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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 20, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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the stone under them speaks of such a hot past life, about such a passionate faith in my feat, in my truth, in my struggle, in my science, that i know in advance, i will fall to the ground and kiss these stones and cry over them, at the same time convinced with all my heart that all this has long been a cemetery and nothing more. thank you very much, this was the program sas is authorized to declare that european voters rejected the course of escalating the confrontation with the union state.
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good ranitsa belarus with svetlana borovskaya, this is a fascinating introduction to unusual people. my name is olga, i am
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the owner of this institution, a cultural institution, a house of crafts, i thought there was no one here once a week who would come, hello, but there is a little, zhen, here is the most important question, how did you choose, here you are sitting on the sofa , and you’re thinking, what kind of business would this be to get into, the secrets of a good mood, let’s drive our bus, let’s kick it, come on, let’s go... good morning belarus, how beautiful it is, oh, girls, leave me a couple of buns to put, give me a couple of buns , herself, herself, herself, and also a lot of interesting educational stories, now they still want such fashionable breads, in addition to very simple, ordinary ones, some without flour, some without sugar, some with additives, so that we can do everything, imagine everything, see everything, today we will die. all types of folk
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belts have been restored, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, he means to come to you on an excursion, and you will bring him to the office after some time. everyone is living zhukrat, as they ordered, they called from the washington abc, they did everything, we have everything to do, we are like we hinder the independent people of many simply by our independence and desire.
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to your own, well, maybe then we’ll clarify the question, how do you feel about the figure of felix derzhinsky? napoleon reached moscow, burned the kremlin, and built stables in our churches. well , such a civilized approach, well, putin clearly said: i need a guarantee of security, but that’s all, because zelensky came running shouting: give me nuclear weapons, ideology cannot be brought down from above, it cannot be canceled or assigned there, ideology must rise from below, but if we negotiate, then with whom? i don’t like to give out advances, the name is loud, wonderful, beautiful and you have to earn it, there is not a single paper and not a single signature, these are all purely dzheltemen agreements, everyone will say to the yankees, what are you here? does.
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hello, the program “say don’t be silent” is on air. victoria popova and tatyana shcherbina in the studio. and today our guest is political scientist vadim elfimov. good afternoon, vadim alexe. good afternoon, i'm also in the studio.
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however, he still had very great concerns about preserving childhood, but remember, here is lenin assigned him to deal with homelessness, and among other things, he was also involved in economics, there are such responsibilities, you know, not everyone can handle it and the person actually burned out at work, a human malvezian iron felix,
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so in connection with this, probably the tension of our opponents, that a school, a lyceum can , okay, let them tense up, these are the very names that should stress out all enemies, and if you like, they should be afraid of them, we didn’t come up with this fight, dzerzhinsky didn’t come up with this fight, but he even before became the chairman of the cheka, he probably went through prisons, yes, interrogations, torture, probably back then this struggle and division into - say, white-red, even before the revolution, by the way, now many attribute that this happened in the seventeenth year, nothing like that , there was a division before, with whom the decembrists fought, there is some... attempt to belittle them, well, i would say that to add a little naturalism, some kind of everyday life, but by the way, these are great people, terribly far from people, yes, well, this is vladimirovich lenin’s assessment, again, yes, they are terribly far from the people, if we talk about the decembrists, these are noble, honest people, all of noble origin, who
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went through the war, so they defeated napoleon, defeated all of europe, here is a united europe, then the united europe was under napoleon, then it was under hitler, today she...
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together and he was a wise military leader - and the tsar father, by the way, did not want to call him up, but when things were already getting really bad, then he barclad, that means he moved and called kutuzov, who was in opal, but how only... things went well, kutudov again and mava got rid of himself, mavo got rid of himself and left, but this is such a concern, well, what am i saying, but he won, as lev nikolaevich tolstoy wrote in his great work war and peace, the cudgel of the people's war defeated the french , if the people had not risen up, if partisan movements had not started to rise up in belarus, the first partisan detachments arose out of nowhere, they came, well, they came, yes, napoleon promised that the poles would get... some kind of the general government is somehow out of place an independent state, which means
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the gentry immediately came running and let’s reclaim the old lands, the peasants, who were already russian serfs, said no, we don’t want to be taken over by the gentry, we’d rather go into the forest, we’ll burn you down, that’s how the first arose partisan movement, let's go back to ours, just to the decembrists, when they won, they returned to st. petersburg and so on and so forth, everything is the same, here this victorious people. should again be in a state of serfdom, and even these decembrists just noble people, they were like their comrades in battle, in battle, they understood that the people also needed to give something, that’s all, but still lenin was right, i think, of course, they were far away and of course they were utopian, it was an impulse of the soul and heart, because french books should be read, well, i don’t think that french books, i’ll be honest, not all smart thoughts have been written. french, i would say so, this is true, pure, but how the cudgel of ideologists
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works today, so that you say, we don’t have a cudgel, there are only gingerbread, no, and not gingerbread, we have in the best case, we have an okama scalpel, there is such a philosopher, yes, that means it’s simple that such a scalpel, we immediately go where we need it, in other words, we cut into the situation and immediately find the reason, so accuracy and precision, i would say so, today for an ideologist, it is like a tool. well, what she should have in her soul is love for her homeland, because the main thing is the idea, to save our country, to save our people, to give them prospects for development, there are a lot of enemies, everyone wants to destroy us, if you call things your own names, we are like we hinder the independent people of many simply by our independence and the desire to live by our own minds, that’s all, everyone lives as they ordered, how did they call from the washington regional committee? they did everything , they put everything under the spotlight, even germany took it
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and gave away its entire industry, they said, let’s blow up your very nordstream, you invested money there, you will have this one, but you don’t need it, please, master, they said, blew it up and that’s all, that’s why we’re not like that, we don’t want this, for someone to push us here, as the president said, we’re under we won’t go under the whip, well, i’ll say that when, in general, under the whip...
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the constitution is written down, and this is social justice, a couple of years ago
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a survey was conducted on the internet, absolutely independent, some of the most popular words come up every year, so there was such a word, social justice, it has again become in demand all over the world, because this social justice does not exist, since it was not given in these 2-3 years, then today the most popular word, i think, will be war or peace, everyone writes , talk about peace, because that earlier this social justice was not given, and today we all stand on...
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as in a marriage, signed, didn’t sign, yes, ban, then return and so on, you know, but either you love or you don’t love, it doesn’t matter, there is a stamp or not, you can record, yes, there is such a dialogue, write textbooks, but nothing will change from this, yes, that is, as he says, the stamp does not solve anything, the main thing is that you feel, what you think, like the relationship of two people , yes, a woman and a man, in ideology it’s the same, she herself actually exists, it exists, people have ideas, you don’t, you have some ideas, yes, i do too, yes, we somehow communicate, unite, or quarrel, it doesn’t matter, ideas exist, that’s all equally fluctuate, yes, in society, and some kind of mass processes, they acquire such a predominant importance, this idea becomes predominant, today such a predominant idea is, well , there is a dawn, yes, that means sovereignty, integration, and so on , a union state, which means our friends in the east, these are the main ideas that today
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tested by life, and their feasibility has been proven, therefore... you can abolish as much as you like, but if people have it, you can’t do anything about it, we had a different problem, in the ninety-first year we kind of abolished this ideology , there is no ideology, but you mentioned that this is prohibited there in the russian federation, well, today in russia, yes, deputies are even publicly indignant about the fact that the constitution was written by americans, yes, it does not really fit russian reality, already modernization is taking place there, last year there was a referendum there and so on, changes are happening. of course, in the american constitution, it means that there is no constitution as such, it’s just a set of some documents, but as if in its entirety it constitutes the us constitution, the word ideology is not written there, but there are such things as freedom of private property , this is a purely ideological thing, it has nothing to do even with economics, it’s just an establishment, maybe i stole, maybe i killed,
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paid taxes and am free, this ideological dogma. but in our country, strictly speaking, yes, we also need, perhaps, to raise the question that we need such things as the most important thing, the people’s right to self-determination, yes, it exists within the framework of international relations, yes, but it already exists we are practically written down in the constitution, yes, take it, we have it there, yes it exists, yes, and even more than that, it is written down, our people there are the bearers of yes, power, yes, that means the first idea is already arising, yes, in fact, it is imperative to prescribe some specific ideology for there is no need for a state, it exists there and in certain basic postulates, yes, but ideology is actually realized later in the practice of power, but if there is in the practice of power and interaction with the people, with the population, yes, then everything will be fine, ideology means right and
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work, here are the same united states of america, let’s take it back, yes, today they have in their practice, but they do not reflect interests. of the american population, they have chaos there, it’s unclear what will happen, maybe all these will end in a civil war elections, yes, november, that means, it would seem, the most powerful, the richest, yes, country, superpower, yes, as they say, but at once there was a divergence in ideology, the ideology of those in power does not correspond to the ideas and aspirations of ordinary americans, although they also, maybe not everything is understood yet, a split is happening, so if you ask something in advance it means
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to form a certain mood, desire, goals, assumption, and some smart people, like philosophers or ideologists or politicians, should do this reflect formulate already as professional, i agree, that is, here it should be heard from the people that the state is doing something, that that same justice exists, and if they recognize it, we can already. putin said that russia supports the initiative of belarus to develop a charter. and diversity in the 21st century, it can formulate not only the framework principles of eurasian architecture, based on the basic norms of international law, but in
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a broader sense a strategic vision of the essence, nature of multipolarity and multilateralism as a new system international relations, which is replacing the western-centric world, i consider it important and ask you to deeply study such a document with our partners, and with all interested states, it is curious that all the way europe said that it welcomes diversity and all different faiths, but this happened in the 21st century , that we became the vanguard of this movement, in fact, the west not only propagated, but actually implemented monopoly, unipolicy, what is this, this is a monopoly, this is a dictatorship for the whole world, there are only united states of america. yes, read, listen to what the american presidents say: we are the best nation in the world, we were born to lead others, we were elected, these are quotes, what kind of diversity is there,
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the diversity is different, you change gender, there’s something else... then, yes, i won’t go into it now, drugs are allowed, smoke, hit, shoot, there will be variety for you, as long as the disposition does not change such that the united states of america , those in power, would always be at the top, we are about. ..someone else there, this leads to death of humanity, we understand that for 50, 100, 50 years, maximum, and with such a policy there will be no people, then we will be replaced by robots, and since today we have come to a situation where there are already biorobots, and biotechnology, when people want, well, scientists can find out the secret of the genome. then in such a situation, it means, firstly, that people, commoners, will refuse to have children naturally and will receive from test tubes, and what they will receive will already be written from above, that’s where all this is leading, we
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just want to stop this, we need this we don’t need diversity, we need diversity in the sense of protecting the rights of those states, those peoples that already exist, we don’t want to change anyone, so we say, let’s cooperate, let’s not build a system of domination and subordination, but...
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that everyone lived for the sake of each other, yes, everyone is like in a family, everyone is needed, yes, everyone, from everyone is a stage of primitive communism, yes, therefore according to their abilities, to each according to their needs, this is the principle of communism. then it’s for various reasons, now i won’t do all this to tell you, it happened , then private property arose, then private property took over the state, and so on and so forth, so there were like someone at the top, someone at the bottom, there were, there were, that means, elected nobles or someone else, but there was a mob, which means, naturally, that today this system no longer suits anyone, yes, because there were a lot of people, people began to demand their rights and so on and so forth, so if this is understandable at the level of society, yes, something , probably the same thing... in the system of international relations, the government, states no longer want to obey some big boss, but there are such stupid governments, we just recently
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saw, say, g7, and seven. yes, you saw how there is a visual visualization of this system , biden walks, yes, the man on the haduli is a semi-robot bio there, this means not a self-propelled grandfather, as they call him, it means so that there is no shame, this is how the american president used to walk, when you can restore, yes, the american president is walking behind a group. support, well, all the western countries are behind and he’s the first, so it’s supposed to be right now that it turns out that biden is walking around him as a charaun, these and melonies are there, macron is spinning around. that is, they do it so that the viewer does not understand, yes, that the person biden, say, walks poorly, or is not thinking well, or is going in the wrong direction, that is, they are simply extras, but they are masking this grandfather, well, why? if only they could take this guy and not say, grandfather, please get out of here, you can’t understand why they won’t do this, well, because they depend on him, namely, not even on him, but on the one who
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this grandfather controls it, but it’s a doll. we were not given a single day, well, how would socialism develop normally, which means these gentlemen there in america, in europe, in paris, in london, knew that our system was better, or understood, no, yes, don’t let it develop, there is another one moment, it is very important, there was such a poet, maximilian voloshin, yes, well, there is simply, as it were, we only have serfdom, when it was abolished in 1861, a little over 100 years, this is also a factor,
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here is maximilian in the 17th or so. .. i wrote in the seventeenth year, and here is a slave tired of freedom, he will rebel, demanding erma, you know, sometimes it’s better to be a slave, a slave as the boss ordered, i do it, but the boss brought you a mug there , drank it there, fed you, that is, you don’t have to think about yourself, but you’re limited, very limited, yes, there is now such a concept as downshifting, yes there was such a movement, yes, let’s reduce needs and we will live in peace, such a snail, yes... so sometimes it’s better for a slave, yes, because well, it’s like you don’t have to take responsibility for decision making yes and that means that you are a choice sacramental, which is better freedom or slavery , responsibility or shifting responsibility to someone else, there is no answer , there is an answer if you are an independent person, yes if
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you are a proud person. i will be responsible for him, i will even die, let’s say yes, but i will definitely do it my way, he will say who doesn’t really respect himself, he doesn’t really respect himself, let something happen, but i won’t be responsible for it well, let’s take germany too, but there in the thirties, when we came to them in 1945, they said that all were germans, it’s not us, it’s the gestapa, it’s the party, it’s the wehrmach, we were ordered, you know. it’s very simple, they ordered it, but what do you mean? and i ’m such a german, they gave me an order, if only i was a slave, i’m a slave that’s all, we don’t need slaves, you know what’s the matter, because slaves can never create anything, they wait for an order, and if those who give orders , how biden went crazy, what will happen, this is what is happening in our world, ukraine or something else, if the western elites are degenerating, yes, if the kings married each other, yes, observing the blue
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and offer guests, we are connections. why do i really want to cry again, nauseously, it’s understandable in your situation, it’s 12 o’clock, the entire staff of the department is coming to me for a meeting, except you, due to the fault of the doctor , the x-ray machine was trampled, so i sensed something in it in my heart, lil samuilna . solya, this is with you, just don’t yell, otherwise the police will come running, they’ll quickly tag you and me, we need to run after your dogs, they ’ll pick up the trail, something out of the blue, what kind of
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guests are they, all wet and torn, come with me , i'll sew you up, i was sent here from moscow, and i have my own beginning. it’s easy to explore belarus; all you need to do is create a non-trivial route. in the 1780s , the dubrovinsky lands were bought by prince grigoriymkin, and thanks to him , one of the... factories in russia began to operate here. in ancient times, voluns were the site of various rituals and ceremonies, but now they are a geological natural monument of republican significance. the most important thing is to be open to amazing secrets and facts.
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the tuft on our whistle toys is generally an authentic feature of our you won’t find a dubroven toy of this or that shape anywhere, you won’t find it anywhere in the entire dnieper region. and don’t forget to give free rein to positive emotions, the craft is really painstaking and it seems to me, even a little calming, some kind of, probably, perhaps even a meditative state you bypass when you are engaged in quality, and the corvai came from lyady, and lyady has all the slyady, and from lyadov there is no slyadov, you will come and stay, with pleasure, watch the project, the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel the program “tell me not to be silent” is on air again today our guest is political scientist, publicist,
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vadim elfimov. vadim alekseevich, so what about slavery, should it exist, or do we need to get rid of it categorically, well, do you like slavery? well, no, of course, for you and me, that means it shouldn’t exist, well, unfortunately. does not exist, we, of course, must get rid of this, remember, like anton pavlovich, yes, you need to squeeze the slave out of yourself drop by drop, but this is just a difficult task, the classic outlined, but the fact that it is necessary to do this too, yes, but what we can't to exist as slaves, we have now come to the 21st century, it’s just slavery, yes, it is a system of domination and subordination, it boils down to the fact that there is a good saying, yes, pons fight, slaves’ forelocks crack, it means that if we observe this slavery , there will be eternal wars, yes, we will have a lot of money, and today we already have them in our hands, and nuclear weapons, bacteriological, chemical, that is, to please someone, slaves will have to destroy themselves, which means we must get rid of slavery, and if it also means, we can prove with mathematical precision that being
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civilization cannot survive with slaves, there was such a scientist tselkovsky, you of course know about him, but he said that the earth is only the cradle of humanity, that all adult life, and youth... the problem of slavery and beyond free people with social justice, with equal interaction, and must move further into space, at the same time, the same ukrainians constantly declared that russian slaves, and they ukrainians are not slaves, do not
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obey anyone, will die to please the westerners, look how there was unemployment at ukraine, yes, what is the standard of living, yes, what is the level of corruption, what is the level of robbery, yes, from somewhere some kind of eternal dirt.
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700 million people, 8 billion now live on earth, that is, the countries that voted for this fake final document in switzerland, the final truce plan, constitute only a little more than 20% of the planet, that is, these are the people who consider themselves to be on top of the pyramid, but they are a minority, and at the same time the ukrainians declare the whole world with them, you named the full composition of these states, did anyone give, carried out referendum, gave about...
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i won’t not highlight some
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political problems in other states, i can sit here in minsk to solve the problems of the basques, but i don’t know, i ’ve read some textbooks hypothetically, but what ’s going on there, i need to talk to the basque, that is, this is a remote solution, it is simply stupidly meaningless, but it is absolutely obvious to any healthy person, if there is a conflict between two countries, then it is necessary to consult with the two countries, which means it should have been present there.
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as if he intervened in the events that
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are taking place on the american continent, well, there is one of his own phrases, and here too, it means that none of these putin’s proposals points, and no matter how impracticable, none of them will be implemented, ukraine will withdraw, will not lead, will allow ukraine to become a neutral state with this zelensky, will not allow, yes, that is, take everything point by point, not just together, even if taken separately, none of these points will be fulfilled, but since everything is in the west, there there is some noise, right?
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this means that the idea arose there and this topic was generally discussed, and the russian side suggested, let’s go through the whole range of problems so that there is no need to rattle nuclear weapons, but putin clearly said, i need a security guarantee, but that’s all, you didn’t provide them, you threw nuclear weapons into this topic, gave an idiot, let’s call
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a spade a spade, who is not responsible for anything, if you give him a nuclear bomb, he will immediately run tomorrow to smash it somewhere, you know, not only zelensky, let's...
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don't change the warring country under the guise of the president , and so on and so forth, if there are healthy forces in the american. in terms of nuclear potential, because they have the most submarines, nuclear cruisers, yes, there is already a pacific fleet, yes, these are the ones that will sail there from... the united states will have nothing left, well, i wasn’t just a hint. these two, that means two combat units, yes, jonah and ovos, yes, appeared 92 miles from you, and you will never return again, if anything, if you behave badly. american citizens ran to the shores of florida, we started looking at this submarine through binoculars.
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the first moment, the pentagon, there’s mrs. singh, there’s kirby, it’s not scary, it doesn’t concern us at all, they’re swimming, the next day there’s panic and... why because the townsfolk started screaming panic, that means our submarine has surfaced, well not ours, russian, but we can consider it an allied one, how it appeared there, no one still knows, but when it surfaced, it turned on the transponder, yes, that is, pim-pim-pim pim-pim, i’m swimming, it’s a frigate same thing, it is tracked now in on the internet, where someone is sailing, the americans are watching, here is a russian ship, they came running to the shore, began to look, and well, everyone perceives it in their own way, but someone understands the signal perfectly well, right? then they say: biden, what have you gotten yourself into? russian ships are sailing right next to us, if you do anything else with this ukraine of yours, they might attack us. this healthy, clear thought finally begins to penetrate.
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street fights were my profession, so let's say, yes, in what sense, then, in a street fight, then the first thing that needs to be shown, that you are not afraid, you can scare such a healthy forehead, and if it starts to jump at you, you need to strike, as putin said, if a fight is already inevitable , strike first, so such decisive actions can bypass someone. whatever, because in fact there are brave people, you were talking about courage here, there are not so many in this world, there are many out there that biden created
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nuclear weapons, but no, he has this whole picture, he thinks that he he can use it, but he doesn't understand what it is may end, the american generals don’t want to explain this to him austin, he is simply assigned to the military-industrial complex, that’s where they will fight, who, unfortunately, today cannot explain to these gentlemen, yes, how this can end, so maybe a simple american man in the street will explain... when he saw off the coast of florida, yes, russian, that means, ships, that they were far from, so to speak, not, not, invulnerable in this world. and we will take a break for a while, after a short pause, we will return to this studio again, for now, subscribe to our telegram channel, say don’t be silent, look for all our episodes on the youtube channel belarus 1. this is the “tell don’t be silent” program, we have political scientist vadim elfimov in our studio. well, if we negotiate, then
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with whom? naturally, you need to talk with the united states of america. that is, if we are talking about the fact that two sides should participate in negotiations, are the two sides russia and ukraine, or is it still russia and the united states? well, let's take a small example, the vietnam war. who received the nobel prize for stopping this vietnam war? received - for other reasons, but this problem was solved by two ministers of foreign affairs, well, that means the secretary of state and so on, that is, it was the usa and the soviet union, vietnam, the southern, northern fought, yes, but the problem was solved by those superpowers that actually speaking, yes, they were responsible for the situation, so here, the american side is responsible for the situation in ukraine, my hope is that i don’t count on donald trump’s intelligence there, and i’m not his, but i really want to.
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we let's take on the caribbean crisis the same 92 miles yes from the kiest, well, this is the southernmost point of the united states of america, has an agreement been signed or not, now i’ll answer your question, look, the americans take obligations never to attack cuba, they still do, never to introduce an economic blockade of cuba, they are introducing , no, these are sanctions, this is not a blockade. well,
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then they concluded, they removed, that means, the american missiles from turkey, yes, which were aimed at you and me, they stopped, that means nuclear tests in three environments, they signed an agreement, let’s go, let’s go, that is, a lot what did the americans concede there, which today they might no longer fulfill, and so, there is not a single paper and not a single signature, this is all a purely dzheltemen agreement, because they hit them in the face, and it still hurts them, oh no, it’s better there not with... everything, because there , he says, they showed me, yes, where, what, roughly speaking, they made the americans understand what they are worth in this world, here in america these are cowboys who offend mustangs, these are the american ones mustangs, we have cowboys on them so that we offend them, vadim alekseevich, you were born in chisinau, do you follow the events that are currently happening in moldova? i don’t even want to keep an eye on it, because it’s a beautiful cozy city, the city of my childhood,
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where there was plenty of everything, such, you know, such a paradise... a garden created, by the way, among very such, well, an arid place, little water, wine made from dandelions, there there was a lot of growth, vineyards, just chisinau itself, and by the way, they made an artificial mirror for it, there are no special rivers there, so, by the way, there wouldn’t have been soviet power, there wouldn’t have been such a chisinau, so there would be no moldovan intelligentsia at all, by the way, my father, yes, he graduated from moscow state university, which means he was sent specifically to the kishinev university to raise personnel, so i know how they would raise there, create professors and so on and so on, moldovans at that time they treated us very well, the russians there, the belarusians, everyone who came, because they understood and appreciated that today it’s like a generation there, and these youth, as it were, just beat their brains out, they don’t want to remember, but
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at the time when bessarabia was part of romanian means there to say this state. the moldovans were at the very, very, very, this is something, well, i don’t want to apply, yes, well , the lowest level, that’s why there was no education, there were generally such downtrodden people and so on and so on, so if they are now they want to return to romania, but this means returning to nowhere for the moldovans, but unfortunately they don’t understand this, this is how it works, explain to me, that is, well, they jumped out of the soviet union, they were again shown how it works, goebbels explained, he wrote why even goebbels? i remember recently reading a decree, meaning hitler , about the destruction of krakow, well, when the germans were already giving in, retreating, and hitler gave orders to destroy warsaw, there is krakow, by the way, the polish countries, yes, including prague, we know this story, there were orders, justification, to kill culture, well, to destroy objects, material, yes, stone objects of culture, means to kill a nation, to kill
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a national creation, that is, even leaving, he is already... a magnet, well, this is a small, poorly educated lady, i don’t want to remember, yes, what is her name, another doll, just yes, well , you know, she may even be less of a doll than, say, zelensky, she seemed to have started a little earlier, yes, she passed studying there in the west, well, in america, she was simply transferred after she had been abroad, this very often happens to people who, let’s say, are not persistent and
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not well educated and who, in principle, do not have their own beliefs. yes, i just heard the opinion of some experts that moldova will next testing ground after ukraine, how likely is such an outcome? i think that this will not happen if in ukraine, yes, everything ends with the victory of the northern military district, because then the following will happen, which means why they hate so much and do not want to allow this, roughly speaking, the americans have raised the stakes too high, yes , that means now. he said that if ukraine loses, as he put it, yes, then this means that even poland will all leave, that is, what, nato will collapse, and then the north atlantic, well, this one will collapse eu, everyone will say, yankees, gosh, what are you doing here, well, one way or another, they will have to do it, leave europe, and europe
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will become europe again, so... and what are they afraid of and for them this is death similar, because well, if you look at the map where the united states of america is and where europe is, it is still the center of decision-making, although it seems to be in charge there, but...
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autograph wishes are kind according to tradition, i will say, i will see, i will know .
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live broadcast of the main news at noon in the studio. olga kalaerova, hello and a short summary of the topics of the issue.


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