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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 20, 2024 12:50am-1:10am MSK

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the gaspadar's hut is like a chest of chestnuts. some people may know something wrong with the skin. you can have a lot of dzitsyachy kashulki. zvyarnitse ўvagu, all this linen budzyonnaya with high, all this dzitsyaya kashulka, called for some dzіtsenak at that hour. and there’s a kashulka there, you can wear it with karunkami, that’s a brave shirt, just like that for a little girl. if the adzenne was clean and fresh, our products were dug out as great. these are the mechanisms, this is called pranik, and all such praniks of soap adzenne on the river pranik for me this hedgehog, pranikam of the hedgehog, and all such praniks were given adzezhu, and they were mercenary, brought in adzenne, machili and rivers, placed on the masonry, and the weaves were knocked out in this way, then the weaves were thrown in this way, and in this way, and the flaxen snaps of the halo were absorbed by these pranas, you know. it’s not
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all the same, but it’s all about life, it’s all about sugar. if this process of harvesting is simple, then in the meat threshing floor it is possible to produce large-scale findings that softened the work of the peasants. geta pabudova mela for its purpose, yana was chosen for the capture of uraja, as they lived in a summer house, and... here we have collected speeches from our navakolny hangers, in which the peasants and their gaspadars were previously selfish. for example, geta prylada zavetstsa veelka, yana adzyalae zbozha hell chaff. the grains fell all over here, we have one, then the handle of the paddle turns all this way, we turn all this way, and it’s like hell for us.
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grain and yano adsortsіroўvaetstsa heta pilad all the time there paddles like this and yano fallіdkіdvae called yachkarya was dug up for cutting grass all here and karytstsa put grass batva lard all the way well all it's only practical for us to jump. so and there it was a hell of a lot all the way down here, and there was such a hand here, it was necessary to be careful with your hands, it was necessary to make sure your fingers didn’t fall there, other people turned the handle and pressed to cut the branches, now i earn money in many months . geta was velma tsikava, lyubova ivanaina, thank you for everything, but i know that you can get there.
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12:54 am
і the whole cyaper vos cut by the vos dze roўnenka ў us such you treasure ў the shape of the whole so pasyaredzіne treasure і cyper getu glin palchykimi eight gatak we are knocked out by the form of eight in kruza asabista sowago to antistraz geta ralaks so і cyeeper to our bralefa boresa dastatska gypsawa forms of kali , we will begin the finger album album.
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memorable colors and you can then add any colors or colors and you can paint on these bas-reliefs. you know, it’s issued, it’s true... in museums it’s true that there’s not only an excursion, but also yashche and maystar-classes, and you can make all these hundred things, well, for example, a bas-relief, like i made this with my own hands. thank you for the excursion, any ivanauna, and of course, for allowing me to work such foolish steps. jakui to you, taksama! my son was not just cultural, but... i think that i understand much more clearly the heights of yanka kupala and maxim bagdanovich, because i knew more about how the yanas lived and how the caliber of the jumper went on. the burnt corpses
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lay in the open air for 10 days and 10 days. after the liberation of the region. residents of neighboring villages and soldiers of the red army came to the scene of the tragedy to hand over the land the remains of the burnt dalvints. on june 18, 1944 , partisans damaged a german telephone cable. this happened near the village of dalvalgoi district. the german signalmen subdued everything and restored the connection, but they also called punitive forces. the very next day, june 19 , enemy trucks began to converge on dalva. german soldiers surrounded the village and all the local residents. they drove me to a house on the outskirts and burned me alive. 13 women, two men and 29 children died in the fire. the youngest of whom, kostya kukharenko, was about 2 years. having dealt with the residents, the executioners set fire to the village itself; the fire blazed in ten courtyards, where just yesterday life was in full swing.
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only thirteen-year-old kolya gavrilovich managed to survive, who that day was grazing his horse far from his village. many years later , nikolai petrovich gavrilovich recalled: from the forest. covered trucks drove out, they stopped on the outskirts of dalva, soldiers with machine guns began to jump from the vehicles, they surrounded the village in a tight ring, all the residents were driven to the house of vasily kukharenko. it did not dawn on women and children that happens, the children, who had just been lifted out of bed, were crying. the punishers, spurring everyone on with shouts and rifle butts, began to drive people into the hut. the doors were locked and a flame broke out. the doors bent under human pressure. but they did not give in. the teenager managed to avoid a terrible fate by accident. his mother got him out of bed early in the morning and asked him to replace his father, who was tending a horse in the field. the mother went with her son to the field, so that later she could go with her husband to the partisan camp, but kolya’s father persuaded her not to go there. and they headed back to the village. then boy
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i didn’t yet know that i had said goodbye to my parents forever. dalva burned all day and all night. and then for a long time a thick, heavy smell hung over the cooling ashes. a few days later, kolya arrived with his relatives in the village, found his dead mother there, identified him by a gold tooth, which only she had, and the boy again had to escape from the punitive forces, who returned to the village to finally wipe it off the face of the earth, setting it on fire again. what's left of her. the charred corpses lay in the open air for 10 days and 10 nights, there was simply no one to protect people. after the liberation of the area , soldiers from neighboring villages came to the scene of the tragedy. to the red army to transfer to the earth the remains of the burned dalvinians. people were recognized not by their faces, but by the remains of their clothes and shoes. everyone was buried in a common grave, on which three crosses were installed as a symbol of three destroyed generations: grandfathers, mothers, children. at the beginning of the great patriotic war,
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all the young men living in dalva went to the front to join partisan detachments. only old people, women and children remained in the village. in at the beginning of july 1941, dalva found herself in... the german rear. women and teenagers actively helped the partisans. the tragedy that occurred on june 19, 1944, became part of the fascist punitive operation called baklan, during which many belarusian villages were wiped off the face of the earth. dalva was the last of them. the village was never restored. in its place is now a memorial complex, which was built with donations from public organizations and funds raised at concerts of creative groups. opening. complex took place on july 15, 1973 year, in its center is a sculpture of a mother and child standing next to massive beams, symbolizing a collapsed house, to the right of it is a sixteen-meter wall of memory with the names of the victims, and here is a mass grave. as in
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khatyn in dalva, a village street with the first crown of logs of houses was restored, on the threshold of each house there are some things: toys, jugs, balls of thread, a sickle, a violin. there are 44 birch trees planted along the street, and on a large boulder there is an appeal to the living. during 1941-1944 , the occupiers and their accomplices spent more than 140 circles on the territory of belarus.
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good ranitsa, i am razmet khumaryan, i came from armenia and now i work as the eternal plenipotentiary ambassador of the republic of armenia, the republic of belarus. i came from yerevan, this is not the first time that i come to belarus, i am in the third hypostasis, because the first time i came to belarus was in 2000, when i was appointed adviser to the embassy of the republic of armenia to the republic of belarus.
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social problems in this incarnation , the second one worked for two terms, that is, 6 years, after which in february of the twenty-first year he returned to yerevan, in september of the same in the year twenty-one, i was appointed ambassador plenipotentiary and, as it were, came to belarus in my third incarnation for the post of ambassador, in 2000 i was supposed
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to somehow occupy it, i ran away, but then she also got used to it and gladly went into
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this kindergarten, and after those years of living in minsk, belarus and the city of minsk, for my family, is almost a native country with which warm memories are associated. this is an office. not very often, once a month the council of permanent plenipotentiaries meets in the cis executive committee, and about once a month i am here in this office. at one time, when i worked at
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the embassy of armenia and belarus, we did not have our own building, the ambassador sat here. armenia, i worked on the same floor, in another office, and there i received our citizens as the consul of the republic of armenia, these are my young years, they are already like a memory, now i am here as a permanent plenipotentiary representative in the cis, my functions include and other authorized representatives.
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historical hall for the cis member states, in this hall they were held at the beginning the nineties meetings that laid the foundation for the commonwealth of independent states, fundamental documents were adopted here, now the council of permanent plenipotentiary representatives of the cis member states meets here every month, and everything is discussed and prepared here.
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operated in the building of the cis executive committee. i have been operating since 2010, before that i was happy that i was at the origins of acquiring the independence of the republic of armenia. and today i am pleased with the fact that i am the ambassador of the independent republic of armenia to the independent republic of belarus, as for for us armenians and for belarusians, this concept is sacred, independence and sovereignty, we and you honor as sacredly as the concepts of mother, family,
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children. this year we celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the republic of armenia and the republic of belarus. the embassy initiated a number of events in connection with this anniversary. in a joint project with armen press and belta, we are organizing a photo exhibition called armenia through the eyes of a belarusian photocalispan.
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it will be especially pleasant this year to participate in this holiday in which we every year we participate with pleasure. in addition, there is an armenian studies foundation in belarus, anif, which is currently preparing.


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