the people around me, who have been in this much longer than me, have a lot of experience. they all shouted: “olya, olya, olya, olya, olya, you are the one now, quickly, quickly, we need it urgently.” and i say, i called my party leader, he says: “well, he says.” i think that before the elections no one will touch you, because this is election time, if they take you away, this will also give you greater and greater popularity and so on, he says, well, after the elections, well, that is, i had to leave for dobor in time from the country, and i had time, i had time, i did it, the state
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security service invited you to conversations, in the past, yes, this election? process, yes, at the very beginning, what did they talk to you about, if i may talk about it, they really didn’t like how negatively i imagine latvia in their videos, saying that everything is bad, everything is bad, i generally love my country and i love my homeland, this is my homeland and so on, yes, that is, it really hurts me, now for a second that you had to leave it too, and a lot of people leave there and have to... they don’t want to leave there, and this is a serious matter, when i say that our homeland was taken away from us, our homeland was taken away from us, after america i generally felt very good in latvia, because calm, safe, maybe not super safe, like in belarus, for example, yes, but still, compared to america, where
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a child can be stolen from you on any corner, i’m not joking now, i understand that belarusians don’t know what it is, they... wrote in the comments or somewhere in live, that they don’t know what they are, what it is, well, kidnapping, in the sense of kidnapping of children, and this kidnapping, i say, god, be glad that you don’t even know what it is, what happiness, mom in the store he turns away to take the milk, the child is pulled out of the stroller, out of this car, uh-huh, they take him away, how are you doing? you assess the influence of the united states on the countries of the european union, directly on latvia, well , the secret service... i also really don’t like that i say that america is the masters of latvia, as i assess, this is how i assess it, that is, latvia today is not independent , you know, it’s called soft occupation, i don’t know what soft occupation is, the americans don’t even like it, that we just worship them , we agree with absolutely everything, we never even say, no, here we want it a little differently, we’re there we want it somehow otherwise, and we all worship like that, hostess,
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hostess, it’s just disgusting everything that ’s happening, that’s how you generally assess this situation, today experts say that, in fact, nothing will change in the near future, the war in ukraine will continue, will also continue to sponsor ukraine, the escalation of the situation in the baltic countries in poland will also continue, at the moment yes, i just want to believe that everything will get better, but i just don’t see this yet, i see some isolated cases in individual countries, deputies and in the european parliament, and in a trembling voice they say:
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in all countries, don’t let them in here, don’t let them in here, defend your homeland, and you will have progress, everything will be fine with you, everything will be great, everything will be fine with you goes to the top, that's all, but european values, no, this is bad, very bad, very bad, olga, thank you very much for coming to the interview, thank you for inviting me, her history, her nature,
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her culture, her faith, her people, and her generosity. you will feel it once and never forget it again . everything is real here. yours the purpose i see is most likely to be useful, to be useful to all those who surround me, to be useful.
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we participate in a huge number of professional skills competitions that are held here in our republic and abroad and we have awards, of course, the merit for this is undoubtedly our director, because she knows how to organize work in a team. today, the belarusian trade union of science education, i am a member of the presidium. city ​​trade union of science education, this is the board of the soviet district organizations of the public organization belarusian women's union, board of the republican public organization
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belarusian children's fund, public organization belaya rus, the more the better, when they ask me, when do you manage to do all this, and i get a kick out of it, we have time, the main thing is to love, i’m that kind of person throughout my life , starting from a very early age, when i was in kindergarten, i was always... active, in kindergarten i tied the shoelaces of the only group of boys, and for me it was stunning pride, in school in the fifth grade, i was already the chairman of the squad council, i headed the timurov detachment, at the second higher education i was also the head of the group, being already the director in college, but even there i managed to be the head of the group, for me, the more active, the more, the i think i can do even more. one of the three workshops that operate in our republic for the training of professions, in this case the profession of blacksmith-hand forging, the guys start with
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simpler elements, then more complex elements, such as stairs, railings, themselves gate, of course, i’m still an adherent of one workplace, i’m more comfortable this way, it ’s like a home, it’s like a family, on march 4 , 2013, i became the director of a college named after... i was 29 years old, me and art, just like me it seemed that these were generally different directions, in general, we were not on the same path, even at school my favorite subject was chemistry, and so i entered the faculty of engineering and pedagogy, yes, i felt the taste, and i understood where, what was more beautiful, then naturally, art came out of me from within, i i honestly admit that i don’t know how to draw anything, but i see how this...
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hidden, there is some piece of college in her, almost everything rests on her, she is a very creative person, she solves all problems, helps us our college to be realized in the future, if i put my hand on my heart, it’s difficult for me to answer, who do i love more, work or family? it’s clear, a family is a family, these are my own children, my husband, yes, that’s all indisputable, but i really love my job, i have two beautiful children, with a big difference, my son... he’s 19 years old, and my daughter is 4 years old, sometimes it seems to me that she has been exposed to beauty since birth, she and i started visiting a dance studio,
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arina dances very beautifully, it’s probably like her mother, and recently i decided that at the age of 40 it’s time for me, in general, i took up dancing when i was a child, i really like the oriental style, grace, beauty, these costumes, hair, god, i just took it and went a couple of months ago, i’m a very good son, i really owe my homeland, and artyom himself, it was his decision, he chose to serve under a contract, and he went to a military unit under a contract, i supported his decision, i see what a strong army we have, what a ministry of defense we have.
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on the table and even on holidays, birthdays, of course, we always try to celebrate, get together, and there are traditions, for example, we made dumplings together there, baked them, of course, i want to pass this on to my daughter, she never tells anyone which she never refused, she comes to our house on weekends, she always tries to help me with something in the garden, she always tries to go to my grandmother in the village, and it’s the same thing there, and the farming, vegetable gardens are everywhere, she tries to be in time everywhere, for me, rural
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life... it’s very close, before i did absolutely everything around the house, gave food, fed, took me to plow, everything , that it was necessary to do everything that i do in the village, i did it, and reaped, and ground, and planted, weeded, so it’s all very close to me, interesting, and this is my goal, so that we not only preserve, certainly increase and passed on to the new generation , told about the traditions that our ancestors once had, this is very important, when we are...
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so that nikolai aleksandrovich kidyshko college prepares professionals, specifically in those professions that our country needs, and which are in demand among our children, and there is a quality education, a decent education, worthy teachers work, so that the college prepares professionals who they know how to work well with their hands and love their homeland and work for the good of their homeland, i still want to communicate with people not just from
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the tradition of baking bread and the four hangings of loaves of knowledge in the world element of the intangible cultural decline of belarus.
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it was a revelation for us: spartlandia, soviet spartlandia is the development of makaenko 9. and by the way, the mother of this project. well, that is, the successes or failures of our football players do not affect interest in this
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sport. the electorate needs professional content; every time gives birth to its heroes. hello, you are watching the program “say don’t be silent”, in the studio of victoria popova and tatyana shcherbina. and today our guest, assistant to the chairman of the presidential sports club, pavel egorov. good afternoon, good afternoon, victoria, good afternoon, tatyana, good afternoon, viewers. pavel, at a delightful televised ceremony. you were among the triumphants, the hero project, which is being developed jointly with our rating tv channel, you were directly involved in it, please tell us a little about what it was like to take part in this glamorous
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action, well, about the heroes, how the project came about and what it means to you expensive? i’ll be happy to tell you that for us, the presidential sports club, this is already a certain experience in creating similar ones.
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department of athletes, and the winners in our show, but for a long time the leadership of ivan mikhailovich and dmitry aleksandrovich lukashenko have already discussed such an idea, but how about those guys who engage in extreme sports also lead a really active lifestyle, they have an active life position, and not to bring these guys, heroes to television screens in order to demonstrate.
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being, when my father served in hungary , it was there that i met portlandia, and for me it became a challenge, i think, in fact, unfortunately, it doesn’t exist now, but for i was always interested in how boys and
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girls of my generation took part at that time, they were shown to the entire soviet union, by the way, the mother of this sportlandia project , nina shoba, of course. we have done a lot, and here our rescuers, the ministry of emergency situations help us, they do the invisible work, first of all i will thank the guys who volunteer, and these are the employees of the ministry of emergency situations and prepare the site itself, the invisible front of the work, well, myself hero project when we have already put it on rails, it is being implemented. almost every day there is some kind of organizational issue, right now
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this is the post-production work of the third season, and who are the participants? and the participants , firstly, the hero’s show, there is a children’s and an adult show, a children’s show, from the second season it became international, in this third season it expanded even more, friends from bulgaria and azerbaijan came to us, it’s clear, that is, this is the composition of the participants international at that. i am very grateful to them, because they provided us with assistance, one might say, advertising for our the show, firstly, guys, those who are former athletes, well, naturally, they coped, well, maybe not just once or twice , it was also hard for them, but...
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because on camera people can do
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what they can’t do this in ordinary life, so your show still has a healing effect not only from the physical side, but from the mental side, such a small insight, follow the hero’s project, for example, your colleague kristina zakharova with the fifth button overcame herself, too, and emotions that she showed, they are so natural, they are so dramatic. after the end of filming, she swore at me, and i understand her, we saw christina today in the blast room, so she survived, no one was hurt, what we got, we probably got respect, respect from the huge amount of work done, from creation to implementation and display, and the most important thing is that those guys...
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to promote a healthy lifestyle to
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improve the quality of competitions related to this very propaganda, what can be the best participation in mass competitions, the most popular? we just discussed the hero, if at the initial stage of the first five-year plan we got acquainted and learned to organize events ourselves, then today... thanks to test interaction, let me remind you that since 2007 the presidential sports club has signed an agreement with the radio company, we are going with colleagues and improve
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on the other hand, yes, let me remind you that this is a very important task, and the head of state, it was set at the initial stage, those events that were revived in ninety-seven, the golden puck children's and youth hockey tournament, has a long history, a leather ball, this is football, also during the soviet union , hundreds of boys and girls took part in these competitions, in the ninety-seventh year... gave birth to the ministry of sports, the ministry of education, the belarusian republican union youth, in principle, with which i began my career, it was there that i became acquainted with these competitions, then a great opportunity arose to continue my career in the presidential sports club, in 2005 the first during the event, tasks were set,
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including by the head of state, to provide assistance and support to improve the quality of these competitions.
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jurisprudence, but just when this competition appeared, we all talked about the fact that there are doping problems, there are unsettled problems, and relations between athlete clubs, these are precisely the questions that
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are raised in this competition , it is clear that the guys who are participating are... that your main task is to promote a healthy lifestyle, everything is clear here, and if you analyze, here is the result of your activities, can you say that thanks to tournaments, competitions, competitions, you really succeeded in captivating young people, and indeed today we have enough
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sports facilities in the city and not only in the country, and you really feel, well , its main the task is to build publicly accessible sports grounds, for example, the first one of them in the city of minsk, on pobediteley avenue, this is.
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this lies in the fact that when you drive through, especially in spring and summer and the beginning in the autumn period, we see constant queues at this site, constant appeals to the presidential sports club, from the public, who demand more, yes, more, more, they criticize us for the lack of lighting, if there was more lighting, we would play there at night.
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including recognized by the international olympic committee, when this... this general epidemic of tyranny, what i call anti-diplomacy, began, when i finally
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won, including in the international olympic committee, a big dollar, from that time from us, here, here i am giving you an example, we are opening a site, and the organization that accepted us with open arms literally a year ago and was going to go to our events, adopt the experience of the presidential sports club and implement it in the international arena, they refused the russian presidential sports club was expelled from the russian presidential sports club literally six months later, well, we often discussed this with your colleagues from sports, the world of sports too, that these pathological double...
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this site will be paralyzed after the day of walking, and we’ll take a break for now, i remind you that we have a telegram channel, say don’t be silent, subscribe, ask questions and suggest guests, we are connected.
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it’s easy to explore belarus; all you need to do is create a non-trivial route. in the 1780s , prince grigory potemkin bought the dubrovinsky lands, and thanks to him , one of the first sentries began working here. in ancient times, voluns were the site of various rituals and ceremonies, but now they are a geological natural monument of republican significance. the most important thing is to be open to amazing secrets and facts. the hokhalok on our whistle toys is generally an authentic feature of our dubroven toys ; you won’t find this or that shape anywhere,
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you won’t find it anywhere in the entire dnieper region. and don’t forget to give free rein to positive emotions, the craft is really painstaking and it seems to me that it’s even a little calming, you get into some kind of, probably, perhaps even a meditative state when you are engaged in quality, and the corvai came from lyady, and in lyady there is no love slyadov, you will come and stay ours, with pleasure, watch the project route built on the belarus 24 tv channel . the program “tell me not to be silent” is on air again and today our guest is the assistant to the chairman of the presidential sports club, pavel egorov. pavel, well, we know that your club is very active, for me personally, the importance
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of social networks, public opinion shaped. due to social networks and the true story was not always told to our electorate, we have already seen this, unfortunately, from the experience of corporate work the presidential sports club did not have any social networks, and we also spied on campaigns. lately, we turned to specialists for help and that ’s exactly what happened. he taught us a lot about how to work on social networks, why? because the electorate needs professional content and its professional presentation. first of all, we began to simply cover our events of the presidential sports club, using this institute as an institute
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for informing what... we were doing, but over time i realized that listen, we must try more, and we still work with young people, our main task is to help such... random as the ministry of sports and the ministry of education, i remembered my pedagogical university and my colleague just the same, and he not only graduated from a similar university, he had a lot of practice it was the physical education teachers who remembered the course - and such wonderful exercises that - including boys and girls. must do pull-ups, so an idea was born: what if we ask our students and not only students, for the first season these were only students, complete exercises according to the rules
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of the school curriculum and offer our children exactly the dream for which they promise their parents to study well, for example, fashionable gadgets and treasured consoles of the world. tried it, it works, it works, yes, it works, boys, girls, then we divided it into elementary, middle and high schools, there were three age groups, they actively pulled themselves up, posted their videos, and most importantly, what you asked about, feedback , when we started working on social networks... this is exactly what we saw and the day before in the twentieth-twenty-first year, when bots were spamming, these were the citizens who wrote, criticized everyone for everything, just
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to paralyze activity, yeah, here i saw that there should be criticism, if it doesn’t exist, then this is an event no one needs it. here there was healthy criticism, healthy criticism from the participants, from parents, relatives, grandparents and teachers. by the way, there was a lot of criticism between the participants themselves, it continues. today we are filling a football ball, we have a short video, let's see, you have begun to attract not only students, just students, but bloggers, yes, fashionable ones, oh-oh-oh, you still need to learn. fill it, i have until august 31, i can win a new fourteenth iphone from the presidential sports club, you can also take part in the football competition for everyone, you just need to hit the soccer ball the maximum number of times in a minute. dim
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dimych in the project, and you subscribe to the instagram of the presidential sports club and take part in the competition! conditions competition via the link! i am burotina, and i am your malbina, i will find the golden key! yes, absolutely right, and this is also just one of the forms of work that we...


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