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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 17, 2024 9:10am-10:45am MSK

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do not particularly protect themselves from direct sunlight. the icelandic city of grindovik was partially surrounded by lava; a number of roads that lead to this settlement now look like this: they are covered for many kilometers with draining fields of hot magma. the eruption here began in may and was the fifth in the last six months. previously, the disaster destroyed several houses, and now it also blocked the main road that leads here. farmers of the grodno region are completing the first grass cutting; over 200,000 hectares of land have already been harvested, this is more than 90% of all areas. traditionally, the leaders are the grodno, volkovysk, and shchuchin districts, where the procurement of forage for the first cutting has already been completed. almost all the green mass of the farm is placed in silage trenches. this technology has proven itself well. after adding a preservative, after 20 days the food is ready for consumption. more than
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six cents of feed units per conventional head of grass feed have been prepared, this is 138% more compared to last year, since we started much earlier, naturally we are already finishing about a week earlier, than last year, in parallel, farmers are caring for winter and spring crops, feeding them. to prevent low-quality products on store shelves in order to preserve the health of the nation. scientific and practical center for hygiene, the leading research and testing organization in the country in the field of hygiene, toxicology and preventive medicine. it is here that food safety is determined, heavy metals, residual pesticides, food colorings and antibiotics in food ingredients are checked. report from the laboratory. svetlana chernova,
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we have 104 dye, 104 is yellow henaline. in this laboratory of the scientific and practical center of hygiene, the kitchen of chemistry and food products is known in great detail. one of the important tests is the determination of synthetic dyes. they can be found, for example, in red wine, lightly salted salmon, and carbonated drinks. the content of substances is strictly regulated at the legislative level to avoid negative effects. on the body to determine the content synthetic dyes in drinks, we only need to carbonate and dilute them and we will directly put them into the device and determine them; for other food matrices this preparation will be more difficult to extract synthetic dyes. previously , the laboratory could detect only five synthetic dyes in food products; today, specialists from the hygiene research and production center identify all 17 substances thanks to their own high-tech technology...
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rest assured that products from belarusian stores are safe and comply with all standards by the way, strict quality control of goods determines the high demand for our products abroad. the qualifying rounds begin on tuesday, on your screens there is a map of belarus with the audition dates and where exactly the casting will take place. so, the first to sleep is vitebsk, the capital of the slavic bazaar, we are looking for talent on june 18 and 19. on june 21 and 22, the selection will take place in grodno. on sunday, june 23 , the baton will pass to brest. there will be singing there until monday, june 24th. further on the map gomel qualifying june 27 and 28, july we will meet in mogilev, the open microphone is here on the first or second of the month. the culmination of the tour in the capital minsk will be auditioning talents from july 4 to july 10, inclusive for exactly one week.
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we will tell you about the development of the event at noon, and i will remind you that the tv news agency’s projects are available on all social networks, as well as in our mobile application. have a nice day and see you later.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the field events, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi
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arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up the azer space-1 satellite dish. the tv channel signal is broadcasting. in open form and available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and open belarus for myself. this is the main broadcast, hello, did it happen to you that a friend of a friend told how he solved a problem for a certain amount, if so, then you know exactly what corruption is
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at the lower levels, and this is unacceptable, but what to do if they steal from higher ups, officials , for example, on the railway, people to whom the president entrusted important pieces of work, and... this was perceived as an opportunity to put a piece in their pocket, will now suffer serious punishment. an extremely tough meeting with savmin on friday was the main topic of the broadcast, not let’s also ignore personnel thursday. new shots. what are the tasks facing the head of the ministry of labor and the department today? there is
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a staged approach to increasing wages. people are the main force that moves entire enterprises. did grodno-azot manage to get out of the unlucky three, the most unprofitable jscs in the country? by processing ammonia, we produce 15 million tons of cash per year. our products are affordable even in far corners. how do brazilians see us?
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there are medals of the highest standard. they are guarding our health. on doctors day we will visit medical dynasties, let's take a look at the fap and developments. many people are grateful to me, this brings even more motivation to help people. if the ministry of health warns, this is important. belarusians are actively bitten by ticks. our incidence rates have increased. and the brightest night of the year. we’ll show you beautifully how graduations were held in belarus. in belarus
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, this will not be a secret; alexander lukashenko, at a meeting of the council of ministers, strictly warned about the inadmissibility of corruption and announced a number of high-profile facts and persons involved who have come under investigation recently. main topics of the outgoing week, anti-corruption scolding from the president, behind the scenes of personnel appointments, ours is multipolar. friendship and answer to those who doubt it. journalists from pool first will share their impressions of recent foreign business trips and meetings in the palace. watch all this right now in our first time section. new week, new. the agenda, but the previous one doesn’t let go either, i returned from the mongolia-irkutsk tour and the talk in the press center
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is only about this. we were greeted on all counts beautifully, but at first with caution, our the president had to explain what was happening, and journalists were also affected. you are from belarus, your president lukashenko entered into polemics, even a slightly aggressive message, and then comes... the same awaits upon arrival in belarus, however, the expression “get on your horse” is about belarusians who heard about the fact of a bribe of
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3 million dollars on the railway. the president's emotional state was the same. i would not like to once again be either reproached or reminded that before some electoral cycle, or during him, i mount the anti-corruption horse. pokashenko has been sitting on it for a long time now, for about 30 years, better. freedom than a rich prison. and the election campaign was also discussed. presidential elections must take place no later than july 20 next year. we must conduct these elections with dignity. do not offend people, this is the main thing, elections are for the people, for our state, but do not offend people, you will also watch the media field, everyone will be interested in the date, the question is provocative, the fact is that it is not the function that sets the date of the elections in this case, it is powers of the belarusian parliament and it will decide, before the door of the presidential campaign the central election commission
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felt some kind of attack, some kind of pressure, perhaps somewhere they are already messing with our names, then they are throwing out some personal... data yesterday i saw something there there, too, there was something connected with the bsu , some questions, so to speak, well, we understand that this is an external influence, it will continue, curiosity is always about the personnel day at the palace, the last one was very intriguing, the journalists seemed to care walked near the room where the guests gather. yes it was there are a lot of familiar faces, but the pool didn’t ask questions, but what position are you all for?
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the president made a decision, a responsible position, the leading tv channel of our country, and of course, well, i’m very pleased to return to the communist one, i’ll tell you frankly, i hope that they still remember me there, but on a new channel, so i’ll do everything possible to
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preserve the potential that the channel has and, of course, develop it, but don’t you think that? this week the governor of the voronezh region came for a visit for a couple of days, while alexander gusev was in minsk, a missile and twice air
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threat were declared in the region, residents receive this information from his telegram channel almost every day, using this example as an example. friend at a glance, although sign language is also used when someone interferes with the perfect picture, indeed, this is much better, we’ll also tell you why journalists are on their feet when the rest are communicating with the sitters, the protocol usually lasts 5-10 minutes, then the press leaves the hall, literally on their toes,
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everything here is so as not to interfere with the conversation and not to attract attention, we move the chairs, it would be impossible to leave unnoticed... to develop, guests do not come to us empty-handed, the governor of the voronezh region gave the first one money, 120 coins with a face value of 25 rubles each, we multiply, count, and you can pay with them. but everything is in the museum, everything is in the museum of the palace of independence, weighty, things are heavy, all the rulers of russia are depicted on the coins, from rurik to putin, after
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the reception of the first, any gift ends up in the hands of the museum keeper. everything in the museum is done regionally, there are a number of display cases dedicated specifically to gifts from various countries, there are dedicated to russia, so i put all the gifts from governors there, who place the most interesting, most significant ones.
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what kind of thing is it, let’s maintain the intrigue and remind you of the current assortment. 10 enterprises of the republic are involved in production. most of the first merch clothing models
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are sewn in zhodino svetanka. for children's day this year, our company has developed a collection of children's jumpers made in bright, summery, rich colors. they are designed for the youngest children, from 2 years old. only natural fabrics, cotton, linen, production technology is the same. canvas, then painting, cutting, sewing, packaging and shipping to stores, weekly deliveries. let's focus on the frame with a woman's face, which was preserved by the ministry of labor and social protection. she has been familiar with this work for many years, before the minister held the position of first deputy, she says that now it is important to smoothly launch the mechanism for paying pensions through a bank
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account, the norms of the law on social services and start calculating sick leave in a new way. the first interview of the minister the day after his appointment, exclusive to the main broadcast. natalya viktorovna, hello, first of all, we congratulate you, the ministry of labor and social protection retains leadership. a woman’s face, but such a burden is not light for you, and how do you feel? thank you for your congratulations, svetlana, yes, indeed, all issues are acutely sensitive, this applies to elderly citizens, disabled people, families raising children, of course, this is the feminine principle here, and the feminine principle is, as a rule, empathy is very important here, but all decisions must be weighed, so the ministry of labor has a professional team that really makes... such objective decisions on all issues and proposes to formalize this decision, so we can handle everything. when the president appointed you, he said that it was important to improve the system of supporting
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large families. in general, as you can see today, what can be done, what is important to do. we believe that it is necessary to fully strengthen the social responsibility of our families, and here, in this direction, we have already taken the first steps. this year, by decree of the head of state, it was determined that... family capital funds are not provided to families where the father does not work, or if the family is in a socially dangerous situation. in the future, in terms of organizational measures, there is interdepartmental interaction with colleagues from the ministry of education, and we provide social patronage to such families, weekly monitoring, we come, we work with such families, and of course, when we see that the child or the children in the family are in such a dangerous situation, then drastic measures are taken, and the child is removed from the family for a certain period, but during this period, while the child is under state guardianship,
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work is carried out with the parents. we employ parents, recommend that they change their living conditions, monitor these changes, and in case of positive trends, of course, the child returns to the family. the ministry of labor and social protection opened a hotline not so long ago regarding non-payment of state benefits, it is understandable if a person is not paid some kind of benefit, then there are probably some problems at this company regarding the payment of wages, in general how important is this topic, are there a lot of calls? well, first of all, svetlana, of course, we will implement these tools.
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is strictly controlled by government agencies, and these cases are minimized today, and if we are talking about non-payment of wages, then the debt for 5 months is 0.12% of the wage fund , the decree of the head of state has been working very well for more than a year, which provided powers to our department of state labor inspection, to act on behalf of workers who have wage arrears and to collect these...
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wages, we have already passed the first stage, from january 1 of this year the base rate was increased by 6.4% from 235 up to 250 rub. in addition, at the beginning of the year , an increase in incentive payments was implemented in all sectors of the public sector; more than 1.640 million rubles were provided in the budget for these payments. we are now working on a second increase and in the second half of the year, of course, labor and social protection by courier. industries are working to further increase incentive payments for certain categories of workers, with regard to pensions, together with the ministry of finance we are already making financial and economic calculations today, determining the possibility of increasing the second stage this year, but as a result of only the first increase, also for 5 months of the current year the size of the pension increased by 117.6% in nominal terms, but since july we
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have been changing the mechanism for pensioners. on payment of pensions, it is important that before this time, here literally, let's say, in these days, they have all opened bank accounts, how active are they, how many are still left, tell me, those who have not reached the bank? yes, svetlana, we have pension recipients in the country of 2.3 million people, senior citizens, of which 1,600 are already receiving a pension at the bank, and indeed there are innovations in legislation from july 1, they concern such a narrow category of pensioners, these are those who ... .
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a new funded pension mechanism, do you have an additional account? yes, i have an additional account, i opened it like we just launched our system, and moreover, i will say that my additional pension insurance agreement number five, that is , this is the fifth agreement in the republic, each person makes his own individual decision, and we see that they are very actively interested in this mechanism, the city residents are more even what i live with. at the beginning of our interview, you said that such a professional team had been formed, with which, in general, you worked here, but after becoming a minister, the post of first deputy became vacant, it is clear that there are still more candidates are being discussed, but would you still like to see a lady or a man’s shoulder next to you? well, today we
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have a gender balance in the ministry. for quality person. thank you very much and of course, good luck in your new place. thank you, svetlana. it's very good at home, but clear politics continues the great journey. four continents where minsk is known, valued and respected. the next episode of the project is dedicated to africa. the authors traveled to the cradle of humanity, kenya, and also visited equatorial guinea. why do africans want to be friends and trade with belarus? in what areas is our experience for the black continent a canopy of gold, belarusian trump cards on the african vector of the far arc? we have many requests regarding imports from belarus, especially regarding machinery, starting with
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agricultural machinery and other agricultural products, in particular fertilizers. we also have inquiries in the medical field. there are some enterprises, belarusian manufacturers, who want to create production in kenya, etc. from the point of view of logistics of the region, in fact we we are a financial center for the countries of east and central africa. the battle for the global south on the world map, the colonial past of african countries, the modern stranglehold of the west. how to survive on a couple of dollars a day, who is still making money from the planet's pantry, a difficult and long path to independence.
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african time. watch the next episode of the joint project of the telenews agency and the ministry of foreign affairs of belarus on monday after the panorama. we move across the atlantic ocean 11.00 km and hello africa. everything you need for the economy, everything you need for further development of the bloc countries, industry, everything is here. africa is a continent. future, i would like to send all these flowers to belarus. we love belarus very much and hope that our tea will receive the
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same love. tea is the green gold of kenya. london did not ask for forgiveness for the past event. kenya's huge problem is our dependence on the world bank's imf. now we earn about 2-3 dollars a day. i work here because i have no other choice. kilometers on both sides of the naroks were occupied by the so-called hasters. kenya is the largest economy is the center.
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produces food, and this is very good, the issue of protecting the environment is relevant for us, and i believe that belarusians have succeeded in this. we need to ensure our food security, so we want to cooperate with belarus and learn from your experience. belarusian. belarusian. ideas. yes, we are actively developing new markets , we value friendship, we get excited very easily and are open to cooperation, let’s pay attention to a specific example, grodnoazot.
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the largest producer of nitrogen fertilizers, a chemical giant that has gone through periods of crisis more than once, but continues to work non-stop; during covid, it supplied all hospitals in grodno. and gaseous oxygen. now it is increasing not only production volumes, but also supplies. the company boldly states that by the end of the year they will reach the pre-crisis period. our journalists went there and found out. is this so, and also checked the chemical fiber, the results are in the quality control section. they say here they make money out of thin air. grodno nitrogen is the largest enterprise in the country. by processing myac, we we produce 1.5 million tons of cassa per year.
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on your left hand, on my right, well , whoever is comfortable with whom, generally accepted on the left, well , with presidents on the right, i don’t remember the name, this is the quality control section, more than 400 hectares of territory and 133 m altitude at which we we are located in grodno nitrogen - this is the largest enterprise for the production of nitrogen fertilizers; they produce liquid ammonia, technical ammonia, and two types of carbamide. sulfate, ammonium cas.
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we will conduct quality control here today. and to put it even simpler, here they increase the productivity of everything agricultural farms. nitrogen will not let any summer resident lie, consider it the breadwinner. we accept automobile and railway containers. acceptance of products takes place in two stages based on quality indicators. for compliance with the requirements of tnla, in this case, the karmovid was certified for compliance with state-2081/2010, the enterprise more than once went through difficult times, in 2000, despite its status, it operated at a loss of 6 billion rubles, this was in just 9 months, investments were needed , new projects, modernization, reduction in gas and fuel costs, this has been discussed more than once at meetings with the president, competition is only growing every year, yes, a lot depends on
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prices, but we are obliged to keep the brand, the head of state emphasizes in 2018. you know my demands, there should be no unprofitable and subsidized projects in the country, the direction of budget funds for all sorts of additions and alterations are categorically excluded. despite all the vicissitudes, and sanctions have long been no excuse for anyone, the enterprise will continue to operate, steadily. our site produces amiak, its production volume per year is 1.1000 tons. we also produce, already processing ameak, we produce 1.5 million tons of cassa per year. already in the third quarter , the production of ammonia from the fourth stage will be stopped for more than a month, this will allow us to modernize the site itself. biuret is a harmful impurity in carbamide that
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has a harmful effect on plants, no more than 1.4%. at the moment we have 0.80% biuret in carbamide. control here is carried out by two dozen laboratories, from the quality of the product itself to packaging, transportation and delivery in three stages. sampling, sample preparation, and analysis are carried out around the clock.
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currently, we have the ability to transship nitrogen fertilizers in 15 terminals in the azov sea , for us previously these are brazil, turkey, india, and the baltic sea. on chemical fiber - this branch produces polyamide threads, so necessary for tires, knitted carpets, it all begins. caprolactan comes to us from nitrogen, we receive it, and goes through the polymerization stage. these are the granules, well, the polymerization process takes place at temperatures from 200 to 300 °, only after the granules are either sent to the consumer or for further processing, a little more chemistry and voila, we have a finished thread in front of us, the main
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purpose of the chord is to create a frame for tires, not a single tire, as we know, can run without a frame, therefore... the main supplier in the republic of belarus to most factories of the russian federation abroad is the tire court of our production. the thread is automatically captured, pulled between the clamps by a special twisting device, and a preliminary twist is applied in order to to ensure uniform tearing on the thread. 19% elongation, is that a lot, not enough, what does it count? this is good. in terms of production, this is more than 120 thousand tons of polyamide, more than 37 tons of high-strength thread, all 45 years that we have been on the market, no matter what we call it, synthetic fiber, chemical fiber, grodno chemical fiber, all consumers, for all consumers our name it was synonymous with a mark of quality. completely covered the needs for the spring sowing campaign, providing serious support for the regions. now the company is at the stage of export shipments, and we
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we have already exceeded the plan, the july volume has been sold. consumers will be offered new brands of... this is carbamite with uriase, uriase allows you to control the length of time of nitrogen assimilation, the second product is kaz with a sulfur content, these two products are already being tested this year, as for personnel at the enterprise, it’s not so good it’s just that here education alone is not enough, the facility is serious, the work is around the clock, the demand is such, because as they say, as you sow, so you reap, for quality... now let’s move overseas, where grodno nitrogen products are in great demand. brazil, despite its geographical remoteness, has long established itself as a stable partner in the promising
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latin american market. public diplomacy is not far behind; brazilian writer and researcher joão petilo recently visited belarus. during this time, he managed to visit khatyn, brest, mogilev, orsha, vitebsk, was in the museum of the history of the great patriotic war, which brought him to our country, why minsk is valued, loved and respected by brazilians, why are there no artificial barriers a hindrance to true friendship. about belarus through the eyes of a brazilian in our exclusive interview. hello, mr. petilou, brazil is one of the most remote countries where there is a diplomatic mission of belarus, but it is reflected. i don’t think that geographic distance has that much of an impact on our relations; the two countries just need to develop tactical and strategic policies to deepen
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existing ties. let's take, for example, russia and china, these are countries geographically distant from brazil, but brazil has good. obviously, the closer the country is geographically, the better, but i believe that distance is not a problem, and i think that the governments of the two countries are well placed to develop policies for rapprochement. i would like to emphasize that brazil and belarus have a lot in common, and it is very important that these states develop together. the emergence of the countries of the global south also requires the unification of brazil and belarus. and i think that in the very near and urgent future. belarus will be part of the brix together with brazil. belarus still remains a little-known country for brazilians, but those who are familiar with it know very well that it is an independent country with enormous potential, a socially oriented state, a safe, clean country with a powerful army. president alexander lukashenko
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is also very famous, he is admired , they understand that he is a great leader, he is an experienced person, at the moment there is no one better in his post, he... plays an important role in keeping belarus an independent, developed and safe country. i was in belarus a couple of months ago, traveling around the country. and one of the purposes of my trip was to learn more about the belarusian offensive operation bagration, the operation during which minsk was liberated, so i returned from belarus extremely fascinated and at the same time sad, because i would have liked to stay in belarus longer. and the first thing i would like
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is agricultural machinery fertilizers, belarus is a large manufacturer of machinery, and this is very important for the brix countries. i think the most important thing is joint development projects. today brix is ​​pursuing such a policy through the new development bank, the bank brix. so for belarus, where the economy is developing. very dynamic, a republic that has a very important and significant legacy of the soviet era in its industrial park, this is a kind of
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trump card, i think that the benefits will be numerous, how similar are the views of belarus and brazil on global challenges, the same ukrainian crisis, sanctions pressure, problems transformation of the global world order. brazil and belarus have different internal realities, but their views on...
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it is not a large country, but despite all this brazil and belarus are partners. why? because we live in the same conditions, when we need technologies that western countries already have, but these western countries have no desire to cooperate with either brazil or belarus. brazil and belarus have the same task. fight for a multipolar world in which globalization is not the globalization of exploitation. this is very important because belarus is currently subject to a number of sanctions for playing a certain role in its region. she is a leader in her region. and the fact that belarus is clearly aware of what is happening in ukraine has turned it into an enemy of the west. but in this case , de facto, belarus is not an enemy of the west. same problem with brazil.
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55,000 people graduated from school, universities are ahead of the admissions process, but that’s later, now is one of the main nights in the life of young
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and about one more pleasant date today. the president congratulated the nurses and representatives of junior medical staff and thanked them for their work. thanks to government funding, new medical facilities are being modernized, including in the outback. but the main value was and is people. report by victoria sharkova. the best profession for me, and i would never change it, no matter how much i start my life’s journey in a new way. children inherit from their parents not only genes, character, material wealth, but often also professions. there are six doctors in the yatsevichi medical dynasty, with a total of 150 years of service to people. elena evgenievna dedicated
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45 years of her life to the stoltsovsk central district hospital. i started out as a pediatrician, most of them. her her work was related to the infectious diseases department, which she headed; her husband worked in the same hospital. so, we had two girls, well, they grew up, just like that, in our shifts, in our work, in our communication at home, everything, as a rule, there was always all the work, all the conversation, all the holidays, everything feasts, everything about work, the medical gene, as it turned out, cannot be suppressed so easily, the family dynasty of doctors continues and...
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just to walk, lie painlessly, and whatever, if only it would be easier to simply lift hand. a resident of the village of gorki recently left the hospital, now under the careful supervision of doctors from a mobile medical center. home visits on schedule even to the most remote villages. at first glance, it seems that the mobile factory is quite small, but there is so much to see here. inside there is a waiting room for patients, a reception room and a treatment room equipped for receiving women. also at the point you can... do a cardiogram, get tested, and also buy medicines, get injections and write out a prescription. sister, can i have a pill? yes, have a seat. contrary to outside rumors and loud headlines, they say, there is no one to work for, doctors are leaving the system; on the contrary, they are coming into it. young specialist olga sokolova on her professional holiday at work. every day he manages to see up to 30 patients
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. he modestly admits that on this day it’s nice to be close to those who need you. on the way in the village we also sell drugs, stop somewhere where they ask, or we already know, i just know my patients by sight, i know the addresses where who needs anything, so just like that, people are grateful, yes, a lot of people are grateful to me, it brings even more motivation to help people, it’s nice, it’s nice to receive the return from the help that... the residents of the village of zaluzhye have never undergone medical examination so quickly , 15 minutes and a full check-up of the body is ready, logistics, level of service , the villagers are grateful for all the amenities, this is one salvation, not only for us, for us, who are younger, we can get to the hospital, but we have an elderly contingent, and i, as a social worker, i say they are very pleased with her,
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and i’m very pleased, even this has never happened, you know?
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very convenient, very beautiful, very warm, cozy, comfortable, our doctors not only mobilized when it was necessary, but even became infectious disease specialists, working in the red zones, this...
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they passed this test with dignity, in practice they confirmed the viability of our healthcare system , i want to once again thank all the doctors for that hard work,
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a completely new generation has come, with new views, with new approaches, everything is completely different for them now, they have a base different, they have a different treatment method, we worked with our heads, but now it helps them... everything helps, what is already there for them, if you are a christian or a christian, you will choose this particular profession, because helping to live is only in this profession is possible. on the main broadcast are victoria sharkova, anatoly dolotovsky and evgeny korobov. yes, doctors are those people who are on holiday in a professional position, helping people is their calling. now the ministry of health is warning about an increased number of ticks. everywhere in belarus arachnids attack people and animals, more often in the capital, grodno and brez regions. the danger is serious; since the beginning of the year
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, almost 7.00 visits to doctors have been recorded. belarusian scientists have established that ticks carry nine infectious agents. doctors warn about the most dangerous encephalitis and lyme disease, better known as barilliosis. what is the reason for this arachnid boom? they are afraid of ticks and do not go into the forest, as a small arachnid can become a big problem, these guys are on vacation, here he is... not for the first month, some video from the neighboring russia, but the picture is real, this year
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ticks in our country became more active earlier than usual; they first woke up in the southern regions already in february. picking up a tick is not a difficult task, especially when there are more of them, more than one and a half times as high as last year. razetas. we were going on a business trip and i noticed something so incomprehensible, here is a tick, the first thing is fear, that ticks actually carry a very serious disease, this is berliosis and encephalitis, i went to the laboratory where i got through to get tested just in case the analysis, unfortunately, turned out to be positive, when you receive this particular piece of paper, an extract that says you have a positive test for barliosis, it’s very scary, fear knows no logic, so if you find a bloodsucker on you, you definitely shouldn’t panic, here’s what you need to do first the best thing to do is to turn to doctors: drug prophylaxis after
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a bite is extremely important, because it is the carriers of infection that are now becoming more and more common. from january to may 2024, compared to the same period of the twenty-third, our morbidity rates increased, the matter the fact is that it is possible to become infected with baptismal... infections not only through the sucking of a tick, yes, but also when drinking infected goat's milk, we recommend that you always boil the goat's milk. this is especially true for encephalitis, such an infection is less common, but is much more severe, the consequences can be tragic in the worst case, paralysis or death. the increase in the number of ticks in our territory of the republic of belarus is a seasonal phenomenon; the conditions for the existence of these parasites in general have improved, this... well, with good
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food supply conditions. unexpected consequences can result from walking through the forest, where it is easiest to pick up a tick. the share of such cases accounts for 44%. but it is important to be vigilant everywhere. if you are going on a hike, on a picnic, to the country house, or just for a walk in the park, try to follow a number of simple rules; they will help you protect yourself from being bitten. firstly, give preference to clothes with long sleeves, a hat, and preferably in light colors, as this is easier to spot the whip. don't go into tall grass and examine yourself every 2 hours, and of course, do not forget to use a special product. by the way , vaccination will be a more reliable protection, but you should take care of this in advance; experts recommend doing it before the start of the warm season. there are three vaccines on the belarusian market today. all
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are foreign-made, but scientists promise their own; they are already searching for the optimal version of the virus, on the basis of which the first belarusian vaccine against tick-borne encephalitis will be created. so far, the exact release dates have not been announced, but what is known is the creation the prototype will take no more than 3 years. clinicians note an increase in the severity and course of the disease. this situation, so to speak, contributed to us starting to conduct these studies. the effectiveness of vaccines developed based on strains from neighboring countries. experts predict the end of the tick season only in november, so it’s better for everyone to be on the alert, and of course, we shouldn’t forget about prevention of our four-legged friends. magic tricks for pets are no less dangerous than for humans. and the main rule - after a walk, carefully examine yourself and the animals. the less time the parasite stays on the body, the less danger there is. on the main broadcast.
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energy, prisoners and grain trade. many speakers noted the need for russia to be present at the next summit, without which such meetings would be artificial and... attempts to save the situation by immersing the summit participants in the atmosphere of ukrainian everyday life were made by turning on the siren, but this apparently had the opposite effect. even the patrons of kiev could not stand the absurdity of what was happening, and the vice president of the united states kamala haris left switzerland without waiting for the conference to end. details in the screenshot section.
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zelensky agreed not to withdraw russian troops from the territory of ukraine, at least this was the item that disappeared from the agenda of the swiss summit a few days before it began. in general, it is worth noting that either the comedian is no longer funny, or the concerts have become too expensive, there were much fewer people willing to listen to zelensky’s stand-up than he expected. the declared attempt to put together an international coalition and roll out russia the general ultimatum crumbled as the date of the congress approached. an attempt to put pressure on russia, an attempt to convene some kind of alternative conference in switzerland, was so widely promoted, advertised, today it actually suffered a complete fiasco. the events of the previous days also speak volumes ; it was clear from the faces of the leaders in the big seven that they had their own problems and consequences.
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the failed elections to the european parliament worry them many times more than zelensky’s problems. the american publication of the politician described what was happening with a very succinct headline: six temple ducks and george eloni. indeed, my sister in italy is the only one who has emerged from the electoral battle with dignity and is now more or less relaxed awaiting macron’s somersault and biden’s decline. as for the guest star, she was offered $50 billion. it would seem that this is a bet for a corporate party, and this time they didn’t even force me to wear leggings with heels, but the devil, as always, is in the details, all the money is borrowed, and this is for a second, provided that the sir already has half a loan. which no one wants to restructure, we just postponed, that is, it turns out that if you were supposed to give 10 dollars in the twenty-second year, 10:23 and 10:24, then they postponed it for you ; they told you on september 24 you will immediately give 30, in
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our equation 30 is 1.6, roughly speaking, 1.1 trillion. ukraine must pay hryvnia in 2024. the atmosphere of the dinner party in switzerland was considerably overshadowed by the peacekeeping initiatives of beijing and moscow. the head of the chinese foreign ministry called for organizing a real peace conference on ukraine. and vladimir putin outlined his vision of ending the conflict. attention, the question is whose agenda was ultimately discussed on the sidelines by the doormen. summit, the vector of the meeting acquired extremely unexpected changes. we know that russia must win this war. oh, sorry, ukraine must win this war. trudeau’s involuntary performance had to be smoothed over with an even more ridiculous initiative. a fan
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of the ukrainian nazis, unexpectedly for the entire honest public, during a general photo shoot, with difficulty holding back his right hand, shouted a greeting to the thugs. a nervous atmosphere and a feeling of complete uncertainty hovered in air of the swiss summit for two days. few people understood the purpose of what was happening, and only political tourists were happy about their next business trip and languished in anticipation of a hearty buffet. over a glass of sparkling wine on the sidelines, we were able to discuss the theses of the istanbul agreements. the new york times carefully published the entire package just on the opening day of the summit. everyone emphasized the absence. sense in what was happening and talked about it openly. your excellency, ladies and gentlemen, we understand very well that a peace process without russia is unthinkable. a long-term solution must involve both parties. as an international entity, we can help pave the way. that's why we're
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here. one day we will be able to make real progress on specific issues. already by lunchtime on the second day, information began to arrive about the gradual departure of the main participants of the summit. without waiting for its completion, us vice president kamala harris was one of the first to pave the way to the ramps. urgent matters arose for chancellor scholz, and a german agency reported his morning departure. let's just be straight today. of course, the swiss event is completely meaningless at the current historical stage. this has to do with what we have been talking about for six months now. “we promised you that there would be endless conversations about peace, but due to the discrepancy between the minimum demands of the parties, all these conversations will be free, what we see happening now, it means exactly that. ukraine has become extremely expensive for the party, and what’s more depressing for sponsors
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- ineffective. today, everyone who is involved in what is happening is only thinking about how the beneficiaries can get out of the situation with their heads held high. but in kiev they just won’t understand that..." the total bill for this dinner will have to be paid by many generations of ukrainians. andrey sych is talking about tectonic shifts in the section screenshot. however, these days have been burning up not only in switzerland, elections to the european parliament have become an important topic in the media, depending on... the ideological direction of politics, either shed tears or, on the contrary, applauded the electoral revolution that took place. the smoke of the election battles has cleared, and it became possible to weigh both the immediate and long-term results of the european vote. the main result of the elections
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to the european parliament is that, despite the general thirst for change, nothing new is shining for the old world. in an ancient joke, after the artificial insemination procedure. the cow sadly looks after the veterinarian and moos in her cow's voice, to talk. the europeans found themselves in exactly this situation, only that they will now be given the opportunity to sweetly speak through the mouths of their representatives in the european parliament. however, the conversations of the negotiators and revolutionaries will have little significance only if the press begins to relay them, but this is extremely doubtful. the majority in the continental parliament remains with the european people's party and its allies. and this is the structure. ideology, she fights for moderate progress within the framework of the rule of law, they, who always agree with their superiors, have more than 400 mandates out of 720, which is why the current head of the european commission. quite sure is that it is she who will continue to lead the european ship. the world is in
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turmoil, oppressive forces are trying both outside and inside to destabilize our society and weaken europe. we will never allow this. i personally fight for a strong europe, and the election results show that the majority of europeans want a strong europe, just like me.
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in the conflict between ukraine and russia, even the pro-russian movements, by general opinion , are far from united in their preferences; there is no alternative for germany, neither the national association of marine le pen, nor the austrian the freedom party is not ready to take the side of moscow, they only speak out for an abstract peace and fair treatment of both sides of the conflict, let alone the opponents? you can’t find one at all among the deputies, well, maybe some single radical has squeezed in, in general,
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you shouldn’t expect changes in the european parliament, its role and position will remain generally the same, but for some countries the elections have become fateful. an alternative for germany is a far-right extremist party, now the second most influential party after the cdu and csu, and meanwhile east germany is generally the largest party; elections will be held in this part of germany in the fall, and this is encouraging.
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june, this means that pre-election post-election chaos will begin in the country, new deputies will fight for positions in commissions and committees, the fall of the current government and the birth of a new one are possible, in blood and agony that the political class will have to endure, all this coincides with the paris olympics, which was a sacred cow for macron, now this cow will obviously have a very difficult time, she will inevitably limp and suffer moo, the logic of the french president is difficult to understand, both the right and... since macron
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is a rational person, his motives are interpreted differently. maybe something will soon happen in europe and france for which the president will willingly shift responsibility to parliament. if some particularly acute crisis happens, a black political or economic swan will arrive. or maybe macron hopes to declare a crusade against national fascism? after all, the right demands the triumph not of fascism, but of common sense. my dear fellow citizens, french people in europe and abroad, our party gained more than 30%. the french people have passed their final verdict on the ruling party. the authorities fought us with all their might, the president of the republic named us. after
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last sunday's vote , belgian prime minister droo also resigned; there, however, this was caused by internal political reasons, and the loss in the elections to the european parliament was only an excuse. in germany, the fight for european parliamentary mandates was generally treated as a social survey. its results for the establishment, although alarming, are rather reassuring. the alternative for germany took 16% of the vote, and six months ago it was supported by 22% of germans. hence the conclusion: government. scholz needs to increase the intensity of the exposure of the fascist essence of the right, so that by the main national elections next year the danger will pass. the elites will transfer power from the left social-democratic hand to the right christian-democratic one, everything will become again like under grandmother merkel. in germany , politicians are practical people, and unlike macron, they do not allow themselves to become hysterical. as for the european parliament, we must remember. 800
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years ago, the british came up with the name for the legislative body, taking as a basis the french word “parle”, to speak, and parliament comes out, this is literally a talking room, in fact, this is what deputies are kept for, their task is to make sure that citizens do not feel offended for the fact that they were not spoken to. oleg romanov, on the main broadcast. it seems that in latvia the people’s resentment towards the government is high. the turnout in the elections to the european parliament amounted to just over a third of the total number of residents with the right to vote. disappointed in the electoral one. in the process there is no trust in the ruling parties, olga cherniavskaya, latvian candidate for the european parliament in this year’s elections, stated this in a current interview with our channel. chernyavskaya had to leave the country before the end of the elections, as there was a danger to her life and health. she came to belarus. and right now, watch an episode of a great interview with a former
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latvian candidate for the european parliament. what bothered you most about the situation in latvia today, what needed to be changed? look at what the economic situation is now , terrible, disgusting, just like it is here , well, i don’t even know what to call it, well , how can we have in our country the most expensive utilities in the world, it’s generally like where do such incomes come from, that is, having lived in england in america you compared and came to the conclusion that of course. my relatives in america say: where did you get these from, well , you have five times more utilities than we have, that is, five times more, yes, than they had there in america, well, how is that even? perhaps the situation, the russian language, everything connected with it, the russian language, the russian world, well, that is, if you don’t run around there with the ukrainian flag, then that’s all you, no matter what
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nationality you are, you can even be latvian, that’s it, you're a quilted jacket, you're a kremlin guy. do you think they don’t know? i’m talking about others, just like us, representatives of other countries, who don’t know what ’s going on, so they can’t support us in any way, but that is, if we came, we told what and how, then no one can get out of this, on record, so let's say, yes, everything that is in parliament is all on record, it's not like they said they forgot, it disappeared somewhere, it's all there, everything is on
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record, well, that is, it was important for the whole world to know about what is actually happening. turn, this was very important, and to explain, in latvia, yes, this, this, this was, first of all , that we are against so many things, such as the green deal, plus we were against the pandemic treaty, because it took everything away from us powers are all like those of a sovereign state, yes, that is, we would be in they didn’t actually decide anything in their country if it weren’t for freedom of speech, there is no freedom of speech here, i’m like that, i say, i’m used to it like in america, i learned from them there for freedom of speech, for my rights.
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first, the special services began to study you, and after you became inconvenient, they began to persecute you. tell us more about this and for what reason, again, did you have to leave, why? well, the most interesting thing is, before they wrote an article about me in the latvian media and banned my tiktok, and we had
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several arrests, and just bloggers, then there are people who are not political, well in the sense that they are not candidates, they don’t do anything like that, and if before they were released before trial, now they are simply swept away. two weeks , four people, wait, so the elections to the european parliament ended on sunday , have they already been released or not? no, they won’t be released before the trial, yes, that is, everything, and what they said, mm, they criticized our government, they spoke the truth, well, they are just creating chaos, they are stealing from us, just any budget, nothing goes to either the people or the country , well, for example, our schools are closing, about 400 schools have been closed over the last 20 years and continue to close them, people constantly write to me, olya, please help us, our school is being closed, there is nowhere to send a child, they wanted
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to close about 100 post offices, yes , that is, this is primarily in the regions, that is , they tell us, we don’t have money for this, we don’t have money for that, we don’t have money for schools, we don’t have money for education, we don’t have money for post offices, we have no money on the road, no business, we have money for ukraine, for weapons, for example, we have money, to dig some trenches, mine the border, yes, there, with russia, we allocated, for example, almost a billion euros there to give to ukraine for 10 years, but we don’t have a penny , they tell us, we lack 2 million to save the post office, 2 million, and a billion, well, that is, i’m just telling you this as an example, yes, that is, of course, people are outraged.
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disappointed, abandoned, betrayed, and so on, or someone wrote to me in the comments today, i’ve been voting for 25 years, and nothing ever changes.
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watch the full version of the interview on the belteleradiocompany website well, we end the program with a sports theme or something close to sports, you can’t make it out here, because the thesis of sports and foreign policy has long been consigned to the dustbin of history, moreover... the international olympic committee. it turned out that winning a license or fulfilling the standard is no longer enough to participate in the games in paris 2024. now admission to the olympics is a lottery from a special commission. in the first version of the published list of athletes invited only 11 belarusians are expected to participate in the french forum, although many more quotas have been received. in parallel with this news , the brics games are taking place in kazan, this is where sport really comes into play. participates in multi-tournaments. about 90 countries, in 11 days athletes will compete for almost 400 sets of awards. our team keeps its mark, the film crew of the main broadcast worked all week in the capital of tatarstan, bright victories
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, impressions, kristina kamysh collected everything in her report. the capital of tatarstan. now they are actively building up the gloss; it will take place here in the fall. brix summit. kazan residents will inherit from international events updated roads, parks, facades of residential buildings and even parking. at the airport for 33 aircraft. this city has repeatedly hosted major world competitions, the legacy from them has been preserved, but thanks to the brix games, the sports facilities have been renovated. it was more than 5 billion rubles. spent on general overhaul of all facilities. we looked, brought them to international standards, updated them, about 200 billion were invested in the central stadium alone in order to bring it
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matching here. what we see with you now. the brix games are fairly young competitions and only ardent sports fans have closely followed this forum in the past. for example, in the five-year history of this tournament there was a start where awards were contested in only one discipline. the competitions remained in the shadow of the olympics and did not have the same scope as they do now. any action. as you know, they generate opposition. never before has sport been so politicized and could have violated the olympic charter. unfounded sanctions weigh heavily on the national teams of belarus and russia. only individual athletes in a neutral status can compete on the planetary arena. sport should not divide, sport should connect, you must prove on the mat what you are capable of and what you can show. and everyone wants to participate, but you see that...
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i was going to russia for the brix games. to be honest, russia was on my list of countries to visit. i have good opponents at these competitions, the two best athletes in my field will fight here weight category, but i worked hard for this tournament. over 12 days of competition, more than 4,500 people will arrive in kazan, of which over 3,000 are athletes. among the guests there are champions and prize-winners of planetary olympiads. european forums, of course, the scale of the event in the capital of tatarstan unnerves international sports structures. the international olympic movement is jealous of the organization of these games and is trying to intervene in one way or another, but we must remember that these competitions are organized by the governments of the brix countries, and we came to represent their state. there are 67 people in our delegation in total, and yes, we have high hopes
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for the medal count. in no case. it is wrong to try to think that this is an alternative to the existing structure of international competitions, we are not trying to make this an alternative to the european championships, world championships or even more olympic games, these are separate competitions, within the framework of these associations it is correct and should be held sports competitions, this is normal . at the brix games 2,000 volunteers are involved, over 700 journalists work, and athletes are transported.
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i like to watch the cultures of other athletes, people, for example, yesterday we had a disco and they played oriental music there and from abkhazia, there were athletes from other eastern countries dancing, it was very interesting how the girls dance, how the guys dance because i personally have never seen it live and so this is what i really like , it inspires and unites and unites. yes, because i’m not alone, a lot of athletes also gathered there, watched, we smiled, and somehow this even relaxes us a little before the competition. the delegation of our country in kazan is in the top in terms of numbers, there are only about four athletes in it.
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according to tradition, the award of weightlifters and sombists 8 and 11, respectively, did not disappoint the artistic gymnast; egor sharamkov gave a grandmaster score of almost 15 points in floor exercises.
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