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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 17, 2024 4:50am-5:40am MSK

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belarus lived faster, the friendship of the people, the strength of the people, our reserves are pouring out, our grief has settled into a clear sister, the game is faithful.
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our beloved mother, pradima, etasha!
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a crisis of humanity, 120 million displaced from their homes due to human rights violations. an alternative to a unipolar world, the voice of belarus is heard in the dialogue of the brix countries, where the right will lead europe and a pleasant dive, where the deepest pool in the world has spilled water. you look around the planet, we are on the air on tv channels belarus 1. belarus 24 in the studio daria tarasova, hello! you're right knocked out the ruling elite, parties that oppose aid and openly criticize sanctions against russia have strengthened their positions. these are the preliminary results of the elections to the european parliament. the tenth race was a failure for ned napoleon macron. the head of the fifth republic succinctly outlined the tragedy of europe with this layout of the electoral campaign. dissolved parliament,
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and ruined the disregard for national interests and other servants of washington. chancellor schulz has a mirror case, the ruling coalition has lost the support of the germans, economic stagnation, migration crisis, sponsoring the war until the last ukrainian. all this became a trigger for the strengthening of eurosceptics throughout the eu. will the personnel reshuffle be a rollback from anti-russian rhetoric? nikita makhodkin will share the review. europe is shocked, an ultra-right wave has covered the european union, you can see all kinds of headlines in the foreign media, they are all about the same thing, elections to the european parliament, looking at the results of the electoral event under a microscope, we see a new trend that has become the essence of a series of political decisions. current the results of parliamentary elections and elections to the european parliament are an indicator of the accumulation of social problems in europe. they are not satisfied with
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the current format of politics and the current form of existence of society, they want changes . the right-wingers are now becoming the spokesmen for their position to a greater extent, although previously there was a pronounced left-wing bias in european politics, including this indicator of the problems caused by the war against russia and belarus, sanctions aggression, from which europe itself suffers in the larger world. many right-wing parties. for example, the national movement france or alternative for germany, opposed participation in the anti-russian campaign and are now enjoying political bonuses due to the fact that what they criticized brought disaster and failure to europe. but looking at the picture, everything is intact, you come to the conclusion that we can expect significant changes in the eu’s course. despite the mood
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of the european public, the belief in participation in political processes has left the citizens of the european union. the turnout barely exceeded 50%, the lowest. croatia's country indicator is only 21%. then followed by the baltic countries, slovakia, bulgaria, the czech republic and poland. in most eu countries , citizens who have reached the age of eighteen have the right to vote, but there are exceptions. so in greece , voters over 17 years of age can vote, in belgium and germany, in maltea in austria, those who have reached the age of sixteen. in several countries, belgium, voting in elections to the european parliament is compulsory, and thanks to this, turnout there reached the required level, except for greece, where 60% of the population managed to vote ignore, in fact, each of the 27
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eu countries organizes its own elections, there is no single voting procedure, it can take place either on open or closed lists, the process is no less... noteworthy is the procedure for summing up the results. there is still no single body for counting votes in the european union. responsibility for this lies with the electoral authorities of each country. this is where room for imagination and entire political schemes for national governments are born. in latvia, for example, it flared up scandal, representatives of a number of political parties are unhappy with the decision of the head of the central election commission, saulite, to trust.
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she herself complained that over the past 2 years she had invested all her financial resources in the company and was now forced to collect both her living and her pension from charitable contributions. in neighboring estonia, prime minister kaja kallas, whose party received only one mandate during the elections to the european parliament, clarified in an attempt to justify herself. they say she predicted such a finish back in october. in yet another country of our neighbor.
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macron's party has a significant lead. this suggests that the french do not like the president’s policy, a policy aimed at aggression towards russia and belarus. foreign policy is, for example, the acceptance of migrants, the green corridor, which creates a lot of problems, especially in germany. the german economy is suffering big losses due to this so-called. green corridor, because the germans are cut off from cheap raw materials from the east, from russia, this is a factor that influences the voting results. belgium is also worthy of attention, parliamentary elections were also held in the country in parallel , this time
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it was not possible to kill two birds with one stone, only croo was shot, his face was darkened by the unexpected results, the right-wing parties won, and as a result the politician resigned. the king accepted her immediately. in the two largest countries of the european union, the success of the far right has also excited the establishment. in germany, the elections to the european parliament actually divided the border between the federal republic of germany and the gdr. almost without exception. in all eastern lands the bloc of cdu and csu won. in the west - an alternative for germany. however, the latter lost twice as much to the christian democratic union. chancellor scholz's party suffered. sentiment in germany at the moment is largely against the government, so this is not surprising, but the level to which the government has sunk is quite shocking for the ruling coalition.
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unity is important for the european parliament, but now there is a clear danger of a split on the issue of the conflict between ukraine and russia, some are aimed at providing further support for kiev, others are friendly to russia. this is a powerful dividing line. the green party also supported an aggressive and anti-russian policy. place, gaining 12% of the votes versus 20 in 2019, when they took second place in the ranking. the political life of france began to sparkle with new colors. following the election results, macron dissolved the country's parliament and ordered early elections due to the defeat of his party. the cunning enterprise is unlikely to allow him to secure a majority among those opposed to his policies parliamentarians. however, such a move is quite possible.
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the leadership faces strong resistance from its own population, which prompts the leaders of these countries to try to divert attention towards the ukrainian conflict, instead of solving internal problems. today is the last day before, at an informal meeting, the leaders of the european union countries promise to begin discussing candidates for key positions in european institutions, the heads of the european commission, the european council and european diplomacy. anyway. but ursula fonder's party confirmed leadership, but nevertheless, the clouds are gathering over her.
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the head of the european union, michel, categorically does not want frau ursula to be present at the meeting, and the western media are actively recalling her high-profile, failures and scandals. here is the chaos she created in the german armed forces when she was minister of defense, the loss of tens of millions of euros and gaps in equipment, the appropriation of order. 700 million euros spent on alleged third- party military consultants and incorrect distribution of contracts. they didn’t forget to remember the data she erased from their work phones, after appointment as head of the european commission ahead of an investigation by the german ministry of defense. well, finally, concluding a contract with the pharmaceutical company fizer in the amount of 35 billion euros and acquiring in...
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the usa on the territory of europe, then the european parliament is the same instrument, but political, expecting a new course of the european union after the last elections to the european parliament is a thankless task. nikita makhodkin, around the planet.
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from the north-south transport corridor to the one belt, one road initiative, the head of the foreign ministry of belarus sergei olei. a meeting of the heads of the midstates of the brix members took place in nizhny novgorod. a number of countries friendly to russia that are not members of the association also took part in the forum. among the first guests is the belarusian delegation. our country fully shares the goals and approaches of brix regarding the formation of a new, fair, truly multipolar world order. foreign minister sergei oleinik
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addressed the meeting with a number of important initiatives. belarus does not accept turning the international financial system into a weapon against those who disagree with western policies. no one hides anymore that international trade and the financial system have become a weapon to punish dissent. there is no end to unilateral coercive measures under false pretenses. the politicization of the activities of international economic organizations is flourishing. and secondary sanctions.
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in the world have every prospect of becoming a new, powerful economic force. the minister emphasized that belarus expects to gain a new status at the organization’s brix summit in kazan. minsk is a supporter of the creation independent mechanisms for mutual settlements and interbank cooperation. it is also necessary to expand the use of national currencies. in this regard, it is difficult to overestimate the role of the new brix development bank. it allows you to mobilize resources for... the un. minsk proposes to read illegal sanctions as an act of aggression, since they cause enormous damage to the state against which they are applied. belarus managed to avoid the catastrophic consequences of pressure, but the practice of indiscriminate use
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of the sanctions baton continues. any illegal economic sanctions are aimed at...
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it can formulate not only the framework principles of the eurasian architecture, based on the basic norms of international law, but more broadly, a strategic vision of the essence, nature of multipolarity and multilateralism, as a new system of international relations, replacing western-centric world. back in october 2023, the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of belarus presented this initiative at a high-level international conference. eurasian security, reality and prospects in a transforming world. poland introduced a buffer zone on the border with belarus on june 13. restrictions on the movement of people will remain in effect.
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58% of respondents clearly support the idea: 28 rather support it. obviously, now the authorities will not hesitate to give the military carte blanche to open fire on migrants. currently, four episodes related to the use of weapons on the border are being investigated, one last year, three recent ones. in all cases, the soldiers who opened fire were not in danger. it is characteristic that only one episode of the accusation. was still presented. surprisingly, but true: in latvia they proposed abandoning eurovision. deputies of the sejm insist that the majority of latvians are dissatisfied with the quality of the competition and the ugly
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propaganda that has recently been shown from the main european stage. at the end of may, the latvians themselves signed petitions so that the money allocated for participation in eurovision, which is 360 thousand euros, would go to support the development of sports in the country. the group of seven summit took place in italy. this time we decided to meet at the borgogna resort, apulia region. but the cote d'azur was chosen not because the summit was the fiftieth anniversary. the italian prime minister said that in this way the g7 wants to signal their desire to strengthen dialogue with the global south. the media called this summit the weakest meeting of leaders that the group had assembled in recent years. in the newspaper politics, thematic material was published under the heading "six temple ducks and." meet the g7 in 2024. g7 leaders agreed on $50 billion in funding for ukraine. moreover, at the expense of moscow.
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they plan to take the money from frozen russian assets. the russian foreign ministry warned that retaliatory measures would be very painful for brussels. expectations and reality from the promenade of the world's powerful to the luxurious swiss resort in nezalezhnaya. peace did not reign after the summit on ukraine. in bürgenstock. obviously, zelensky is very bad at mathematics; a formula for peace cannot be found without the presence of both sides of the conflict. geopolitically neutral switzerland recently tried out its mediation services in colombia and received a slap on the nose from european governments for giving a red light to re-export their weapons to kiev. the frankly low level of state representation makes the forum just a media anti-russian party. carrying out this event. where, since russia does not see the west’s desire to conduct business honestly. moscow has never refused a peaceful resolution of the conflict with kiev.
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the head of the russian ministry of foreign affairs, sergey lavrov, reminded all invitees of this. in a luxury resort in switzerland, behind barbed wire, guarded by 400 soldiers with automatically, mainly european leaders with representatives of overseas island satellite countries of the old world, gathered at the world summit and discussed the situation in ukraine, and without a clue. solve problems with the participation of all parties involved, and not demand to gather in switzerland in order to confirm or support
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, without any reservations, the notorious zelensky formula, which is an ultimatum demanding from russia that very strategic defeat, the organizations do not want peace this conference, new zealand, for example, she sent the minister of correctional services. australia, the minister of disability insurance, india, one might say, mocked and sent its ambassador to russia. some countries, led by brazil , prudently asked to mark the lists in brackets observer, that is, listen, they will listen, but they will not vote for the final kamunike, and large-scale refusals began as soon as it became clear that there was a russian presence in switzerland. supports all
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efforts to achieve peace, our position on the summit in switzerland is fair and fair, china maintains contact on the issue of holding a peace conference with relevant countries, calls for inviting all interested parties to participate on equal terms and discuss all settlement options. and it was precisely on the state of the global south that the bet was made in order to dilute the western coalition of puppets and give credibility to the event. however, he didn’t even come to the conference. biden, he chose to raise funds for his loved one during the election campaign in california, with that on the eve of the meeting, biden was geographically in europe at the g7 summit, using a delicate expression, we can say that this is not a solid event, you cannot discuss peace issues, nuclear security issues, without the participation of a key
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player, a key player, what? is the russian federation. the indicative program of the event is a short plenary session, at which the participants simply physically do not have time to exchange opinions and agree on something. and the final resolution was written before the start of the event, it does not even contain a requirement for the withdrawal of russian troops. this is a short document with good wishes for food and nuclear security. the topic is the return of prisoners of war and deported children from ukraine, a considerable part of whom, by the way, have already been found in europe, where their own parents took them. only for this one.
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i realize that the idea of ​​a summit failed and in order to somehow stretch out in diplomatic twine, the president of switzerland, in his welcoming speech, stated that the conference aims to create a platform for direct negotiations with russia. the purpose of the summit , as an international space , is to prepare a platform for direct negotiations, to determine under what conditions russia can be involved in negotiations in the future. unlike western countries, it proposed a clear path to eliminating the conflict in ukraine. the conditions for achieving peace were voiced by the russian president; they are very simple. ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from the lugansk, donetsk republics, kherson and zaporozhye regions. in addition, kyiv must officially refuse from the intention not to join nato. this will be immediately followed by an order to cease fire and begin negotiations. it was these initiatives that the russian ministry of foreign affairs proposed to discuss for those who nevertheless came to switzerland in order to somehow spend time usefully. but in the west
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they pretended that... they didn’t understand the proposal. olga davidovich, around the planet. you are watching a program around the planet on belarus 1 and belarus 24. the ability to resolve crises as a trigger for the great escape. 120 million people around the world are seeking asylum today. conflict in sudan pollinating the gas sector, war until the last ukrainian. these are just some of the scenarios that force people to leave their homes. figures growing exponentially were shared in the geneva un refugee report. as a result, 3/4 of the forced pilgrims come from afghanistan, syria, venezuela,
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ukraine and sudan. european elets with their eyes wide shut are even happy about this replenishment. the supply of cheap labor needs to be increased. but the borders are not rubber. tatyana volkova knows where the migration collapse is leading. desperate attempts to hold on afloat, the dying cries of drowning people , the horror of seemingly inevitable death. the few survivors of a shipwreck of a ship with refugees off the coast of the southern peloponnese had to endure a year on... there were about 750 people on board, 82 were confirmed dead, just over a day was saved. one of them is ali elwan, a thirty-year-old chef from egypt. he still gets calls from his homeland, mothers, brothers and wives of missing people. i remember every second of what has happened to me so far. i can't forget anything because i lost some friends. on this ship was my best friend. we lost
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him, i can't forget. nothing that has happened so far. a year later , only vague answers remain to the questions of why so many lives were lost, what caused the shipwreck and who could be killed. responsibility, meanwhile, already this year , 282 people have died while trying to cross the territory of the central mediterranean, the flow of illegal immigrants does not stop, despite any risks and obstacles, he presented shocking data on refugees and displaced persons around the world. we are now at level of 120 million. last year we recorded 114 million, that is, an increase of 6 million. more. some refugees have returned home, but this is a relatively small number, mainly internally displaced persons. otherwise, from places like sudan, gaza and others, this figure continues to rise. as the un noted,
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people are fleeing conflicts, violence, human rights violations and events that seriously disrupt public order. simply put, from wars, poverty, hunger and natural disasters, most of those leaving their own... people are moving within their own countries, according to the department, this number has grown to 68 million people, that is, by almost 50% in 5 years. about 43 million people left without their own shelter found shelter outside their homeland. at the same time, the widespread idea that developed countries accept illegal immigrants turned out to be a myth. 75% of refugees are in poor or middle-income countries. that's why. we need to stop seeing this problem as a rich country problem. however, it is the developed countries that complain the most to the migration crisis, looking for new ways to get rid of uninvited guests. so great britain sends them to rwanda,
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having concluded an appropriate agreement with the authorities of this country. in pre-olympic paris, they found nothing better than to send illegal immigrants to their own province so that the capital would acquire its long-lost tourist luster. people often wait months, or even years, to register their right to work. yes, i would be happy to work as anyone, if someone tells me, come on, take out this garbage, i’ll do it without any problems, i’m for this is why he left egypt to earn money. a full-fledged migration crisis in europe. has been going on since 2015, during which time it has not only not been resolved, but in some places has turned into a political instrument that brussels uses at its own discretion, so poland is using eu funds to build a fence and is transferring troops to
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the eastern border, supposedly defending against refugees, rubber bullets tear gas, beatings, pushing through animal gates, everything is used with impunity, at the same time on hungary... eu court of justice in luxembourg imposed a fine of 200 million euros for violating rules on the reception of migrants. this is such a different europe. hungarian prime minister viktor orban rightly called the eu court's decision outrageous and unacceptable. europeans themselves no longer accept such rules of the game. the past elections to the european parliament showed a serious strengthening of right-wing movements in several countries at once. in austria, germany, france. there is more and more sympathy on the side. europeans from the conflict in ukraine, which the collective west is so diligently arming. this is in particular the opinion
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american economist david sachs. according to the un, ukraine is now in the top five countries where almost 3/4 of the world’s refugees originate, along with afghanistan, syria, sudan and venezuela. and tired.
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european leaders in the european parliament elections can become an example for american voters. tatyana volkova, around the planet. atlantis, version 2024. the deepest diving pool spilled in the united arab emirates. down 60 meters or two hundred feet. this depth is now available to scuba divers in dubai. deep record already recorded in the guinness book, sunken auto billiard tables, music conference, sounds imitating the inhabitants of the deep sea. this is what the grand basin infrastructure looks and sounds like. for that. to fill the attraction for divers with water, it took the volume of six
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olympic-sized swimming pools, another confirmation of oe’s love for gigantism, now the tallest skyscraper in the world has a bottomless neighbor. what else happened over the past 7 days, what events will not leave you without emotions, which is definitely worth finding out about. special the selection was prepared for you by yana mendeleva. red, fluffy, where they were looking for garfield's double, thick clouds of insects, why mosquito tornadoes appeared in the usa, great fishing, what kind of fishing do the inhabitants of mali have, who tamed dragons and where to enjoy the views of tea plantations, we will find out together in the next few minutes. red fur, ears, paws and tail. a garfield look-alike competition was held in malaysia. they took part in the competition. there were hundreds of fluffies, but there was only one winner.
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the double of the monday-hating, lasagna-loving cartoon character was recognized as a two-year-old british shorthair barbosa. at first, it felt really unexpected to win the garfield look-alike competition. my pet is orange and white and i thought there were too many orange cats that looked like garfield, closer to garfield, but the judges chose my cat as the champion, i really didn't expect that. the owner of the double, recognized by professionals, received money. prize of $105 cat care products from the sponsors of the competition. a real mosquito tornado has been observed in recent weeks in florida: millions, perhaps billions of insects descend in thick clouds onto local populated areas. the reasons for this natural phenomenon are unclear. conspiracy theorists blame billgates; his specialists in florida laboratories are conducting experiments on the genetic modification of malaria mosquitoes. big fishing - a centuries-old communal
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fishing festival took place in the city of san in south-central mali. during san kimon is the official name of the festival. a crowd of people arm themselves with fishing nets, dive and catch fish in muddy waters of the pond. i came to fish, here is my catch. i am very happy now because in the evening at home with my family we can cook this fish and have a party. the san kimun festival is a celebration of the founding of the order and marks the beginning. malia's rainy season begins with a sacrifice to the water spirits, followed by 15 hours of communal fishing and traditional dance performances. the festival has been included in the unesco list as an event of intangible cultural heritage in need of protection since 2009. tamed dragons on the water in china, in honor of the duonyu holiday, races on colorful boats were held throughout the country. in the city of tijau, in guangdong province, from the rowers. special skill, this is due to the constant
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bends of the river, you have to either slow down and sharply enter a turn, or accelerate. this is where true teamwork comes into play. the unique thing about this dragon boat race is that all crew members must stand firmly on their feet. when we go through l-shaped and s-shaped turns, it is extremely important to maintain sustainability. if someone loses their balance, the boat can easily capsize. another important event - as part of the competition, a competition was held for the title of the most beautiful dragon boat. guests of the holiday were also surprised with musical and theatrical performances. the program also included dancing with lions. tea journey. thousands of tourists flock to sachuan province in southwest china to enjoy the mesmerizing views of the plantation and the aromas of meng tea. from the high mountain bridge you can watch how farmers collect fresh leaves, which will then become from... china is the birthplace of tea, the representative
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of the intangible cultural heritage yaan emphasized that in the history of china, this drink survived five dynasties: tang, song yuan, ming and ting. people who like to drink tea tend to prefer the traditional cultivation of tea, because tea produced by machines may differ in taste and aroma from tea that we produce entirely by hand. to attract a young audience, local experts are constantly experimenting. three people in the boat, not counting the dog. in tandem with mironov and zhirvint, through the eyes of director birman, george, performed by litsidei, became the absolute favorite of the viewer, and the acting trio with the golden cast of the soviet comedy feature film. putin’s stage
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was dictated by his family tree; he grew up in the family of the people’s artist of the isr, the leading actor of the vakhtangov theater. graduates served under the leningrad bridge. on the small armored stage in the early seventies, he forever found himself in the moscow theater of satire, he was faithful to this scene until the last years of his life, he played in paintings by maliere, chekhovo and ostrovsky. the people's favorite became a television virtuoso in the role of the host in the tavern 13 chairs and shone as many as 140 times. the date of the week is june 15, 88 in favor of the ironic mikhail derzhavin. you watched. circle of the planet, thank you for being and staying with us, visit the website , watch your favorite projects of the tv news agency online, goodbye, i don’t understand anything, what they are doing, they don’t notice, catch up with us as we catch up with them , on what? they're just making fun of us, or maybe
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maybe this is a form of female coquetry, this is not coquetry, this is the true feminine essence, they don’t give a damn about two impeccable ones,
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we have a huge number of projects, there are so-called russian houses, they are called that by the people, but formally they are all beautifully called the russian center of science and cultures, the most important ones, are naturally located in minsk, all of them are a kind of point of attraction for people who come there. to different clubs, to different seminars, to different conferences, film screenings, concerts, exhibitions and so on, a huge number all sorts of, as they say now, activities, activities, well, this is just what is done in russian houses themselves, besides this there are a large number of different programs that are launched from moscow, from the central
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office: cooperation, exchange programs, internships, trips for young specialists to russia, educational programs, a lot of everything, there is. obvious dates for us associated with victory day, may 9, of course, is a holy day, various events are dedicated to this, such as a candle of memory, a garden of memory, a victory dictation, a huge number various events, we participate, by the way, in the training of immortal regiments with great respect, so to speak, this is a great honor for us, besides this there are interesting stories, for example, the forum of regions, which took place in... belarus, we also participated in its preparation in the organization, there are educational programs, there is a recruitment of students from belarus to russian universities, there are several important considerations here.
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there is a lot to learn from our belarusian colleagues, partners, but i was very pleased, i was not surprised, i was pleased with grodno, clean, cozy, convenient, wonderful, beautiful city, low bow to the city authorities, so we have twin cities of the same grodno, this is, as far as i remember, tambuv, it seems to me, vologda, there is also a whole list, right up to sakhalin, it seems to me, our colleagues need to come to grodno. see how it works. let's return to the topic of russian centers of science and culture, recently such a thing appeared in the chest, what tasks do they perform ? how many of these are there in belarus already? well, we
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had an agreement on the activities of these cultural centers between russia and belarus it was concluded, as far as i remember, in 2009, the first large cultural center, this so -called russian house in minsk, opened in the tenth year, now we have a new one in grodna, and a center is operating in brest. there is a center in gomel, i hope that they will open again, they are in demand, we saw this by the number of people who came to the opening in grodno, this is a platform, a platform in demand among local belarusian non-governmental organizations, volunteer structures, various and some memorial, historical ones, who are engaged in the protection of historical memory, and quite social ones, who solve some kind of social issues...
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in which belarusian children go to study at russian universities, this is just a direct commercial admission there, signed a contract, went to study, and there is an olympiad movement, there is an opportunity to apply through the state belarusian exam, just with some additional information, and there is the same quota that was mentioned, this is the government of the russian federation, 1,300 people, we had almost 2.0 applicants, well, not bad.
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unified state examination russian students will be able to enter belarusian universities, great, absolutely, there are about a thousand places quota for russian students, 1300 of ours, i repeat once again, this is important, it is very important for us that students return and make belarus richer, better, more successful and so on and so forth.


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