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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 19, 2024 10:00am-11:00am MSK

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justice, european beautiful people, watch on tv channel belarus 24. tolerant with a regional feeling
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the program is objective. hello, do you want it like in ukraine? alas, our neighbors have turned into a horror story. it frightens europeans, although, judging by the elections to the european parliament, it worked in the opposite direction, almost like with sanctions, they hit us hard and hit ourselves. ordinary germans, french, belgians do not want to go to war. tbilisi has a clear reluctance to follow the ukrainian path. remember the words of prime minister kabakhidza: there will be no maidan in georgia.
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politics there, then the country loses its sovereignty, and georgians today are not fighting because anyone there thinks of becoming pro-russian or pro-belarusian, no, they are fighting for their country, they want to be sovereign. determine their own destiny, look, 16 years have passed since the severance of diplomatic relations with russia, georgia today begins steps to open an embassy in moscow. why was it closed? was this beneficial for the georgians? they needed this confrontation with moscow, they needed this war, which happened because of saakashvili, because of his stupid policy, it was the west that pushed him to war. and today georgians understand that today the fight is not for the law on foreign agents. no, this... we understand that not only georgia is faced with such a question, between what they choose, to put it bluntly, between sovereignty and complete dependence, but the elites will live well, the elites will live
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wonderfully, millions of dollars in their pockets, everyone has cottages like zelensky’s, which means they are abroad, the people are suffering and the country has no sovereignty, between these things, what about you? look at... i think that the georgians have turned to face themselves, finally, not to anyone, neither left nor right, they have turned to themselves, and today they are building, well, they have taken the first step towards building a country that they see now, because what happened before took place in completely different conditions, today we have all entered a phase of transformation, we talk a lot about it, every country sees it, that we need to take advantage of the moment in order to build here is your country, sovereignty today.
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what if we can't do this, then union with another country, for example, with the russian federation, this automatically means a loss of sovereignty, but this is not so, because these are completely different criteria, georgia saw this today, this is what alek sergeevich is talking about, this is precisely a revision of those criteria , which were offered to us in a ready-made version, now georgia, like belarus, is building its own criteria and building a country based on its criteria, well, look, the rings of a democratic, so to speak, anaconda, they have tightly wrapped the political body of georgia for... a small the state, some unthinkable number of ngos, ngos have to, they won’t go away so easily, our film crew felt all the determination of the local zmagars firsthand, andrei alexandrov recently, on the instructions of the editors, worked in tbilisi, at some point
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in the usually warm and friendly georgia he needed the help of the police. whose country are you in? firstly, i must say that thanks to the local police, they worked very clearly, professionally, there are no questions, only gratitude, but on the other hand you you see that, probably, for the first time in many years, georgia has a chance to make their voice heard, so we wish them good luck on this path, because...
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everyone, first of all, understands that the hegemon is weak, it is falling and the fall will be hard, but it should be noted here that this does not just happen on the eve of parliamentary elections.
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that the zmagars have no nationality, they have the same methods, the same chants
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, they have the same source of funding, they have the same goal or the same, the most important goal, today let’s introduce georgia, pro-russian a rally, imagine, a party comes out, and let’s say they disperse it harshly with batons, beat it, put everyone in jail, the west applauds and says, well done, well done, tomorrow, for example, georgia declares war, which means war. sends troops there, tries to attack south ossetia, abkhazia, the west still applauds, they supply missiles, they don’t have any democracy in the west, us, i return to the country, here is the parallel of georgia-belarus, sanctions regarding elections, we have been constantly there for 96 years, in my opinion, i was never interested in elections, i was never interested in democracy in our country, the electoral process, how the procedure goes, these osce missions came, they didn’t care about this, they were only interested in what geopolitical course belarus would choose, oh lukashenko.
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agents, soros funds and with them, and this was back in the early nineties, we immediately cut it all off, now it’s much more painful, but in georgia they did great, they passed the law on foreign agents, how many riots were there then, how many direct statements were there from sides of the same states, there were so many threats, but now this is what came out, you said correctly, the twentieth year belarus, fourteenth year of maidan.
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strength, smart people left, when all this is over, war, now fight, die, so that all your skilled workers because there is nothing else, listen, well , in my opinion, since 2014 there has been this horror story, funny story about when georgia and ukraine will join nato, yes, that’s the question, when will ukraine be accepted into nato immediately after georgia, and georgia when, but georgia never, you know, now that’s what , well, the media is already circulating about what they did europeans, handsome men, that is, the europeans said, you are adopting a law on foreign agents, then we will not accept you into the eu, but they told the georgians, if you take it from the eu, we will repeal the law, that is, they have...
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strong power, because they used to say that some abstract institutions could replace this quite well, democracy works automatically, it doesn’t work, as it turned out, in this sense, in july we will have 30 years of the institution of the presidency, it’s probably logical to pose
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the question correctly in this way, it’s not just incorrect, i’ll start answering, i’m not a secret, that my father is a politician. with thirty years of experience, i often asked him this question, because i was in ninety- four, i was studying at school, finishing school, and he honestly tells me, frankly, and i agree with this, having analyzed a lot, if lukashenko had in ninety -four he didn’t come to power, it would be three times worse than in ukraine, why, when they tell us that there are tolerant people here, yes, that’s true, but the ukrainian people are good, remember the words of the president, don’t say that some then the people are bad, they are right, when they start to harass the ukrainian people, this is wrong, the ukrainian people...
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they couldn’t cope, uh-huh, why? because then lukashenko had a political instinct that it was necessary to firmly resolve this issue, announce a referendum, sort it out, get these presidential powers, and my father says, i could have endless dialogues and these politicians would destroy me and the country to hell from the supreme council, this is the role of the individual, it is large-scale, and the twentieth year, well, the parallel is simple, for me it is always the fourteenth year and yanukovych, lukashenko the twentieth year, yanukovych, the fourteenth year, here.
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it’s very complicated, when we see, they turn them into extremists, into terrorists, then they find a talented boy who wins chemistry olympiads there, they start to look at some kind of unsettled family there, plus also teenage problems, they all start with him to work, for preventive purposes, as they work with our children, it’s scary, scary, this direction requires the maximum from us. that’s why i slightly disagree with olga evgenevna, there are a lot of specialists, i apologize, but they are not in politics or in the media, they are correct, they are in the sphere.
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it looks at how, where, through what organizations, structures, how it is possible to hook this child through social networks into an environment for him, at first glance, comfortable, where he has the opportunity to express himself, in this regard, of course, building the work not only of the belarusian republican youth union, youth public organizations, institutes, institutions, education, today education is, to a certain extent, the most serious block of the educational process, and the child today needs to be given more direct communication. more in in all possible stories, from study to work, the west is to blame, but i still want us not to blame everything, the west is working,
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yes, the west wants to destroy the country, take away the youth, but i am returning to my place in the belarusian people’s assembly, speech by the president, we should never be to blame, we can’t be bureaucrats for this, reports, we can’t hush up problems, the forum let’s remember the president with journalists, which was held in magilevo, he clearly raised all these topics... he raised the need to raise problems, not be afraid, not be silent, every delegate of the entire belarusian people's assembly, including us delegates sitting here , should not be afraid to raise any problems, they will raise them for us, including in the field of youth, and as for youth, not everyone can be allowed to work with them , if he comes, i am sure that my colleague, the leader of berseem and the senator will confirm, he comes, counts some papers, sits somewhere 10 meters from these youth and behaves like a teacher. in this school, no, just like that, you won’t achieve anything, you need to talk as equals, frankly, don’t be afraid of pressing issues, live with them, as these western intelligence services
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work, they take sensitive moments and say: and we will decide, someone is lying to you, someone is in power, they don’t tell you this and there is no bureaucracy, if we are their pieces of paper, we have moments, they take our ready-made sharp moments, they invent them themselves, which means we have a problem, we need to solve it, there is no country without problems, and one more important conclusion, a small adjustment, completely with you i agree, alex sergeevich, it’s just that today is a time when you really need carefully give examples, you said that he was sitting there 10 meters away like a teacher at school, god grant that he was like a teacher at school, this is a rude expression, i meant something completely different, i was saying that our teachers are great , i mean that he sits there teaching, doesn’t have a frank conversation, and our teachers, excuse me if someone misunderstood, they actually know how to work with children, god willing, that... thank you, that they corrected this moment, because what else, why did i remember about the children, said that this is alarming and scary, because this is on it completely breaks this conviction, this
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desire to remain in some kind of lethargic sleep, in the expectation that the power there will change, and we will come to the surface, begin to live, we will not be affected by this confrontation, we will not be affected by external pressure, the political concerns us already now. let's go further on our topic, it seems that the desire to have our own voice is not only in us, which we are discussing now, not only in the global south, but in the increasingly less collective west. the elections to the european parliament have ended, the popularity of conservatives has increased sharply, for whom specific national interests are more important than abstract pan-european ones. in france the national rally party is winning, in germany scholz's party is only in third place, the general trend. protest against unnecessary war, arms supplies, anti-russian sanctions and us hegemony in europe. however, the center-right european people's party is likely
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to remain the leading faction in the european parliament. as a result, von derleen has already promised that the majority in the european parliament will be pro-european and pro-ukrainian. like this situation. the nezas want something new, and the top people, represented by ursula and the company, will do everything to continue.
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so normal, some other things, so normal, complete inconsistency, so normal, why does it suit, it is needed suits who? suits, of course, the united states of america, now, now the only one, no one talks about the population, no one talks about the population of non -european countries, not georgia, not ukraine, no countries, no one talks, now we are talking, and this is really visible , just about the top management, they’re coming now nationalists, you know, this situation is dangerous, now it will begin to seethe there, that
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’s it... it’s hard to say how it will play out, but you can predict it, in any case it will result in some kind of collapse, as i said before , america is interested in the collapse of the european union, and they do not need such a strong partner, they are partners now, but they are not friends with them, the sooner they extinguish, forgive me for the slang, the european union, kill the euro, the better and more stable it will be for them . election results, first, for. what did europeans vote for? the europeans wanted they paid attention and took care of their problems. a conventional german, pole, austrian sits, turns on the tv, watches this fondelein, she tells him: we are throwing everything to the front. ukraine must be supported to the last, we will fight with russia to the last. he looks, prices are rising, gas is becoming more expensive, oil is expensive, there are more and more migrants, they voted to take care of their
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problems. so, the election results. the split in the european union will worsen, the day after the elections, in fact, ursula comes out and says: nothing will change, we will carry out the same tough policy against russia, we will not stop the war, we will fight the right-wing parties that have gained such a percentage, as they say, she will fight her own people, that is, she does not care, she openly speaks about the opinion of millions of voters, who said this, i don’t care, we will pursue the same agenda that was. further results, the most important result is france, germany, austria, why? first, the european parliament does not influence anything, this body actually sends resolutions, we throw them in the trash, but then, that early elections were announced in france, that macron, as a politician, is not wealthy today, by the way, they blame us there for the ratings of putin and lukashenko, guys, your ratings there are 15%. you, if we had something even close, we
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have 80. 70 to 90 there, you would already be howling that there is no power here at all, you have no power, you are illegitimate according to your logic, according to your logic, although, by the way, how do we differ from them, we don’t get in the way, we were elected, live, which means you can’t interfere with us, so macron, this is an indicator of that his policy did not take place, the french are horrified, he screams, napoleon’s hat is for war, the french are waking up, god, go away crazy, we have enough of our own problems, then scholz’s party, this is also the collapse of scholz as a politician, and austria, these are three key countries , essentially the euro. a union where the people have completely distrusted the current government, therefore it is extremely important how their national elections will be held, but there will not be much change. and the last thing i would definitely like to say is who is ours? but my friends, ours are four parties that are in parliament and in the state duma, with whom we cooperate, cooperate, there are none of ours, everyone thinks about themselves, so there is no need to have illusions, expect that someone will win somewhere and something will happen, trump or the right, we must be
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she’s used to it because she’s used to it, in fact, the world is completely different, she’s not used to working in critical conditions, these parties that came today, they don’t occupy too large a share in the european parliament, but they will excite them, will need to be ground, just like that it will not be possible to throw them into the meat grinder piece by piece, and the grate in the meat grinder has become full of large pieces, these pieces will already create a problem, but what is important is how the national elections will be held, i agree with.
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it seems to me that, well, obviously scholz and macron are already lame ducks, and well, if not quickly, then within one or two years there will be a change of power in both france and germany, and the only positive, if you can call it that, is probably we can emphasize to ourselves that this is the rise of right-wing populists, eurosceptics, who will increase the degree of internal struggle, means they will interfere with us less, but we should not count on this, we should always be prepared and we need to concentrate, of course, on interaction with blocs, look, gafarova visited the council of the republic of the national assembly, the house of representatives , chairman olisi mijilisi, yesterday there was a meeting with the president, we are strengthening interaction with the show union of the republic of azerbaijan, this week it was
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decided to join the belarusian republican youth union, by the way, the youth organization in the national unit of the youth council of the sco countries, next week a meeting of the youth council will take place in astana, we are moving systematically. thanks to the wise policy of our president towards development with those blocs that support us, and here, of course, we will just now watch the collapse, less and less united, as you aptly noted, the european union, we will pause for a couple of minutes now, and after that we will talk about for those who want to flirt with the nuclear theme, stay with us, we continue, long-range missiles of the f16 aircraft, the promise will be transferred. their instructors, the west is not shy about declaring grandiose plans, which include everything they want, but only the reluctance of peace, it would seem, is much harsher, yet, lately they have been talking too much about the threat of russia using tactical nuclear weapons, this alone
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looks like provocation. if, god forbid, it comes to some blows, then everyone should understand that russia has an spr system, a system. the usa has, nowhere else in the world such a developed system, no, we have, this is the first, second, the power of strikes, we have ours tactical, we have many times more of them, but if it comes down to it, god forbid, no matter what i really want, i will cross myself, that means, but then you said, we will reduce the casualties, but they can... increase to infinity, this is the first, second, of course, these same europeans will have to think, if those with whom we exchange such blows do not exist, whether the americans will get involved in this exchange of blows at the level of strategic
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weapons or not, i really don’t care. i doubt you know, here's a step back performance french politician. yes, who clearly understands, yes, how the war in vietnam began, he told clearly, these are all the steps, they are everywhere, the same, a cliché, and here it is exactly the same. also, you know, we should probably focus our attention on very important things, when over the past 30 years these nazis started crawling out somewhere, and that’s what i said, they marched in lithuania with a procession , latvia has passed, there are still neo-fascists somewhere there, now we see, well, they have multiplied, we need to do something about it.
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they would agree to exchange tactical nuclear strikes on europe, europe will become
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100 times weaker, this is great, but why, for example, are belarusian-russian exercises being held with elements of tactical nuclear weapons, because i like what, look at putin and lukashenko, they don’t have nuclear rhetoric, in fact, they don’t get hysterical like european leaders, they approach this topic very carefully, how many times in their concessions putin, lukashenko, together , say in sync, for a reason: guys, why are you raising these nuclear issues? we never we are not going to do this, we don’t want to, and why are we conducting exercises, so that this never happens, so that those who stand behind europe, this is primarily america, great britain, understand that sitting on an island if there is such a conflict will not work , and this is really the only deterrent to these questions, and there is also one dollar, dollar, you know why, americans now earn millions of dollars in war, and in a nuclear conflict , a dollar. middle east - near project, post-soviet space, all colored
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revolutions, georgia, everything that happens, money, dollars, dollars, oil, gas, wealth, and in a nuclear war the dollar is not needed, it’s all dust, so of course they don’t want it, but there are risks, you can’t simplify it too much. .. often in world history politicians sat and said nothing would happen, and then, when it happened, they grabbed their heads and said, listen, how can this be, so i now cling to the words of our president, who said: we believe more in promises, there will be no guarantees, the only way to avoid war, a hackneyed phrase, it is already from all television screens, but it must be said and said, be strong, the stronger, the less the likelihood of conflict. lesson, let's listen to our minister of defense viktor khrenin. representatives of some
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countries make a statement about permission to carry out strikes with their weapons, which were transferred to ukraine on the territory of the russian federation. well, the head of the lithuanian foreign ministry, in his militaristic frenzy , agreed to the point that he actually called for attacks on military targets of the russian federation. located on the territory of our country, we are all these we monitor and analyze aggressive attacks, we are consistently strengthening our defensive potential, our participation in the second stage of the exercise of the armed forces of the russian federation on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons is confirmation of this, this is the answer, including to the hot ones. to the heads of our minister, alexander, it seems to me that there are two more
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components, maybe they are not obvious, but this is work, including for our friend, partner, the giant people's republic of china, and above all, the media is actively warming up pro-western, demonstrating that the calmer the rhetoric of our leaders, alexander grigoryevich lukashenko, vladimirovich putin, the more hysteria arises in them, somehow it’s not so calm, but we are throwing everyone here. post that they almost already cocked the missiles, issued flight missions and are trying to demonstrate, they became naked and waved like a nuclear baton, and the inconsistency of investing in some projects.
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actions began even before vladimir putin’s statement at the st. petersburg international economic forum in the roads the ships were already are sailing the atlantic, there is a certain round of escalation, it is obvious that the issues of placing more additional supplies of nuclear weapons to the countries of latin america are on the agenda, now of course there is positional work and struggle, what answers will there be, what risks, nothing good for the common man. we understand perfectly well that the russian federation, the armed forces, our military are in test interaction in constant communication, and these stages are probably just the final
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stage from the point of mastery, everything has long been charged and ready if necessary, but here you need to understand that this is still a very serious information flow, first of all... the flow, i don’t want to be a skeptic, i still think that it won’t come to some point, god forbid, even, well sharp statements in this regard, but this is information work to probe the enemy’s positions. as for information work, there is another front, events on it happen unnoticed, they work not with individuals, with entire generations, this is the front of historical memory, well, any people, especially... with a glorious history, it draws strength from its past, the heroism of its ancestors nourishes future generations, well, there are problems in france, surveys were conducted on the eightieth anniversary of the allied landing in normandy, this is what they showed: 60% of the french are confident that the soviet union is close didn’t stand when hitler’s troops were defeated. the overwhelming majority
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of respondents believe that great britain and the united states made the greatest contribution to the victory over nazi germany. the ussr took part to a minimum, well, approximately at the level with france, it is imaginative that a fifth of respondents - 21% - are not at all aware of how history developed and who defeated germany in the first place. olga igorevna, i ’ll formulate the question like this, it would seem that 80 years have passed, they are all shouting that this story is not interesting to anyone today, and why is it so important for them today to steal this victory from our ancestors?
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to work, the most important thing today is history, i think it makes no sense with this for us to preserve it, it should be preserved with us, but will we be able to convey to them, yes, in some part we will convey it, because they are their own history they forget, because i just looked it up in textbooks, yesterday. specially, as it were, took up this issue, they have only 50 great personalities, whom they compiled a list of, 19 of them are foreigners, well, it’s like they work on fifty, that’s why...
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this is the second world war, this is something else -knowledge of history, unfortunately, many in the west believe that comic book heroes have already won
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the great patriotic war, that’s why they have the same attitude towards the war, why didn’t they win in 3 days, they think, now we’ll deliver three missiles, tomorrow to russia end, they don't they understand that war is a long time, that war is blood, that war is years, that a war is not so big in a month, it will never pass, that the consequences of a war are decades, that today, unleashing a war in ukraine... decades europe will suffer from crime, even if it ends, from migrants, from weapons, the same thing in the middle east, that ’s what ignorance of history is, this is not only propaganda, this is not only ideology, in this case i agree, they are destroying themselves by demolishing our monuments, they spit at themselves, in their own grandfathers, their great-grandfathers, and most importantly, they will definitely step on this rake again, like macron, who is being written off again. to reach moscow, forgetting what this leads to, how many times they have already wanted to get there and how they ended, just like those who want to destroy
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belarus, forgetting what was here in the brest fortress, and what was here from 41 to 43, when we destroyed , they burned fascists near every village, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, partisans, they would have read history better, then they would have established relations with us faster, they said, god forbid lord, it’s very unprofitable to fight with them, let’s be friends. it’s beneficial, because the current policy being pursued by european countries is completely counterproductive if even a shred of memory of the second world war remains. olga igorevna said absolutely correctly, why do they need to know the history of how countries fell, the modern superpowers went through the krieg blitz, who are now supplying missiles, who say that we will send our troops there, that we need to bomb the territory of the russian federation, within a month... .
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the state secretariat has built work with public institutions, political parties from history, moving away and summing up why certain decisions are made and rises. he gave an example that in one of the delegations, just the youth, which arrived back in 19-18 on the territory of the republic of belarus of the united states, young people, ordinary fifteen-sixteen-year-old children, told about history to the trained guide of our museum of the great patriotic war in english, about... they said with sincere surprise:
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how is this not the soviet union? it’s you, that’s what’s scary, that the generation there is formed in a circle, they have it perfectly in their heads that the soviet union, berlin did not take, the whole history is an ideological support for the united states, which perfectly laid down the european union, these are the main two points, the first major theater of war is normandy. films saved the ordinary district and so on, the second two were generally opposed, these were generally two kind of regimes, i carry different ones, well, understandable business, but the focus has been shifted to the communist party of the soviet union to hitler’s third reich and young people don’t know anything else about it, besides this, we’ve come to the main question, we started with you and now we’re summing up the results with you, we started with the moment
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of truth by and large, we are now experiencing what... an important electoral cycle, a single voting day is behind us, a new assembly in a completely rethought format of the all-belarusian people's assembly, of course, the twenty-fifth year of presidential elections is ahead, and we understand that this is not just an appointment some individual person who will symbolize power there, a huge number of dots that need to be connected with each other in order to maintain our subjectivity, the sovereignty that i spoke about today, i didn’t undermine my nose, we are honestly quite capable of carrying it out. these elections, especially against the backdrop of our fugitive elections, journalists often talk about elections from almost 7 million voters, they had as many as 6,000 voted and nothing, they consider themselves elected, they elected parliament, they went to ask for money in cities and towns, well, this their the problem is that there are parallels to be drawn here, i ’m just hinting at that, but if you
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accused the authorities of the fact that the authorities were not... administrative resources behaved decently and dishonestly, they used, what is it called now, uni? i’m just for this, so we must hold these elections with dignity, not offend people, this is the main thing, elections are for the people, for our state, but not to offend people. the task is this: i think that our strength is in people, in the values ​​that... we support, history has shown many times that those who created artificial constructions, history has swept them away, now it seems to europe that it is again constructing some kind of new historical reality, in fact , history is behind our shoulders, today, we have not yet proven that we have grabbed it, that we are on the right side of history, we we are still in our
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twenty-fifth year, all the other years, let’s not make just one point, we still have.
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serious, to reach everyone, to fulfill the promise, not to let the leader and the president down, to do it efficiently in a year of quality, it seems to me that evrgenievich chose the first one. we will succeed, yes such confidence, thank you for this conversation, for participating in the program, thank you, finally, i’ve never talked about this, but today i really want to, we all follow the news, we do it indiscriminately, modern people overeat a lot, often suffer from indigestion content, this is bad for the psyche, we need it strong, especially in times like these, so i would like to end with the words of the psychotherapist and philosopher viktor frankl, he... went through a concentration camp, although he could have avoided it, lost loved ones there, but not only did not break down and brought me out of this hell precious healing meanings. so, victor
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francol, the first to break were those who believed that everything would end soon, then those who did not believe that it would ever end, those who survived were those who focused on their affairs, without expectations of what else could happen. once again, frankl knew what he was talking about, it’s worth listening, so common sense, patience and between memories of the past and fantasies about the future, don’t forget about this moment, it’s not for nothing that they call it the present, that’s all for today, happy.
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we have even more planned for this year events, but it will also be bright, i think even brighter than last year, and we have planned an event.


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