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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 18, 2024 1:05pm-2:05pm MSK

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gomel managed to restore parity in the series against bntu bilas 1:1, the final score of the return match was 21:20 in favor of the gomel handball players, we are observing the most interesting event: 1500 people in minsk alone, tens of thousands more in 15 countries around the world, a total of 189 thousand people united by the international half marathon
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belarus is the inescapable lyas, the black rivers and the azers, the untouched nature, the hell of some non-magchy adarvat vachey, and yashche belarus is the heta people, we are covering their forests for you. we carry traditionally hot and hot here we change our views on extraordinary speeches, and we treat the world as if it were a magician. belarusians are so different, but they are poisonous: any and their native land. belarus 24.
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not far from minsk, just 30 km away, there was a border post, from here the soviet land began, from here began the railway line along which you could travel from the western border to the eastern in 12 days and see how a new world was being built on 1/6 of the globe .
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everywhere from minsk to vladivostok the lights of new buildings were lit, the foundation of socialism was being laid, a new economy, a new culture, it was not easy, we walked first, we walked through virgin soil. what is not a step is a struggle both in one’s own country and in the international arena. a long difficult journey, an unforgettable feat of the soviet people. we lived on the western border. life itself dictated that the bssr was, is, will be a reliable outpost of the soviet union. we closely monitored what was happening there, behind the border pillar. on june 7
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, 1927, the soviet ambassador voikov was assassinated in warsaw. on the same day, near minsk , sabotage was organized at the khzhdanovichi station, the drezina was abandoned, where the legendary security officer, member of the central executive committee of the bssr, joseph opansky, was returning from the border. defense week has been declared in the republic. it was still not easy to live in the countryside, but the peasants competed to see who would hand over the most grain for the red army; this is how
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our system sharply differs from the capitalist one; carts of grain and maneuvers went to the red army fund. the commander of the belarusian military district, the hero of the civil war, yegorov, wrote in the star: we will oppose pelsudsky’s plane and tanks with our soviet tanks and aircraft.
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the fifteenth party congress set a new historical task: to launch preparations for the offensive of socialism along the entire front. lenin's ideas of industrialization of the country, collectivization of agriculture, and
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cultural revolution were embodied in the first five-year plan. five-year plan. tractor in stalingrad, a house on magnets, the whole country in scaffolding. our republic celebrated its tenth anniversary on construction sites. at the twelfth congress of the communist party of belarus, which adopted the first five-year plan, secretary of the central committee yang the homarnik quoted lines from povalyuk trus. the land of forests, the uprising of days gone by. the land of the lowlands, the expanse in the distant expanses, the region. fields, oh land, when will you become the land of smoky factories and machines? i think, gomarnik said, that this tone is in tune with the mood of the entire party congress, the entire communist party of belarus, all the working people of samas spesis. the assertion
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of belarusian bourgeois nationalists that we are not capable of anything other than producing seltzer water looked ridiculous. we started from scratch. sakha is not yet in the historical museum. beggar's inheritance inherited from the past of belarus, the former poor outskirts of tsarist russia. we essentially did not have heavy industry. every day posed a historical task: either we will get rid of centuries-old backwardness, or we will fall into the hermitage of foreign capital. 16th
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bkp conference. five-year competition. they are the origins of our unprecedented pace. the workers of the dobruzhsky factory heroes of labor were the first in belarus to join the competition. the vitebsk machine tool plant krasny metallist accepted the challenge of the team of the leningrad plant krasny.
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vitebsk textile workers, textile workers from ivanovo-voznesensk. deliver bread to the state ahead of schedule. all regions competed. the agreement on socialist competition was signed by the academies of sciences of the ussr, ukraine and belarus. the pace of socialism in the countryside grew stronger, thousands and thousands of peasants united into collective farms. the people, wrote yanka kupala in the year of the great turning point, are on the path to
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happiness, having broken the shackles of evil adversity, the village is seething almost as in the days of the revolution. the kulaks are killing activists, setting fire to collective farm buildings, and trying to sabotage grain procurements. fierce class struggle. the bread found in the kulak pits, the state,
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was conquered by the new. the first furrows were laid by the tractor drivers of the first koidenovskaya mts in the republic. new forms of competition in the city and in the countryside, counter planning, vitebsk veterinary institute. science helped the christian. in those years, they saved on
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everything, but allocated funds for education, science, and culture with such generosity that even today the richest capitalist countries can envy. the academy of sciences of the bssr, founded on the day of the tenth anniversary of the republic, developed problems of biology and chemistry, geology and physics. technology and philosophy, literature, art. a commission for the study of western belarus worked under the presidium of the academy. the belarusian land is cut by injustice into barbed wire boundaries. tender, as yakub kolos wrote, belarusians suffer from pinsk region to disaster. pelsudsky's pack
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established a fascist dictatorship in poland, terror in western belarus, a life without rights, forced labor, children without schools, native speech is prohibited, prisons, pelsudsky is a puppet. international reaction is preparing for attack to our country. communist party of western belarus.
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thousands of fighters were thrown into prison behind bars by leaders of the revolutionary movement philip pistrak rafail sergeant top weapon. for many years of prison bondage, and here
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the twenty-three-year-old revolutionary fought behind bars, she writes letters to friends and family. the comrades published some of the letters in a small book. in the preface, krupskaya noted. from every line a man of strong will, a convinced revolutionary, a fighter for workers' causes looks at you. in the faith of weapons she wrote: i see i see a new belarus with my soul, i hear its sounds.
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industrialization the working day began, the factory banner in the name was the swiftness and demands of the time. from here , from the bristle factory, the products were exported to germany and england. in 1898 , belgian capitalists launched the vitebsk tram. we reconstructed it. he went to
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markovshchina, the working-class outskirts. in 1929, the foundation of the kim factory was laid. two years later, the first komsomol shock brigades worked here. we looked down on the bourgeoisie, our glasses were not imported, but their. made in our own factory. belgress. on the day of its launch, kuibyshev sent a telegram. the new powerful power plant is
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another success of socialist construction, a real confirmation of the soviet government’s policy of industrialization. in those areas where industry had previously been poorly developed, the old bishopric-governor minsk was becoming a thing of the past, although even during the flood the svislych flooded the coastal streets. this was what a soviet street was like. in the place where the first congress of the rsdlp took place in 1898. the end of the antediluvian horse tram. rails laid
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tram. the first 10 km of the journey. over time , the tram will become old-fashioned. then it seemed like a miracle of technology. the outlines of new minsk emerged more and more clearly. this is a layout of a university campus. the foundation has been laid. and here are the finished cases. not just a hospital was built, but an entire clinical campus. over the course of 2 years, a bright palace and a library named after lenin grew up, and the doors of a
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kitchen factory opened hospitably. the land of the lowlands, the expanses of distant expanses, and the enemy the flood, life sent the ships arrows of roads. the minsk-orsha highway, part of the moscow highway, is being asphalted. the highway is opening, chairman of the council of people's commissars of the bssr,
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mikolai matveevich golodet. it has begun. her life is precious, she will have to see a lot, at that time there were 636 trucks and 180 countries in the republic. the rivers of belarus are not only beautiful, but also diligent workers. timber was floated on dneprostroy, coal was delivered to us, not...
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our komsomol members for the construction of the stalingrad tractor, magnetically, in the mines of donbass.
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on the stage of the theater heroes of socialist construction.
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gut's performances were shown at the all-union theater olympics in moscow and interbury. the jury noted the high artistic culture of the belarusian theater. the first belarusian films were shown in the country's cinemas.
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belarus met gorky on the platform of the station of the unburned workers of minsk.
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we’ll master the technology now, alexey maksimevich, this is wonderful, and tanks, planes, so we won’t give in on this matter, we’ll not only throw our caps, but the technology, alexey maksimovich, so we’ll have enough spirit, well, besides that, what can we tell you also, we will collectivize the area, where there are villages closer to the village, there are our fighters, so to speak, they they are more politically literate than the peasants, but the political staff still deals with them. well, the district collectivizes, yeah, in combat training we also have all shock troops, just like at the factory, there are shock troops everywhere, shock outposts, our shock detachment, the same thing, soon we will celebrate the anniversary of the shock detachment, you don’t have your own newspaper here , we didn’t take over, but we have it on the cyclograph , we’re pressing for a large circulation, we’ll send it out every five-day period, give me the bulletin that was sent when i arrived,
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in march of thirty-one, moscow hospitably welcomed our representatives; they arrived for the week of soviet belarus. the old communist felix kohn spoke in the large hall of the communist academy. the arrival of the belarusian delegates is a historical moment in the life of the peoples of the ussr. in the union of soviets, belarus is the outpost that will have to take the first blow of the enemy.
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will introduce the week of soviet belarus. with the achievements of our fraternal republic, belarus has a lot to learn. the first exhibition of the achievements of the national economy of the republic, the very first. the harvest of the thirtieth year was good. collective farmers began to live better than individual farmers. the eternal dream of the poleshuks, the draining of the swamps, is being realized. before the revolution , almost everything that was made of metal was brought to belarus; it is clear why the machines of our factories aroused such interest.
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bolshevik plant. occupied third place in the leather industry of the ussr. at that time we were publishing. the model of the government house attracted attention with its expressiveness of composition and at the same time with its strict form, qualities that are still attached today. it has a modern look. at that in the place where the belgium hotel once huddled, a majestic building rose.
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the largest glass factory in the union was built near gomel in kostyukovka. the pace of industrialization in belarus was higher than in the soviet union as a whole. lenin's national policy of eliminating inequality in the economic and cultural development of the peoples of the country was implemented.
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near bobruisk, on the berezina river , the buildings of a woodworking plant rose. german timber industry recognized it as the first in europe in terms of equipment and capacity and gave the beavers an order of half a million. export and export again - the workers said. soon we will crash into the international market, we will argue with the industrialists of finland and sweden. at the factory. shveyprom, enthusiasts of the struggle for economic independence, organized the production of closed machines. before that they were brought from abroad. belarusian factories mastered the production of increasingly complex agricultural machinery. 1,500
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tractors were preparing for sowing in the first year of the second five-year plan. new way of life on the collective farm, state inspection commission readiness to seize, headed by the commission, the chairman of the central executive committee of the bssr, alexander grigorievich chervyakov. last. an individual farmer joins a collective farm, an ordinary village, but an extraordinary
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event takes place in it. collective farmer pakhom stepanovich replaced the last name garimykin with joy. he is an activist, a member of the village council, he went through three wars, but he has never encountered a gas mask of this system, and he has not yet passed the standard for the badge ready for work and defense, well, a three-line badge, here he is a specialist. pohom stepanovich goes to minsk. he's a delegate eleventh all-belarus congress of soviets.
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joyesten participated in the discussion of issues of the national economy, health care, and education. we denied ourselves a lot, but did everything to make the children feel good, we opened pioneer camps, music schools, stadiums, and cinemas. the first hockey match between the youths of minsk and leningrad. this meeting could be seen on the screen of the new children's cinema, before the start of the first belarusian sound film first platoon.
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kuzik their honor. awarded for faithful service to the tsar and the fatherland george, first class. they were 12-14 years old. in 7 years, the weight of the war will fall on their shoulders. in germany, the nazis seized power, unheard of in its scale and cruelty. there is a rampant of bestial nationalism,
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what human thought has created is burning. factories worked day and night. cereals, they were preparing to destroy. we built, soviet
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belarus, like the whole country, completed the first five-year plan in 4 years and 3 months. the dneproges worked at full capacity. to the collective farm. and state farms of belarus received tractors from stalingrad. a house for the red army was being built in minsk. on
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laying the foundation stone of the house, secretary of the central committee of the communist party of belarus nikolai fedorovich gikala. the foundation of the opera and ballet theater was laid on troitskaya mountain. the asphalt on the station square was smoking, the komarovsky forest retreated. in the scaffolding there is a printing house. 38 delegates from belarus took part in the work of the seventeenth congress of the communist party. it approved the second five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the ussr. the congress noted that during the years of the first five-year plan , the foundation of a socialist economy was built in our country. this it was a victory of world-historical significance. we are the winners today, we are
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a triumphant party, a triumphant people, a triumphant working class, but all this, comrades, we owe to those who organized our party, who led its victories to victory, who carried it through the october days, who defended on the fields of the civil war and defended soviet power, this is not due to comrade lev. we remember lenin's behest. humanity cannot move forward without taking steps towards socialism. socialism is rapid and continuous progress in all areas of society. life and human activity. at the fifth session of the central executive committee of the bssr, there was a conversation about implementing the decisions of the seventeenth party congress. the chairman of the people's commissar of the bssr is on hunger strike. the grand
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opening of minsk thermal power plant 2, a powerful power plant for that time. it provided electricity to the tram depot, the krupskaya factory, the meat processing plant, the communal confectionery factory, and the outskirts, which were illuminated by kerosene lamps.
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on january 31, 1935, free sale of bread without cards was introduced, wages for workers, scholarships for students, pensions, and beyond the border post have increased. there are bars in the factories, like in a prison, the prisons are overcrowded with prisoners, the party of western
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belarus. quite a lot of people. 1935 on purpose. the sanitary government banned peasants from fishing. lakeside villages of about 3,000 people rebelled. the wave of the liberation movement rose throughout western belarus. in the district courtroom in vilna, a shot was fired during. during the trial of communists, sergei pritytsky shot at the provocateur and was given a death sentence. the communist party of western belarus called on all honest people to speak out in defense of the hero. demonstrations took place throughout poland and in many countries around the world against the unjust sentence. july 11, 1935.
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mikhail ivanovich kalinin came to minsk, he presented the order of lenin to soviet belarus. national holiday. what were you, belarus under involuntary, didn’t our eyes see, always hungry, always homeless, you barely met happiness and joy, in the morning
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with cold, clean water. wash yourself, decorate yourself with flowers, the sun is getting dressed, today is your day awards, happy share day, celebrate merrily everywhere, at the machines in the field.
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anniversary session of the central executive committee of belarus. greetings from the central control commission. transferred to the party and government of the ussr by mikhail ivanovich kalinin. in the old encyclopedia
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, literally a few lines were devoted to belarus, while belovezhskaya pushcha was devoted to several paragraphs. if you look at the role the belarusian people played in tsarist russia, compare it with the role they now play in the union of soviet socialist republics, and thereby in all over the world, then... you will come to the conclusion that a huge path has been traveled, great victories have been achieved.
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sharko nikolaich of command company 244. nikolay sharko particularly distinguished himself during the vistula-odor offensive operation in january 1945. in breaking through the enemy defense , he raised a unit loyal to him to attack, after which roto, under the command of sharko
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, captured two enemy trenches, capturing more than fifty machine guns as trophies captured 14 nazis. on january 16 , 1945, during the liberation of a polish settlement, charcot’s rifle company destroyed enemy landing. into battle. during the capture of berlin by the guard, the captain was seriously wounded, as a result of which he lost his leg. by decree of the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr, for exemplary command on the front of the fight against the nazi invaders, the guard captain nikolai filipovich sharko was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union with the order of lenin and the gold star medal.
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good morning belarus with svetlana borovskaya, this is a fascinating acquaintance with unusual people. my name is olga, i am the owner of this institution, institution culture, i thought there was no one here, once a week, who would come over, hello. here’s the most important question: how did you choose? so you’re sitting on the sofa and thinking about what kind of business you could start. secrets of a good mood, let's get our bus in, give it a scrub, come on, come on, come on, good morning belarus, zhenya, how beautiful it is, oh, girls, leave me a couple of buns to put, give me a couple of buns, sama, sama, sama, and many more interesting ones informative stories, now
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there are such fashionable breads, in addition to very simple ones... obsa, in braslauschyna. here, on the bank of the lake with the gate, i will call the month of the meeting, published on the pack of the stagodze commune to the counts felix klyater. for a byasedachka, a new hut, a new pine hut. braslau
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district has 300 azer. the regional center itself is based on several of them. the most flaccid ones are the most dry ones. and give new life to old traditions. i missed projects ahead of time. on the tv channel belarus 24. belarus has good relations with baku and yerevan. belarus, it seems to me, intends to continue to maintain these good relations with both participants in this conflict, because we are generally for world peace. azerbaijan has achieved a lot in recent years and, above all, by solving its main problem of returning lands, which.
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to the abras, which reminds the waters, the waters, the shape of a regular circle, which does not change for a long time. there is a shame that there are so many people on the right from heaven, and there is a wealth of such charming lyusteraks in belarus.
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these projects are right in the land of today in belarus, we are the most beautiful.
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i am history, nature, culture, faith, people, spirit. once you dream and never forget no more, everything here is right!
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