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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 18, 2024 12:50am-1:20am MSK

12:50 am
my day starts at 5:00 in the morning, regardless of any weather, whether winter or summer, heat, cold, rain, i get up at 5:00, at 7:30 i arrive at the plant, go around the areas, find out what they have breakdowns, any questions about the operation of the equipment, this is where my work day begins, so denis, how are we doing, show me. i see that everything is fine, there are no stones, i can’t hear anything today, the feeder turns off, everything is on the brakes, everything is as it should be, but as with our runners, the work doesn’t knock out anything anywhere, and the first is the second, there are no pencils, we have one one goal, one task, to produce building material, the history of ours.
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the fertile layer is removed from the roof, there are usually also plant roots, all this is removed, stones, perhaps, sand, until it reaches the mineral, that is, we have clay directly, special pumps are installed that pump out groundwater, this these pumps continuously operate to remove the water, and after that they begin to develop.
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it’s a bucket excavator, it’s slowly going down from the top, we’re watching now, how is the shipment going, i would like to know on which ledges, where we have what kind of clay , we will mine in two or three ledges, now the first mining ledge is being mined, we are doing crushing work, gradually we will move to the second mining ledge, water is being removed now. with the following layout in order to ensure an uninterrupted supply of raw materials for your plant, after the clay has been produced, the machine has arrived, loaded, it accordingly goes here to the plant, we deliver by our transport, to on the territory of the plant we have a clay reserve, where we store the raw materials, they are aged, weathered accordingly, and excess moisture is removed. after it reaches
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a certain condition, we deliver it to the workshop. we have two receiving feeders, into one we feed clay, into the other we feed sawdust, into the third we also have a clearing agent, we use waste molding sand, fs or sand. depending on the content, that is, how much sand or sawdust, we also succeed, the firing mode changes and respectively. we receive this or that product with a certain brand, after the clay is fed into the feeder, we mix the ingredients, which consist of clay, sawdust and sand, we ultimately get a product called the sixth, there is also a disintegrator or crusher, where the clay and sawdust are partially mixed, after that they are fed onto the conveyor into runners... wet
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grinding. wet grinding runners are for better processing of raw materials, there are two wolves with a total weight of 35 tons, they crush this clay, that is, if any different there are natural inclusions, it is crushed. the main goal is that the limestone that comes in, we have to remove it. and in addition to the fact that we grind all these natural inclusions, we mix various additives. we get clay 5x10 granules like this, after that they go into a drying drum, where further processing of the raw materials is dried to a certain humidity and put into a charge storage room, it is directly located in our workshop, if it is completely filled, it will last about 10 days works, we see a mine, this is processed clay, to which certain additives have been added
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, it is abraded, it is torn, and carbonates that fall between the wolves, which still remain after receiving the preparatory department, they
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are finally abraded, crushed, after which the clay is fed into clay is ground. at 7:45 we have a meeting, hello, everyone is alive and well, well done, so, well, let's start, that means, today we lay the charge on a solid brick, the marks are known, between two dumps, we plant the trolleys, bkp, molding, accordingly we mold, we all know the norm, 14,000 per shift on molding, 135 nozzles, that’s it, proceeds to...
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issued meats of belarus with a shmatvekovoy history abaronnae doilitstva we can bachytsya right-slain architecture, for example, we... we bachym there round vezh s in the tanks there is a budynka, and all round velvets are typical for this period. hanna, my little wife was no less famous than the genus of the plyatars, we are here recognizing emilia, the plyatars and all the astatine uzelniks of the past. they floated to the pharmaceutical eco-friendly centers of the country and the life of extraordinary people. a difficult palette situation is required. in the way of life of extraordinary people and the temple, the house of god, the thoughts not only of the months of malitva, but also of yashche and the months of paratunka, and the people are wondering about the geta of paratunka. cultural-asvetnitskiy project, architecture of belarus. gety kastsel does not end and ў savetsk period, kali vyalіkaya kolkasts of the temple stratsіla its percapachatkovaya meaning.
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geta dapamaglo seize the interiors of the temple. on the scenes there are the same colors with the same camalias, but they appear. basics for the great jumper, the dekaravanaga of the belt, which akali this space, watching on our tv channel, we are going on an expedition in the corners of our country, we are going on a folkloric expedition for numbers 597. from time to time in the past country, let us follow the history and myastsovye abrads. our routes took us to the ukrainian agrarian settlement opsash. then in braslauschyna, here on the river bank with the getkim and i will call the month of the meeting, published on the pachata of the millennium of the stagodzia to the counts felix platars, on the byasedachka, a new hut, a new hut, at
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the braslau district is 300 azer, the district center itself is attacking several of them, the most lethargic is dryvyaty. and give new life to old traditions. race, i’m putting the bear in trouble, i changed my mind about the projects. on the tv channel belarus 24. belarus is not slowing down the pace of import substitution, relying on the strong shoulder of the union, but for the russian regions this is also the most important task. countries intend to belarus and tatarstan will have to reach new heights in cooperation and in trade, a billion dollars is no longer a cherished dream, but a reality. and another example of long-term and strategic partnership is the relationship between belarus and china. what can be noted in
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the news agenda? not only political, trade and economic ties are actively developing, but also humanitarian partnerships and youth contacts. joint events are being held, which also deepen relations along the line. meanwhile, the most striking joint project, great stone, is increasing investments. they are approaching a billion dollars. at the republican scientific and practical center for traumatology. germany, the peculiarity of the operation in application reverse endoprostheses, news, analytics, expert comments and interesting facts, see the event program. on the tv channel belarus 24.
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i started working here in the ninety-first year with the operator of the site of cage number 2 , then the quantity does not matter, the main thing is to do the work correctly, to know
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what you need and what you want to get as a final result, we have a video conference everything we report on the work done, i add up all the values ​​​​that we had for production, we are in the black, we are in the red, that is, what is the dynamics we have, there are some issues that need to be resolved and i need to intervene, good afternoon, brick production, brick production workshop, preparation of 500 tons, the charge was taken for a porous block, molding 63.00, static 63,500, the packaging unloaded 13 trolleys 126,000, at the moment all processing areas are working, i have everything, i keep records every day, and i can see at any time whether we are in the black or in the black, i go around the sections during the day. yura, hello, how are you doing well,
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so the pressure is normal, 23.23, 23, normal, we installed a third line in 2009, this is for the production of large-format blocks, now we produce 6-7 million bricks per month, before it was 3-3 and a half. and two workshops were working, now one is working, that is, we can already say that we have achieved something, we have a lot that has changed, in the thirteenth year we purchased a press, a very high degree of vacuumization of products, that is, the less air remains in the raw material, the more dense the mass, and accordingly this already affects the quality products, a multi-line cutter was purchased. this also allowed us to increase productivity, roughly speaking, if you count 26 bricks in 9 seconds
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it turns out to be 140,000 per shift, this is a pretty good result. modernization of production, the external appearance of the enterprise has changed, uh, the level of pay has increased, welfare has seemed to increase, well... working conditions, a lot of attention is given to this, the fact that safety precautions today is, as it were, a priority, everyone should come to work alive and go back, we are in control of the molding machine, so this operator can observe the operation of the equipment during the work process. starting from the storage tank, there are monitors where
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it is written down, here we see how the excavator moves, it is a double pusher, that is , it is right here, on the monitor you can see what the speed is, what the productivity is, so far 34,000 have been produced, and the speed grus 9.5 seconds, among other things, we have a security system, so i’ll go through now and we'll see. technologies are being applied, the professionalism of workers is changing, all the fifth category is minimal. after we mold the raw material, we load it into the drying trolley and feed the dryer discharge. modernization of the dryer allowed us to reduce
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the drying speed, that is, we can more quickly run our products through the dryer and thereby issue cages to the site. this also affects productivity, after it dries, there is also a humidity percentage of up to 2%, that is, we remove all excess moisture and this brick is supplied dried to the site cages, we remove it from the drying trolleys, put it on the firing trolleys and, accordingly , send it to the tunnel kiln, before we had a portal, six grippers were thunderous, this is a frame. it walked, it moved along a rail track, now two robots have been installed, which allowed us to increase labor productivity and make the operator’s work easier. we shoot a row at a time, it’s all done very quickly, that is, on average, our stove trolley takes about 25-30 minutes, we’ll say from 9,000
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to almost 10, in 25-30 minutes we can. plant, there is a btk technical control bureau, they come several times during a shift and take some measurements. at the loading area, we separate the defective products, if suddenly, well, somehow they could slip through, whether it is a molding defect, or a dryer defect, that is, the defective products are removed. but we have a marriage lead line, so we reset everything. the blades are lowered, dumped , everything is removed and transported, often there are colored conveyors, special pushers, stops, practically nothing is needed to do, the main thing is to watch to set the correct technical parameter, how it approaches, how the stop is lowered, how the product accumulates, then the package is formed and after that it goes to the shrinkage line, where
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it is removed from the table by robots and transferred to the firing line. our working hours are from 8 to 8 pm, from 8 pm to 8:00 am, that is, 24 hours a day, the average age of workers is somewhere around forty, all workers live practically here, well, a decent salary, if the temperatures are rhythmic, what we can hear on the dryer, twenty-ninth position 51, okay, what about the temperature in the oven, how did the temperature rise, everything in the zone, dial before pushing, good pushing, 14:30, 14:35, the entire production process is controlled by the central control panel,
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the control panel operator’s workplace, the heating technicians responsible for this were done by automated workers. places, that is, there are screens and monitors everywhere, at any time, at any moment we can look, track where this or that type of product is located, firing takes place in a tunnel kiln, there are 53 firing trolleys at the same time, so if we multiply 53 by 9, almost, but 5000 kopecha at a time in this unit, that is, we changed 55 panels, i served mine...
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the automation system protection is worth special blocking, that is, this allowed us to reach new milestones in terms of volume and production .
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today, brick has not been canceled as a building material, and it is in demand. the path of ketpech, depending on what type of product, from 4 days to 8 seven, that is, we took clay, formed a brick, dried and planted. burned and put on the conveyor belt. the main indicator itself is morality. well, it depends on the number of components in the charge, that is, if we get natural raw materials - clay, sand, and after it is processed, we get shifta. and here , depending on how much of any components depends on... it depends on the quality of the tsirya, in the twentieth, probably the twenty- first year, we rebranded, that is
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, we changed, if earlier it was called the rodoshkolsky ceramic factory, now tseglar, well, tsegla, brick, well, accordingly , the main root comes from here, nachaglars, the history of our enterprise begins with the release. this type of product, this is our classic brick, single, solid, that is, just common people can call it ceramic stone, today our enterprise can produce eight types of products, at different stages and for different needs different bricks are used, solid - this just a stone, ceramic, made artificial stone, we have it used for laying underground communications.
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here we remove the products from the firing trolleys onto pallets, after which we pack them with tape and deliver them to the finished products warehouse. in order for our products to reach the consumer in a normal, beautiful form, we purchased both horizontal and vertical strapping machines, that is, polypropylene film, it is tied on pallets, and after...
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we have an idea to make layer-by-layer dismantling of bricks, this will allow us to do even better their own products, produce facial products, just an ordinary person. due to the fact that we have established the packaging of products, we can store them all year round, and we ship throughout the year, this is 24x7, the block is porous bkp, modification number two, this is the passport of our product, branding and density are written here. it measures 250 by 120 by 138 in width. our consumer who buys our product can check
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whether the brick is of high quality or not. here. let's miss the ringing sound, which means the quality of the product corresponds to what is stated on the passport. despite the fact that today there are many types of building materials. brick still remains a classic of the genre because it is an environmentally friendly product, a durable product, and will serve humanity for many, many years to come. belarus welcomed me with open arms, i came as if to my own home. so, when i came here, i was amazed by the cleanliness in the city, and the most important thing that distinguishes a belarusian
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is... here in belarus, because here i am truly i am grateful to my fate for coming i felt that someone needed me, that i could do something for this country. dziўnay jumping is the natural wealth of belarus, the level of tayamnіts can be found in
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braslauschyna, here it is known. call the enchanting waters of the extraordinary “god’s waters.” the name of the lake was inspired by the dzyakuyuchy abras, which reminds us of the waters. vozera is in the shape of a regular circle, which does not change for many hours. there is a shame that there are so many people on the right from heaven, and there is a wealth of such enchanting lusters in belarus. something they are just cool, it’s very worthy, the plant makes very good products, i
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use all of this, i really like it, my relatives like it, our quality is good, this is ours, our wealth, we have preserved this miracle, we have preserved our brand, gentle, reverent, enchanting with its simplicity and at the same time sophistication, it magical, it is truly a miracle of nature, it is flax, a plant with unique properties, a strategically important raw material for the arshan flax mill, the flagship enterprise of the belarusian textile industry with here flax, the ruler, mind and hearts, here it is flax, the head of everything, for 93 years now on the right bank of our famous dnieper river in orsha there has been a true belarusian miracle, the orsha flax mill, for a long period we have been producing our northern silk, belarusian gold, our linen. we are proud that the coat of arms of our state contains flax flowers. they say that
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flax is a culture. which is not easy to conquer, but having conquered it is impossible not to love, the flax plant over more than 90 years of existence has managed to comprehend many of the secrets of natural plant raw materials and to acquire a large number of admirers of its products, the history of the enterprise began in the late twenties of the 20th century, thanks to the presence of its own raw material base in the republic, the first products of the zero carding factory were released in 1930.
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for me, yes, this is a tradition, this is a value, and workers, these are all the places, and people, first of all, there are people who have worked in our workshop for 42 years, we are in no hurry to part with such people, and if they want to continue, well, their work activity, we really value them in our workshop continuity of generations within the enterprise...


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