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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 18, 2024 1:35am-2:10am MSK

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and in order to do the necessary and important work, to do it with dignity with soul, with a sign of quality, work for the joy of oneself and others, is this a misfortune? this is a place where i can express myself, show my skills, my mind, my experience, my character, not just work, this is not just work, well, some kind of world, a whole world, for me this is my life, my work, for me, this is the arshan flax mill enterprise.
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everything you want to know about the meaning of the holy cross, this sign is so simple and extraordinary for the skin, its great significance.
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nutrition and education, they happily come to classes, we have classes right here in the church, i thought it was right, necessary, because children should breathe at least church air, about the sacraments of the orthodox church, when people come to the divine liturgy, when they receive communion there, in some sense, in some sense, a certain sacrament of our unity with each other is being accomplished.
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to the local population, the local population had to be exterminated, this is clearly reflected by the position of hitler, who said that it was better in general, if it is not some kind of general religious organization, even an autocephalous one, it will be a sect in each individual village. on july 23, 1943, during the punitive operation herman, the executioners came to the village of dory, volozhensky district, this was the zone of action of the imenetsko-naliboks partisan zone, forcing people out.
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as they knew what astanka meant, wife maryya 35 years old and son mikhasik 6 years old and...
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his soul was calm, and he said the following words, let’s not separate this night, and called everyone to prayer and preparation for the most important sacrament, so for purification. before setting fire to the temple, the punishers selected several dozen people, the workforce, among them was the priest’s daughter vera, she was not yet 18 years old, she witnessed the tragedy, when they were guarding the temple so that no one would run away, then they heard all folk... christ's mysteries. on the day the war began, june 22, 1941, father
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vasily kopychka turned 36 years old. he served in the church of the assumption of the blessed virgin mary in the village of adrigin in the modern ivanovo district when they began to operate in the area. partisans, a priest at his home, organized meetings of the commanders of partisan units. he says in direct text, addressing male people who were, as they say, healthy, that you are sitting here, take a weapon and join a partisan detachment, protect your loved ones, your homeland from these monsters. father vasily was a liaison officer of the molotov detachment, worked under the operational pseudonym kirillov, like a shepherd, traveled around villages, cast the dead, supported the living. at the same time, he watched the police, eavesdropped, then passed it on to detachment information about german technology and punitive actions. he conducted funerals where, where i can’t even imagine what they buried in a coffin, not a dead person, but they buried medicine, food for
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the partisans, clothes, he would sit on the cart, cover with straw what he was carrying there, and robes on top, you see and... i went and let him through, father vasily even managed to somehow transfer weapons to the partisan detachments, and he was the liaison of this partisan detachment, at his house he organized underground meetings of partisan commanders, even once he came under suspicion and the gestapo was looking for him, they tried to kill him, saying that even several bombs were dropped on his temple, but the priest miraculously survived. despite the threats, father vasily read out.
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the priest could not go unnoticed, besides, the priest was reported by people who came to the church service, informants, surveillance began, the pastor was warned that he and his family were in danger, father vasily had a small son, his elderly mother lived with him, most likely to probably it...
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on our land, and the lord god is in everything for us he will truly be a helper and bless you for all your good, so to speak, heroic deeds. after the liberation of belarus, vasily kapuchko was sent to pinsk, became the rector of the varvara temple, the church where he was ordained as a sandacon in 1934, who would have thought that after 10 years he would return here as a rector, they had to clean the temple themselves, that is family. gomel, archpriest vasily kapychka was
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in 1984, the rector of the st. nicholas church was awarded the golden patriarchal pectoral cross, the highest sign of recognition, he awarded in exceptional cases. father vasily received the award from his holiness patriarch of moscow all russia pimin, a man... who also experienced all the hardships of the great patriotic war as a front-line soldier, this award is quite rare, in 77 years only 25 people received it. st. george's church is stale, for more than 50 years the rector of the church was front-line soldier dmitry khmel, he went to the front at the age of 17, added a year to be drafted into the army, this is 1944, most of the territory of the soviet union has already been liberated, including the one where he lived future priest. it so happened that it was in... in the house of khmelya that the headquarters of general konev was located, and meeting him pushed the young man
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to go to the front. this icon, it’s like a relic of our family, it was taken and given to my father and mother when he went to the front. the war for dmitry khmel began in belarus, he liberated vitebs, korsha, lepel, begomal, lagoisk, then lithuania and east prussia, where he was seriously wounded, all the soldiers from his unit died, he survived alone, went with a grenade to an enemy bunker, threw the grenade , a the bullet remained in his thigh, closer to the spine, for 3 days he lay there under the sprinkled earth, a funeral was already sent to his parents, after the hospital he went to the front again, he ended the war in konexberg as part of the fifth army of the third belarusian front, a junior sergeant, witnessed the event.
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institute, the mother of god joined him at that time and said: “what are you doing, i didn’t keep you so that you would enter the mokomolny institute.” he was walking with his friend in odessa and saw this building; it was a theological seminary. and he realized what it was this is exactly where you need to go. well, then, when there was a famine, he was transferred to the zhirovsky seminary. after the seminary, the priest was sent to serve in the village of kosina, lagoi region.
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during the entire service, father dmitry never went on vacation, he did not miss a single liturgy, every day he got up at 6 in the morning,
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prayed and went to church to see the parishioners. in recent years he served on painkillers, the bullet in his spine made itself felt, reminders of the war. with polyyu in his body, he lived like ordinary people, and did not show that it was bothering him, in any weather conditions changes, this field made it known, so he... was sick, he spoke sometimes, but did not show it, he never complained, he was seriously ill at the end of his life, almost no one knew what was hurting him and... when he conducted services , he sometimes froze, it was clear that he had something there, something was wrong, it turns out it was just, well, everything hurt him, so patiently he waited in the wings. in the village of sadovaya , kletsky district, during the war years, the settlement was called blyachin, nikolai heltov served in the local church. the rector came to the church of john the baptist back in 1929.
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by the beginning of the great patriotic war, he was already an experienced priest who was trusted by parishioners. “if anything happens, fight, fight, but i will give the command, don’t worry about us, save yourself, despite the fact that he was at home, despite the fact that this is his wife, his children, everything is under threat. services in church, the priest called on his parishioners to help the partisans with clothes, food, medicine, to do everything possible to resist the enemies; in
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the priest’s house, a kind of sanatorium was organized, where the fighters recovered after wounds ." in the matter of resistance to the occupier, father nikolai was helped by his brother, georgy heltov,
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also a priest, rector of the church of the protection of the blessed virgin mary in kletsk, he organized the collection of food for soviet prisoners of war and saved jewish children, at forty. in the third year, when children were brought here from orphanages in the city of minsk, among them there were jewish children, jews and father george, in order to save the children, he baptized them, issued baptismal certificates with orthodox names, thanks to this the children remained alive, and also the priests were able to win over to the side of the partisans the chief of the cell police, who reported about ambushes and raids on the brothers... the threat of arrest loomed, the partisans offered to leave with them, but the priests remained with the flock, they were arrested before easter, on good friday, and sent to a concentration camp koldychevo. the camp occupied an area of ​​approximately half a kilometer by half a kilometer, the territory was fenced in several rows with barbed wire, a reinforced convoy was installed, people were guarded with the help of bunkers and even tanks dug into the ground, but there were also
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traditional towers with searchlights. nikolai and georgy kheltovyi ended up here in april of 1944. a few days later , their wives, natalya and lydia, were brought to koldychevo. nikolai heltov died a martyr's death. he was tied to an iron bed, doused with gasoline and set on fire. remains of a priest buried in the camp cemetery. this was in may of '44. and in the first days of july , his brother george and the wives of the priests were shot. a large mass grave, the prisoners dug it themselves a few days before the liberation of this territory, the last koldychevo execution took place here, people were led to the pit, their hands were tied with barbed wire, the executioners shot in the back of the heads of their victims. the zharovo monastery is the fruit of the orthodox faith;
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elder mitrafan lived, worked and prayed here for many years. everyone knew him, students and teachers of the seminary pilgrims. workers, but the fact that mitrofan, a veteran of the great patriotic war came as a surprise to many, was learned only when they began to apply for a pension; he was a man who participated in special operations, a highly professional, military -trained person, and those people who met with wartime documents , they got acquainted with his operations in which he participated, they said that well, this was a belarusian commando when... the province after graduating from school, nikolai went to moscow to study. after receiving diploma from the moscow automobile and road institute in march '41, nikolai ilyin was allocated to the construction of
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the osovtsy military airfield near bereza. on the first day of the war, the airfield was bombed. more than a thousand soviet aircraft were destroyed along the entire front line, many of which did not even have time to take off. twenty-six-year-old mechanic ilyin survived miraculously. on january 6 , 1943, nikolai ilyin was on the eve of christmas. brought a partisan detachment that operated on the territory of the kosovo, ruzhany and berezovsky districts, was a miner learned the basics of rail warfare, and already in august became the commander of a subversive group. we asked, what do you feel, that he felt fear, felt fear every second when you plant a mine under these flights, he even said himself that he once decided at the last second to check the fuse so that it would stand up in his hands and explode here, he would died, but... after the war, nikolai ilyin
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returns to his parents in serpukhov, in 1948 he again goes to belarus, gets a job on the railway, a few months later he is the chief track engineer road workshops in pinsk, then works as an economist in the statistical department of the pinsk region, in the fifty-third... returns to serpukhov, gets a job as a stoker in a children's tuberculosis sanatorium. in january 1958 , he came to the zherovichi monastery as a novice. a little more than a month will pass, nikolai will take his first tonsure with the name george. in 6 years, when monk george is already 49, he will be tonsured a monk with the name mitrofan. for 40 years he carried a candle box to obedience, accepted notes on health and repose. it was. the first person with whom pilgrims and believers met, mithraphanes was called the accountant of the monastery. he was also a little related there, he always loved to turn off the lights, he saved, when after
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perestroika there was all this shaking, he began to save the light in the monastery, and there were, well , somewhere large light bulbs hanging, he changed them to smaller ones, there, well as if there is light, it ’s still there, sometimes the students joked about it, they called it father...
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in a word: if you have bread, the lord said, share this bread, if you have there is something else, share this, a normal priest, this is how all priests should be, in principle, this is the norm of life, and the person essentially fulfilled his oath given when entering the priesthood. the shepherd was responsible for the inhabitants of 25 villages, that was the number included in father victor’s parish, the priest himself had four small children, and this did not become an obstacle to saving scouts and saboteurs when the police arrived... father victor passed them off as his workers , he didn’t ask them unnecessary questions, they didn’t ask him anything either they asked nothing about how the workers worked, but
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he knew that at night they disappeared somewhere, then appeared, he felt that they were connected somewhere with someone there, these people, these people connected him with real partisans detachments, the priest in the village had spiritual strength and enjoyed authority; during the years of occupation, one often had to be on the edge of a knife, no matter how much the pastor wanted. yes, everything is classy, ​​well, the germans, so come on, father, well, well , well, the table is set here, and little ira goes and dziadzi there, and dziadzi there.
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partisan detachment, after the church officially received the status of a legal entity , it was able to open a bank account, the pastor called on parishioners to join the social ministry to provide material assistance to the front, money was collected for the tank column of dmitry donskoy, for the squadron of alexander nevsky, and viktor bekarevich, he was able to collect 1500 rub.
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saved it from closure in the sixties, then served in venena, returned again to minsk, to the alexander nevsky church. proteerus viktor bikarevich was awarded the patriarchal cross. in at the end of his life, he helped build a temple in the village of ponyatiche in veleshchyna, not far from his native lotygoli. the spiritual core that our people preserved during the great patriotic war, we have a part of it, it is important for us not to lose it, not to break it, on the contrary , to strengthen it.
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may 6 is the day of remembrance of st. george the victorious, the heavenly patron of the army. the heroes of this program chose to live outside the city, where they see more opportunities and use them to the maximum. you moved from
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france to belarus. yes, you bake - delicious, cool, traditional real croissants. is there some secret? eh, love, well, i see. uh, patience and patience, love and patience. very good, that is , kevin will not reveal the real secret. was your grandmother an herbalist? grandmothers had traditional herbalism. and you are not a traditional herbalist. traditional herbalism, yes. it’s easy to explore belarus; all you need to do is create a non-trivial route. in 1780
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dubrovinsky. prince grigory potemkin bought the land, and thanks to him , one of the first watch factories began operating here. russia. in ancient times, voluns were the site of various rituals. and rituals, now they are a geological natural monument of republican significance. the most important thing is to be open to amazing secrets and facts. the hokhalok on our whistle toys is generally an authentic feature of our dubroven toy ; you won’t find such a different form anywhere, you won’t find it anywhere in the entire dnieper region, and don’t forget to give free rein to positive emotions.
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see the project route built on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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it’s enough to go to the cardiology website and you’ll grab your heart, well, really, this is a lot, while you are the head of a school of emergency cardiology, and it often happened not only at work, but in everyday life, that the life of a particular person depended on your help, you know, this not as straightforward a question as you might think, because it seems to me that...
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