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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 15, 2024 6:25am-6:45am MSK

6:25 am
indeed, this part of the village of khatyn, it was really recreated, well , let’s say, completely down to the smallest grains, very important, they say that the new interactive museum is also of particular interest to visitors, tell us about this project, yes, indeed, in addition to the open parts of the memorial and the repair work carried out there, a new museum was created and opened, a completely new exhibition, and it is more of a museum of emotions. a museum space in which, with the help of new information technologies, there is a complete immersion in those dramatic events, the story is rather not told through facts, although quite a lot of information is presented there, in each hall there are information panels containing information not only about the period of the great patriotic war, the first hall, for example, is generally historical, it covers a large period of our history since 10th to 20th centuries.
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schoolchildren, young people, and adults, they note that this is truly a complete immersion in those tragic events. well, you have data that at the end of last year , a lot of belarusians visited khatyn, about half a million, plus foreigners also came, there are more than 11 thousand people there. why do you think our memorial complex is so popular? the memorial itself is such an open book that allows you to see the result.
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and m such a central place, but a very important place in historical memory is occupied by and of course the events of the second world war, the occupation, which lasted on the territory of belarus for a full 3 years, led to huge human losses, it was really a policy implementation genocide, but the tactics of the scorched earth, when on the territory of our country, from the first to the last days of the war, punitive operations take place, as a result of which they burn...
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barysa glebskaya tsarkva in grodnya, one of the oldest byzantine memoirs of the departure of europe. already ten
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hundred bastards have taken possession of the depths of their cryptic absidas, these grandiose altars of wise architecture, the architecture of belarus. it is most likely that the kingdom was published in the 1180s, at the time of the reign of the garadzen princes barys and gleb and illuminated by honors. heavenly intercessor. the temple was opened on the month of urochyshcha kalozhan, this means, there, there are many shmatlikiya krynitsy, which were played by the meat pagans. such a softening of the temple is ensured by the ideological program of the christian church at the end of the day. for the sake of their
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legitimacy in the new lands, shrines appeared in the months of the pagan capitals. pa-pershae, kab stsertsi asatsyyatsyyu getaga kavalachka zyamlі. with the old bugs, on the other hand, as a separate ritualistic paganization of one hell of a religious thought is different. gradzienszczyna - the so-called black rus', lithuania is truly a great land of originality and is a pagan land, so the greed of the past is still very important and suffered from the meat traditions of such a pagan character. and we say that the tsarkva is 12 hectares old, all the same geta supercharge the early stages.
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tsegly, on all attacks, hi budze patausstey, eh budze staatsya, yes, such a function, well, abaronchay, it didn’t rise, and what is this scyana, well, the enemy will give us a lot, if we were hiding there, and all
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all these scenes , we are trying such an extraordinary blessing, we have lost this part, what a blessing... the frame is there, well, everything has been saved, and we mean that former primordium, and all the respect, and we are enjoying this s scenes, and i am not, and atrymlivaetstsa davolna significant prastor. the grodzen architectural school has since chalked out its own design elements, specific layers of plastic tiles, and even the surfaces and seams are practically uniform. for soaking... we dug out a bowl, from which we kneaded the egg peel and the rolls of the draughts and the wax. excavated in the scenes of the galas, their main element is the created acoustics in the temple. hook, who is dragging at the floor of ceramic dishes, is
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constantly cutting and conveying hooting praise for the coming and coming links, the most important ones. galasniki were familiar from the greek and roman architecture of europe. their great actions were chosen in novugaradze and pskov. in napaina, novgorod and pskov you can get them like a business card. sunny, it seems that all this is our ice nouvha. however, the belarusians, with their success, can say that they were trying to get out of the galasniks badai on hundred years ago, the garadzen kalozhskaya tsarka was built by the great sur'ez i pa kolkastsi, so it is more significant than in any naugarod temple of the same scale, and yana... however, at the barysaglebskaya tsarka the galas were removed constructive role, which were identified in crimes shavanaga to the passage ў paўnochnaya gallery і ўtoushchy sklyapenyaў, as rezanatars there are selfless, but it is the essence
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of the blurring of the main scenes. good morning belarus with svetlana borovskaya is a fascinating acquaintance with unusual people. this institution, a cultural institution, a house of crafts, i thought there was no one here, once a week, who would come, hello, there are a little, zhen, that’s the most important question, how did you choose, here you are sitting on the sofa, and you’re thinking which let's get this business into gear, the secrets of a good mood, let's drive our bus, kick it, come on, come on, good morning.
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stories, that’s what they still want, in addition to very simple, ordinary breads, and many interesting educational ones , some without flour, some without sugar, some with with additions, so that we do everything, imagine everything, see everything, today we in the house of crafts have restored all types of folk explanations.
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skin-to-skin installations of polished and unpolished flat stones and small slabs. on the front façade there are two painted roofs of the stepped galvary. the softened roof and stone have centimeters, but the doilida decaratars are not strict, they carry the spirit of small parts and freedom to the cleaning system and the whole. according to the plan of this temple, it is exactly the same, like... shest loupes, three naves, there are apses, all this can be known
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and in the other principalities of ancient russia, and all the construction materials are different, such is the case, the dry boulders are split, adjusted and folded into these scenes, in other words, i know the color well done, this kind of brightness was picked up... let's create a raspberry color scheme, green, shaggy, red, brown, light brown, and laid out so that all the time you know the data's interests , the design of the façade and the look of what 's next, the interior of the temple is expressive ajuzza three zones: narthex, naos and the three-absid altar section, which is filled with four columns,
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and the liturgy took place in the open air, and the entire façade of the temple is transformed as if it were a business card ku tsarkva, faith, and of course, i gave urachystastsі and the jumpers, all these stones, roofs, everything that was created by the ornament, this is saprauda, ​​as if the pavin was inspired by religious thoughts
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and the creation of the very same faith, and then religion same mood. scenes. formed by sheragam nish, placed on a flat surface pіlyastraў, so i ў in the scenes of the memory. the purpose of these items is folded, they could be used as arcasols and niches intended for plowing, but for this purpose they are not sluggish and heavy, and neither noidzena nіyakih slyadoў plowing. the padloga of the barysaglebskaya church was laid out with small tiles. in barys, the gleb church has door and window openings that have a cohesive plastic frame, a vault and arched lintels without developing the profile of the doors and low-profile arches with rollers windows. asnovy chyrvony background tsaglyana masonry.
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the kaluga tsarka gives the lord the quality of torture. you just have to do as much as you can with your skin. sci sabe nakirunak i there probavat adshukat prauda p krytychna small kolkasts krynits. darechs, the most stupid krynitsy - these inventories, and i know a lot, i can’t give away the old kalozhskaya princess, there are 12 hectares, a patch of 13 hectares , we know the debt, what happened in 16 and 18 stagodzi. and at that moment there was already a lot of stuff that was wrong, it was re-arranged, re-arranged. for the record, praise the gravel. city ​​of tsyunt, on this engraving we are very finished in such a style of 16 centuries, gatychnaga renaissance, tent pavilion of the hetay tsarkva. the whole getai tsarkva has the first problem, because how could it have been at 12 stagodzi, we can say, because there was a byzantine goose-bathing
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tradition. further, when the gates were strachany, they were re-arranged, in 16 stagodzi, and the ending. the words of the old children, the old system of history, the swedes are in the hour of the night war, after the 17-17 century, the accumulation of layers began to fall, you are more than archaeologists, yes, the great lords of the good , said this kingdom, it seems that the completed stupid, kalon, which we know, is full of knowledge, the date there is the 16th, 17th century, adpavedna, navat not only dakh, but also the system itself , as if stupid, over-covered i hesitated for an hour. admer barysa glebskaya tsarkov ў 20th century pakazaў ya perakos. the scenes appeared to be non-perpendicular. detailed analysis shows that this is not a consequence of the future. akramya adzinaga planning prince, all the churches of the early christian period may be the same
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peracosis. uvogule doylidam then it was not possible to exhibit correctly vugal s dapamogai. or notch, but at the base hetay semvalіchnaya prykmetki lyzhytsya diligent panic sіmetraі i raўnavagі. all christian churches were paved with an altar for the exit, but for the rest of the year they could not follow the same trajectory. at the same time at zinitsa in may the azimuth is changing. it's time for the end of the sun, and... the bastards, the bastards of the distant hell of us, the storm has passed, and all these hours are coming, and garadskiy ўlady, і dzyarzhava, yany klapatsіlіsya
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ab this budynka, of course, it means, і to grab it, because take care... that pratsyagvaў passoўvatstsa ўnіz. the drudgery was built up so as not to overload, not to give too much pressure, and to keep the data from going further. fall cyazharom geta muggle easy atrymazza. there, work is ongoing, work will continue, and work on restoring what has been claimed will continue. and there is a history of hidden treasures. navat slyady maynits ests at this temple, that with them there is a slave, liquidation, and also geta taxama historic gates of the temple, and there all the time the vukukians are trying hard, is it still the same as with them?


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