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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 18, 2024 2:10am-3:05am MSK

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life, that the life of a particular person depended on your help, you know, this is not such a clear-cut question as it might seem to you, because it seems to me that my whole life has been devoted to ensuring that, to one degree or another, i, my many students, influenced the life of every individual belarusian to the fullest... our school is called urgent cardiology and preventive medicine in the clinic of internal diseases, this means that understanding how important it is to provide assistance to a person on time, we work in the direction that he may not need this help if he treats his health competently and loves himself in the capacity in which a person receives pleasure from life. yes, but this is when we talk about prevention.
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i saw a relatively young man who clearly felt ill, next to me was another young man, as it turned out, he was a doctor in the intensive care unit of one of the clinics, and the two of us provided assistance to this man until the ambulance arrived, and the doctor didn't come down right on the subway, well, there was such a wonderful story that ended happily in the store in the elevator, i... could
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talk about it for a very long time, but fortunately i have a sufficient amount of simple practical skills to provide first aid to a person, but in general the country should have a well-organized system for providing assistance to such patients, fortunately, at the moment, in general, we not only have it, but we need to improve it by all possible means, apparently those people for whom this happened... and next to whom turned out to be real professionals at that particular moment, yes, apparently, they did not sin too much in this life, on the contrary, i must say that this is the system of preparing the population for such situations, it may be one of the most important, i once saw this in stockholm, i am very glad that in our country they are now preparing young people to provide such emergency care, this is very important, because having a doctor nearby makes you happy.
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diseases of the circulatory system, not only cardiological pathology, but also cerebrovascular, so we sincerely we believe that in europe or america, when demonstrating these statistics and limiting them to a certain age, say, 70-75 years, representatives of the medicine of these countries hide a certain part of the information, yeah.
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we show everything, and we sincerely believe that the system of preventive measures that has been carried out in recent years and which we are improving now, it... will give its results 5, 10, 15 years later, but we will get a decrease in mortality rates from the disease circulatory system. we will teach people to love their health and value it. we we are very glad that we have this position in our constitution that people should take care of their health, when they understand that arterial hypertension and lipid levels.
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or between a patient and a doctor who is treating this patient, i’m talking here about compliance, and the so-called adherence to treatment, this is a weak point, unfortunately, among belarusian citizens, you need to listen to the doctor, trust him, understand that he cares about your life , about your health. i agree, well, i have heard talk more than once about that some people developed heart problems after suffering from covid.
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19 in a particular person was asymptomatic, that is, only laboratory diagnostics confirmed its presence. in-depth studies show that several serious systems in this person’s body were affected. does it go away and how quickly? many people say that
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weakness haunted them for many months. now there is a theory that in some situations a depot of this infection may occur in the body. that these consequences will overtake you, she definitely less, of course, and not only will they be overtaken, but will also manifest themselves, okay, here’s a question from all men, yes, everyone knows what a beer belly is, what a beer heart is, that’s really how problematic it is, what
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it’s fraught with, you know, i i wish marat sergeevich would speak here not so much even about the beer heart, but in general about the detrimental effect of alcoholic drinks on...
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that elasticity that allows it to be called the pump of the heart, that is, it turns into a rag with prolonged use of alcohol, literally, and to me i had to see this, it is much more convincing than any stories, you need to see it once to understand that in general, well, minimizing, let’s say, alcohol consumption is the key to cardiovascular health.
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let's put our hearts at ease, but there is an opinion that in soviet times, and in
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leningrad then all complex patients could be sent there, when the union collapsed, it turned out that in the sovereign republics there is no powerful cardiac surgery, there is no defective system either, for example, cardiology, what then allowed us to achieve such success today, well, firstly, by defending the soviet...
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absolutely brilliant, talented specialists , very hardworking, by the way,
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this is why they are in great demand abroad, our training is very high, i got acquainted with the training of doctors including cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, in canada, in japan, in europe, we have a very good level of training, which is why they are literally torn away with their hands, thank god that few leave, and some return. we currently have three cardiac surgeons returned to the republican scientific and practical center of cardiology, i personally am very happy about this circumstance, well, you have already communicated with them, why is he returning, there are no confessions, these questions, i understand very well and know why they are returning, that’s because once upon a time the canadian specialists who came to us every year since 1998, my colleagues asked, well , now you yourself say that we are already moving head to head in the profession, why
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do you come, they say, but because communicating with you is an amazing gift. and once a year we should enjoy this gift, that is, that moral and psychological atmosphere is probably worth more than money, of course, in general, the comfort of just such communication, an environment, in my opinion, prevails over many things, in 2001 by the decision of the president of the research institute of cardiology, it was transformed into the republican scientific and practical center of cardiology, but how did the change in the abbreviation affect practice and why, what did it do? this is a change, you know, i sincerely believe that it was the wisest decision when i came to work in center, which in general was not a problem for me, because i worked with all these brilliant specialists for many years, supervising cardiology in several clinical hospitals in minsk, a lot of my students work there, i
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told them, dear colleagues, let’s let's not forget, first, we are a republican center.
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in terms of level, in terms of importance in world cardiology, we are in the most advanced positions, we can compete with anyone, we have indicators of implementation of the highest technologies, mortality rates during the most complex operations, comparable to the best american, european, russian clinics, and we can convincingly demonstrate this, we are a little bit ...
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this is not a joke, i remember the feeling of happiness that i experienced before i was professionally put under olivier, three dissertations are three scientific works with serious practical implementation, these are works that i still cite in a variety of situations, these are brilliant young people who, in general, have joined such a unique professional elite of the republic of belarus, it was... a very serious gift, at the moment my student defended her doctoral dissertation, she became the best doctoral dissertation last year, the president awarded her a doctor of science diploma, the same work received a prize in the field of medicine at the national academy of sciences, the only one in the twenty-third year, that is, it was
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a really definite achievement, you will agree when i report the results. every day we work to ensure that you receive the latest and most useful information. the twenty-minute format allows. tell about what is happening in belarus and the world, take a linguistic walk around the capital in the company of our guides, find a new place
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on the map of belarus that is definitely worth seeing, and also suggest projects and films that will certainly become your favorites. this and much more awaits you in the ether 24x7 project. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. they know everything about their small homeland and generously share this knowledge with the viewer. in our village there was such a tradition; during haymaking, residents went far into the swamp in order to mowing hay, to save time, we spent the night there in freshly mown huts. happy childhood june.
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here’s the center for cardiogenic shock, yeah, the creation of a center for hybrid cardiac surgery in belarus, but all this sounds to me personally like, well , let’s say... fantastic chapters like that, yes, chapters from asimov’s book, all this is in belarus, yes, it’s not utopia? thank you for this question, from our point of view, when i say we, i am talking about cardiologists of the republic of belarus, the belarusian patient has an absolute right, and our president for the most high-tech assistance. in the field of cardiology, this help should be available to patients from all regions of the republic of belarus, hybrid surgery in world cardiology is
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today, we already have several centers in the republic where such operating rooms have been built, but of course we really wanted that in the republican center there was a structure that meets the highest requirements in this...
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unfortunately, most patients come to us at the stage when they already have not one, but several problems, including cardiac including, yes, heart problems, namely cardiovascular problems, and sometimes this is also combined with other diseases, diabetes mellitus, thyroid pathology, kidney pathology, liver pathology, and the question arises of how to carry out a set of interventions, say, that a person
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needs. .. surgical intervention, the duration of anesthesia, the duration gives a decrease in the overall time of perfusion technologies, as a result there are fewer consequences in the postoperative period, which for this would be unfavorable for a person, that is , i believe that we are firmly on that road
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along... when the work of the heart was checked literally by hearing, yes, well, now they are probably also checking, i don’t know, in the same way, but recently i was examined and saw it personally, yes, i felt this myself, yes, and through a vein, yes, and under load, and holters and a contrast agent, yes, which is driven into the heart, with such contrast it was and became possible to distinguish, today every belarusian can, this kind of help is available to every belarusian,
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well, first of all, let me say a few... words that no one has yet buried the scetoscope, that is, it is still necessary, that is, a very competent therapist, cardiologist, cardiac surgeon must master the simplest technologies for examining a patient and 70% of diagnoses , as they were staged in the 19th century, in the early twentieth century, they are staged at this stage, but then they have the advantage of the present time. we have super technologies not only to confirm this diagnosis, but to clarify it so that subsequent interventions are absolutely error-free, this is the achievement of modern cardiology, and for this, if there is the slightest doubt among doctors in the regions, we are able, and we do this every day, to take away the most seriously ill patients and, if available...
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in the competition of which we took part in the twenty-first year and received money to create such an intensive care unit. this is, of course, not a one-man process. valve, yes, stem cells, almost 600 heart transplants, yes, well, more than 500 exactly, two years ago it was, yes, and we are among the top 20 in the world in terms of this indicator, that’s what else we can be proud of with
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the mark was made in belarus, well, this is what you are talking about with your western colleagues, and well , first of all, western colleagues who work in the region. this is the work of a huge team of brilliant, very responsible people. in addition, we use completely unique technologies in the treatment of patients with chronic heart failure. for now, this is the stage of implementation,
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experimental work, research, but we are the first in the world in recruiting patients, and the results of our work were recently reported in the united states of america. mine deputy for therapeutic care, we perform a completely unique intervention in complex occlusions of heart vessels, that is , in a situation where stenting is performed with a very high risk, we have performed about 300 tavi operations, this is transcatheter implantation of a valve in the aortic position, that is, without major ... operations, the patient feels quite comfortable already on the day of the operation, through the vascular system, yes, so we perform about, at the moment, 100
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interventions of the same kind on the meter valve, we are ready to implant such a valve in the tricuspedal position, we are waiting for the purchase of these consumables, in this regard we are ahead... more cordially, as i understand it, than their western leaders, or is it still a matter of such community and some cynicism of doctors, cardiologists, i once had to attend a congress of cardiologists, personally, the anecdotes that they
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told about the heart, yes, of course, on the one hand they showed that people were really in the profession, on the other hand they sometimes caused shock, but at the same time time it is it was very cool, so that’s why it’s the doctors at...
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from the best clinics in germany who receive our
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specialists, well, that means they also have a lot to learn from us, uh, and teach how to learn, i believe that we are now at the stage when we are sharing experiences, yeah, sharing experiences, that’s great, it’s only two-way traffic that helps, how much of a patriot do you think the doctor himself should be and how not to take to heart all the manipulations and technologies that are used? including doctors, and often specifically doctors, because they closest to people, yes, because as lermantov wrote, an empty heart beats evenly, yes, and we belarusians are very responsive and vulnerable, and you know, marat sergeevich, when we discuss our failures with my colleagues, i see their eyes, i understand that their hearts do not beat smoothly, that is... a true professional never gets used to the troubles of his patients
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, he always experiences unfavorable gatherings very sadly, absolutely, by the way, the life expectancy of doctors is one of the saddest indicators in the world, and i i think it's this one psycho-emotional tension, empathy, and empathy are of decisive importance here. it is very important, being the daughter of a man
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who went through the entire war as the granddaughter of a man who went through several wars, i really want our wonderful, beautiful country to live in peace and prosperity and low bow to the people who ensured this, this is my politics, and i like this approach, you know, it was not by chance that i asked this question, you probably understand this perfectly well, you had to... to lead the center during the most difficult period in september of the twentieth? it was not difficult for me to negotiate with these people, many of them are my students, many of them knew me as a workaholic who not only raised several generations of specialists, but himself worked quite hard all his life, so i told them that our task is to be next to...
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the prosperity of our profession in the republic
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of belarus, this is for us, perhaps, what is in the highest priority, it seems to me that it is completely established in the center, beautiful, really, very intelligible, natalya, time somehow flew by very quickly in our conversation and i am forced to ask the last semi-philosophical question, a traditional one, i cannot. will not remember the famous heart of a dog, and his favorite book, i adore the movie book, this phrase, for sure, yes, many people know, quote, remember. if you care about your digestion, here’s some good advice: don’t talk about bolshevism or medicine at dinner , and god forbid, don’t read soviet newspapers before lunch, it seems to me that we’ve violated now all the rules, yes, all these dogmas, times have changed, and understanding medicine,
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and reading, watching belarusian and state media, turned out to be very useful. is this kind of non-superficial look going to help us avoid turning into ball-killers? well, firstly, again, quoting our president, i would like to say that we are the center of europe, we must be in the most advanced positions, and attitude towards one’s health is the most important component of the appearance of a civilized person, so... in this sense on the one hand it should be like this a free person who values ​​his health as a property of the state, on the other hand, a doctor, and quoting, excuse me, professor preobrazhensky, i would like
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to remind you of one more phrase: give me a piece of paper, the most important piece of paper that would allow me to study. beloved body. cool. vitali palovna, i received enormous pleasure from our conversation. but i think it’s no secret to you that, uh, there was another reason, not only that you are a supreme professional, but another reason why we met with you today, this is the opportunity, thanks to our meeting, to say thank you on behalf of all belarusians, to all doctors, to congratulate you personally and... your colleagues on your professional holiday, which will be this sunday, so i congratulate you with pleasure, and we have prepared, of course, and really, i wish, so that your dreams, since they are directly related to our health, yes, they come true and as soon as possible. murad sergeevich, thank you very much, i take
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this opportunity to congratulate all my deeply respected colleagues on the upcoming holiday and say that our profession is the best and... you better, thank you, thank you, we 're done.
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the sketchy azers are as blue as the early sky, which is on the right. the forest, at the beginning of the evil dawns, the creatures and the world are washing, and the fall is known, the accumulated azers are woven with charms, the suns are smiling at the sun, look for yourself, and never from the sea, the bottom that is golden shchany, pіў i pіў would be from their endless, naslavashchynye azers , just like this year, i have been in pain, so i would like to sustrezza, no matter... the mountains, the seas, and the azeri have never forgotten them, my dear. patrus brouk.
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all you want to know is the true meaning of the sacred cross. these signs are so simple and extraordinary for the skin vernik, they have great significance. our daily life is the shortest known of our faith. i believe in god aitz, who so loved the light that i gave him the son of his adzinarodnag. and the importance of religious holidays. purity, light over evil, the need for spiritual upbringing and education, they come to classes with joy and pleasure. our classes are held right here in the church, i thought it was right, necessary, because children
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should breathe at least church air, oh the sacraments of the orthodox church, when people come to the divine liturgy, when they take communion there, in some sense, in some sense, a certain sacrament of our unity with each other with the living and the dead is being accomplished, we will tell and show. the wife was no less famous for the family of the plyatars, we here recognize emilia, the plyatars and all the astatine uzzelniks of the land, their sailing on
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the pharmaceutical economic centers of the country and a lot of extraordinary people it’s not that simple palatine structures suit the life of extraordinary people, and the temple, the house of god, does not think only months of malitva, ale yashche and months of paratunka, people are searching for the dates of the paratun, cultural-asvetnytska project, architecture of belarus, the dates of the kascel do not end i... in the savetsk period, kali vyalikaya kolkasts temple stratsila its pershachatkovae meaning, geta dapamaglo zahavatsіnter'ery temple. on the scenes there are the same plaster with the same camalias, and there is a basis for the great jumper, the decaravan of the belt, which marks this space. glyadzice on our tv channel. of the population did not go beyond
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the forecast values ​​of inflation on the results and the prime minister of the country reported on economic trends to the president that the government does not have any serious concerns about the current socio-economic situation, but as the head of state noted, there are a number of alarming factors, one of them is the negative trade balance. alexander lukashenko ordered a detailed analysis of the situation. the president also gave a number of other instructions; despite certain difficulties, over 5 months of the year the economy grew by 5.2%. gdp continues to grow, but the president is guiding that it is important to see problematic issues and give assessment of the state of affairs in each sector of the national economy as a whole. chairman of the house of representatives igor sergeenko was elected first deputy chairman of the parliamentary assembly of the union of belarus and russia. this decision was made at a meeting of the 66th parliamentary session. meeting of the union of belarus and russia in minsk. state secretary of the union state dmitry mezintsev took part in the session. the agenda
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is traditionally rich, one of the main topics is the budget for 2023. during government hour, participants discussed formation and development of a common scientific and educational space. parliamentarians expressed interest in closer cooperation at all levels of education in the union state. grodno-azot is developing new sales markets. delivers its products to brazil, india and turkey, completely covering the internal needs of the spring sowing company. now at the stage of export shipments the plan has already been exceeded, the july volume has been sold, special attention is paid to product quality. one of the main lines in export is the russian market federation, where we have been increasing volumes for the third year in a row, despite the fact that the russian federation market has significant capacity for the production of nitrogen fertilizers. diversification issues. allowed us to look at logistics differently; accordingly, work was carried out to develop port capacities; currently we
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have the ability to transship nitrogen fertilizers in fifteen terminals in the azov and baltic seas. the grodno-azot chemical fiber branch is also developing; it specializes in the production of polyamide threads necessary for tires, knitted carpets. the capacity allows the production of up to 50 million linear units. in year. belarusian scientists have begun work on creating the first domestic vaccine against tick-borne encephalitis. today there are three foreign- made vaccines on the market. so far, the exact release date for the domestic vaccine has not been announced, but it is known that creating a prototype will take no more than 3 years. now experts are searching for the optimal variant of the virus on the basis of which the drug will be developed. tick-borne encephalitis infection occurs less often than others, but the disease is more severe. vaccination for such infection is mandatory for those who work in the forest, but anyone can be vaccinated for a fee if they wish. clinicians
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note an increase in the severity of the disease, this is the situation. so to speak, it contributed to the fact that we began to conduct these studies, the strain will be selected from among those circulating in our country, therefore it is assumed that the effectiveness of the vaccine will be much higher than the effectiveness of vaccines that are developed on the basis of strains from neighboring countries. belarus is preparing to mark the eightieth anniversary of the country's liberation from the nazi invaders. a unique mobile museum, a victory train. an opportunity to remember what a difficult path our people have gone through in the fight against the brown plague. the train will begin its journey on june 21 in brest and end on july 21 in gomel. in total, the unique museum on wheels will visit twenty-three cities. throughout the month , residents of all regions of belarus and the city of minsk will be able to familiarize themselves with the museum’s exhibition. these are 10 cars of complete immersion in reality. only here you can travel in less than an hour
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from gomel to moscow, from stalingrad to... competition for the best mower, cooking pancakes on a block, presentation of family creativity, winners of the magel regional tour of the lord of the village project were announced. the platform for the struggle was the agricultural town of vishov, where a fair took place with farmsteads from each district. 14 families competed for the right to represent the region at the republican level; as a result , the large family of sergei and inna tarelka from the klichesky district was offered to us by the village council. tranquility, garden beds, chickens, beauty, every year the number of families increases, and all regions are represented as much as possible, so i want to note that the number of children and young families is also increasing, and this suggests that there is life in the countryside,
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it should this life is developing, and many thanks to these families, the finale of the project is the lord of the forces. will be held according to tradition in the agricultural town of alexandria on the kupala holidays on july 6. representatives from each region, winners of regional stages, will take part in the competition. i am belarus, i gave birth.
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hell, when it's too small, i'll say: i'll be born into a tribe of ungodly people, and i won't be bothered by hell. along unknown paths and routes, we will travel throughout belarus. we are glad to welcome you.


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