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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 18, 2024 6:00pm-6:16pm MSK

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in the minsk region, agricultural producers will begin cleaning without delaying 8 days. as a sabrats urajay yakasny without strata amerkavali on the pasajenny ablvykankam on the tortures of the gatounasti prudreniya dazhnіv. the grazing area of ​​crops and grain crops last year covers more than 500 thousand hectares. the current industrial activity in the region exceeds 1600 requirements for cleaning equipment. completed repairs. the whole machine is necessary for the tsalkas to dry it for 25 cherven.
6:02 pm
pratsoўnaga semester, i was very lucky the burying place was illuminated by the end of the day on the square of the dzyarzhaўnaga flag, gathered more for thousands of fighters and commandos from all over the country, and the assembly of the saber ўvaga to the patriarchal center. at the kobryn
6:03 pm
fortification and the brest fortress , the foundations of the belarusian-russian joys were formed, it was the beginning of the century and the beginning of the fortress. we expect that now there are about twenty in this particular detachment, but we also have, for example, the atlant plant, next to it, yes, we are located next to it, every year guys in teaching detachments come and work together, that is, collectively we we always sum up the results, of course, by the end we are in eighth place, well, i won’t say the numbers yet, yes, but we expect that these are hundreds of guys who will come to work, and accordingly. but in the second i was already the commander of the detachment movement - this is the best thing we have in the country for us students, and of course this is well encouraged, we are pleasantly encouraged, on average the guys earn in one month from 1,200 to 1,800 depending on , for what specialty and how... giants, maze,
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mtz, atlanta, akramya tago, since last year the medytsyn project medykus was farmed. 80 people will be on hand at the hospitals and clinics of polack and navapolatsk. 350 we will be righteous, mancers of the path on the subjects of the belarusian caste. sa studzenya getaga goda aprasladkavana amal 6.5 thousand chalavek. taxama planuezza, into moladz. colleagues of the ministry of information in april so that the first guys, fighters of student service units, will also be employed on the basis of the broadcasting company in grodno, this will be implemented, this will be the first experience, if it works out, then of course we will extrapolate this to all areas, in order to give young people the opportunity to try themselves,
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the vyadzne gatei factory of kamunarka and the museum of the vyalikaya aichyn and the wars, memoried shtalakh 352 trastsyanets, taxama and the national library of the students of belarus and the races of the republic of belarus and the russian federation and a crazy patriarchal campaign. in honor of the patriarchate's knowledge of the months of great glory, the patriarchal war camp on the basis of the pastan adzin city of the hero of minsk is the start of a special change. abarontsa aychyny ab'yadnaў amal 30 yunakoў i dzyaўchat. yana will bear the ganaruva fact.
6:06 pm
to the guys in general at the headquarters, and of course i will visit victory square, i will watch how other guys take up the memory watch, there is already a lot in the history of the post, where, that families have formed here, we already have children coming from the post, fathers, mothers the honorary ones were carried into the vigil of memory, now it is not their children who are keeping watch, they have a completely different attitude to the post, well, in general , more than 900 children go through their academic year, every week we join a new institution. the young men and women of dachshund bring memorials complexes and memorable months from lutsk prymuts udzel u mіzhnarodnym zletse pastoў numar adzin belarusі i rasіya a daksama intercede on the ganar watch on 22 cherven. let's live the past, let's live in the present, let's live in the future.
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the first thematic change came to such mottos in the azdaraulchen camps of palachanka, in the valodzhyn region. the young students and their friends participated in a variety of fee competitions in a lot of fun and competitive events.
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this somehow helps our development, love for our homeland, and well, this is interesting, as a counselor , it’s very pleasant for me to see the smiles of children.
6:09 pm
the transportation of passengers under strict rules ensures regular flights of fixed-route taxis in sochi. vadzitselі minibus pavinny vykonvatsya rules darozhnaga rukhu, khutkasny razhym bytsyarognym p raisraneniyah, because every unthinkable maneuver can result in injury to people in the cabin. assembling power is given to the technical plant of transport vehicles, close headlights, steering wheel, tarmaz system of the pavement on the right, the taxi is under the control of the inspectorate today. mixed control public and secret using photo-video recording. the main violations committed by drivers are exceeding the established speed,
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violating the rules of maneuvering and changing lanes, using mobile communications, as well as transporting passengers in excess of the established number. for violating the rules, the driver is punished. or the fine of the tax and the administrative administration will apply to the campaign of the carrier, if the air carrier is transported with parachute or not allowed to be allowed and the road to collapse. dzitsyachi. garadok amusement slide for winter fun. the capital has completed its life and is proud of the park named after ugachavesa, which is in the frundzinsky district. in the past, we have stretched out the dance floors for extreme sports, the bike track, the healthy pump, the same dance with harnesses, hand walks and bars. the current greening system for laying the lawn has been installed for tabletop walks and picnics. at this point, the laying of paving slabs has been completed. pedestrian connections are being established, plus they are already being cleaned up,
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the seams are swept up, the area for the finale is cleaned up , so to speak, so that it looks beautiful, a lot has also been installed, almost everything, well, maybe 95% of the mafs such as flower beds, urns, benches, benches with a canopy, construction and installation work was completed on the order of 95-97 %, we see that the work on laying tiles for landscaping is now being completed. territory, which means that the project provides for eight attractions, this is in the summer; in the winter, two more slides for juping and a roller ski track are planned here. urachysta we are opening a new zone for the advent of independence. international festival of textile bouquets is the most important time for the national center of daily mastatstva. like meetings, there is a great variety of farb, style, genre and name. the festival program includes its own lectures. larysa
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gulyakevich watched the dachshund van in belarus behind a hectic routine and a technician. textile like kahanne, a summer mood for the festival, which is absolutely for 100 professional masters and amateurs from different regions of belarus and russia. stylny tekstylny the bouquet is from shosta once in minsk. like meetings, there are no fantasies in different technologies. weaving, weaving, woven fabric and knitting.
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the meetings are fun and positive, in a good mood, you look at the product, it breathes with something light, well, it’s pleasant to even hold in your hands, so we try, in principle, to work only with a good mood, people like that...


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