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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 18, 2024 9:00pm-9:45pm MSK

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you are watching the panorama live, tatyana korol is with you, good evening, let’s sum up the results of this day together: national security issues are the focus of the president’s attention today, one of the main emphasis is to prevent formalism in working on important things.
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germany has started bringing migrants to poland, what will this lead to? the answers in ksenia lebedeva's program are different. programs. the president discussed improving legislation in the field of national security at a meeting of the security council. and also new uniforms for military personnel from domestic enterprises of ligprom. we'll show you everything in a couple of minutes. belarus is immersed in preparations for the significant date of the eightieth anniversary of liberation from the nazi invaders. any minute now, a rehearsal for the final and most beautiful part of the parade will begin in the center of minsk - the performance of the honor guard company. vivid footage from military training. very
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soon, we will show it in panorama. final preparations at the minsk arena site. an international exhibition starts here tomorrow national security belarus 2024. military, dual-use and special-purpose products will be presented at the forum. experts, scientists, specialists will discuss conceptual ideas at conferences, seminars and round tables. details very soon. the fourth season of the country's most talented show is finally here. pelfactor bai begins his casting tour from vityubsk. today the tv news agency worked behind the scenes to bring you all the juiciest stories and first notes. belarusian football clubs recognized their opponents in the champions league and league conferences. and victoria azarenka started the prestigious tournament in berlin with a confident victory. about this and more in sports day. president of belarus today. convened
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a meeting of the security council. in this format, we discussed an updated document that adjusts approaches to assessing the state of national security. this is a step in the development of the concept of the same name, which was approved at a meeting of the all-belarusian people's assembly. as the head of state emphasized, it is easy to consolidate the updated approaches in regulatory legal acts not enough. everything must be practice-oriented; threats in various areas, from social, economic, to global challenges, must be assessed. in advance, alexander lukashenko also showed today a new uniform for military personnel, it has been updated taking into account the realities of the combat training missions being carried out. the military themselves tested elements of the uniform in various conditions throughout the year. the price of the issue, reviews and details of the legislative decisions of today's security council from our political observer ilona krasutskaya. alexander lukashenko today gathered security advice, but no emergency, everything is according to plan. publicly discussed and then
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adopted the concept and military doctrine at the vns. these are strategic documents about protecting our national interests, ensuring peace and stability. and now, in simple terms, we need to decide how we will determine the criteria for assessing national security for specific areas. we said that the concept of national security is a public document, we thoroughly studied it, reviewed it at dialogue platforms, and then approved for vns, but in development of this.
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it is not enough in regulatory legal acts, the time has come to put these approaches into practice, that is, we must have a clear idea of ​​what is really happening inside the country around it: military security, economics, social political sphere and others,
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absolutely, as verified and objectively as possible , there should be no formalism of simplification here. the regulatory documents themselves in the development of the concept of national security are secret. we will not see the text, unlike the base document, but what can be voiced from the innovation is that the criteria for assessing national security have been updated, each area is assigned a responsible department, executive coordinators, they conduct an analysis and offer an appropriate assessment. the state of national security, as stated in the concept, in each area is assessed according to three criteria: stable, unstable or requiring urgent measures. new indicators have appeared, accordingly, based on the fact that something new has appeared. the ninth sphere is the sphere of biological safety, five strategic directions have been identified along which specific decisions will be developed, respectively, and the ministry of health has been designated as the coordinator, as a structure that guards issues of life, human health, first of all, and
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other issues related to biological activity and safety, so i i think that these are the innovations that were reported today at the security council meeting and will give a more... complete objective assessment of the state of national security, specifically the ministry of defense proposed its own methodology for assessing military security, a fundamentally new document that is based on all other civilian spheres. changes in the geopolitical situation and new challenges to military security force us to completely reconsider the methodology of the approach to assessing military security, which was done by the military department on the basis. already approved concept of national security, which contains fundamental assessment indicators, we have developed a completely new methodology for assessing military security today it was proposed to the head of state, well, i will say one thing that it is objective,
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comprehensive and timely , interconnected with issues of politics and economics, security and defense, sovereignty. key tasks for the commander in chief and the security forces, here is the well-known presidential thesis: ensure the economy - this is up to each of us. in the year of quality, this task has a special meaning, but the ministry of economy, taking into account the provisions specified in the concept , has also decided on its safety indicators. in the economic sphere, of course, we are concerned about issues related to the diversification of our exports, with assessing the performance of the economy in comparison with other countries, so in this regard, we...
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wore the item, it is extremely convenient, according to the reviews of military personnel, according to the experience that we see what is happening in the world, it very convenient when using body armor, when using vests, unloading belts, any item... which we offered to the head of state today, he has already passed this experimental wear, approbation, as a rule, we spend 6 to 12 months working on some item according to according to the wishes of the military personnel, based on the experience that we have studied, we issue it directly to the troops for this period of up to one year, that is, any of our new products, innovations are feedback, and what our girls have been waiting for are military dresses and new accessories, the designers tried to withstand and... let's say, correct those moments when during wearing there were some recommendations or substitutions, especially regarding, you know, ease
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of breathability, somewhere additionally, so that moisture would escape, or vice versa some heat-protective properties were maintained, all this was taken into account, men will also be happy, dress clothes, new shoes, accessories, polo is now a summer base, these are not all new items, the price of the issue, the price of the issue remains the same, due to the increase in the wearing time of replacing others. items, okay, don’t ask for extra money, so be it, but we need to improve something along the way, if necessary, that is , the president, what we are doing, especially combat uniforms, well, not 4 years, maybe a week is needed for that to remove something, something add, it’s always going on, we’re constantly working with wagner, with the russian federation, now i’ve come from a business trip from the russian federation, that is, we sew everything here, all the fabric is ours, our manufacturers, well, with tatyana we’re now resolving the issue. we will already see some elements of the new uniform at the parade on july 3, for example, one of the boxes
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of the foot crew of the 120th separate mechanized brigade will be wearing those very advertised tactical shirts. ilona krasutskaya, veronika buta, ivan martynovich and ilya puchko, television news agency. including ammunition, as well as the most modern technologies, will be presented tomorrow at the second international exhibition national security belarus 2024, in particular organizations. it’s in full swing, for reference, at the last forum, 2 years ago,
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about 70 expositions were presented, and this year the organizers promise to expand the boundaries and also strengthen the scientific component. in general, the exhibition will feature a national exposition of military, dual-purpose, special-purpose products and technologies enterprises of the russian defense complex. representatives from other countries will also come to share their experience. in general, the international exhibition national security was born as a response to modern geopolitical events; today it is obvious that ensuring national security poses the task of improving the conceptual foundations, and this is work for scientists, specialists, practitioners, representatives of science and experts. therefore , the forum, in addition to the exhibition, is also a platform for the exchange of ideas: conferences, seminars, round tables, experts will discuss the conditions of industrial scientific and technological development, as well as international cooperation in the field of national security. topics such as... i will also remind you that
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the international exhibition national security belarus 2024 starts tomorrow at 11:00, in addition to the site near the minsk arena and directly inside , the institute of civil protection of the ministry of emergency situations, as well as the national library, in general the forum will last until june 21, friday, the atn film crew will continue to work. it is difficult for the west to keep the truth in check, it every time it comes out in the form of reservations in public. the nato secretary general, during a speech at one of the scientific centers in washington , commented on the transfer of f-16 fighters to kiev. as for the supply of fighters.
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crisis, which, according to the deputy minister of internal affairs and the administration of this country, foreshadows the collapse of the european union in the next 10-15 years. warsaw, of course, blamed belarus for this, but in reality , local criminal structures are engaged in the massive smuggling of migrants to poland. the european media also cited facts, and the situation was brought to light absurdly, polish farmers decided to show how to protect the country from migrants.
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crisis, the eu countries themselves will not get dirty from head to toe, but it seems that everything is heading that way: the migration crisis is growing in poland and germany, although they are not talking about this as loudly as the threat from belarus. the scandal, as they say, is for internal european use. last week, a german police van crossed the border and left a group of migrants on polish territory, and they write on social networks that this happens quite often, and the number transported... but scholz promised tusk to sort it all out. and now it’s complete chaos. the polish military may gain the right to freely use
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firearms in the event of a threat at the border, the country's deputy defense minister said. they will even make amendments to the criminal code so that...
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this is nothing new in our relations and what is happening in poland, illegal groups that help migrants from the polish side, to cross the border, consist of ukrainians, georgians and poles, belarus is rare, so that someone gets caught there, this, in my opinion, it’s more of a show, so that our government can say that we are doing something in this area. and to throw, to throw this stick on the eastern, on the eastern question, because mainly foreigners, these illegal immigrants, get to poland through belarus, the main route is, of course, the mediterranean sea, about a million refugees enter the european union there every year , and some of them also
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end up in poland, but so... see the trends project tomorrow after the panorama.
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belarus is actively immersed in preparations for the eightieth anniversary of liberation from the nazi invaders is a sacred date for all of us. the equipment is preparing for the parade at the lipki training ground, foot crews are marking a step on the vruchye parade ground, and at this moment a rehearsal for the final part of the parade is taking place on masherov avenue: the performance of the honor guard company. our film crew is on site. victoria is in touch with us.
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performance, you must admit, it’s at least exciting, but look at the army’s endurance, precision, coherence, all this right here, right now, a company of honorable guard, i emphasize, honorary, this already suggests that performing in the ranks of this unit, and its core are conscripts, is at least honorable and responsible, the guys prepared for a very long time, and how did these trainings actually go, and is there anything, will he see? our viewers something new this year, we will ask the commander of the first company of the guard of honor, good evening, training began in february-march of this
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year, training took place on the parade ground of the minsk military commandant’s office, then the march takes place from minsk to the city of hero, how grueling, grueling or training, training in general takes place 5-6 hours a day every day, and are you, our military personnel, ready for that much, of course ready, how is the fighting spirit in general? festive, fighting spirit, celebratory, ready to complete the assigned tasks, okay, you can reveal a little, you will be pleased with something new this year, an exclusively new program has been prepared this year, but we will reveal all the secrets on july 3, we invite everyone to the parade, okay, we let's not reveal all the really secrets, let's leave some intrigue, thanks for the information, and the family of the honorary corolla, i will add that this is truly an elite unit in our country, not a single socio-political event in the country takes place without their participation. they represent our country on the international stage, and for those who, for some reason, cannot come to the celebration on july 3 to see
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the performance for themselves, i suggest coming to the dress rehearsal, it will be held on june 29, which is already saturday and 1 july it will be monday, because rather than hear many times, it’s better to watch once, of course, and it will be possible to see the whole scale now . yes, there will be convoys of equipment and pedestrian parade squads, together with our belarusian military personnel, their colleagues from seven countries will also march, these are russia, kyrgyzstan, kazakhstan, azerbaijan, tajikistan, uzbekistan and china, the scale will really be impressive, so i invite you to join , for now we are staying, continuing to work here ; we will show vivid footage from the rehearsal to our tv viewers on our morning broadcast, the tv studio has the floor to you. thank you, victoria radevich about the rehearsals of the honor guard company for the parade on july 3. and we continue to introduce you to the rest of the participants in the military parade
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for independence day. our colleagues, the television company voen tv, are presenting the project “faces of the parade”. and today they are the elite of the belarusian army, special operations forces fighters. i’m proud to take part in the parade, we... we’d better show everything we can, my army is the best, i’m proud to be in these troops.
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the glory of the soviet people survived the most complex restoration, here is a twenty-eight-ton combat the car, polished to a shine, returns to its original place, a monolithic paste, now dressed in granite, we completely restored the tank in its ceremonial appearance on this car, so we can say that the only thing missing is the awning, we installed tanks, smoke bombs, a flagpole, a machine gun, cables, of course, they didn’t go into battle like that, because the tanks were removed, but
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like for a parade... it remained like that. gomel was under german occupation for 829 days. during this time , the population decreased ninefold. in two transit camps, the fastas tortured more than 100,000 soviet prisoners of war. vosstaniya square is a memorable and mournful place in a city of half a million, its pride and pain. the place of national glory and memory became a single composition with the square. they were combined into one location. there is also a new pedestrian zone. conceptual solutions change. the appearance of the attraction, give it a special sound, lamps built into the paving stones, a direct association with the sparks of life, paste for flowers in the national style, paving surfaces like the kinks of life, triangular lawns, red maples, each element of the composition as a symbol of tragic events, insubordination and victory of the belarusian people. the work is responsible, a new square of shrubs is being prepared with more than 1200 you... the maple tree
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is about 100 in harmony with the green and red shrubs, this was conceived by the architect, so we brought it all to life, about 11 thousand flowers will be planted, and a three-meter bronze sculpture will be installed here , tree of life in memory of the victims of genocide, by vitebsk master ivan kazak, intertwined hands reaching out from under the ground, like the personification of the atrocities of the fascists, on independence day, a capsule with a message to descendants will be placed at the base of the monument, a memorial sign has also already been made, but is waiting in the wings, it is in minsk, in the gallery, on june 20 it should be installed on a pedestal, the area of ​​the uprising will become a completely different look, semantic load, the holy memory of the heroism of our people in monuments, and also in the hearts of millions of belarusians, we remember and carry through the years of the generation gratitude for a peaceful sky, as the greatest blessing on earth. natalya ignatenko, alexander murashkin,
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agency. this is a panorama and we continue the live broadcast. bright, summery and absolutely our belarusian athletes continue to replenish their medal box at the brix games, and we will beautifully show in a panorama how it was. green harvest - part two. farmers of the grodno region have begun the second cutting of grass, planting alfalfa and canning it in rolls. about the important stages of feed procurement and adherence to technology. travel along eco-trails, sports quests, patriotic routes and movie marathons, thematic shifts for schoolchildren are open in summer health camps, about relaxation with benefits in the panorama material. factor bay is back in business, the fourth season of the most rated show in belarus today began to look for new voices. pre-casting started in vitebsk.
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colleague lydia zablodskaya was going through a new experience together with aspiring stars. at 9 am the center of vitebsk listened to the colorful duet of a tractor and a kazakh from voronezh. this is rinat and his voice is officially first in line to discover the bai factor. left somewhere around 12 o'clock, right here. and i’ve been sitting here since 5 am, waiting. you’ve been singing all this time, all these 4 hours, well, not all 4 hours, i spent the first hours warming up in the store, now i decided to sing just before the casting, so that everything would go smoothly, the most talented rating show is again and international, half of the stories today with russian registration, well, i am a student at the moscow pedagogical state university, studying biology and english, so i closed the session ahead of schedule as i knew
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to come to you, we have experience with russian castings, i understand that with you it’s all much more organized, much more precise and much more personalized, they ’re just a stone’s throw from vitebsk, but the time is such that it would be good...
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i’ll leave you my memories forever, but still, i i wish you happiness, there are
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builders, accountants, student teachers, sessions are working tuesday, it’s not a hindrance to ask for the cherished 15 minutes, the aunt said, but there will be no point, the song the aunt said and there was. confused, why? because singing kopelno, well, it’s a little different, it’s like that feeling as if you are naked. belovezhskaya pushcha, belovezhskaya pushcha. the judges are girls who scan for sincerity; they know everything about people’s love. nastya kravchenko mentally distributed daisies.
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because they believe in us, and i think that we will also have something to please our viewers in the new season. despite the day of everyday life, we heard 20 stories, how many of them are worthy of telecasting, the organizers keep secret.
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well, tomorrow those who want to find their factorby are expected in the same place, at the same time. consider this a second chance, let me remind you, address kalinina 2a, registration here starts at 10 am. come, sing, well, in the meantime grodno can already start singing, you are next in this casting tour. well, from the festival vitebsk, lydia zablotskaya, roman felyutich and alexander moguchiy, telenews agency. a working group will be created in belarus to analyze the work of the national academy of sciences. the president signed a corresponding order; alexander lukashenko announced a large-scale inspection in october last year. the main question is why it gets to production. not all new developments, the group should study the practice-oriented nature and effectiveness of scientific research and development of belarusian scientists, their implementation in the real sector, as well as successes in import substitution and the volume of exports of scientific and technical products.
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the group will be led by the head of the state control committee, vasily gerasimov. it will also include reputable scientists and independent experts. if necessary , representatives of republican government agencies and specialized specialists will be involved in the work. until july 15, this year until 1 november, the working group will present to the president a report on the results of its work and proposals for resolving identified problematic issues. our students' working summer is in full swing. today , the opening of the third labor semester took place on the state flag square. this year , special attention is paid to the patriotic center at the kobrin fortification in the brist fortress , a combined belarusian-russian detachment has been formed, it will begin work in july. in the first month i was the commander of the basalt production squad and worked with woodsman msr. my task was to install the pgu system of the pneumatic-hydraulic booster. here's a. the second was already a commander, here the detachment movement is the best thing we have in the country
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for us students, and of course, it is well encouraged, we are pleasantly encouraged, on average the guys earn in one month from 1,200 to 1,800 depending on , what specialty and how the guys work, that is, if someone works a little more, then he will naturally get a little more. young people will continue to work in our industrial giants, maze, mtz, atlanti, there is also a medical one. medicus project 80 people will help in hospitals and clinics in polotsk and novopoltsk. 350 guys will be conductors and track assemblers at belg facilities. almost 6,500 people have been employed since january of this year. young people will try themselves as media workers. one of the interesting initiatives of this year was announced to colleagues of the ministry of information in april so that there would also be a tv and radio broadcasting company based in grodno. the first guys, service student fighters, were settled
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detachments, this will be implemented, this will be the first experience, if it succeeds, then we will of course extrapolate this to all areas, in order to give young people the opportunity to try themselves in the work of a media specialist, journalism, correspondents, engineers in various fields . learn labor professions and perhaps connect their future life with professions that they did not even think about before... they received a ticket to a construction brigade, a student brigade in the summer, but besides this, probably this spending free time usefully, making new friends, the opportunity to travel around our country and neighboring countries, the opportunity to understand how not only to earn a ruble, and, well, probably in their future work activities to apply the skills that they learn during these third summer work semesters. soldiers of student groups today visit
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the facilities in which they participated in the construction. this is a communal factory, the great patriotic war museum, memorial shtalak 352, blagovshchina, trostenets. also in the national library, the student group of belarus and russia signed a regulation on holding a joint patriotic action. active summer for schoolchildren, specialized shifts, health camps, sports, educational, environmental, patriotic, where the children do not just relax. but also learn new skills about relaxation with benefit, report by karina gurevich. almost every child dreams of a coveted trip to an unforgettable summer, and for the fourth year now , vitaly kopach has not missed his opportunity to kick a ball around the field with friends, sing squad songs around the bonfire flash mobs at a disco are already a tradition for him. i waited a very long time to go to the camp and spend it. and a good time to relax from school,
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at least 3 hours a day i play football with friends, in the iyoman camp in the stoltstovsky district , each shift is themed, the first one was dedicated to a healthy lifestyle, the program includes sports quests, swimming pools, excursions and quizzes, all non-stop wait, and of course, almost the whole day in the pine forest in the fresh air. every day of the guys begins with health exercises, of course, this is... immediately cheers up the children and teachers. find friends, learn to swim, play the guitar in front of the whole squad, win a football tournament. this is what the guys in this camp made up for their first shift. the capsule of wishes will be buried in a secret place, and in the end they will find out that it has come true. in a programme. summer glamping holiday in an all-inclusive format: five meals a day,
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healthy sleep, open air themed evenings, where children can show their talents. we perform here, relax, have fun, go out to eat well, and they feed us in the canteen. in in the zelvinsky district, summer passes on a wave of security. employees of the ministry of emergency situations come to visit the schoolchildren at the blue wave camp. special equipment, fire extinguishing equipment, combat equipment, interactive. on the site, everyone can feel like a rescuer; at the moment we are holding a republican campaign: holidays without smoke and fire. this health center is a popular vacation spot among guys from all over the country. parents book trips in advance. soldout is already in february, and more than 700 children will rest here during the season. pupils come to us from all over the republic of belarus. at the moment, on the first shift, we have pupils from the grodno region, minsk, vitebsk and brest regions recovering their health. emphasis on
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educational recreation in molodechno. this year smartcamp hosts more than a hundred excellent students, winners of republican olympiads. throughout the minsk region, here the detachments are divided by profile and study languages, history, literature in depth, classes are conducted in an improvised lockout area in nature. this year i came to the camp for the second time, i myself am from borovlyany, and well, quite i have been taking part in belarusian language olympiads for a long time. this year , about 600 health camps across the country offer an unforgettable vacation. almost 400 thousand schoolchildren, which means us, will receive vouchers for the summer.
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when preparing green fodder, this year the second mowing of grass begins with alfalfa, there is a considerable area to be harvested, about 900 hectares, the grass has reached the budding phase, the beginning of the budding phase, in this phase the greatest collection of protein is obtained, the fodder is high in protein, the second mowing of grass is always the most significant , therefore important in the agricultural calendar, right now it is possible to prepare the main supply of green fodder, first the alfalfa is cut, it is dried for a day... for the season, the cut grass is delivered from the field to storage and conservation areas. the main thing is to drive evenly with the combine on time and try not to scatter anything and bring it to the septic tank. on
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average 150 tons. this is about 11 flights a day you can do. special attention is paid to laying the synagogue trench. the green mass, already with preservatives, is delivered here every 10 minutes, the task is to compact it as tightly as possible, to do this, several pieces of heavy equipment are used at once, although there is a nuance: the temperature regime must be strictly observed so that the green mix retains its maximum nutritional value and quality. at the moment , our temperature is 32°, this is the most optimal temperature for our food preparation, if the temperature is higher, then the protein burns, and the resulting food is already with... the green pillow is tightly covered with film, after a month the synage is ready for consumption, another preservation option quality animal feed, rolls. preparing green fodder in film, according to farmers, is a profitable business; it is stored for more than a year, and does not lose its nutritional properties. for example, if you open such a roll in winter, the cow will receive almost
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freshly cut green grass. thanks to high-quality feed, the farm produces extra-class milk; animals raised on natural ingredients are smaller.


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