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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 14, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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from differences in legislation, from differences in financial systems, our task is to identify these problems and emphasize them at the level of parliaments, government, very test interaction with the executive branch in this case, and i think that this is one of the subjects of the sustainability of our small regions under the pressure of sanctions, this year marks 25 years since the creation of the union state of belarus and russia, in your opinion? what do belarusians and russians get from such integration, what does a union state give us in general? any unification, it makes each of the participants in this association stronger, it is important to understand each other here, it is important, as they say, to look in one direction and be open, frank and honest in this cooperation, our president throughout the entire history of independent belarus is...
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we are talking about the sustainability of our economies when we jointly solve the problems that each of them faces, and of course, this increased interest of the russian regions in the belarusian regions, and it to the regions, its we need to direct it into the channel of cooperation, into the channel of interaction, so that we can ensure the solution of the tasks that face our peoples and in no way improve, not worsen, but... improve
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the well-being of our citizens, i am on the commission in interparliamentary assembly of the cis countries , i head the commission to study the experience of state building and local self-government, just at the end of may the next meeting was held, and from meeting to meeting, i see how russia and belarus are in this association, intercountry association, stick together, act in a consolidated manner, in fact, today we can say that... is the cementing composition that allows us to ensure the stability of this association, and this is very important, we are adopting model laws within the ipa that can be applied in the national legislations of all countries , but of course, we take into account, first of all, our national interests, and naturally, it is always more convenient to defend them in the international arena when you have allies. i'm very glad that we have there are such allies.
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this is the events program for belarus 24 and we continue. belarus is a hospitable country and open to everyone. this was once again confirmed by the fourteenth festival of national cultures, which ended in grodno. our observer, elena puntus, knows what events filled the cultural poster of the holiday. it was bright, spectacular and large-scale. the holiday was celebrated on a grand scale for 3 days. the celebration attracted more than 200,000 guests. the festival opened
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with carnival processions, and people took part in it representatives of 36 diasporas, that's more than 850 people, a record for the years of the holiday's existence. azerbaijanis and armenians, russians and ukrainians, chinese, poles and lithuanians walked through the streets of the city, the colorful show is a symbol of peace-loving belarus, which has become home to representatives of 156 nationalities. in multinational belarus, the diaspora not only live and work together, but also develop ethnic culture, a clear evidence of this is the second day of the festival. at nineteen farmsteads, guests got acquainted with the creativity of the peoples of the world and tasted national dishes. i believe that the festival of national cultures is truly a great opportunity to immerse yourself in cultures from all over the world, spend time with friends, and get to know the flavors with your family. the city of grodno already
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systematically hosts a festival of national cultures, this is very important for people to get to know each other, to exchange some experiences, some cultural events, this is also important for the viewer, for our guests of our city, because that all these events are festive, well, people need it. the festival on the shore has ended augustow canal, a good mood and positive emotions will remain with the guests of this multinational holiday for a long time. grodno has already begun to prepare for the fifteenth anniversary festival of national cultures, which will take place in 2 years. the sports and cultural festival ended even larger, more interesting and brighter. outflows. this year the venue was the city of pruzhany in the brest region. tell us about the new format of the holiday? the current outflows are anniversary ones, and therefore special. the holiday lasted several days and one city accepted him. the festival began with a presentation of the region, its history, tourism potential, gastronomic
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traditions, eco-trails. the guests were presented with a book on gastronomic tourism in the pruzhany region. more than 200 people were brought together by an art interactive from the arthouse gallery, the most important component in the results. everyone , together with a team of belarusian artists , completed the design of the area and slides for skating in the new roller skate park. our national message is clearly visible in the drawings. it's impossible to love your homeland without knowing its history. for example, beds are also like one of the fragments of our history. it may be undeservedly forgotten, but nevertheless, this is our history and these are our roots, it is very important to remind children that all the beauty that was before. it is being improved, a little stylized, but the new one is the well-forgotten old one, that’s what the bedding is about. the culmination of the festival was the olympic quest, it was opened by the winners of the main summer competition of the four-year anniversary, the bogdanovich brothers, irina kurochkina, maxim nedosekov, yulia nesterenko and ekaterina
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karstin. entire queues gathered at twenty-six locations for various sports; guests were waiting for the opportunity to try themselves in new disciplines. particular attention was focused on the academicheskaya station. now it is a national educational and health center that operates all year round. during school hours , thematic sessions are held here for young journalists, physicists, chemists, biologists, and in the summer there are recreational activities for everyone. almost 18 thousand children are admitted to zabrąka every year, primarily belarusians. children from
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friendly countries have been invited to vacation since 2017. the state program is being implemented by the decision of the president of belarus alexander lukashenko. for example, during this time , more than a thousand children from... we understand how responsible it is to represent the country, so we try to fill the holidays for children from abroad with acquaintance with our country, with nature, historical monuments, cultural values, people, but we also teach our children a lesson that we must live in peace, that it is necessary to show the best qualities that are inherent in belarusians. also , children come to belarus every year for health improvement and rehabilitation. donbass, this became possible thanks to the initiative of the union state and the alexey talay foundation. alexandria is once again preparing to gather friends. this year the date of the festival coincides with the folk calendar on july 6 and 7. guests from which countries will celebrate the holiday with us?
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22 regions of russia have already confirmed their participation, from moscow to arkhangelsk, that’s more than 90 people. we also welcome guests from azerbaijan and uzbekistan. the festival on the banks of the dnieper will unite connoisseurs of folk art for the fifteenth time. creativity, a large fair will unfold, an exhibition of products of belarusian brands will be dedicated to the year of quality, there will also be thematic platforms, the largest will be dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. we are entering the home stretch of organizing this holiday, i am sure that , as always, it will bring a lot of positive emotions, the symbol is the kupala wreath, this will be the leitmotif of the entire holiday, we are pleased that trade and other areas that are here for... the belarusian stars , where strongmen will perform, are being picked up, well , tickets are now being sold for a goal concert with the participation of the russian stage. thank you, review of circus performances, sports ground,
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prepared by elena puntus. results and analysis of the main events of this week in the information and analytical program of atn main air. all projects of our tv channel are on the website belarus24.bbi as well. at the moment i want to run and run like the rain, the sun, the sun, and how our life is built from these fragments, we want to look at this light for the rest of our lives and cover our skin for something new for ourselves, this is so useful to us. there we work together with anyone, with anyone and belarus.
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each country has its own orders and rules, sometimes they are not dictated by the state at all. what comes out of this, we will tell you today, are the most dangerous and terrible districts in the world that will never find their way into tourist brochures. huge blocks and even entire cities, where it is better not to interfere, criminal ghettos, drug dens and simply bankrupt cities, where chaos flourishes, and the law is written down by the street, the one who is stronger is beaten.
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bulgaria, romania, mexico, brazil, honduras, south africa and others in dangerous ratings have different geographies, let's start with a stronghold. it
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has been called a ghost town for many years in a row; detroit, once thriving thanks to the automobile industry, has been steadily deteriorating since the middle of the last century. businesses and state-owned enterprises are closing, people are leaving en masse, the population has decreased by more than 2/3, already 11. detroit very often ends up in crime reports, shootouts in broad daylight are commonplace here, robberies, pickpocketing, car thefts, and armed attacks are flourishing. many areas are considered particularly dangerous and are controlled by drug gangs. the city has many streets overgrown with cheesecakes and thousands of abandoned houses. another point of social catastrophe in the usa, the philadelphia area, the city is called
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the drug capital of america, here is kensington, not at all the outskirts of the city, only 15-20 minutes to the center, terrible scenes, like from a horror movie. they are called. zombies and walking dead unconscious, hunched over in a stupor, after another dose, hordes of drug addicts filled the sidewalks of the street, the richest country, orange little things on the ground and white packages are packaging caps from used syringes, many drug addicts use syringes here several times, although they provide syringes free of charge to volunteer organizations. dirt, garbage, syringes, an open-air hangout, complete and ominous chaos. the set can be purchased for $3.
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10 packages, syringes, clean water, tourniquet, in a word, everything you need to take the drug, everyone gets it, because it’s profitable, you step aside, sell two. needles for a dollar, well, you already have money for a dose. there are even tents set up in the middle of american streets where men and women quietly take drugs. the two most popular illicit substances are fintanyl, a cheap analogue of heroin, and xylazine. a drug intended for anesthesia in horses. kensington is a heroin ghetto. hundreds of drug addicts
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are lying stoned on the street, dealers are selling doses, without embarrassing anyone, and if you dare to come here by metro, you will be right on... desperately in need of medical attention, and many have fresh gaping wounds, with needles, syringes and garbage scattered on the sidewalks. a person dies from a drug overdose every 7 minutes in the united states. every year , more than 100 people lose their lives due to deadly poisons than from shootings and car accidents combined. dilapidated entrances, garbage on the streets and many, many beggars and beggars. this is paris, which will not be shown to you in glossy advertising magazines. white.
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people fled from here a long time ago, as they say about barbès, one of the most dangerous areas of paris. the eighteenth district of the city of love is far from romance and humanism. near the metro there are shoplifters and beggars. the first refugees from north africa appeared here back in the nineties. these, of course, are not favelas, but big ones can fly here too. here's what the locals say. here no one cares about you, and the locals often fight with each other over some nonsense. at such moments it is especially dark, because... completely helpless. this area, as if they can throw out aggression on you, and you are a powder keg, any spark can cause a surge of hatred. mostly unemployed people from algeria, tunisia, morocco and other countries live here. displaced people gather in communes based on ethnicity and often fight among themselves over the division of territory. many live on the streets or in
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underground passages. poverty is dominated by drugs and, of course, crime. the dirty side of freedom. honeycombs and love are not allowed here , not only tourists, the parisians themselves try not to know, or not notice this part of the french capital. there are a lot of undocumented street vagabonds here, and there are plenty of whole families living in cars or huts set up on the sidewalks. in the north of the barbès quarter, near boulevard peripherique, the parisian equivalent of mcat, there is even a whole street of cars and vans filled with clothes, blankets and dishes. next to them are small plastic tables for snacking. rubbish is strewn around while men scurry around the area, women sit inside with their children and don’t even look outside. due to the influx of migrants, local authorities recommend that tourists, quote: avoid places located near metro stations. take, for example, port della chapelle. locals call it kalendyukrek, a corner for getting high. in europe, unfortunately
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, the number of drug addictions is growing. among especially young people, and this phenomenon can also be characterized by the fact that young people do not see the future, the fact that young people fall into drugs is a little, remember the nineties, but we had a very difficult period in our countries in the nineties, there is also a phenomenon drugs very thank god was present, our countries have overcome this tragedy, because young people absolutely did not see the future, absolutely, and this is happening... the same phenomenon associated with narcotic substances is here too, why? because young people need to move away somewhere from the fact that they, that they seem to be in their souls, they are all for freedom, but what they see and what is happening on their streets is not entirely theirs. this same area is top among illegal immigrants, thousands of migrants live under bridges, another metro station where
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it’s dangerous to be stalingrad, by the way, there was the largest refugee camp in all of paris. stalingrad faced... problems related to homelessness and drug use in public places, which marred its busy streets. when entering or leaving the station, you will often see many people living in tents or sleeping bags under the station bridge. this also gives rise to crimes, thefts, fraud and robberies. and in general, paris is a record holder for districts and is not for everyone. arab quarters, north station, east station, eleventh and twentieth the district, all these are places in which outsiders have absolutely... nothing to do. paris and brussels are practically sister cities in terms of safety. the belgian capital also has many corners where it is better not to go. especially in the dark. the peterbos residential area in the anderlecht district has been taken over by local gangs; even special police raids are not helping to improve the situation. over
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the past 3 years, more than 100 of them have been carried out , but in 2023 the situation worsened even more. the gangs have made peterbos a hub for the sale of cannabis and cocaine, which they obtained from marseille. a case in point is g4s, which installs fire alarms. detectors hired additional security for the workers, otherwise no one wanted to go to peterboss. it cost the company 70 thousand euros per month. the local brussels police department reported the critical situation. the head of the local unit noted that for law enforcement officers , peterboss is a place where we do not go. another brussels commune, molinbeg, is also advised to be avoided, especially at night. the most dangerous, notorious regional.
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firstly, they do not speak the local language, secondly, they do not know the local culture at all, and live in areas where they are completely separated from the local society and where they receive information through television of the countries from which they came, that is, integration does not occur , this, i would say, quarterization is happening, that is , chinese quarters are appearing, arab quarters are appearing, now arab cities, where where is completely displaced.
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it is impossible to live there without fear. venezuelans themselves note that life in barius is not more expensive than a mobile phone or wallet. the sad statistics of unsolved murders is 92 out of 100. local slums are infested with drug dealers, gangsters and pimps. one of the most popular types of crime is express kidnapping. while you're standing at a red light, a car pulls up and a van is dragged into you by a separatist, followed by a demand from your family and friends to pay compensation. to become. such a victim just needs to look decent, it’s as simple as that, and the ransom amount can reach up to 100 thousand dollars; people live in such slums about 70% of the population of caracos. prosperous
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areas sometimes coexist with bario without any transitions. for example, one of the richest areas of caracos, the country club with golf courses, lives side by side with bario chapelin. often , mini barios appear near wealthy neighborhoods, where servants live. they are generally safe, but with about a million people, this is a whole shadow city with its own economy. do the police have control over the residents of barius? the question is rhetorical, because inside such areas there are enough of their own armies that are armed to teeth. in general, barius is the twin brother of the notorious brazilian favelas and the huge kibera slums in kenya, where many sow.
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meter of land accounted for 2 million people at that time; it seems that this record has not yet been broken. for comparison, we can say that the population density in moscow is less than 5.00, in hong kong itself there are about 6,800 people per the same square kilometer. until the early nineties, koola was called the city of darkness, and here there is a classic set: missing people, drugs, casinos and prostitution. they decided to restore order only in anticipation of the handover of hong kong from britain to china. simple crime. razed to the ground, they did not obey anyone, a huge human settlement appeared on the territory of the former fort, which means the average
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height up to... lived according to its own laws, however, koolun also has a spiritual heir, a monster house, it was built in the sixties of the last century and lives there are over 10,000 people in it, endless floors, tiny balconies stretching into the sky, it seems that this is what a real concrete jungle is? population density also breaks world records, while the apartments themselves do not exceed ten square meters, but this does not scare even visitors. hong kong is one of the most
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expensive... cities in the world; renting an apartment in this monster by local standards costs a penny , 1,500 dollars a month. they even managed to accommodate a mosque and a buddhist temple inside the house; the building was chosen by the filmmaker, and it is also called an instagram house. and triads, where would we be without them, to find at least someone complex orchid in such caged apartments. tasks for the police, and they take advantage of this. royal crossroads since the beginning of the 20th century, australia has become a place where local mafiosi lived. the area's peak came in the sixties, when a gang war literally broke out on the streets. the authorities could not do anything about the raging area, and after the world war they introduced a new law, the 6-hour rule. this meant that after 6 pm, all the bars and pubs in
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the area... so wanted to curb the number of murders and violence. the law was repealed at the end of the 20th century, but was soon returned. the alcohol ban was reinstated in 2014 following the deaths of two people in a drunken brawl, thomas kelly and daniel christie. it remained in force in some parts of sydney until 2020, but cross is in no hurry to cancel it. however, the area is known not only as the drunkest county in the world. at the beginning of the 2000s , a heroin crisis erupted there. then the police officers. officially declared, we are powerless. the trigger for the epidemic was the first supervised injection room, that is, the authorities tried to regulate who would inject themselves and what. the idea, as you understand, is a failure. a few years later, sydney authorities declared that the crisis was over, and kingscross is now a drug free place. in 2015, over 100 police officers organized a raid on local clubs. the drugs were again exported in bags. local
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journalists call the area. vascular system of the australian drug market. sydney is the same, it is a very expensive city to live in and, accordingly, not every emigrant has the opportunity to find a place there, and even a place under the moon, because the city, i repeat, is expensive, real estate is very expensive, both rent and even more so purchase, so people they begin to go into the gray zone, and then into the black zone , engage in drug trafficking, engage in drug trafficking, it’s not far from here. asia, where very serious traffic comes from, and accordingly, the state is trying to level out these stories, thereby lowering the bar of stability and, accordingly, security in terms of the healthcare of its citizens. why this happens is certainly not because there are only bad people everywhere in these cities. sociologists
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say the main reasons are poverty and high...


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