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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 14, 2024 5:40pm-6:01pm MSK

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to pilot school, in 1937 i graduated with honors, i made 135 flights with a total flight time of 30 hours, 87 of them were independent, but we need to move on, be like the glorious pilot graskova, osipenko, lomaka, and i’m a simple nurse, thanks thanks to the care of the party, in 1937 i was able to graduate from pilot school with excellent marks, i learned the plane at any moment... i’m ready to defend our homeland, very interesting, how were you able to reach such heights? my girl will fly fast and high through life, and i will definitely i will achieve this, and i dedicate my parachute jumper to the first session of the supreme council of our beloved belarus. well done girls, hurray girls, the session began its work in minsk on july 28.
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this time elya berman was not a little worried, in order to somehow put his thoughts in order, he began to sort through the records. music was what calmed him down. taking out a popular one with the inscription march of the aviators, elya started the phonograph.
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military correspondents tried to use the rare calm at the front in the summer of forty-three to visit the regiments, divisions, talk about the exploits and victories of the fighters, this time they had to interview pilots whose names are known throughout the country, among them, for example, evdakia bershanskaya, and also take a photo for the newspaper, but organize it. turned out to be not an easy task, among them galina dakutovich and polina gelman. brave pilots of the 46th guards women's night bomber regiment, who have already traveled the roads of war, who have been in combat battles with awards on their chests. in august
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1940, among the bustling passengers of the carriage train, which was about to depart from the platform of the gomel station to moscow, two clearly stood out. and the sky, we will continue to study at the flying club, only in the capital. polina, just imagine what an interesting life lies ahead. then at the station they could not imagine that the meeting with their native land would not happen
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soon and under tragic circumstances. and my personal one is already in engels, at the pilot training school. in october 1941, the komsomol central committee announced the recruitment of girls into aviation units. stalin signed a decree on the beginning of their formation, in may 1942, as part of the women's 588th aviation light bomber regiment, they were already sent to the front, to the north caucasus near mozdok. a small aircraft of two is put into service. a wooden frame covered with plywood, an open cabin that did not protect not only from shells, but also from strong winds and a maximum speed of 150 km/h. the aircraft
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was intended for flights at low altitudes at night. and the girls on these slow-moving ships terrified the enemy. german aces. work at heights, do not descend to low levels could. the witches remained inaccessible; they were nicknamed that way because they carried out their raids at night. in order to be able to take off with the crew at a minimum interval, their own special method of preparing aircraft for takeoff was developed. and based on female logic, the end result is at any cost. in july '43 , a debriefing took place at the headquarters of the 218th air division after another report from evdakia bershanskaya, the regiment commander. dmitry dmitrievich popov
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could not believe that this was permissible, before his eyes was the so-called new method aircraft maintenance in the 588th aviation regiment. well, who allowed it? the brigade method of servicing aircraft, but it works, the time to prepare aircraft for departure has been reduced to a minimum, the enemy is suffering losses, remain silent, a reprimand to you and the senior engineer of the regiment, we just didn’t have enough to pass on this experience, the regiment is going on, god knows, it’s not far from the accident , the brigade method, and fire safety, and the instructions, by the way, they are written in blood... everything is there to hell, you are free, there is, dmitry dmitrievich, and the method is not so bad, yes i
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i know, please allow me, left alone with commissar gobunov, they were forced to admit that the method was effective, but no one was allowed to violate the regulations and... safety regulations. for the technicians and armed forces , it didn’t matter whose plane was landing; everyone rushed to service it. contrary to the prohibitions, bombs were dragged in advance to the landing site of the plane. the technicians were preparing the car for takeoff. others were hanging bombs at the same time. in violation of all instructions. gasoline was carried in buckets and promptly poured in.
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make your way through the aisles of women's underwear arranged from the barracks, at first he decided to arrange a debriefing on this matter, but... the real drama for the regiment was the death of four crews at once on august 1, 1943. on this day , igolina dakutovich died, not having lived very long until the moment when... the regiment was redeployed to belarus. she had 136 combat missions. on september 23
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, 1943, komarin was the first to be liberated in belarus. operation bogration began. diaries of combat missions. reports in red star in soviet belarus about exploits brave girls. they are about a gomel woman named lina gelman. then the first task was to expel the enemy from belarusian soil. smyrna. at ease. we'll make some noise today. in the literal sense of the word. at night our tanks will be pulled up to the front line. our engines, we must drown out the roar of moving tanks, the enemy
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must not know about the impending attack. all night the regiment's planes buzzed over the front line, and the next morning the bell rang at headquarters. the tank crews thanked the girls. great, the guards were making noise. pilots with units of the red army advanced to... germany's last combat departure on may 5, 1945, bombing of german positions who refused to capitulate. the editorial office of soviet belarus hastily changed the material instead. decree of the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr on awarding the title of hero
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of the soviet union to senior lieutenant polina vladimirovna gelman, for the exemplary performance of combat missions and the heroism and courage shown at the same time. comrades, polina gelman's award list. comrade gelman, he has been on the front of the fight against the german invaders since may 1942, from a private... 857 combat missions at night 2 aircraft with a combat flight time of 1058 hours, has a total flight time of 1,300 hours, dropped 113 tons of bombs to destroy enemy troops, as a result of bombing strikes a lot of damage was inflicted on the enemy, oh, what good fellows the girls are, so young and youthful, and over the years of battles... their forty-sixth guards regiment made more than 24 thousand combat sorties,
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among them gelman, polina vladimirovna, gomelchanka, it’s hard to imagine, these are 59 pilots who flew with the title of heroes of the soviet union, twenty of them, pilots of the famous forty-sixth vardiy bomber galina dakutovich's feat during her lifetime was awarded the order of the red star for 101 combat missions, a medal for the defense of the caucasus, and the order of the patriotic war in the first degree, she was awarded after her death, she was only 22 years old.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives on today on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of especially important events. live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians. exciting travels around the country, feature films for everyone ages, in the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar,
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they go to the divine liturgy, when they take communion there, they in some sense, in some sense, a certain sacrament of our unity with each other with the living, with the dead is being performed, we will tell and show in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel, they are dedicated to their
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work, the land for me is a wet nurse, they give us everything, bread and milk, without labor on it, well, nothing can be produced, not i imagine another job where i will not be holy on earth, i am ready to share my knowledge and show one day from my life. the battalion is designed to carry out tasks of searching for investment graves of military personnel with a view to their further perpetuation. based on the results of field search work, information was established. belarus 24, in the expanses of stramechevo there is the most fertile land and the most hardworking people with whom you can achieve high and good harvests. i get moral satisfaction when
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i hear fireworks, honor guards, ceremonial reburial, when real. you understand that the work was done efficiently and the result was achieved. we are talking about news from the capital and in the world, darya tarasava is with you, good evenings and... sunny on the air. hell of a surgeon and trade union leaders, deserved honors in the decarations of the trade union saint.


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