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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 19, 2024 6:20pm-7:00pm MSK

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good afternoon, an analytical project is being broadcast on the first national channel of the belarusian radio and tv channel belarus24.
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could russia and north korea make the us worried or even afraid? is this really true? how do you think? well , of course, this is really so, firstly, do you think the official visit of the president of the russian federation is the first country that the head of the russian federation visits after being elected as the president of russia.
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we know that over the course of decades to change the regime, change the structure of the northern korea, not the americans, not south korea, did not succeed, because it is... a strong-willed country that has its own position, has its own opinion, has its own name, now is the time of the really strong, so, of course, we belarusians cannot not to be interested in what is happening in the world, when nuclear powers meet, sign documents and discuss those political issues that are so pressing on the agenda today, well, we need to think about what is happening... in fact , we must say and emphasize that this is a state , which has been living under for a long time sanctions, just like russia, just like belarus? i completely agree with you, and you know, i liked vladimich putin’s statement in honor of the assessment of the country, the assessment of the capital, when he arrived, what
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order, what beautiful houses, what a wonderful people, and in general what a reception, and well, maybe not amazing and - even the power, the power of the russian leader, look how the president of russia easily descends from the plane, yes, unlike the leaders of other states, we will not name them, yes, a strong leader, a strong position, strong partners in the international arena, so i am sure that the agreements that will be signed will be quite effective when adopted. region, taiwan, china, it is very exciting for america, it is, in general, one of the most explosive regions, so let’s talk about why everything is so simple,
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you know, elena, well, as they say, nothing personal, just business, yes, there is such a concept, unfortunately, this formula falls on the relationships that are now developing. between the united states of america and the republic of china, look, well, this is not all obvious, china is fighting for the possibility of free trade there, the development of sales markets, it is a strong, powerful country. what is america doing? america is determined to create another conflict on the territory of china, a conflict on the territory of china and taiwan, but we are all fine. we know that taiwan is part of china, and what america is doing is understandable, to start a conflict in order to weaken the chinese economy, in order not to actually return the money taken from china, and china is the largest creditor of the united states of america, it
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is in first place in lending to the us economy, so everything is very simple, creating a conflict, the weak economy of china, military operations, work. the military complex of the united states of america is pursuing a deliberate policy of pumping taiwan up with weapons and, in general, creating hotbeds of tension in this region. well, everything is obvious, what else can you expect? well, in general, the united states is threatening to create unmanned hell in the taiwan strait; they intend to prepare thousands of drones for confrontation with china already in the twenty-seventh year, well... in 2027, this is one of these statements by the chinese, american leadership, yes, you know, well, sometimes you listen to american generals, politicians, it feels like people are divorced from today's realities from today , not
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only politically, economically, but most importantly, it is a large country that has nuclear weapons, colossal military and human potential. first of all, first of all, and china will never allow you to tell what to do and how to do it to do, especially in your region. european politicians are also playing too hard, apparently. andrei aleksandrovich, let’s discuss, in general, the results of the elections to the european parliament, and the so-called peace summit on ukraine, which took place in switzerland-2, we will talk about major events in the european continent, well, elections to the european parliament, we are now . you haven’t discussed this topic, here’s your opinion, you know, we’ve always been taught what you know, our country is proud of this, that a democratic approach to elections should be in priority, our country is proud of this, is that
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in our country the people choose their leader, their deputies, and we make decisions, judging by what is happening in europe today, it is difficult to say who makes the decision. we see how the situation is developing, but at the same time, i would like to note that a number of political parties that represent the european union today, they are quite confidently striving for... power in order, among other things, and slow down what is happening in the european arena, and truly amazing things are happening, and why be surprised when you look figuratively at the history of this or that european politician and everywhere, somewhere you will find, and somewhere you will find his connection with the united states of america, or he once had us citizenship , or he studied in the united states of america, well, somehow it turns out very surprisingly.
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people are tired, you know, that a little short-sighted politicians are today at the helm of these european states, which are not restrained by anything, how to pack their things, board a boeing and fly to the united states of america, and let people live, and we understand perfectly well that europeans do not want war, europeans want to live in peace, europeans want to trade with the russian federation, with belarus, they want to exchange culturally, a normal approach to the european . people, in contrast to european leaders who are pushing these peoples to take
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serious actions in terms of starting hostilities and so on. well, you said, in principle, the people, by and large , decide little in europe, but nevertheless, elections showed that there are healthy forces that really want to cooperate peacefully and want to return to normal life, for example, which was in germany, when a burger can live in peace and not... worry about his tomorrow, well, we too you understand perfectly well that what once was in germany and europe will never happen again, yes, that is, the goal that the united states of america set for itself, which was achieved, among other things, was to weaken the economies of european states, in order to close their holes, including in budget in american political circles, and this is all obvious, and the europeans no longer want to pay. these are all taxpayers, they no longer want to throw their money away, it is unclear where, for
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what, for whom, people really want to be the center of peaceful european life, to return to those good relations with the russian federation, europe has always been strong technologically, the russian federation has always been strong their raw material base, and of course, together they have always achieved colossal results. until the third player appeared, so people see this and understand that it is possible to live the way it was before, but some steps need to be taken towards this, and we see what is happening in france, we see how dissatisfied the french are with macron’s policies, we see dissatisfaction in germany, we see discontent in other european countries, the incomes of the population are actually falling, real incomes and for...
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of course, this will happen, but you know, the good news is that somewhere there is already light at the end of the tunnel, we see that some doubts are already beginning to appear as to whether we are doing the right thing, and indeed, is this good for the state, is it good for the people? of course, it will be difficult as long as those people in power are not interested in the development of their countries and... preserving the integrity of european states, but
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i want to believe that everything - smart, wise europe will make the right choice, not choosing a single day that will mark the beginning of the end of the world, but building a normal, civilized democratic society, if they want to learn something from us, we will teach them this, let them come and learn from us . and the so-called peace summit by switzerland on ukraine also showed that not only europe is not united, but the world is far from united; in general, it no longer wants, so to speak, to dance to... the tune of the hegemon, but the world i started talking about this a long time ago, many thanks to the russian federation, that it was thanks to russia, thanks to russia, that a number of countries began to rise from their knees, that is , they understand perfectly well that the world will be different, definitely, it will not remain the same ,
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which he was, and of course, it's all very, excuse the word, it infuriates our political opponents, in particular. the united states of america that they are losing their superiority when the majority of countries do not support the proposed world scenario that someone so wants to see, this says a lot, we don’t need to count by the number of states, let’s count by the number of populations of these countries, yes, most countries, such as china, india, argentina,
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and even some, the concept of peace is a really clear bright sky, the sun, fields sown with wheat, small children, children's laughter, but for others the world just needs to return to certain borders, accuse someone of aggression, yes, well, hungary most likely signed according to its
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understanding of the world, for it peace is peace in the literal sense... this word, silence, calm and so on, this is what each of us wants, and we belarusians want this, and russians want peace, we all want peace, that ’s why many european and latin american countries began to think about it later even withdraw their signatures, well, he also talks about a lot, that is, probably, not everything was so rosy and not everything was so honest and objective.
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citizens, that’s the parallel, that’s where it all comes from, neo-fascism, yes, why then without fail, why weren’t the german soldiers brought to justice because they were allowed to, these are the communists, these are the socialists, these are the people who are a priori enemies for us, therefore, you will not bear any responsibility, the same thing here, they are removing
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responsibility from the polish soldiers so that they can kill these poor, unfortunate women and children. people who are fleeing their countries the reason that the european states , the american rulers have created hotbeds of tension, conflicts in their countries, they are fleeing from this, but at the same time , now yes, polish soldiers can kill boldly, because the command decided that these are not people, migrants, for them, yes, most likely to hide the number of crimes, but we see how many there were, our prosecutor’s office today. does not engage in the killing of peaceful unfortunate citizens on the border , there were quite a lot, now their hands are simply untied, that in in turn, it will allow us to write off all these... the case of murders of migrants as protecting the interests of the state, the introduction of a video sanitary zone will also
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contribute to this in order to hide these crimes, it’s not just like that, it’s not just like that, it’s just us we probably still don’t know a lot of things, but we see it, and why this is all being done, it’s all understandably surprising, although it is not surprising that this is coming from our neighbor from the territory of poland - another of our neighbors, our southern neighbor, neighbor, ukraine , of course, she rejected all peace proposals, which putin voiced the day before during a meeting with representatives of the ministry of foreign affairs of his country, what do you think, already completely powerless zelensky, what does he think at this stage, what? hopes for the help that is supposedly promised, you know, for which, as it turned out, it will be necessary to pay for it, and it was given, it turns out not for free,
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of course it was given, everyone understands and knows this perfectly well, and for me the only thing now that is not clear is how leaders in general european countries, united states america is conducting some kind of dialogue with a citizen of ukraine, just with an individual, this is not even the president, this is not even a representative - of the ukrainian rada, this is just a person who makes and takes on certain decisions, and of course, when the former president of ukraine now signs certain documents, creditors, ask the correct, logical question, from whom is the demand, from whom is the demand, that is, there are clearly lawyers working there, they give an assessment that we really will not take our money, no one just like that... a dollar and they won’t invest one euro in the economy of ukraine, we see what is happening now, we immediately remember, if we draw certain parallels again, how in forty-three, forty-two
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trains with black soil left the territory of the russian federation and ukraine, and in the same way such trains leave and today, and this land is being taken away, so that’s all that remains, if it hasn’t been taken out yet, it will definitely be taken away, the ukrainian people will repay their debts, and moreover, the amount that is already ukraine’s debt is the debt not only of today’s residents of ukraine, but also future, it is the grandchildren and great-grandchildren who will pay for the decisions made by this man, who today cannot legally be called president. however, western strategy has calculated how much it costs, some of the riches that ukraine conceals in itself, they have calculated and said.
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iraq, when the american military pumped oil from there, this oil went to the us economy for free, yes, like other libyas, there are a lot of examples, but the fact that ukraine is our ukraine.
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blow with spending large amounts of taxpayers' money on carrying out so so-called peace initiatives, you will not achieve anything with this, here the people of ukraine must decide and decide for themselves, everything is heading towards this, the people are tired, the people are tired of lies, the people are tired of receiving their sons in coffins, the people are tired of living the way they live in poverty without prospects, the people are tired and will pass... literally, i am sure that in very little time the ukrainian people will make their own decision, without any help they will decide, because this cannot continue, and everyone understands this perfectly well, and we see how the russian speakers have cleared out regions of ukraine, everyone who dies, odessa, nikolaev, kherson regions, there is no longer a male population left, here is the grid. before the eyes of
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the ukrainian people, it will soon subside, there will be peace in ukraine, everything will be fine with them, but at the same time i would not want american politicians to interfere there, because where is america, there is blood, where is america, there really is no future and no prospects, after all, we are not learning the lessons of history, if we remember the plan, how they wanted to clean out virtually the entire territory. population in belarus, it’s the same is now being developed in relation to ukraine, the same thing, that’s how it was developed, everything is visible, yes, that is, that today there is a hunt for ukrainians who have their own opinion, there is a hunt for people who do not agree with the policies of the authorities , if you don’t support, you are already a priori an enemy of ukraine, what is this, how can a state behave like this towards its people, and these
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people say: freedom, these people talk about freedom of speech, about democratic principles, this is simply war zone, one continuous minefield. so we remembered the plan of the east, we remembered the great patriotic war, and apparently we need to remember today one of the black dates, today is the 80th anniversary of the tragedy in dalia, this is the sister of khatyn, one of the belarusian villages, which was married together with the inhabitants, lessons for us belarusians history is clear. we are doing a lot to avoid all the mistakes that could have happened, which maybe even happened in the early 2000s, the nineties, that’s what else we need to do in order to ensure that historical memory has never been erased from our memory, let’s say this, but you know, we’ve probably already done a lot and we’ve already managed
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to convey concepts at some internal genetic level. historical memory, we are proud of our victory, because we are the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the victorious people, and we are proud of this, we bring flowers to our obelisks and not only on may 9 on independence day, the day of liberation of belarus, we always do this, we have preserved our belonging to the victorious people, we have retained our being, as belarusians, and we, as belarusians, are proud...
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of the continent from the brown plague, we preserve our memory, our history, we know the lessons of history, but we strengthen our security, national security and military security, we have adopted a military doctrine, concept of national security, in the development of these documents a certain other regulatory framework is adopted, but today, as you know, we have an exhibition on security, it’s
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called: national security is a small state, there are only 10 million of us belarusians, but at the same time we were able to ensure the security of our people at the most modern military level, this is really something to be proud of, thank you very much to our armed forces for providing us with a peaceful sky over our beautiful belarus. thank you, andrei aleksandrovich, for today’s conversation, the analytical project of the current microphone is ending on the air of the first national channel of the belarusian radio and... tv channel belarus 24. the guest of the program today was the deputy chairman of the belarusian party white rus' andrey bugrov. thank you all for your attention and all the best.
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the charred corpses lay in the open air for 10 days and 10 nights; there was simply no one to keep the people. after the liberation of the area , residents of neighboring villages and soldiers of the red army came to the scene of the tragedy to hand over the remains of the burned dalvins to the earth. on june 18, 1944 , partisans damaged a german telephone cable. this happened near the village of dalvalogoi district. the german signalmen subordinated everything to communications. the very next day , june 19, enemy forces began to converge on dalva. trucks, german soldiers surrounded the village, all local residents were driven into a house on the outskirts and burned alive. 13
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women, two men and 29 children died in the fire, the youngest of whom kostya kukharenko was about 2 years old. having dealt with the inhabitants, the executioners set fire to the village itself; the fire blazed in ten courtyards, where it had been boiling just yesterday. cried. the punishers, spurring everyone on with shouts and rifle butts, began to drive people into the hut. the doors were locked. a flame broke out. the doors bent under human pressure, but they did not give in. the teenager managed to avoid a terrible fate by accident. early in the morning his mother got him out of
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bed and asked him to replace his father, who was tending a horse in the field. the mother went with her son to the field, so that later she could go with her husband to the partisan camp, but kolya’s father persuaded her not to go there. and they headed back to the village. then the boy did not yet know that he had said goodbye to his parents forever. dalva burned all day and all night, then for a long time a thick, heavy smell lingered like ashes. a few days later, kolya arrived with his relatives in the village and found there he identified his dead mother by a gold tooth that only she had. and the boy again had to escape from the punishers, who returned to the village to finally wipe it off the face of the earth, re-igniting what was left of it. burnt. they lay in the open air for 10 days and 10 nights; there was simply no one to bury the people. after the liberation of the area , residents of neighboring villages and soldiers of the red army came to the scene of the tragedy to hand over the remains of the burned dalvins to the earth. people were recognized not by the police, but by
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the remains of their clothes and shoes. all were buried in a common grave on which three crosses were installed, as a symbol of three destroyed generations, grandfathers, mothers, children. at the beginning of the great patriotic war, all were young men. those who lived in dalva went to the front to join partisan detachments. only old people, women and children remained in the village. at the beginning of july 1941, dalva found herself behind german lines. women and teenagers actively helped the partisans. the tragedy that occurred on june 19 , 1944 became part of the fascist punitive operation called cormorant. during which many were wiped off the face of the earth. belarusian villages. dalva was the last of them. the village was... restored, in its place there is now a memorial complex, which was built with donations from public organizations, funds raised at concerts of creative groups. the opening of the complex took place on july 15, 1973. in its
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center is a sculpture of a mother and child standing next to massive beams, symbolizing a collapsed house. to the right of it is a 16-meter wall of memory with the names of the victims. there is a mass grave here. like in khatyn. four birches, on a large boulder - appeal to the living. during the years 1941-1944 , the occupiers and their accomplices carried out more than 140 large corrosive operations on the territory of belarus, during which, as of may 2, 2024, 12,348 villages and hamlets were burned, of which 288 settlements were never revived.
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we are embarking on an expedition in the depths of our country. we are going on a folklore-historical expedition to number 597. things will happen again and again in the past land. let's follow the history and myastsovye abrads. our routes took us through. obsa, what? in braslauschyna. here on the bank of the lake with the gate, i will call the month of the meeting, published on the pachata of the millennium of the stagodzia to the counts felix platars. to a bypass, a new hut, a new hut, a new one. braslau district has 300 azer. the regional center itself is based on several of them. the most flaccid.
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it will work out, which means we need to understand this from the inside, through the fifth
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column, which has settled in with its neighbors, and through these neighbors, sabotage, extremism, arson, internal political swings, we must clearly understand this, we need peace here in the region, this is our life, so no one wants to live in conditions of war, and even more so to be drawn directly into hostilities, which, for example, our president opposed and opposed in every possible way, this is an absolutely correct policy. the project is objective, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel.
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on the air in the studio, yulia pertsova, good evening, first, briefly about the main topics of the issue: on a short leg with farmers and the working class, the president listened to the report of the chairman of the federation of trade unions and ordered the introduction of a number of incentives, whom they... touch, we'll tell you on air.


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