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tv   247  BELARUSTV  June 15, 2024 3:50am-4:20am MSK

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earlier valery nikolaevich, my father-in-law, he managed to convince everyone that we need to be one big family, one core in order to achieve maximum success, so alexey and anton are the sons and brothers of my wife, here it is, yuri and galina. these are nephews, valery nikolaevich, nikolaevna, they are also in this business, their children also already work for us, various first cousins, third cousins, there are brothers, sisters, many are already working here for us, so somehow we all got involved in this is the case and here’s one big one...
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anna ivanovna recently retired there, she used to be the chief accountant, so somehow now, when she comes, everyone greets her with such, well , tenderness, trepidation, they are happy to see her, because... well, she’s also pleased to come back here to communicate with us, well , somehow this kind of mini-fairy tale unfolds here, in our farm, each of its participants has found their own niche that they like, not only by liking, but probably also by ability, who is more successful in what, he’s doing that, that’s how it is. but let’s say
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we have alexey, he’s more there according to the vedas, there’s everything, uh, there’s anton, he’s more there, engineering, construction, let’s say, yuri, he and he can’t live there without a field, without agronomy, there, without all this, our girls there also seem to have each found something of their own, some are accountants, some are economists. someone there manages the staff, so for us it’s a farm, it’s one big machine that, let’s say, each of us, like a cog, spins it and pushes, so it puts all the mechanisms, let’s say , into operation, and specifically, if for me, then... for me, well, this is a find somehow, well,
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for me, this is really a find, this is an enterprise, because somehow, like this i joined it and somehow i can’t imagine my future life without this enterprise, i’m already making all my thoughts, all my development, all my plans, well, certainly taking into account the fact that i work here.
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“i’m for originality, the fact is that now there’s an interview, i’m speaking russian, and maybe it’s not so beautiful, because i don’t speak this language every day, every day i speak in the local dialect and even with everyone around me who comes, even when i call. the ministry recognizes me, i say, this is a godsend in the woods, and they tell me, and we found out, people understand everything, what we’re talking about, because well, there are a lot of words that people have forgotten a long time ago, and even here workers come to us, some... someone from pinsk, someone from ivanovo, when i talk, they ask, what does this mean? they are interested, they are direct, i’m already
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thinking that i need to write down these words for for the future, for the grandchildren, uh, so that they know how to talk here, here are the sons. this is my family, i can do a lot of things, but i can do a lot of things, but i have very little free time, despite the fact that i am already a pensioner, because my two sons, my son-in-law, my husband work on the farm, and my hobby
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is is that they feel comfortable and warm in my house, that they feel maternal, feminine warmth, that they are well fed, because they have no time to do this, they have no time to cook something for themselves, their families live in pinsk in brest, and the fact that they work here is even a great blessing, because my grandchildren, my daughter, my fiancées often come here. i have eight grandchildren, i also like to pamper them, they love to come to their grandmother, this is my hobby, this is my happiness, these are our flowers, when we started farming, well, it’s
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easier to do business in the city, because people there don’t know each other friend, they don’t know who comes from which family and how we will perceive it. all this is easier when you start doing business where you were born, people have some kind of mistrust initially, how can they, will they be able to organize all this, because well, people here are simpler, they are used to working on their own, not organizing labor, working physically themselves. therefore - i wouldn’t say that anyone criticized us, but people were initially distrustful of our business. another reasoning is, who needs these flowers and spends money, well, because, well, time
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changes, views change, now it ’s completely different, now everyone in tyshkovichi already has chulpans growing in our yard... chulpans, everyone is coming to us come to work in winter, according to the contract, to clean them up, everyone admires them, when somewhere i meet some acquaintances from another area, the world is small, somehow people collide, they go somewhere together, they rest together, they lie together in the hospital, and it’s nice , when they say, oh, and i went there with your village, vacationed with your village, they spoke so well of you, and you have such beauty there, it’s nice, nice, people generally changed their minds, well, just 180°
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in the opposite direction, now it’s the other way around, people are already asking us how we are we plant correctly, but what do we feed, what? such high yields, that is, distrust has already turned, let’s say, into imitation, let’s say, the policy of our economy, if people ask us something, we always suggest, because from our experience, let’s say, if a person wants to achieve something , he will achieve it anyway, and if a person wants to achieve something, why not help him? therefore, you need to be benevolent in this world, as it comes, so will it respond, and in general you need to do good, there is only one life, now the world is such that i want i wish myself peace, peace, there will be peace, we are all
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hardworking, and my children and grandchildren are growing up. and life, having lived, well, let’s say, having lived most of my life, already a long one, i believe that this is really the main thing, peace and health. everything depends on us.
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10 weaving traditions are among the elements of the intangible cultural decline of belarus.
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today in the ether 24x7 project we will talk about rating news and significant data. let's remember the pearls of belarusian cinema and invite you to take a virtual trip. belarus and open a new place on the map, and, of course, we will present to your attention exciting and educational projects of our tv channel. stay up to date with all the latest news in the country and the world, watch our traditional friday project. in the section your choice, we get acquainted with important news from world politics, economics and social life, sports culture. negotiations between the president of belarus and the governor of the voronezh region. days of minsk at vdnkh in moscow and preparations for the parade for the independence day of belarus. reach
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a billion dollars in trade with voronezh region, doubling the current figures. the president of belarus is focusing on this. alexander lukashenko held negotiations with the head of the russian region. the belarusian leader is convinced that the task for the allies is feasible. minsk and voronezh cooperate closely in various areas. case in point. in the region of the largest school in russia with the direct participation of belarusians. construction leads in trade relations between minsk and voronezh, but the partners do not limit themselves to this. the russian region is developing dynamically, investing a lot in real sector, belarusian technologies and competencies to help partners. our country is ready to meet the growing demand in russia for equipment. the president also considers cooperation in agriculture promising. the allies intend to develop cooperation in industry. in particular, there are agreements to create multimodal centers for servicing belarusian equipment,
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and in the future small assembly plants. another current union topic is aircraft construction. voronezh is expanding its line of aircraft produced and is counting on close cooperation with belarusian enterprises. nizhny novgorod hosted a meeting of the heads of the midcountry brix this week. a belarusian delegation led by foreign minister sergei oleynik visited russia. in software. in his speech, the minister outlined the prospects for cooperation between belarus and the brix union. a number of bilateral meetings also took place on june 10. industrial, tourist and cultural potential of minsk. presented in the belarusian pavilion at vdnh. the days of the capital of belarus are held here. they will last 3 weeks. minsk days program very rich, every day is dedicated to a specific topic. for example, minsk medical will talk about the belmedpreparaty company, which produces a wide range of drugs, as well as clinics where unique operations are performed. educational minsk is dedicated to belarusian universities.
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particular attention to industrial potential, the main direction is mechanical engineering. belarus will build a multi-brand combine harvester center in oryol. mechanical engineering is one of the promising areas of interaction with this russian region. connections are developing in industrial cooperation and in the agricultural sector. the oryol region is an agricultural region, a leader in the production of sugar beets, buckwheat and rapeseed. the task is to switch to seeds of domestic selection and genetics. a national seed production center is being created. and belarusians can take part here. good prospects in the construction sector. belarusians are planning. build a school for 550 places in the oryol region. a train with t-34 tanks has arrived in belarus, which will take part in the independence day parade. total delivered 10 units of this equipment. this is a weapon of victory, which largely determined the outcome of the battles of the great patriotic war. the legendary cars faced off against the german tigers and panthers. it was the t-34 that was the first to enter occupied
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minsk in july 1944. the tanks will be placed in military units. minsk garrison, and from next week these vehicles will begin to take part in training for the parade at the lipki airfield as part of a mechanized column. on july 3, more than 250 units of wheeled and tracked vehicles will pass along winners avenue. in using the traditional date of the week section, we will find out what reasons for celebration the outgoing week offers us. on june 10, 1962 , the future composer, singer, songwriter, producer, sergei sukhamlin, was born in the russian city of penza. after 5 years, the family moved to slutsk, although sergei graduated from the belarusian polytechnic institute and connected his life exclusively with music. while working with
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a full-time composer-arranger as part of the karusel group, he met inna afanasyeva and... the best arranger of the year, for her creative during his career he composed more than 600 songs, the authorship of which is registered in the registers of moscow and minsk. kamyanets and soligorsk. june 12 marked the 90th anniversary of the opening of the main symbol of belarusian sports,
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the dynamo stadium, in minsk. the need for its creation arose in 1929, 6 years later. after the emergence of the dynamo sports society in belarus, construction was carried out using the folk method, each dynamo member worked 100 hours at the construction site, in addition to athletics competitions, football and hockey matches, the stadium hosted parades and festive concerts, since its birth the arena has changed its appearance five times, after the war the stadium was literally restored from ruins, it... became the only place for training work and competitions for the country's dynamo players, among whom the first champions of the ussr, europe and the world appeared , olympic games. after the latest reconstruction, minsk dynamo stadium is a world-class multifunctional arena, while preserving the historical appearance
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of an architectural monument. i celebrated my birthday on june 13th. belarusian and soviet weightlifter leonid taranenko, nicknamed zhabatinsky as a child for his incredible strength in honor of the titled athlete. in the small regional center of molarita , throwers, wrestlers, and weightlifters tried to lure the simpleton, but the barbell became his lifelong love. after the death of his father, leonid, in order to help his mother, was forced to combine study with work and mastered his specialty. winner, but did not throw the barbell. belarusian hero, olympic champion in 1980, multiple champion of the world, europe and the ussr, a. winner of nineteen world titles records, and two of them are listed in the guinness book of records. leonid arkadyevich managed to overcome a serious illness and again emerged on
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the platform as a triumphant; there is no analogue to this in the history of weightlifting of the 20th century. to his favorite sport: taranenko devoted more than 20 years, giving the whole world phenomenal victories and results. next, we will get acquainted with the pearls of belarusian cinema in the cinema section. this time we are waiting for the story of a young soldier who will once again prove that people are judged by their actions. every saturday on tv belarus 24 broadcasts masterpieces of belarusian cinema. this special event is dedicated to the centenary of russian cinema. film picture. godin to non-combatant, filmed in a rare film for belarus about the genre of military comedy. the directors were vladimir rogovoy and efim sevela. the latter is also the author of the script. the film premiered in
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the ussr in october 1968. this is a story about how a seemingly worthless recruit becomes a hero. on all fronts of the great patriotic war, the red army is waging a rapid offensive. enemy retreats, offering strong resistance. the platoon of signalmen thinned out during the fighting. the command sends a new addition in the person of a young musician from a provincial town, volodya danilin, who lost his father in the war. due to vision problems, the medical board gives him a verdict: fit for non-combatant service. what? do you have any refills? instead of three of you? i don’t know, maybe it’s good for books! what are you good for? oh god, we're not good enough. the sergeant major of the communications department, kachura, was skeptical about the new private and assigned him to
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bougie workshop. having no experience with horses, volodya often finds himself in comical situations. so he was appointed as a driver for a restive horse named bes, who somehow lost his grip and ran into a minefield. sergeant major kachura demanded that the guy get a new horse. at night, volodya goes to the rear of the germans. to the rear? who sent him? what about the law? you were punishing, you won’t get a horse for the tribunal? what is he? he’s a complete fool, but apparently he’s used to believing what he says? i ’ll thunder in the penalty area, it’s like crazy. under cover of heavy fog, private danilin takes away a horse from the nazis from a guarded herd. the horse was wounded and turned out to be a circus horse. they called him fediya, if only he had brought a horse, but what is this, a poppy, take your eyes in your hands, look who you brought, he couldn’t have chosen better, the other
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horses ran away, but this one stayed, this one is not like he won’t run away, will not crawl away, volodya danilin had to go through a lot during his service with his horse, and despite the reservation that he was not fit for combat, vladimir managed to distinguish himself on the front line and received a medal for military merits, on behalf of the command. congratulations, i am serving the soviet union. the main role was played by one of the most filmed boys in the soviet union, viktor perevalov. the image of sergeant major kochura was portrayed by people's artist of the ussr mikhail pugovkin, who himself was a participant in the great patriotic war. he played many memorable characters in famous soviet films, for example, wedding in malinovka ivan vasilyevich changes profession 12 chairs. sunset roast step by step, we are going west, watch the film godin to
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not combatant on june 15 on our tv channel. time for a new virtual journey, we continue to explore the architecture of our country, the church of st. anne and the picturesque area around will not leave anyone equal. discover belarus with us in the traditional section place on the map. the church of st. anne in the village of mosar, an architectural monument of the classical era, was built in 1792 by the polotsk castelian robert brzestowski and his wife anna plater. it is located next to the church. three-tier stone bell tower and chapel of the mother of god of astrabram. unique bas-reliefs and bright temple decoration. throughout
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its existence, the church remained. valid even during the soviet years. in the temple, in a silver ark, today there are the relics of st. justinian, transferred here in 1838 . in the 19th century, on the day of remembrance of this saint, tens of thousands of believers from all over the area gathered in the church. of particular value are the 16th-century icons of the crucifixion and our lady adigitria located here. there are 14 gorillas located around the perimeter of the temple. centuries with stops of the way of the cross. in 1989 father juozas bulka became the rector of the church of st. anne. his name is associated not only with the restoration of the temple and its bell tower, chapel, and stone fence structures, but also with the revitalization of life in the entire village. in the area adjacent to the church, through the efforts of the rector and his volunteer assistants.
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a small park was laid out with trees, bushes, ponds, bridges and alpine slides. in 2005 , a monument to pope john paul i appeared near the church. at the temple, ksenes bulka organized an anti-alcohol museum and founded park alley of sobriety. on his initiative, the parish of the mosar church of st. anne was declared a sobriety zone. nowadays there is an active club at the church. ardom also has a sports ground, and there is a magnificent arboretum around it, which brought mosor the glory of the belarusian versailles. the church in mosar, which is shrouded in the spirit of belarusian architecture, attracts many tourists and offers the opportunity to experience the atmosphere of a true holiday in belarus. currently, a trip to mosar is included in many educational routes for those who
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attracts tourism and from. in our country, welcome to belarus. in the guide section, we will get acquainted with the best projects of the tv channel, the latest news from the sphere of the belarusian economy, acquaintance with the work of one of the scientific and practical centers of our academy of sciences, as well as delicious travel around the novogrudok region. st. petersburg international.
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dilution occurs, reducing the amount of nutrients. for a long time, rabs was not a food crop, but thanks to the center’s staff, everything has changed. few they know, but rapeseed oil is very close in fatty acid composition to olive oil, and although we don’t have our own olives in belarus, we do have excellent modern varieties and hybrids of rapeseed. about people who make a significant contribution to development.


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