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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 16, 2024 9:20am-10:39am MSK

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i once heard from my father, because he studied here in belarus, i’ve been coming here to the festival for the second year, i feel like the artist treats all these songs very reverently, very warmly, and even new songs in belarusian movs that appear, that sound here, they are just as special, they have such a belarusian national flavor, the national festival of belarusian song poetry for the first time expanded the poster for 5 days instead of two, now the organizer... is counting up statistics on how many guests of the city of the sun have read, listened and sang. last year , 60 thousand guests visited molodechno during the festival. yes, it will be forever, calling close from afar, youth, youth, youth, belarusian! in kazan,
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where the brix games are taking place, belarusian athletes continue to delight their fans with a scattering of awards. in the overall team standings, after 3 days of competition, our team is confidently in second place. only the hosts of the sports festival, the russian squad, are ahead. in total, the belarusian piggy bank has already won 74 awards: 35 bronze, 26 silver and 13 gold medals. today. on the fourth day of competition, athletes will compete for 51 square meters of honor in eight sports , our representation will be badminton, rowing, table tennis, wushu, karate, fidgital basketball. divers will make their debut at the multi-tournament. and, of course, all the attention is on athletics. the day before, representatives of the queen of sports took 16 awards. and the team admitted that they expected a similar result. i expected it, to be honest. i knew that our team was good
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i’m ready and that there will be a lot of medals, so of course, i personally was waiting, i don’t know how, but i was waiting, i’m glad that new faces appeared, that you can look at other guys who are running and competing with them, well, i’m ready i have a good one, let's see how it will be tomorrow, because i don't like to make guesses, but i will try to do everything to the maximum, brix games or some other games like friendship games, which are this year, they are needed for that, so that athletes have the opportunity to perform in any case, such a medal plan...
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the only team that did not win a single victory this season. the citizens have four points and a penultimate place in the standings. slavie has 18 points and is in fifth place. i note that for a long time the mazyryans were among the leaders of the championship, until a series without victories began. we will tell you about the development of events at noon. let me remind you that the projects of the tv news agency are available on all social networks, as well as in our mobile application using the qr code on the screen. have a nice day and see you later.
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when you sing songs on earth, quietly to you
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the sky will sing along, those who died for their homeland in flight, we continue forever. we lull the children to sleep at midnight, it seems to you that the stars are looking from the sky, but it is we who are looking at you from the sky, we are not at all those silent ones,
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we are the wind, the cry of cranes. who died in the sky for her homeland becomes the sky at the bottom.
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lieutenant, lights out, everyone to sleep. today is exactly one year, the longest, most terrible year of my life. listen, masha, if you fly like you did today, i won’t let you fly again, okay? nothing will happen to me. "i'm lucky, 365 nights, every wait when it will end, will everyone come back, what are you saying, wow,
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how many have we lost?" exactly a year since we were at the front, then i sat for a week in the selection committee of the komsomol central committee, and already well-known pilots, very young girls, came to us. they came and demanded, they asked, insisted, cried if they were not allowed to go to
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the front, the regiment had already been formed, they wrote everything, went, came, we wouldn’t oversleep, don’t forget the things yourself, the main thing is to take, as a result of fierce battles, break
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polikarpov, where are you going. ?what is this? soldiers, i’m running to the front, so am i. served yours. regiment, they didn’t take me for points, if you’re a human, you won’t make a peep,
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that’s fine, galya, take me with you, oh, galya, be quiet, you have something to do here, it’s clear, i have nothing to do here . take me, comrade girl, i’m listening to you, comrade young man, involuntary. a witness of your courageous act and that i approve of the meeting
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or, or in this case, i ask you thank you, i will deliver it to your destination, so to speak, heading 270° forward, let lazarev polikarpova introduce himself. it’s very nice that such a sweet girl, and also a hooligan, turns out to be mine colleague, what do you mean by this, just what i said, so you fly on these, what do you mean on these, well, on these, kerosene stove, stop, there’s nothing offensive here, but whatnots, kerosene stoves, all of them that 's what he calls, but no, we came to stop. wait, at least tell me your name, you want
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to escape, my kerosene stove can fly too, i’m going to take off, yours! name! kerosene stove! what kind of order do you have in your regiment? shatrovaya was forbidden to even fly into the air, but she flies for combat. it is a crime. this is war. i have no one to fly. everyone has no time everyone is rushing to the front, and i am obliged to treat. and your beauties have just kidnapped a man again. i'm warning you, i'm going to complain
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to the commander. the commander of the second squadron and the doctor urgently come to me, i’m listening to you, comrade commander, commissar, where are you, here i am, what is it, comrade commander, the task is completed, it was you who allowed maksimov and nesterova to fly to the hospital, so the girls collected the jackdaws, and what happened, i’m listening to you, commander, look, zakharchenko, what are her subordinates doing, me? that i am committing a crime, what, dusya, i’m listening, dusya, can you explain what happened, what happened, oh, look, now you’ll see, zakharchenko, look too.
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so what do you say? now something will happen. comrade commander, efritor polikarpou arrived from the hospital, absolutely healthy, ready to fly. 7 to 10 days of arrest. the patient is back in the hospital. comrade commander, who will fly? ya
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, clear, clear, comrade, commander, there is an urgent change in tasks, i’m flying to headquarters, the navigator will check the calculations, the chief of staff will clarify the front lines, the tension is maximum, departure on the green rocket, clear, comrade commander, you have a squad of two navigators who are sick, will you allow me to fly with polikarpova, when have the stitches been removed? a temporary amnesty for everyone, until the end of the war, what a temple,
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oh, well, how can you fly normally, uh- huh, come on, report to the commander, but my engine is acting up. comrade commander, the task is completed, how are you feeling, well, maybe you can rest today, no, i’ll fly,
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gasoline here, zine, azin, what kind of flight are we scheduled? and the eighth, comrade commander, yeah , you will, comrade, commander, yes, yes, it’s hot, thank you, little girl, i fed you. the regiment's 5,000th flight, how long ago it was, the days turned into a week. a week in the long, hard months, yes, the nazis are already pretty tired of us, they called us night witches, that’s something, if the enemy scolds, then my
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girls are doing great, the planes are turning around in an hour. girls! rise, your planes are turning,
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antonina, why are you sitting, let’s go, no, i ’ll naturally wait for mine. we are going on an expedition to the corners of our country, we are going on a folkloric expedition to number 597. things will happen even more often in advance past the country. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. our routes took us to the ukrainian agricultural town of opsa, in braslauschyna. here on the shore of the lake with the getkim i will call the month of satziba, published on a packet of minulaga.
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when you wised up, galina, you thought of running away from the hospital, i had to lie to the commander that they were navigators. ksan, you are a true friend, i gave you one day, sleep a little, if you want, i’ll take you, sleep, okay.
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let's go, do you hear, oksana, tanks, tanks, quickly, let's run, we're our own, let's run, quickly! come on quickly!
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well, what are you silent? well, what's your name? i'm oksana, and you? does anything hurt? well, why are you silent, is that all? comrade lieutenant, the commissar is calling you, let's get some sleep, and i 'll be back soon, okay.
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don't let anyone in, let him sleep. i’m getting acquainted with our squadron, this is a commander, you know her, and this is katka and yulka, and this is tonya zhukova, she’s our oldest, strict, you’ll obey her, here’s me, here’s a star, we’ll fly after the war, and this is the turn for bread, you don’t understand anything, we were in a hurry to go to war. want?
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what is your name? fedor pavlov. get up aim for outstretched arms. eye! let's! oh, well done! is it possible to shoot down a fascist plane with a pistol? no, from... machine guns are possible, well, leave at least one son on the floor, they write the son of the regiment, we have a female regiment, please, i understand everything, but you also understand us, because we are constantly flying from place to place , we are changing airfields and we simply don’t have the right to risk the life of a small child, but how can it be, marya ivanovna, well, children live in pre-front villages and nothing, one on the floor, please, my girls, it’s about to end
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war and... you will all have sons, it’s impossible, he needs to be sent to an orphanage as soon as possible . oksana, by the way, said that she would not give it to anyone at all, because she was like a mother to him. oksana is, first of all, the commander of the iskodril. and her job is to fight, and not to bother with the child, well, why are you doing this, but you are still a cruel person, after all, oksana smiled for the first time in a year, her son died, and if you had children, you would. urgently, army headquarters, there! so, the task is the same, above the goal of being extremely attentive, new fire weapons may appear
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dots, okay? how are you feeling, polikarpova? great. they don’t give out your things and medals from the hospital, will you have to? later, okay, when there is time, at 17:00 the planes should be ready, clearly, comrade commander, there are questions, then the last thing about fedor, stop all rallies, you did n’t come here to play with dolls. as soon as a response to our request arrives, he will be immediately sent to the orphanage, okay?
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this is what the combat crew does during the day, okay, they told you it’s similar, for the most nutritious product. come on, goat, goat, goat, she's teasing you, and this one will lay an egg, so, okay, don't squeeze, and this is a rooster, listen to her more, katka is like a rooster, let's go, let's go, yes, well, go, go, yes, what, wai , why goat, wai, wai, and you don’t ask a question, better help, otherwise everyone is only criticizing, come on, come on,
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they’re really waiting for us, the paratroopers are entrenched on the other side, on a small piece of land, they need food, medicine, ammunition . we will also deliver cargo, a group flies from us, drops boxes with a paratrooper and lands at the sosnovka airfield, you will work there the assignment of the local command, comrade commander, well, the field is so bad, we won’t even take off without cargo, now it’s drizzling, then the sun, then it’s drizzling again, it’s not difficult, but we have only one way out, commissar, gather everyone, we’ll build for steel, zakharchenko , stay, let’s clarify the mission, yes, comrade commander,
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my dear girls, i could tell you about each of you, how after 1,100 nights, after 25,000 sorties, we walked to victory. how , among anti-aircraft explosions, in defiance of death, you lived in the name of your tomorrow, you believed in him, otherwise why haven’t you forgotten how to smile, give kindness, wait for love, look girls.
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thank god it’s over, at least we can fly without rain, stand up! comrade commander from the quadrille , it’s built, it hurts, so, fyodor, come here, maksimova, repeat the task of the quadrille, there is, why they kept the child in the rain, we’re dropping the desun boxes, am i a nanny or something, and after that we’ll work from someone else’s airfield.
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okay, i’m your commander, comrade commander, you can get up, come with me, let’s try, right, plane went to the right, so let's go left, the plane went to the left, now go straight, well done, try yourself. so, come on, come on, are you tired? when will i
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truly fly? yes, your legs still can’t reach the pedal, but i want, well , when you grow up, i’ll teach you to fly myself, time will pass quickly, we’ll find our father, he ’s good, you’ll like him, and the three of us will live, you, me, ours.
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well, it seems like we’re lucky, girls, we’ll finally find ourselves in a male society, pilots, sailors, where you’ll snatch up wives to sing, but the pilots will fly away, the sailors will leave for the landing, fedor, you i forgot my duties, gal, who dropped you such a bouquet, i won’t say who, comrade commander, come on! i’ll help you, go home, go, listen, you could also make a hut out of the cabin, put a chest of drawers, what did you touch, what happened, they give someone a bouquet, but at least for me? period, ugh, fool, i scared you, but i have no tomorrow, these are the bouquets, i don’t need
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my own, i don’t need it, galina, i beg you, don’t lure fedor, why, get ready, go ahead! light the fires, why don't you reset the left, it's hard to lead, why, why, doesn't reset. come again,
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smaller pirate, galina, back.
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comrade senior lieutenant, your squadron will work against enemy searchlights in support of the landing force. one point, second point, third point, be careful, a lot of anti-aircraft guns, the task is clear, clear, there are questions, it is difficult to enter from the sea, very difficult, be careful, i wish you good luck, by plane, we have waited for a historical event, the night
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beauties themselves are coming to us arrived, and all of you are so beautiful or they were specially sent, now it’s clear why we sent you from us. i think it's time, let's get ready for the flight, comrade, commander, i see how you are preparing, and where are your parachutes, comrade commander, it’s cramped in the cockpit, and then fewer bombs will enter, you think it’s easy for me to spin around in searchlights with a parachute, put it on immediately, if i see maksimov again, i’ll remove you from the flight. yes, it’s clear, comrade commander, while there’s an hour, i’ll see who ’s been rustling above us all night, and rustling, hold it, yeah, give me yours, it’s cooler, hold it, so if something happens, it’ll come down, down, down. hello
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hello! hello, how is it in the soil, only the ground there is softer, i’m curious how they fight on this whatnot, and oh, yes, yes, beauty, oh
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, oh. bye, what is this, our political officer is glued here, but what? forgive me, please, i say, he looks very much like our political officer, photograph. ksanka, ksana, xan, he says, he looks like, who looks like, the photograph. looks like our political officer, what's his last name, zakharchenko, grigory ivanovich, where is he? he went to sea to land. you will see him, in 2 hours i’m leaving for the sea, i’m leaving for the sea in 2 hours. pass it on, water it to the post office 40-129, pass it on,
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oksana zakharchenko. okay, i’ll tell you, quickly, her husband, first the wars were lost.
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come into the searchlight, stay on course, you've got it! fetor, i found our father, they found my folder, i told my mother, don’t believe the funeral, i told my mother.
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the raging terik -sal steppes were left far behind, the regiment changed airfields, but until the very last there were still thousands of miles and many hundreds of nights. maria, check how the first isdraglia is positioned, and i’ll check the third one. oh, sea, hurray, well done who chose this site. when this damn war ends, then reel in, then unwind, go crazy,
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okay, okay, girls, look, dzetsi mai, dzetsi,
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i marvel at the sky, and wonder why i don’t... what is it? petka, how did i teach you? yes,
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comrade commander. i don’t want to march around, step by step. march around, step by step. don't want. so, let's get ready to dance. the general gave zakharchenko half a doctor, i heard, i heard, the captain, they say that there is no one in the regiment...
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it’s a pity that i can’t kiss you, i can only see you from the air, but i’ll find you anyway, i’m already on my way, wait, kiss you, kostya!
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handykhah, gla, let me shoot, only at the shooting range, come on, gal, well, let me, well, you know that they only shoot at the shooting range, and i saw how you they shot the corn, i’m a disaster, i’m not a gal, i didn’t tell anyone, honestly. well, come on, hurray, i said that i would hit, i said that i would hit, who shot, only once,
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the child has a weapon. stand up, three outfits in line, don’t bother me, galya, gal, what other punishments are there, punishments, peeling potatoes in the kitchen. and i can even peel potatoes, and you can do everything here, and also, and also, and also, when they put you on your lip, yes, it’s such a dark room, it’s dark, dark, they lock it with a big lock, you sit alone and it’s scary, and i ’ll do a tunnel, well, if you’re such a knight,
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go get some water, okay? i’ll dig anyway. we receive a letter from my mother and from my mother, she is my teacher of such naughty people as you teach, let's work, let's go faster, come on, quickly, quickly, come on, tanks, tanks, tanks, oops,
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tanks. fyodor, you are a true friend, you don’t leave your friend in trouble, you just know that you can’t help someone who is punished, come on, come on, go. galina, i asked you here as a person, do not lure fedor, and who is stopping you from luring him, you fool, for you he is like a toy, but
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for me he is like a son, you understand? and this is for him decide, but they decided without you and me, now they’ll definitely send me a house somewhere, but i won’t have children. because the injury, in general, polikarpova, i can’t fly with you anymore, and i don’t want to. key 17:14, no, friend, that’s all for today, let’s get ready, let’s go,
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and the commander is even, feder, why does the commander need flowers, she needs me to be a good soldier, oh, nothing. you don’t understand, listen, is this the boguslav farm, i’m lost, and who are you, lazarev, in a pumped-up motorcycle, well, of course, what’s your name, fedor, and what is this, that’s what, fedor, time in a sawn-off shotgun, here you need one person, be a friend, go on a reconnaissance mission, there is, but how... you can’t, well , be a friend, well, i was gathering dust for 200 km, just for an hour or two,
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kostya! well, why are you following me? go like sanya, go to ameska, do you hear? well, why are you doing this? world guy!
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fedka! give me some seeds, why are you still following me? can i come visit you? oh, how hot it is, what do you think, fedor, will there be a thunderstorm or will we fly? “i don’t know, that’s how things are, brother, olya, give me
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your legs here, take her, come to me, i don’t want to, let’s go, that’s it, uncle, tomorrow you are you going?" and you go to moscow, you ’ve never been there? why? well, because children should be away from bombs. fighting is still the business of adults. i’m an adult too. i know. that’s why i’m talking to you like you’re to adults. at the front, the commander’s orders are not discussed. marya ivanovna, allow me, i will take fedor to my mother myself, my girl, you know that it’s impossible now, you are needed here, marivan, i never
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asked you for anything and never did. i will ask, but commander iskadrilie zakharchenko to dismiss fyodor, dismiss him. come on, let's go here, and then, girls, i 'll get in the car, and i'll go with you, where are you going, yes, i'll go with fedor, you'll see moscow, i 've been to moscow myself, i've only been once, now it won't be long now , the war will end, i will take you away. the commander can’t cry, otherwise you
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’re like my mother now, well, go, go, do you hear, go, go, fedor, come on, come on!
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childlike curiosity and genuine interest, absolute honesty and sincere emotions.
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questions to an adult on the belarus 24 tv channel. they are dedicated to their work. the earth for me is the nurse, she gives us everything, bread and milk, without labor, nothing can be produced on her. i can’t imagine another job where i won’t be connected to the earth, i’m ready to share my knowledge and show one day from my life.
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the battalion is intended to carry out tasks of searching for invective graves of military personnel for the purpose of their further perpetuation. based on the results of field search work, information about more than 3,700 people who died during the great patriotic war, as well as during the first world war, was established. watch on tv channel belarus 24. in the vast expanses of ostromechevo there is the most fertile land and the most hardworking people, with whom... you can achieve high and good harvests, i get moral satisfaction when i hear fireworks, the guard of honor at a ceremonial reburial, when you really understand that the work has been done efficiently and the result is achieved.
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galina, katya, be careful, lod marivanna, i’m coming, oh, the girls will fly into your parachutes, but the winners are not judged! why don't anti-aircraft guns fire? nether!
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"they will burn everyone one by one, i'm approaching the target, get ready, where are you going, crazy, running around, but this is what a fighter is like?" jump, i'm behind you!
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they're burning! "there's a bomb on their airfield, why don't you throw bombs, i'll come in again, get ready, mommy, mommy, what is this, mommy, mommy , aksana, aksana,
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the plane lands with bombs, what have you done, because we didn’t take revenge for these chats, rubbish! why the hell were we flying, back, comrade commander, the mission was not completed, wounded, no, where are the parachutes, in the parking lot, we
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threw them out before takeoff, with parachutes only a boat with a navigator, four crews burned down. why didn’t they tell me, i let everyone out with parachutes, they burned because of us, a year ago i flew without a parachute at all.
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they had parachutes, no need, masha, no need, only a week has passed, maybe they’ll come back, how many have we... lost, yulia, i can’t,
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just close your eyes, and the spotlights are right in my eyes, they’re blinding, blinding, but i always have the night before my eyes, and you know what poems the jackdaw wrote to herself, i don’t know what... will happen to me, on the day that the long-awaited crash of everyone, maybe with the war gone i’ll disappear from your memory, maybe they won’t be sad about me at a cheerful victory feast, anyway, i was at war, and i don’t need a fraction of the memory, that’s why that day is doubly dear to me, that it doesn’t go out over you, that i was a fighter in the war, and i don’t need a fairer share. new recruits arrived,
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girls, soldiers, your regiment barely asked for it, got there, yeah, they took it as an armed man. where is comesca? fedya, fyodor, do you understand?
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fedya, fedor!
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fedya, i’ll throw your bombs at the friceps myself, i promise, i won’t miss. our little one could barely keep up with the infantry, but we knew we they knew that there was very little left before victory, how strange. i have the same acacia under my window at home, the same sun, and this is
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germany, comrade. guards major, there is a package for you from the commander. polikarpovo has an order. take fedor to your mother. girls, do you know what we will have tomorrow? on the occasion of the regiment's awarding?
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you're not a technician. does it suit me? it goes, but why to the floor? fyodor, well, it’s a score, will you crash on your score? i only unscrewed one screw, and it fell apart. fyodor, you 've packed your things, i'll have time, no, tomorrow will be too late, go here, now go, fedya, it’s beautiful to me, fedya, where are you, fedya, yes.
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