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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 14, 2024 7:00pm-7:20pm MSK

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hello, live news, lyudmila kazakh is with you, watch this evening episode. the work of pill factories, agricultural services, the creation of a national satellite communication system, meetings with savmin in the palace of independence. and a harsh warning about the inadmissibility of corruption, it is better for the poor to be free, which one of the leaders has already lost. the amount of systematic
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bribes is hundreds of thousands of dollars, the presentation of certificates and certificates, talent competitions, flash mobs, meeting the dawn in belarus , graduation ceremonies are starting. our sporting victories let's sum up the interim results of the brics games. live broadcast from kazan. a large meeting with the leadership of savmin in the palace of independence.
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on a working day with the president, it’s sad, but true, i once warned everyone, i’m sure that there are people at the table today who, not for the first time, have heard me say the phrase: it’s better for the poor, the beggars in freedom, than the rich in prison, was widely heard this phrase is in our state, among the people, but as you understand, i did not say this in vain. and i really, really wouldn't want me to once again they either reproached or reminded me that before some electoral cycle, or during it, i am getting on the anti-corruption horse, but it’s true, smart journalists have long noticed that lukashenko has been on it for a long time already, for about 30 years, i think those who are interested in this issue, i remember that the first anti-corruption commission in the country's history...
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where i came from, i saw all this injustice, and so on and so forth was headed by that same lukashenko, and i have not forgotten, similar things. corruption is the rust of our economy, i have always said this, it causes severe damage to our state, not only economically, but politically. the investigative committee of belarus in relation to the first deputy head of the belarusian railway dulub.
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sit down, and then you will be offended that they were seized there for no reason, i repeat once again, not a single person, law enforcement agencies and the controlling state control committee, have ever detained or laid eyes on him, unless there are specific facts, all people are included in personnel register of the president, this means, before doing in step in their direction, onto my table. documents, i make a decision, i have one law a long time ago, facts are on the table, so they bring these facts, why do i share my mood, every morning on my table there are a certain hundred documents about all the tricks, i hinted to you: listen, don’t interfere, don’t take someone else’s, don’t touch, it’s not yours, it’s secret in belarus, it’s not... i managed to inoculate
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the appropriate vaccine for our people, who generally do not tolerate corruption and theft, well, the belarusian railway . why am i being lifted up next? golovchenko, compassionate, just didn’t study the question, let’s take away the collective farm from the baranovichi branch of the belarusian railway, and why do we take away this collective farm from the railway, we once handed it over so that they would invest there and raise this collective farm, but we’ll take it away because from the railway there is no money for the road, so here’s 3 million, if only.
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i categorically warn you about decision-making, here it is, there’s only one varyuga, you think he’s the only one there, well, the swede will sort it out with law enforcement officers, it won’t seem too much, the president also made it public information from law enforcement agencies and other resonant facts in minsk goro rem avtodor, ex-assistant to the president for the vitebsk region, brez regional executive committee and not only, there are no untouchables, alexander lukashenko harshly warned about the inadmissibility of corruption in the country. i
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won’t ask you to persuade me anymore. a step to the left, a step to the right, we’ll put you up against the wall, i’ll tell you publicly how to solve some issues, well, it’s just a disaster. are fully loaded, and considerable investments have been made, both public and private. in fact, we have an increase in reserves low-grade industrial wood, wood processing waste. the president once again draws the attention of production to their creation in the country 67. they must work to earn money. in 2021
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, 570 were delivered to europe. the tone of domestic pills, however, in the second half of the twenty-second year, their sale to the european market became impossible. the government is working on alternative logistics.
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centers of our large enterprises, mtz supplies tractors, abroad we are excited, we are creating service centers without service, without servicing equipment, you have no one will buy it abroad, right? why can’t we
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create these service centers in our country, restore them, and use mtz? gomselmash supplies combine harvesters, babruiskaya gromash supplies and so on. they supply equipment for the villages, so they must restore 134 organizations under your leadership and the government so that they provide services on site, and you... support the parent company by restructuring the debt, that is, you
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work disgracefully, you are in debt, like silk, belagrosroservis, head office the enterprise, they deferred the debts, forgave them, in fact, you came to me again, my ironclad demand to the governors and the government, which i voiced more than once, there must be strict payment discipline, period without... in the sixteenth year, today he is successfully fulfilling his functions. in 2020 , the president determined the procedure for fulfilling
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financial obligations, and the government proposes to adjust it. the president once again emphasizes to everyone that all decisions made must be in the interests of the state. and returning to the topic of corruption. the corruption scheme, the creator and curator, who is one of the leaders of belzhde, was exposed by the main department for combating organized crime and corruption of the ministry of internal affairs. operational search activities revealed, over the course of several years, that the current defendant in the criminal case, taking advantage of his official position, lobbied for the interests of commercial structures that make money from cargo transportation, while setting a specific price tag for performing the service, the amount of systematic bribes amounted to hundreds of thousands of dollars, in return the corrupt official provided priority transportation of goods across the territory of the republic, near and far abroad, it was established that the official. as a result of several meetings , representatives of a commercial structure also received funds in the form of bribes totaling more than
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300,000 us dollars. during the investigation , funds totaling more than $3 million were found in the tanyaks of the defendant’s country house apartment. regarding a high-ranking official of the belarusian railway the investigative committee initiated a criminal case on the grounds of a crime provided for in part three of article 430 of the criminal code. not bribes by a person holding a responsible position on an especially large scale. currently, gubob , together with the investigative committee, are carrying out activities aimed at establishing all the facts of the criminal activities of the defendant. and now we move to kazan. the brix games are taking place in the capital of tatarstan. the collection of the belarusian national team has already been replenished with awards. there are among them.
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kristina kamysh, colleague, are there any other reasons for joy? thank you, lyudmila, the tv news agency’s film crew is working in the gymnastics center, and has already finished here by this minute.
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this season, well, we have a very big start, because there are so many countries with such big starts, well, it’s not enough, we certainly don’t have enough of it, and we are very pleased that we were seen in our best form, is there definitely enough strength left? one march tomorrow , there will be three types, three types, yes, we will have three types tomorrow, but we have the main type
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of course, yegor sharonkov has vault, he has very good jumps, good difficulty, he jumps them well. let's hope that tomorrow he will show a very good result. thank you very much for your communication. anatoly shakovets talked to us on air, studio. we return the floor to makaonka 9, and we ourselves will begin preparing a report for the panorama program. all medals. watch our release. thank you, colleague. kristina kamysha, together with her we observe the sporting achievements of our athletes at the brix games in kazan. simple poles opposed the introduction of a buffer zone on the border with belarus. an open letter from bialowieza entrepreneurs to the country's authorities is published in the polish media. it was signed by about 60 businessmen, owners of tourist and other objects, whose ideas are in danger of decline due to the ban on movement in the buffer zone. the publication mani quotes representatives of small businesses whom
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warsaw is depriving of legal sources of income. we're already at the bottom. we are stuck in the mud because we can hardly move, we are talking about opportunity to somehow work, the only solution is to open border crossings, there is nothing to hide. i have the impression that all actions by the authorities are carried out chaotically and are not fully thought out, i don’t know if any consultations were held, what the consequences of these actions will be, the current government and the former opposition went to the elections with beautiful slogans that they will listen to society. but i'm not sure that this is exactly the case. now the security sphere is changing in all directions, but is there any way to do this? some kind of strategy? polish-ukrainian friendship is again under threat. a monument to the victims of the volyn massacre appeared on the border of the two countries. the height of the monument is 14 m. it represents a huge eagle in the center of the monument. a carved
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cross with a trident, on which a child is impaled, at the foot of a family engulfed in flames. the upper part on the wings. the name of the cities where the killings of poles by the ukrainian rebel army took place, so despite the current support of kiev , the poles do not want to completely forget their history. meanwhile, a record grain export was recorded in ukraine. in in february-may, exports significantly exceeded 5 million tons per month, this is the maximum in the last 6 years. these figures are given by agency news with reference to data from ukrainian customs and the ministry of agriculture. from february to may, local companies moved out. barley, while on average, in these months, in the previous 6 years, kiev exported at least 15 tons per year. record rates of export of agricultural products are being recorded against the backdrop of reports of grain shortages in ukraine itself. world blood donor day
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is celebrated all over the planet today. the celebration was also joined by... belarus on this day is an opportunity to express gratitude to donors for their dedication and generosity. every day in belarus more than 500 patients need blood transfusions and its components. according to statistics, one donation can save four human lives: newborns, mothers, people who suffered in accidents and emergencies. a campaign for free blood donation was organized today throughout the country on the basis of stationary and mobile sites. a more effective form of developing mass donation is on-site.
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today you are filming and which i went through is one of those elements that people need, donating blood is the involvement of each of us in the healing process, people donate blood at the age of 18 years and older, and those who do not have severe chronic diseases, those who do not have infectious diseases...


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