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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 20, 2024 9:00am-9:11am MSK

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the feat of the people is immortal in the palace of art, an exhibition dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus, coolers of vyalika peramoga. to promptly respond to questions from workers about discipline,
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there was less other things, because this is the people's party, the people's trade unions, the selective campaign has practically begun, and the trade unions joined this process, provided appropriate assistance and support, i would ask you that this would be, first of all, help , support for the participation of trade unions in this work, and not some kind of control and supervisory functions, a controller we have enough, and trade unions, as far as i remember my work. especially in agriculture,
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they were always my right hand, and together we organized food and service, especially as a machine operator during the harvesting company, and control over the payment of wages. pensioners will receive a material increase; the president has ordered the introduction of additional financial incentives for working pensioners; the proposed innovation is related to the individual earnings coefficient. a number of legislative initiatives have already been introduced. young this year specialists are provided with an additional tax deduction, the procedure for calculating sick leave has been adjusted taking into account the interests of employees. almost 70% of indicators correspond to global levels. in the ranking of achievement of sustainable development goals , belarus ranks thirtieth among 166 countries. this is a complete food supply, systematic work in the field of ecology and environmental management, and ensuring energy security. a lot is being done.
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interrelated tasks that are approved by the un general assembly. among them is the eradication of poverty and hunger, combating climate change, clean water and energy, gender equality and more. a serious accident in the baranovichi region, one person died, five were injured. at night on the m1 highway near the village of lesnaya, according to preliminary information, the driver of a minibus collided with
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a truck moving in front, after which the minibus overturned, and the car following it collided with it; the circumstances of the accident are being clarified. in belarus they continue. eliminates the consequences of bad weather, squally winds and downpours dominated the country. more everything suffered in the grodno region, in the delvinsky district, a woman died due to a falling tree. according to preliminary information, the deceased, her husband and children came to relax at the pond, when a squall wind began, they decided to pack their things, the children hid in a tent, a tree fell on the woman, she died from her injuries, her husband and children were not injured. the disaster also affected the dyatlovo and svislochsky districts, and the roofs of residential buildings were torn off. several villages and farms were left without electricity. governor of grodno region vladimir karanik urgently left for the zelvinsky district. a regional emergency response headquarters was set up at the chupe site. places for accommodation have been prepared for citizens whose homes were most damaged by the elements. rescuers are working on sawing and
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cleaning up fallen trees. now 58 settlements in the minsk region remain without electricity. bad weather also made adjustments to train movements and there were delays. according to the belarusian railways, the most difficult situation was observed on the section molodechno-minsk. the day before, the trains were delayed by up to an hour and a half due to trees that had fallen on the way. an orange danger level will be announced today in belarus, loads, rain, strong winds, gusts can reach 20 m/s. the second international security industry exhibition attracted twice as many participants. this was stated by the state secretary of the council of transport, alexander volfovich. the day before during the opening of the forum national security belarus 2024. in total, more than a hundred exhibitors and delegations from twelve countries participate in it, the products of our country's military industry are widely represented, as well as the exposition of various ministries and departments. today, at the sites of this exhibition
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, we tried to deploy products in accordance with our areas of national security. according to our concept, we have nine spheres of national security and in almost every sphere we tried to present one product or another. we are pleased that today the products of our strategic partner of the russian federation, the people's republic of china, are deployed here, what belarus is doing in in relation to maintaining peace, it is not only recorded in words, but also confirmed by such practical events, the current forum is also a platform for opinion, experts will discuss the conditions of industrial scientific and technological development, as well as international cooperation in the field of national security. today there are several conferences on the program, they are organized by the following. committee of the ministry of emergency situations and sav bis. another atrocity of the warsaw regime, a new victim of the use of weapons on the borders. polish security forces gouged out the eye of a refugee from iran. according to local human rights organization, polish soldiers shot a woman in the head, as a result of which the victim lost an eye.
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according to the refugee, two polish border guards opened fire without warning. now the iranian citizen is hospitalized, not only doctors, but polish ones are working with her. protective organization. let us remind you that last week warsaw established a buffer zone on the polish-belarusian border, and also began the process of legalizing the use of firearms by border guards. the introduced territorial restrictions prohibit journalists and employees of the human rights organization visit crime scenes of polish military personnel. the day before, a protest against the introduced buffer zone took place in front of tutsk’s office. citizens of poland are confident that innovations will endanger not only the lives of refugees, but also residents. border when the military personnel start shooting randomly from left to right. almost 900 migrants per day in the uk set the migration record of the past two years. the refugees arrived on 15 boats and were immediately met by the british border forces. since the beginning of the year, this is already more than
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12,000 people who have illegally crossed the border of the kingdom, which is almost 20% more than the same figure in 2023. fine. 700 euros for a photo, this is what the realities of a free and democratic europe look like. the kaunova court of lithuania imposed a monetary penalty on the coordinator of the international forum of good neighborliness, a lithuanian activist, for a photo with lenin. this allegedly threatens public order and the security of the country. previously, she had already been fined for photographs of the ussr coat of arms and the caption to the post, people should live, not survive. the actions of the latvian police in the country are still no less scandalous. they are looking for the passengers of one of the buses who sang the song “katyusha”. they are accused of glorifying aggression; the singers face not only fines, but also criminal prosecution. in belarus, they carefully preserve the historical truth and remember at what cost we got our victory.
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today at the palace of art he will present a dedication to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus. 1 thousand exhibition square meters are given over to the work. applied poster art, they say: there are those people whom we are proud of, and many artists share this image...


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