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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 18, 2024 12:40pm-1:01pm MSK

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it was impossible to simply unload and place them at the stations, they had to be taken to the factory and unloaded within 2 weeks, and it was advisable to install them in the place allotted to it in order to avoid any additional work, at the same time the country needed transport, especially low-cost in production and economical to use, simple, familiar to... its use in
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the national economy could become the widest since the adoption on november 6, 1945 of the resolution of the council of people's commissars of the ussr on the organization of bicycle plant in the city of minsk, the countdown began on another new post-war enterprise in the republic, a motorcycle and bicycle enterprise. in just a couple of months , the plant's designers will already... demonstrated the first model - the v16 bicycle. there were not enough qualified personnel, there was not enough lifting equipment, and so on. everywhere the ingenuity of the workers and engineers who participated in this matter came to the rescue. created based on the technology of the german brand brenobor, it has been improved and brought closer to local conditions. turned out to be more stable than
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the german analogue was strong, reliable, and the commission liked it so much that after modifications, the model was immediately put into mass production. here is a bicycle, the one that they began to produce in minsk, it was, in principle, a european classic, there are no special frills here, it was all done practically, expediently, with the least amount of labor required during production. the first batch was produced already at the beginning of 1946; in that year alone more than 6 5 were produced . the plant entered the first post-war five-year plan in 1946 with new developments, eaglet, swallow, minsk, friendship, popular brands of bicycles in the ussr, on which more than one generation of soviet people grew up.
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which was taken in germany. the goal for many years has been to eliminate the battery. the motorcycle became not only a popular mode of transport, it, like the b16 bicycle, solved many issues in the national economy. post office, emergency medical care in agriculture. they were purchased for the needs of the police and the soviet army. on october 9, 45
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, an emergency message was broadcast on the belarusian radio. 9 castrychnika 45 years old decree of the presidency of the supreme council of the ussr about the rightful election of the supreme council of the ussr. they have a conversation, they have a connection with the ending of the war. the elections of deputies of the verkhovnag council of the ussr have been completed, another meeting is scheduled for the 10th month of 1946, a central election committee has been created to organize the elections, at the beginning with the tavaryshchi kuznyatsovs. the country was entering a new period in its history. in february, the first
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post-war national elections to the supreme soviet of the ussr were held. elected for its first session parliament met on march 19, 19546, it approved the law on the five-year plan for the restoration and development of the national economy of the ussr for 1946-1950. the main task was by the end of 1950 not only to achieve the pre-war level of production, but also to significantly exceed it. the republic also entered the first post-war five-year plan. the eighth session of the supreme council of the bssr in september 1946 approved a five-year plan for the restoration and development of its national economy. the republic
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was actually faced with a super task - to restore its potential for several post-war years. tongue. today we’re talking about what holidays mean to us, how they affect our children, and should we believe in conspiracy theories? go! we are living through this period again, those same two weeks at the junction of winter and spring, when in our country it is customary to bestow special attention
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on men, followed by women, and, well, celebrate spring together. on february 23, we celebrated defenders of the fatherland day, and then maslenitsa and the start of lent for christian believers. these secular and religious dates fit so organically into our worldview is that we can no longer imagine a calendar without them. they have long been a part of our culture and history, but very close to them in recent decades , an artificially implanted occasion for celebrations, the so -called valentine’s day, which western culture called valentine’s day, has tried to take root. for some, the attempt to impose this tradition did not go well at all. someone grew up in the period from the late nineties and... this generation is difficult to do without hearts in mid-february, someone is categorically against the holiday itself and the trail that follows it . february 14 is such a pseudo-historical date with a smell. i immediately anticipate any attempts to trade here
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in the names of the catholic and orthodox churches. neither one nor the other honors the memory of a saint named valentine in february. so we immediately protect the church from speculation on this topic. one version of the roots of valentine's day goes back to the lupercalia holiday of ancient rome. this is a couple of days in february, when in rome, in honor of the gods of love and fertility, dogs were sacrificed with braids, and men in loincloths they made whips from their skin and beat women with them so that they would become pregnant and give birth to children. all this bedlam with goat offal on bayonets was accompanied by orgies; in the fifth century ad lupercali was banned by pope gelasius. in return, he allegedly designated this day as valentine's day, but there is no documentary evidence of this. according to the second version, st. valentine was a roman priest who, in the third century under emperor claudius , secretly married soldiers of the imperial army to their lovers, because claudius did not allow
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his soldiers to marry. then the ruler allegedly found out about the priest’s initiative and cut off his head. this is a lie, because another emperor introduced a ban on the marriage of legionnaires. the story about them exists in the format of a legend, that is, a fairy tale, and an innocent fairy tale would not have bothered anyone if several years ago, when the date almost tacitly took root in our calendar, the west did not push the idea that girls are warriors it couldn’t have happened in klavda, where did the two guys get into a temporary relationship, and valentin secretly married soldiers with... servicemen, that is blessed homosexual couples. here it became clear why a holiday with an incomprehensible history was so actively imposed on us; first , it itself should have become ours, and then any meanings that the authors would put into it. for example, in 2013
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, on february 14, on the streets of the russian city of millionnik, this advertisement for a german manufacturer of contraceptives appeared, and valentine’s day, declared as a celebration of a bright feeling, turned into a day of chance. sexual relations, last december the vatican allowed catholic priests to bless the marriages of gays and lesbians what was unthinkable 10 years ago has become a reality, and i think it was fictional. the image of valentin played an important role in this. you can call it whatever you want, but you can’t argue against the facts. february valentine was called a saint, although even the identity of this character has not been confirmed. why give her such a high rating? and then, for a believer, a saint is inviolable. and even doubts about his merits are automatically rejected by a believer, because doubting the holiness of the saint is sinful. that is the campaign was thoughtfully directed, its goal was the conservative backbone of society, which
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would never accept values ​​​​alien to us. the idea of ​​making fun of married homosexuals would cause aggression among believers, but the gradual introduction of a holiday full of love, flowers and hearts would sooner or later reconcile with the new nuances of the life of the main character of this holiday. moreover, for years he was carried around the pages of the media and social networks with the prefix “saint”. countries have calculated this and taken measures, for example, starting this year, schools in turkey are officially prohibited celebrate holidays that are contrary to turkish national values, including valentine's day and halloween. halloween is generally a harvest festival for the irish and scottish celts. they welcomed the long , cold winter and believed that on the night of october 31, the doors to the afterlife opened and spirits could appear among people. where are the belarusian children, and where are the irish celts and their spirits? this holiday also came to us from
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the west. a holiday is always a story, a person’s role in it and his emotions from this role. and the brighter the holiday attributes, the brighter emotion and the greater the desire to be involved in the history of the celebration. and when this connection is fixed through years of repetition, it is connected in a person’s mind with the most carefree period of his life - youth. history can be changed as you like, you can add whatever colors you want to it, a person will still perceive it as personal, along with all the surrogate that will be slipped into it, and they will definitely be slipped into it. now i will say something that will not please people who call themselves modern and think, through holidays with a murky history they are trying to undermine our spiritual bonds. no matter how secular a society may be, the most powerful restraining factors for each of its members are always the commandments of its religious scriptures. the bible is for christians, the koran is for muslims, they are much older than the laws, they reflect the basic principles
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of the existence of the people. this is our software, our firmware, and there are many people who want to reflash us. to do this, it is necessary to demolish deep-seated attitudes in several generations and upload new ones, where murder, theft, fornication, gluttony, pride are uncondemned. a society without moral principles is easy turn into a herd of pigs and destroy. get close. reaching a people with a strong collective core is possible only through instruments that are in tune with it. please note that holidays of balloons or roses are not imposed on us, we will not react to them. they imposed on us supposedly st. valentine's day and the day of contacts with the spirits of the dead. on halloween, our children are slowly taught to draw the faces of devils and decomposed corpses on themselves, and the little person learns to perceive himself not as god’s pure creation, but as a black mug with holes instead of eyes. samoid program. cation already hacked and will break every time a child is taught that a skull instead of
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a face, drawn blood from the mouth is great. firstly, the very search for an alternative to the far-fetched holiday here is no longer the norm. can you imagine the british who are looking for an alternative to the night of ivan kupala and are also arguing: the right to look for ferns should not be suddenly taken away from children? they have a fine spiritual organization without the belarusian fern. prohibited the private celebration of either western or eastern holidays, simply
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they promote and do not support their promotion in the entertainment market; without this, as it turns out, imported holidays do not last long. no, our holidays are no less atmospheric than western ones, we just have a different mentality. we never tried to make the holidays commercial, we put the spiritual into them, and it turns out that the commercial is also necessary. people want it. paraphernalia, printed materials, makeup, costumes, surroundings, themed events and complete immersion in some unusual story. note that in tradition celebrate the new year, it’s all there. and no one is looking for an alternative to the new year. we still have many dates in which it is difficult to slip in a double meaning or gender surrogate. apparently we just need to make them a little brighter, everyone should start with themselves and their surroundings. just give your favorite dates a meaning that is clear to you personally and don’t ignore
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the holidays that show your children who they are and what their role in society is, form healthy habits in them, and give them a reason. please yourself and others. for example, 25 years ago, on february 14, i found my loved ones friends, and years later i heard my first declaration of love from my husband. it is these events that we celebrate at the end of winter; for us they have long had nothing to do with the name valentin. and even more so, none of us would think of celebrating them in a child’s kindergarten or at work. if for several years in a row on february 23, a girl and her mother serve a festive table for their protection. dad and brother, and on march 8th receives a bouquet of congratulation flowers, it will be difficult to convince her that she is gender neutral and that her brother can wear a skirt and claim a mimosa. if a boy and his dad go to the brave race in their city on february 23, as adults he will also spend this day with his son, instead of trying to find out in a drunken stupor who
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served which man. if you explain to children what a wedding is and why people come to it, it’s unlikely that anyone will prove it to them. that the man who married male couples was a saint. if children are used to going home with flowers on mother's day and father's day, the idea of ​​child-free is unlikely to stick in their heads. if christians celebrate the triumph of life over death, this easter will take place before the eyes of children; not all of them will want to draw the outline of a gnawed skull on their cheeks. the establishment of international women's day in 1910 was proposed by a member of the social network. the idea was supported in many countries, but everyone celebrated the holiday on different dates, the date march 8 came to the world from russia in 1917 on this day, and according to the old style it was february 23, weavers began to go on strike in petrograd, which later resulted in the february revolution and fall of the monarchy.
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international women's day became a holiday in 1965 during the day in the ussr, and 10 years later... he was recognized by the un general assembly. on our territory, the political husks of march 8 fell away immediately after the collapse of the union. and he stayed with us like the day when we give compliments, flowers and attention to women. now, as for february 23rd. on this day in 1918 , the first victories were won over the troops of kaiser germany. in 1922, this date was officially declared red army day. in '46 in the ussr. it became the day of the red army and navy, and after the collapse of the union in 1998, alexander lukashenko by his decree, he renamed it the day of defenders of the fatherland and the armed forces of the republic of belarus. now compare our great-grandfathers in the ranks of the red army, our great-grandmothers among the working women of a great country, the irish celts and the fictional roman
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priest. which of the following is popular in our culture? learn to value yours. in this world, only self-sufficient peoples achieve respect. create traditions around dates that no one can add meanings that are unfavorable to our children. this is the only way we can save it and pass it on to the next ones. generations, our cultural code, well, teach children to see the difference between the spiritual and commercial content of the holiday. the commercial makes it brighter in the moment, but only the spiritual preserves its brightness for years. i'm marina karaman, we figured out the hidden meanings of the holidays, everything is clear, see you later.
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you are watching news now in the studio sergei lopanitsin. hello, national security issues are being discussed today at the independence palace. alexander lukashenko holds a meeting of the security council. before the big conversation began, the commander-in-chief was shown new ones. samples of military uniforms of the ministry of defense propose some changes in accordance with global trends and the tasks performed by military personnel.


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