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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 19, 2024 3:25pm-4:45pm MSK

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effective rearrangement and carving of shaped elements. seleta for gledachov is a completely new program. preparation began at the premises of the minsk military commandant's office in february-march of this year, and continues to this day until july 3 with breaks on weekends, saturday-sunday, and also training takes place directly when the rotapole performs its tasks of meeting the departure of various delegations, some then departmental.
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papainnaya avtopark for the record-breaking 21 harvesters produced by gomselsh sennya urachy were handed over to minsk gas parks in the region the farmers held the keys to the hell of the powerful machines that they had already promised themselves at their fingertips. specialists supervised the drying of the combine harvester, and now they had a short test drive, and in the near future , the harvesting equipment will progress and scale up the reaping.
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new equipment always increases the chances, because it is new, the quality of harvesting is better, there are fewer losses, less downtime, it is guaranteed, thanks to new solutions, we really count on these new combines, i am more than sure that... all today's machine operators who the keys were handed over will be on our dozhinkas, and we will reward them, the model according to technical characteristics, productivity 12 kg per second, grain mass 18 t/h, is equipped with both a seven-meter and nine-meter header, today this model is provided with all modern options for the convenience of the combine operator, who is in the cabin, this is an air conditioner, this is a light alarm, this is a radio tape recorder, convenient controls, a good seat, for the third year
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in a row i am helping my brother with the combine, so i want to say what my father, brother, and me it seems that i will continue this dynasty, this technique suits me quite well, everything is for a comfortable ride, everything is perfect, we will try very hard to press a lot to get to the pedestal, on the dolzhinki, the aichinny harvesters are maximally closed for... dachshund
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and the day the city will blossom other combina bouquets, the garadian landscape are filled with vertical flower aphrodisiacs. such floristic campaigns
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appear in the skin area. work was done to install boxes with hanging flower plants on the fence dividing strips of main highways. of the city of minsk, for example, this is pritytskogo street, derzhinsky avenue, pobediteley avenue and other streets, areas are decorated, both along the road network and in parks and squares, with other small architectural forms, the same hanging plants, from the assortment these are tuberous begonia, bigonia gracilis and surfinia petunia so-called. there is a strong trend towards increasing the spiciness of perennials with accents. this concludes our issue, based on the region, and other projects of the beltelevision campaign are available at sayce the beginning of the day and the meeting on
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the 18th day.
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childlike curiosity and not fake interest, but absolute honesty. and sincere emotions of the characters, a talk show in which famous people
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answer tricky questions of the younger generation. my parents often talk about how their dad and mom never spoiled us the way they spoil us, but at the same time they control them the way they control us. why does this happen, do you think? probably, the world has become tougher, there are a lot of temptations and they are negative.
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the main thing is to choose your path, even if it the most dangerous, who is ready to overcome himself and become a hero? it's time for great feats, the game begins!
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courage is not the absence of fear, it is the ability to face it and win. our participants will deliberately put themselves in danger to prove that nothing is impossible for them. we will witness incredible manifestations. spirit and unbending will, this is the most extreme project of the country,
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heroes, reboot, it will be hot. these are our main characters, these are the predators you are, it turns out, hello, hello, guys, hello, hello, hello, hello, we immediately see a fighting spirit, guys, it’s interesting that your name is already a statement of intentions, it’s a statement of victory, that predators are ready to invade
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an opponent, and now we’re meeting an opponent, team phoenix. come in, don't be shy, hello, hello, your opponents, oh, prepared, yes, hello, here they are, face to
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face, for the first time, in this test, phoenix is ​​that hero who is not always afraid of anything. returns to pain and in this game you will be tested for endurance by all the elements: water, air, earth with fire, the final test: the tower, the one who conquers its top will continue to fight for the title of hero, collected crystals throughout the game. will shorten the path to victory. the first test for you is the element of water. you must complete it at speed together with your opponent. which of you will be more agile and faster will take the crystal. who will submit to the arena today? be carefull. reflections in water can distort reality. activate the challenge.
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element of water. at the beginning of the test , competitors must walk over the sand along hanging platforms, overcome the swinging monkey bars and use a rope to jump to the net, along it you need to go down to the platforms above the water, then there is a web, climbing through which to climb. 8 m downhill precise landing in the center of the island. you have three tries to get up the ramp and be the first to grab the crystal. will you have enough of them?
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spirit, competition, spirit. teams, everything that is new, everything that has not been tried is some kind of challenge, probably, in my childhood i really liked watching stuntmen, i think that to this day, probably, for me it remains some kind of surge, emotional, adrenaline, a rush of emotions that a person receives on a physiological level before some stressful, extreme conditions, in any person there is fear on the subconscious level of a person, i i feel the same way about this, without hiding it, i don’t know what awaits me, i’ll be honest, it’s interesting to feel it, it’s interesting to try, it was a busy release of sports footage today, i’ve been working as a sports journalist for many years and communicating with athletes, football, biathlon, classical sports, after, for example, 10 km at the minsk half-marathon, go
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live several more times right from the start, colleagues, i’m telling you for now, i’ll give the microphone to our cameraman for the distance. obstacle races, yes, which we have, this is the story that’s more interesting to me, that is, you, in fact, you don’t have anything extra on, shorts, sneakers, a t-shirt, off you go, reports, probably 30 straight races, running all these difficult ones obstacles, initially i understood that i would have a chance to perform here, i i thought it would be a game, but then i understand that it’s fantastically difficult, obviously sporty, but an extreme competition, when there will be very serious people around, that is , people who have won in life and stars on... an obstacle course, if i i’ll be the first to break down, although i could go further, go further, shows that i can, this actually worries me a little, they’ll think, well , weakling, weakling, i want to show that you’re
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cool on such and such a show, predators vs. phoenix, in the first the test came together, my friends, two aks, andrei kozlov from predators and anton kushnir is at phoenix, i don’t know who to root for. on the one hand, andrei kozlov, my colleague, commentator, here he is, in green, getting ready, warming up, stretching, a little boxing to intimidate his opponent, but his opponent anton kushnir, olympic champion in sochi, about the tabeda, which i reported in 2014, for whom i was rooting, here he is, with a beard, he probably won’t shave it off until the end of the competition, andrey, on your screens, wow, is he going to go through a hand-to-hand test on his feet or something? wait, this is a warm-up, repeat this andrey, you can wave your legs as much as you like, anton kushnir is waiting for you, there is no
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need for these dancing, dancing, our man, you are everyone’s anticipation, right next to me is not just a fan, but anton’s wife and son, how worried are you right now, how scary it is inside, it’s very exciting.
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i just stopped breathing, i need to breathe, it’s a tense moment, tense, come on, we ’ve already accepted all the excitement, all that’s left is to get through, it won’t be an easy walk for either one or the other. so let's go, let's go for many, predators are ahead. andrey is ahead of the olympic champion and the audience has a question, because, probably, the competition is unfair, one is a professional athlete, the other is a journalist, it turns out, no, well, look how slowly but surely anton went through the first stage of bumps and...
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complete the distance, so well done, without thinking about time, pick up the crystal and go celebrate with the team. this is how this stage ended for andrei kozlov, for the predators, he fell into the water, well now all that remains is to cheer for anton. water temperature +5°, but it doesn't matter at all if you touched the side, if you fell. water , poor andrey, but what to do, andrey, what to do, your partners will have to recoup in other elements, this is the moment when you can make a decision, there is time, anton kushnir, he
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waited, took his time on the bumps, he went through the monkey bars, here now on the net it's nothing for a ski acrobat, it seems, you know, like a spider's web, oh, spiderman, so far he 's confidently hitting the target, look, he was, you know, confident from the very beginning, you could judge by his eyes, his opponent andrei did everything to convince the audience of his confidence, but anton, with the experience of the olympic games, world cups, in such an unusual situation for himself, at an unusual distance for himself, in an unusual game for himself, confidently they find themselves and move on, it gives me goosebumps, to be honest, he does everything so measuredly, he...
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this descent down the trolley, we have this carriage on rails, a fixed pear, hold on, with the help of this pear you need to get to the platform , this reminds me of landing helicopter, such a helicopter, kushnir, oops, hit it, oh, well done, bravo! the diameter of the platform is 4 m, anton did everything very confidently, now with the help of the rope, the next platform, and from here, my friends, there is a direct path to the ramp, confidently, like a marathon runner completes the distance, when all the rivals are already behind, come on, the last one fished, which will, of course, make the stands cheer him. anton
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kushnir ran, why do i need your run-up, negative degree, it’s clear that this is not easy, i’m more used to flying down than flying up, 4 m high, just a little bit, crystal like that close, and the olympic champion opens his series of victories with victories for his team. we save heroes, well done, anton, here he is, our first winner, anton kushnir, this is a victory, this is phoenix, the podium applauds, once upon a time, 10 years ago, they applauded anton like that.
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history repeats itself, as it happened, it was just wonderful, we were worried, it was very exciting and tried to control ourselves, today is plato’s birthday, how old is it, probably the best gift today, today you turned 11 years old, you are very i was worried about the pub, tell me honestly, very much, what moment was the scariest, at first i climbed in, well, i didn’t understand how to do it, then when he saw that the second participant got in, he somehow believed in himself and a real phoenix climbed up and fought in any situation, birthday, kind spectators congratulate him on this, well done father, well then i say, i was charged, it was as if i knew that i was about to pass the caktan, that ’s when it became such a moment, i fell.
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i've been thinking all day about these monkey bars, the most important thing at this moment is to be confident in to myself, just a little bit of this uncertainty will appear somewhere, it will immediately get you out of the way, just like that, i’ll fix it, i looked at the audience, the guys there believed in me, they said, i watched how calmly the olympic champion reached the stages, i myself expected that maybe i’ll be at certain stages there somewhere... in the water, i grabbed it tightly, waited to see how it would be, then when it started, the pendulum turned on, i already realized that i needed to lower my legs and jump off there, i could exhale a little rejoice with the audience and then take crystal, whoever wins the first stage never wins the whole race, well hello, i i
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i i. everything is fine, well done, you have a worthy opponent, you’re great, but no, well, i hurried, listen, you actually did such an incredible job, the most important thing was to remain calm, it was clear from the very beginning, i see how confident you were, yes to this and i think it’s like the beginning of the fight was very cool, you’re straight and you fall, everything’s fine, congratulations to your son on his birthday, listen, such a cool gift. thank you for support, very cool, the warm-up was better, now i'll be the king warm-up, dry up, let's move on, we enter the fight, we need to be on the alert, the predator team was left without prey,
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you're the first... well, the first stage was for real bright, we phoenixes lit the fire, really, we are proud of anton. bravo, only by overcoming difficulties and overcoming yourself can you become heroes. let's win together. the motto of the creators of the game of the presidential sports club. for 18 years he has been developing amateur and professional sports and supports talented athletes, coaches and entire teams. the next test we have prepared for you is the element of air. the most important thing is to keep your balance and not fall down, hurry slowly, the height does not forgive mistakes, i am loading the second test, chosen against the element
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of air, while passing the test, you can spin on the moving steps and fly into the abyss, taking the wrong step along a stretched blind, cope with the obstacle in one and a half minutes, take the bonus crystal, but only by overcoming the air washers having taken the main one, you can win, i wish you a fair wind. race, risk, fear, constant flights, jumps, huge speeds, on the contrary, i feel free, relaxed, the environment in which i like to be, the edge of adrenaline and fear, here it is, when mixed in half, this is what
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i need, sometimes they ask me how you determine whether we’re going fast or slow, but if it’s a little scary, then it’s good, sometimes we have to cross the boundaries of risk, this doesn’t always increase in success, i’m all for... one sport, one form adrenaline, it’s not possible to replace it yet, not in everyday life, with another sport, and i really don’t want to, we have problems with constant injuries to the spine, back, we are not very flexible guys, we are strong, there are never those opponents who would cause fear , and this is already assigned, as if to me everywhere in the team, that there are no authorities, everyone is on an equal footing, everything will be the first time, i am who i am, i will not become less than the best. this is an absolutely fearless person, this is a person who has already experienced a lot in his life i’ve seen it, i’ve already tried it, i’ve already experienced it, now he’s probably going to have a completely new experience, he feels very comfortable on
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the ground, he’s a multiple winner of the international dakar rally, now in the air, let’s see how comfortable he will be and how he ’ll cope with this task . he is capable, he has everything, that’s why. he went, sergey vezovich went, there was a lot in the life of this predator, rocks cars, but
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for the first time he is at a height of almost 5 m at the hero show, trying to get to the first bonus crystal, but only a minute and a half for this is it, well done, he handled the situation very well. very competently, very competently, now he has done it, in a minute and a half the crystal will burn out and it will be possible to get only to the last one, on this heavenly path, different lines behave differently under the influence of the weight of the participant, some are lowered, others are scrolled, and none of the athletes doesn’t know what kind of safety it will behave, spectators ask what will happen if an athlete, a participant starts to fall, there is insurance, but insurance is like your friend, so the enemy, because if you grab onto... copes with the first test, he has already actually reached the middle, there is a bonus crystal in front, very close, he should
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have enough time to intercept it, there is a bonus crystal, the first one is there. drink it for yourself and carry it to the finish line, then there are seven islands, a distance of 20 m, a width of 2.5 m and a height, as i said, almost 5 m, this is scary, among other things, friends, we were afraid at the first stage of falling into water, here you can get lost, look, it’s very important to have two on each island kicks, because otherwise you can simply lose your balance, but you need to calmly go through this stage, time is not pushing anyone anywhere, it is important to reach the finish line, crystal is carried by a team of predators, oh, i can’t take your breath away, this is a height, can you imagine, air pucks , here he is walking on air pucks, if he were at least a hockey player, it would probably be easier with pucks, but he is
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an amazing race car driver, holds on very well with his hands, look, two different ropes, and throws his legs as quickly and as clearly as it’s like i’ve done this more than once, great technique, come on, seryozha, seryozha, come on, come on, come on, yes, very close, very close, the last platform is, great, an excellent stage performed by sergei vyazovich. never stop on the way to the goal, it seems to me that he was really scared at one point, my kubi, sergei, it seems to me that he just experienced such stress, which had not happened before in his life, even when he turned over at the rally , great, this is very, very great, the king is just a king, you know, i saw tears in my eyes, at this i i want to see them, i can’t understand... the show characters are crying with joy, going crazy, and
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these are two crystals that will help in the final test, this is the shine of the crystals reflected in his eyes, anya, this is the shine of two crystals, well -first, here, now, if there were three crystals, they would have collected three, but only two, what a pity, i was afraid of heights, so i volunteered to test this fear for myself... thank god, i succeeded, the physical one was very difficult, especially the last ropes, i had to hang everything on my hands, only when my hands started to get tired, i started watching down to a five-meter height and wanted it to end, just forward, you should never get upset, champion, hello, well done, i said. you started so confidently and you just went to remember that this is what you should
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come with, you know, how it was with you, i see everyone, i see the nutrition, we probably made the right choice, if your hands are a weak point, the ending was not easy at all, even now i feel nothing here, i really feel it here, i felt your support, so everything turned out great. only for our viewers, we choose best routes. the only city in belarus where you can arrive at one railway station and end up at another. we are located in the west of the country. welcome to baranavichy. and we set off on an exciting journey. good news, you can touch the exhibits. with my hands, that is , literally with a wobbler, that is
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, i caught a plastic decoy fish weighing 41 kg and 2 m long to show how unusual and wonderful our country is. in america , houses afloat are called the fashionable word houseboard, house, ship, this is the term for they haven’t come up with floating stations yet. landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness, enchant even himself... this pretzel, we make it, it needs
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to be boiled in boiling water and only then put on a baking sheet for further baking, amazing, and of course i will also add a little butter, this is our secret ingredient , we won’t tell anyone about it, the taste will be just right, awesome, and we’ll draw up a detailed gastronomic map of our country, and do you know that the aroma of honey is very bright, is there honey here? of course, this is a type of bread, which is called honey, custard honey monastery bread. if you are in the mountains and want to try the original belarusian roast, be sure to order it. watch the food project anywhere on our tv channel. they know exactly what success is on sports grounds. she actively expresses herself not only in front of the screen, but on sports grounds, she has worked as a volunteer at many major tournaments, and she herself prefers dancing and zumba. at one time
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he played in the svistich football club in the second league of the belarusian championship, and was also captain of the amateur hockey team red fire. but what? the result will be a real battle of intellects. as in artistic gymnastics, an element is called that represents a flip in the air 360° or more over the head. andrey, somersaults, of course, the diagram shows special exercises for training athletes. what sports discipline are we talking about? i think it's shot put. this is the shot put. absolutely true, this is the correct answer. watch an intellectual sports show, head game. i really want to run and play, like the rain, the rain, the sun, the sun, and how our life is formed from these fragments, we want to look at this light for our skin and
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cover our skin for something new, it’s so good for us, what... let's get together with anyone , from any and belarus.
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everyone will hear my clear voice, i love working in a team, but most often i work solo, i rely on my strength, that at the end of the road i will never... return, fear of public opinion, but this is not just such a global fear, which prevents me from living, it just exists, a challenge for myself, a test of myself for strength, fear of obstacles, fear of appearing weak somewhere, i ’ve been trying to psych myself up for the last 2 weeks that everything will be
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fine, i can overcome votla, alpine skiing, freeride and rafting - this is close to scary for me. these are the extreme types i had, i’m a little afraid of heights, it seems to me that i’ll have to overpower myself like this, force myself to get through a difficult obstacle, i hope that there will be no serious injuries, please, but i have to tear myself apart, throw, but otherwise why be here if disgrace, it’s fun, there’s an orange phoenix at the start, ivan dyatlov, for me he’s a man of contradiction, look, he’s a student, i’m... a university, an institute of theater arts, he skis and picks berries in the forest, he has a driver’s license, he he’s afraid to drive, he doesn’t believe in signs, but he believes in a dream, that’s it... he’s ivan dyatlov, and, of course, vanya admitted that he’s a little afraid of heights, and everyone is afraid of heights, that’s normal.
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come on, vanya, let's go, let's go, his competitor vizovich from the team of predators took two crystal and bonus and final. here, here, here, here he almost fell, now ivan, spinning under him, this bar.
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move your hands, step on the next one, he tries, but he can’t, okay, okay, strong hands, these are very treacherous steps, they, we know that we need to hurry, there is no real opponent, but here the opponent has time, in a minute and a half, he must reach the bonus crystal, otherwise everything will be lost, and this is so difficult, well, here this bar caught our participant by surprise, he tried... to move his legs, but now due to the fact that you have no idea which block will scroll and which track will go down, and you see with the suspension, exactly the following is going down, you need to choose the tactical maneuvers that you will perform next, which line to grab onto and how to rearrange your legs, well, the beginning has already gone great , ivan said that his hero is spider-man, come on spider-man, ivan added that his dream is to fly in space, this is almost space, he said that he came here to have fun, have fun... here you go for that steps, time goes by, and so tempting bonus crystal, you need to take it for yourself and, of course, first of all for the sake of the team. well
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, i note that now, due to the strength of his hands, he can already cope with several elements and we see that even the paths have become confused, this has complicated the task, but ivan copes, the bonus crystal has flown away, the time is up and now he just needs to finish the distance, at the finish there is one crystal waiting for him, here how difficult this part turned out to be. station, which vizovich crossed quite easily, in my opinion he even saved time. yes, there really was enough time here to get the crystals for in order to overcome the first test so calmly, but ivan lingers here, it turned out that in space it is not so simple. yes, well, it’s important not to lose your temper. well, of course, there is no danger to life here, because there is insurance, but if you fly away, if you grab the insurance, we have already talked about this, you lose. more, more in my opinion. here's one, one, last step, last step, he jumps over it on the platform, he's on the platform, he just continues the path,
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rings that help the participant walk along the line, like a carrier, goes, goes, the very one where you need to maintain maximum concentration, balance, not smoothed out, but in my opinion confidently, and a new platform, well, come on, van. how to hold? now there are these pucks that are dangling in different directions and behaving absolutely unpredictably, there are seven of them you can go through, and there is no stick, if at least there was a stick, how to deal with these pucks? the thing is that you still need to stand up, as far as i understand, with both feet, if you stood up with one foot , you tripped and flew down. important here hold on with your hands, but your hands are already tired after the first and second tests at this level. ok, ok, ivan, we believe that... there should be a little more just a little bit left, in fact, half of the way has already been passed knees knees knees knees oh,
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how unexpected, this is unexpected, great, using the fifth point, how hard it is, but now we need to try to return with our feet or at least our knees to this puck, but... our hands are tired, anya, we won’t take him out of there, ivan really wanted to have fun, he said so himself, it’s hard to hold on, look, this face, he ’s trying very hard, and he understands how much his team needs this crystal, oh-oh-oh, and the fall, and he drops out, that just yes, he’s almost reached the end, that’s the flight , this is unfortunate.
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ivan dyatlova is seen off with a storm of applause, he deserves this applause, well, i’m a bird, my bird’s surname is dyatlov, you’re right up my alley, that’s it, everything turned out well, flying from the height of free flight is very... nice, at least for the sake of this was to enter there, at the moment of concentration the fear disappears, i already i understood that, in principle, the situation was disastrous, but i really wanted to fight to the end, so that i wouldn’t be ashamed of myself for what i hung there, there was precisely a desire to somehow correct the situation, to do everything possible, and well done, well done, well done, van , you’re actually doing great, you’ve almost
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reached it, in the end you just lost your strength, but you’re just me... the greed for victory fuels the appetite, the predators already have two crystals in their piggy bank, phoenix has none, like a real predator has plundered. very cool, this test was a success not everyone. the next test we have prepared for you is the element of earth. now one of you will have to experience for yourself what bruce willis felt as he made his way through the ventilation shaft. in this challenge you will have three lives, save at least one
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to get out. in the game, as in life. there are many roads, but how to choose the right one? i activate the third test. element of earth. in this challenge, the participant needs to sneak into the vault to pick up the main crystal. he has 5 minutes for this. get into the aerodynamic corridor, pass the key through the pipeline and use it to open the ventilation shaft, get through it and exit through the secret door. unlock the lock by adding up the clue numbers you have collected. the path to the main crystal is blocked by a network of lasers. walk around them carefully. after the player takes the crystal, he will have 2 minutes
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to return. good luck. as an artist who constantly performs on stage, as a normal artist, i broadcast live, i perform, it is always present , i always breathe deeply, it helps a lot, it’s important to me now. what will anyone say there? somewhere you stumbled, these are obstacles, just like in my life i am glad of obstacles, because if everything in life was smooth, it would be uninteresting to live, adrenaline when you don’t know where you are going, when you don’t know what a flash is waiting for you, i jumped with a parachute without an instructor, which is doubly very rewarding for any person, for a girl, especially,
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i’m proud of my achievement, this is my old... dream, i really love watching projects like this, and i’ve always wanted to participate in this, i understand perfectly well that this will be a very serious project, serious tests, i hope that i am ready for them, in general i am very patient, very persistent, if i really want something in life, i usually achieve it, even if i fall, even if i cry somewhere or find it difficult, anyway, the last name is sent to katya ocean, and ivan dyatlov and anton kushnir will support her at the command post , she crawled up along this, she came down somewhere here is sand, here is the room, welcome, welcome, guys, speak up, katya , we will shout at you, okay, we will watch on camera at you, how will you be, where, where
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to be, guys, i’ll tell you the numbers right away, that’s right, we hide the numbers too, but is there any? well, it’s small, of course, it will completely get out here three, but at least two katya, you and i, i’m with you guys, good luck, you and i, come on, i flew into space. let's go, let's go, so, the first clue is at the top, but wait, no, yes, yes, in the center, in the center of the pipe, in the center of the pipe, okay, it turns out, well done. now there will be a long pipe, now it has reached the top, yes, it will be somewhere in the center somewhere in the center it will be in the center to the left key, key, remember about the key, drag the key for you, you will stop somewhere in the center,
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look around, look around, see why he doesn’t go further, don’t rush, everything will work out, i’m going, i’m going, where is the hint, somewhere i stood in the center site, it turns out on the left side of the movement on the left side, and i see, do you see it? yes, you see the hint , great, well done, take it, name it 20 28 28 well, towards the end you gradually move with the key and open this locker to climb further inside the next clue where we will have at the end it will be no no no before exit to the sand, the next clue you have is somewhere before exiting to the sand before exiting to the sand, oh well, either at the end it will be in a pipe or somewhere in that location. open up, okay, the time is good, you're going well, wait, go down, don't rush,
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don't rush, yes, at the end you are now running out of pipes, look there before you get out with it, look for a hint there, maybe it's closed from there, but wait, no, no, you, yes you, you've passed, passed, passed, you're sure now, everything's fine, everything's fine, nothing, so i have to. come on, come on, come on, speed up a little, it seems to me, come on , come on, move, move, up, so, climb, good, yes, 28, we have, yes, yes, 28, it turns out, well done, well done, move, move, everything is fine, let's move, below, below, where is she, so, now we'll look, look in the pipe, there's no clue there, look, while you move it, there is. 64 good 28 64 8 92 so i'm jumping off 282 i'm jumping off come on yeah oops somewhere on the sand yes in the sand
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somewhere like that look in the center in the center of the area on the sand somewhere near the center to the left in a little bit to the left flat to the center in plane in the center there somewhere, look in the sand in the sand in the sand, look and move your arms and legs there, there’s something in your squeak, now they’re right for you, yes great, 92 plus 37, come on - what’s there, 129, 0, 0, 129, yes, everything is correct, grid, es, yes, move, well done, smart girl, now look at the rays, see how you go gradually, normal, take your time, move.
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everything is fine, you're moving well, well done, okay, well done, come on, let's not let it go, let's move on, it's okay, that's all, everything, everything is fine, the main thing is to get out of here, well done, well done, well done, smart girl, everything is fine, super, don’t rush, smart girl, you have one minute, that’s it, there’s enough time, now move out calmly, well done, well done, well done, smart girl, remember what you unscrew, unscrew, just a little speed up a little, now minutes are basically quite a lot of time, calm down, that’s it, well done,
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only 50 seconds have passed, you’re still more than a minute away, so you’re moving well, well done, i guess. okay, 45 seconds, great, super, come on, well done! good girl, roll feet first, 35 seconds, well done, oops, on the hill, beauty, okay, so, super, well done, although they didn’t run with the second crystal, they took one, yes, smart girl, it worked, haha, let’s get an additional crystal. while no one
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is looking, well done, well done, this is something incredible, a flurry of emotions, i’m still coming to my senses, after such an adventurous adventure, there was a fear that suddenly the ceiling would finally fall on you, i just had spirit inside me victory, some kind of fear, i just forgot about it, so... cheers came, well done, i did it, great, our victory, another one, great, the phoenix rules, oh, oh me with you, this is a present for you, one, two, and this is mine, because what are we, we are a team, class.
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the news is on the air now, lyudmila kazak is with you, hello, for me this is a new challenge and new energy, for myself, first of all, overcoming myself is a very necessary work, it opens many doors. every person needs challenges to move on, to become stronger, more interesting, to achieve new heights, this is work on oneself, i really like to get rid of fears, i was once very afraid of horses, fast golop, i overcame it 9 years ago, now i want to overcome my fear of heights, i don’t know yet how ready i am, when i rush through the fields on a horse, i’m also never ready that i will recover, but i fly off the horse periodically, the last time i had it was mild.
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hello team. hello, i understood correctly, we will have three touches, if anything happens we can use a laser, right? three taps are possible. that's it, death. luda, we’ll tell you in time, when it’s somewhere around a minute, at least 20, i don’t worry. and remember that when you go back, you have to crawl in a straight line, not up, but along straight to the end, in a tunnel like this. yes, down, unscrew the nut at the bottom, and just go straight. minutes is a lot, so
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don’t rush at all, we’re not racing with anyone, yes, yes, yes, lyudmila looks very good here, good, thank you for your support, the best! went, went, went, here, yeah, at the very end on the left, yes, yes, people, the first hint will be right before the entrance to the box in this one, where the lock is, so calmly lead the key all the way there, on the left side, apparently , so i already took the castle, and go to the very end don’t think about anything, a hint, look around, and field. at the very end in front
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of the box on the left, at the very end of the tunnel, well done, calm down, that’s all, damn it, now somewhere at the end on the left, there’s a hint at the top, you see a hint somewhere, no, i don’t see it yet, it’s a cone must be. somewhere to your left , to your left, from bottom to top, look everywhere at the whole part and not only to the left, to the right, to the right , look around this entire area in front of the box. well, take it off, take off the key, take it off, you have a flask here somewhere, look for it, 73, i remember, there is, open it further, it’s opened, you have to hurry
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already, yes, yes, when you crawl up, it looks like there will be another flask, or when you crawl up, you’re now down straight up, turn your head, somewhere there will be... another flask , at the bottom it can’t be here on the grid, i don’t know, but at the edges it’s probably at the top, after all, oh, so it’s generally squirming here, 2.5 minutes have already passed out of five, maybe half, there’s no clue at the bottom yet, where are the clues, well, somewhere here, go a little forward, somewhere here.
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oh the koba fell and this is the first one, look here on the sides the other one is mine, and what do you have drawn there? well, somewhere here in this and in this field in the lower tube you can take it , i see it, take it if you have it with your other hand , hold the screw, it doesn’t work. of course, but can’t you see the number from there? 84,84 you have another one in the sand on the right side, you need to dig the sand, you need to very quickly, here is a swarm, 25, that’s it,
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let’s go further 73, 84 and 25, 73 + 25 = 90, 8, 73, and what else was 98? 73 25 84 4 seconds quickly in what code we didn’t have time, that’s it, now get out of there somehow, nothing scary, normal, normal, people have warmed up, now we’ll give it to me, so i couldn’t unscrew the nut, i even took off my gloves, you know, how am i going to get out of here, if it didn’t unscrew for me, i need to unscrew it. that you will stay to live there, now it turns out, yeah, now it turns out, but it’s too late, screw it up, well , we need you in the next one, people, it’s normal here, we warmed up, it was 48, if that, but we still
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thought it was 84, so no would have gotten into this one, it was just a little short, okay, okay, now we’ll have just that in common, you well? somehow it happened quickly, i didn’t expect it, i saw myself under the lasers, but somehow i didn’t end up there, something didn’t really go right with the nut
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that i even took off my gloves at the end, because i understand that there was no clutch, hands with a nut, but even with my own hands i couldn’t. thank you for your support, well done, this is the unfortunate nut you got, it’s good that you understand how i twisted the nut, everything is fine until the bloodshed, we don’t lose anything yet, now 0, it was graceful, it was very beautiful, but not fast enough , today i had yes grace of potatoes, unfortunately, the guys said that everything was fine, there will be intrigue next date will show. how you work as a team is sure. time rewards those who value it and punishes those who waste it.
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team phoenix obtained one crystal, the predators were left with nothing. oddly enough, the air submitted to the predators, and the earth submitted to the phoenix. participants will have to fight against the element of fire. every wrong move, every inconsistency can become a test of the element of fire. at the beginning of the battle, participants need to move through stone blocks, a heavy hammer and pass it to the second players, then
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dive into a huge cube to find a water supply valve there. the second players, having broken the wall and dug up the entrance to the mash trap, must crawl along it with a fire hose in order to get into the neck and fill the flask with the crystal. having grabbed it, the third participant needs to climb the mast and hang it on the pear. all that's left is to move out. along a tightrope to pick up the treasured crystal, representative of the team of predators andrei kozlov, for some reason they are juggling, for some reason are wasting their energy, i probably need to tell you, dear friends, that both of these people lost their previous starts, yes, yes, now the time has come for them to rehabilitate themselves in the eyes of the fans in the eyes of their teammates, let's see if this warm-up will help them, second... among the predators, look how
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the girls are getting ready, the mood is incredible, despite losing the victory at their stage, the overall score is equal, their stage is a water target, whether they are warming up the right body parts before such a stage, i don’t know, at the last decisive stage for the predators team sergei vizovich, a great racing driver, a great driver from phoenix. olympic freestyle champion anton kushnir, this test will test the guys face to face; we will find out very soon who will be the fastest, who will be the most dexterous.
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so, ivan from phoenix and andrey from predator open the torch relay, but first they need to drag the hammer, which is chained to two balls weighing 20 kg each, to the right place. pay attention. the teams took different paths to complete the distances, already andrei took out his valve and is preparing to help dig this tunnel, so they break the obstacles, they break the wall, the valve will be needed on that part of the distance called the water target without a valve, the hose will not be turned on, in turn, ivan helped first open the door, start there, his teammate will just now go to the water bowl for a valve, there is only one valve left, because the team of predators already has it in their pocket, and
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now they need to crawl through, untie the rope, this is also one of the important points, or the unleashers will simply crawl past it, and the teams also take different paths, as for the jet hitting the target, here the tactics will be the same, both teams are ready, you need to unwind the hose in order... for the water to flow and who will be the first to cope with this task? and wow, what a twist! phoenix opens fire first, water fire on the target, and you need to fill the flask, why, why is there no water coming from the team of predators, they didn’t unwind the sleeve properly, this is also an important point and you need help, but something something is wrong, the water has flowed and now you need to fill, fill the flask in order to raise the first crystal, as you can see. ilyuda and katya cope with the task, but more precisely, ekaterina.
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in addition to the fact that ekaterina was more accurately told about the lag of predators at the previous stage. crystal, already mined, and anton kushnir, anton kushnir goes undefeated in the competitions, takes, takes the second final crystal, and the phoenix team will enter the decisive stage
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of the tower competition with an advantage of two steps, two crystals. sergey vizovich throws up his hands, yes, here he lost, something went wrong here from the very beginning, the team rejoices, they fought for victory, for the coveted crystal, for the opportunity to be higher in the finals in the decisive battle that will take place at the buff. there was an unforeseen situation, the hose was twisted in several places, so it blocked the water, and the strength was not that strong and even the water did not reach the targets, so by the time we unraveled it, by the time we understood the situation, we were unfortunately already late, well, the final stage was over sergei, we we’ll root for him, we can probably do it better.
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