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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 18, 2024 6:35pm-7:00pm MSK

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is krimovich on vacation or sick? yes, he's sick, but he'll get better soon. what's the matter? quiet, calm, without panic. get on the bus, lieutenant, they need to be detained. watch the series bus driver on the belarus 24 tv channel. minsk and moscow are not changing the course of integration. belarus and russia will cooperate more closely. and the presidents, lukashenko and putin confirmed this in minsk. we can confidently state that the economies of belarus and russia are developing dynamically, despite various kinds of obstacles, we do not need war, today we only talked about peaceful prospects, but for the time being we keep in chemicals, our potential in armies and weapons, all this constitutes a tremendous force, there is everything for every taste, dessert for export. slodych, as an example, today produces more than 100 types of products. made from natural raw materials, with
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love we bring all the best, cookies, candies, gingerbreads, marshmallows, waffles, the most delicious quality control awaits us, the main topics are on the main broadcast, watch on the belarus24 tv channel. each country has its own customs and rules, sometimes they are not dictated by state. we'll tell you what comes of it today. the most dangerous and terrible areas of the world that will never make it into tourist brochures. huge blocks and even entire cities, where it is better not to interfere. criminal ghetto, drug dens and simply bankrupt cities, where chaos flourishes, and the law is written on the street. the one who is stronger is right.
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bulgaria, romania, mexico, brazil, honduras, south africa and others have different geographies in dangerous ratings. let's start with the stronghold of democracy. it has been called a ghost town for many years in a row, once prosperous, thanks automotive industry since the middle of the last century, detroit has been steadily degrading. businesses are closing and state-owned enterprises are closing, people are leaving en masse, the population has decreased by more than 2/3. the city has been officially declared bankrupt for 11 years and owes the authorities approximately $20 billion. detroit very often ends up in crime reports, shootings are commonplace here in the middle of the day, robberies, pickpocketing, and car thefts are rampant.
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the city has many streets overgrown with weeds and thousands of abandoned houses. another point of social catastrophe in the us region philadelphia. the city is called the drug capital of america, but kensington is not at all the outskirts of the city, the center is only 15-20 minutes away. scary scenes, like from a horror movie. they are called zombies - the walking dead, unconscious, hunched over in a stupor after another dose, hordes of drug addicts have filled the sidewalks of the streets of the richest country. the orange little things are on the ground, and the white packages are packages of caps from used syringes. many people...
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use syringes here several times, although they give out syringes for free in volunteer organizations. dirt, garbage, syringes, an open-air hangout, complete and ominous chaos. you can buy a set for... something heavy, like methamphetamine, and for just 3 dollars you can buy anything you like. the harsh truth of american life, the shocking scale of the decomposition of society: no one hides the addiction here, they sell and inject drugs openly, but instead of proactive measures, social services rely on safe use, that is, they distribute clean needles to drug addicts, and with a reserve, results doubtful. every day we are entitled to something like this. emergency kit, 10 packs, syringes, clean water, tourniquet, in a word, everything you need to take the drug, everyone gets it because it’s profitable, you step aside, sell two needles for a dollar, well, you already have it money for a dose, there are even
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tents set up in the middle of american streets, where men and women calmly take drugs, the two most popular illicit substances, fintanil, a cheap analogue of heroin, as well as xylazine, a drug... without hesitating anyone, and if you take a risk come here by metro, then right at the exit from the station a heroin guide will approach you, a special person who will help you buy a dose and kill yourself comfortably, drug addicts shoot up in the middle of the day, hunched over in a stupor or losing consciousness on the street, many have fresh gaping wounds that desperately need medical care. and needles, syringes and garbage are scattered along the sidewalks. a person dies every 7 minutes from a drug overdose in the united states. every year , over 100 thousand people lose their lives due to deadly poison, more than from shootings and car accidents combined. dilapidated
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entrances, garbage on the streets and many, many beggars and beggars. this is a paris that you won't see in glossy advertising magazines. whites fled from here a long time ago, this is what they say about barbès, one of the most dangerous areas of paris. the eighteenth district of the city of love is far from romance and humanism. beggars and dealers selling stolen goods near the metro. the first refugees from north africa appeared here in the nineties. these are, of course, not favellas, but... noble people can fly here, this is what the locals say: no one cares here you don’t care, and the locals often fight with each other over some nonsense, at such moments it’s especially scary, because they can throw out their aggression on you, and you are completely helpless, this area is like
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a powder keg, any spark can cause a surge of hatred, mostly unemployed people from algeria, tunisia, morocco and other countries live here, displaced people flock to... many live on the streets or in underground passages, the dominance of poverty, drugs and of course, crime, the dirty side freedom, beauty and love. not only tourists are not allowed here. parisians themselves try not to know, or not to notice, this part of the french capital. there are a lot of undocumented street vagabonds here, and there are plenty of them living with whole families right in their cars or huts set up on the sidewalks. in the north of the barbès quarter, near boulevard peripherique, the parisian equivalent of mcat, there is even a whole street of cars and vans filled with clothes, blankets and dishes, next to them there are small plastic tables for snacking, with garbage lying around. while men scurry around the area, women sit inside with their children and don’t even
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look outside. due to the influx of migrants, local authorities recommend that tourists, quote, avoid places located near metro stations. take ford, for example. in our countries in the nineties, there, too , the phenomenon of drugs was very present, thank god, our countries surpassed this tragedy , because young people absolutely did not see the future, absolutely, and the same phenomenon associated with narcotic substances is happening here too, why, because
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young people need somewhere to move away from what they seem to be in their hearts, they are all for freedom, but what they see and what is happening on their streets is not entirely pleasing to them. this same area is popular among illegal immigrants; thousands of migrants live under bridges. another metro station where it is dangerous to be is stalingrad. by the way, there was the largest refugee camp in all of paris. stalingrad. faced problems with homelessness and public drug use that marred its busy streets. when entering or leaving a station you will often see a lot of people, living in tents or sleeping bags under the station bridge. this also gives rise to crimes, thefts, fraud and robberies. and in general, paris is a record holder for districts and is not for everyone. the arab quarters, the northern station, the eastern station, the eleventh and twentieth arrondissement, are all places where outsiders are welcome. there's really nothing to do. paris and brussels are
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practically deserted cities in terms of security. the belgian capital also has many corners where it is better not to go, especially in the dark. the residential area of ​​peterbos in the anderlecht district was taken over local gangs. even special police raids are not helping to improve the situation. over the past 3 years, more than 100 of them have been carried out , but in 2023 the situation is different. deteriorated even further, the gangs made peterbos a hub for the sale of cannabis and cocaine, which they receive from marseille. case in point, the company g4s, which installs fire alarms, hired additional security for workers, otherwise no one wanted to go to peterboss. it cost the company 70 thousand euros per month. a critical situation was stated by the local brussels police department. head of local division. noted that for law enforcement officers, peterboss is a place where we do not go.
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molinbeg also advises avoiding another commune in brussels, especially at night, the most dangerous and notorious area of ​​​​arab emigrants in brussels. connections with terrorism and a high crime rate, it is also called an incubator of european jihadism. it looks like an ordinary area, but this is where traces of most european terrorist attacks lead. people from molinbeek madrid, paris, brussels were blown up. as in neighboring france, dangerous city tumors appeared precisely in those areas where migrants from different countries came in search of a better life. these people who even become belgian, belgians, they, firstly, do not speak the local language, secondly, they do not know the local culture at all, and live in areas where they are completely separated from the local society and where they receive information through television those countries from which they came, that is, integration is not happening,
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the most dangerous city on earth, so about the capital various journalists like to write travel blogs about venezuela, but they always highlight a special part of it. barios is a slum. since 2000 , more than 250,000 violent deaths have occurred in these places. this situation has turned us all into forensic experts. we understand various types of attempted kidnappings, it is impossible to live there without fear. venezuelans themselves note that life in barius is no more expensive than a mobile phone or wallet. the sad statistics of unsolved murders is 92 out of 100. local slums are infested with drug dealers, gangsters and pimps. a one of the most popular types of crime is express kidnapping. while you are standing at a red
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light, a car pulls up and a van is dragged into you by the villagers, then a demand from your loved ones is to pay compensation. to become such a victim, you just need to look decent, it’s as simple as that. moreover, the ransom amount can reach up to 100 thousand dollars. about 70% of the population of caracas lives in such slums. prosperous areas sometimes coexist with bario without any transitions. for example, one of the richest areas of caracasab with golf courses, lives in the largest bario of caracos petare, home to about a million people, this is a whole shadow city with its own economy. do the police have control over the residents of barius? the question is rhetorical, because inside such areas there are enough of their own armies that are armed to the teeth. in general, barius is the twin brother of the notorious brazilian favelas and huge ones. the scale of the kibera slum in kenya, where many still live without electricity, running water or sewerage.
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koolun is perhaps the most famous example unsafe area in the world, being a fortress city in the 19th century, in the 20th century, it has become synonymous with the word unsafe, in the middle. there were 2 million people per square kilometer of land at that time; it seems that this record has not yet been broken. for comparison, we can say that the population density in moscow is less than 5,000, in hong kong itself there are about 6,800 people per the same square kilometer. until the early nineties, koolu was called the city of darkness, and here is a classic set. missing people, drugs,
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casinos and prostitution. they decided to restore order only in anticipation of the handover of hong kong from britain to china. criminal clack. they simply razed them to the ground, they did not obey anyone, a huge human settlement appeared on the territory of the former fort, which means that the average height was up to ten floors, some sections of this human settlement were 14 floors, but not higher, the fact is that kaitak airport was located nearby, therefore, it was impossible to build higher than fourteen floors, so what was not there? and brothels, opium dens, and casinos, and hairdressing salons and retail outlets, in general, this humane was a city within a city, it lived according to its own laws, however, the cleaver also has a spiritual heir, a monster house, it was built in the sixties of the last century and over 10 thousand people live in it,
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endless floors, tiny balconies stretching into the sky, it seems that this is what the real thing is... the population density also breaks world records, while the apartments themselves do not exceed ten square meters, but this does not scare even visitors. hong kong is one of the most expensive cities in the world; renting an apartment in this monster by local standards costs a penny, 1,500 dollars per year. month. they even managed to accommodate a mosque and a buddhist temple inside the house. the building was chosen by the filmmaker, and is also called the instagram house. triads, without them, how can they find anyone in such caged apartments? it’s a difficult task for the police, and they take advantage of this. since the beginning of the 20th century, royal crossroads in australia has become a place
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where local mafiosi lived. the area's peak came in the sixties, when the streets literally flared up. the authorities could not do anything about the raging area, and after the world war they completely introduced a new law, rules from 6 o'clock, this meant that after 6 pm all bars and pubs in the area were closed, so they wanted to overcome the number of murders and violence. the law was repealed at the end of the 20th century, but was soon returned. the alcohol ban was reinstated in 2014 after the deaths of two people in a drunken brawl, thomas kelly and daniel christie. it remained in effect in some. the trigger for the epidemic was the first controlled injection room, that is , the authorities tried to regulate who would inject themselves with what, an idea, as you understand,
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a failure. a few years later, the authorities sydney said the crisis... is over and kingscros is now a drug-free place. in 2015, over 100 police officers organized a raid on a local club. the drugs were again exported in bags. local journalists call the area the circulatory system of the australian drug market. sydney is the same - it is a very expensive city to live in and, accordingly, not every emigrant has the opportunity to find a place there, and a place under the sun, because the city, i repeat. expensive, real estate is very expensive, both rent and even more so purchase, so people begin to go into the gray, and then into the black zone, engage in drug trafficking, engage in drug trafficking, there are not far from the northern countries of southeast asia, where very serious traffic comes from, and accordingly the state is trying to level out these stories, thereby lowering
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the bar of stability and, accordingly , security in terms of healthcare. their citizens, why this happens, certainly not because in these cities there are only bad people everywhere; sociologists call poverty and high unemployment the main reasons, when you want to eat and have to survive without moral principles, in desperation people are capable of the most terrible crimes, sometimes the government simply does not notice dangerous boils, sometimes it cannot cope with the dominance of corruption and crime. ireland to sydney, yes, to australia, to the united states, there is a huge mass of problems, these problems need to be solved, because there are people who...
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light, heavy, but cannot get a job, because in order to get a minimum education in order to work, you again need money. in belarus in the dashing nineties, there were also areas where you couldn’t get out at night and there were entire highways, where they were simply robbed both night and day, but the state dealt with banditry, order was restored in the country and today from the selection given in the program, it’s hard to even imagine anything close to us . another reason is not what we have, and to preserve order and... peace in our hometowns, happily.
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we will talk about the diversity of belarusian cuisine, and these are recipes, culinary recipes recorded by maria karpovich, the owner of the chembrov estate, and this cake is from this book, this is a cake from this book, yes, we will witness the birth of culinary masterpieces, after we make this pretzel, we mold it, it needs to be boiled in boiling water, only then put it on the profile. for further baking, amazing, and of course i’ll also add a little butter, this is our secret ingredient, we won’t
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tell anyone about it, the taste will be amazing for us and we’ll draw up a detailed gastronomic map of our country, and you know, the very bright aroma of honey , there is honey here, of course, this is a type of bread called honey, custard honey monastery bread, will it be in the slide? and if you want to try the original belarusian roast, be sure to order it. watch the project, food anywhere, on our tv channel. they know exactly what success is on sports grounds. she actively expresses herself not only in front of the screen, but on sports grounds, she has worked as a volunteer at many major tournaments, and she herself prefers dancing and zumba. at one time he played in the svistic football club. in the second league of the belarusian championship, and was also the captain of the amateur hockey team red fire. but what will be the result in a real battle of intellects? as in artistic gymnastics
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, an element is called that represents a flip in the air 360° or more over the head. andrey, somersault. somersault, of course. the diagram shows special exercises for training athletes. what sports discipline are we talking about? i think it's shot put. not idra, absolutely right, this is the correct answer, watch the intellectual sports show, head game on our tv channel.
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you are watching the news in the studio tatyana nekrasova, good evening and briefly about the main thing. national security.


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