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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 20, 2024 12:00pm-12:11pm MSK

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this and much more awaits you in the ether 24x7 project, watch on the belarus24 tv channel. live broadcast of the main news at noon in the studio olga kalaerova, hello and briefly about the topics of the issue. how did you manage
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to slow down inflation and maintain the purchasing power of the population? the national bank is answering to deputies and senators, live broadcast from the ruined hall where the joint meeting is taking place. russian and neo-colonial views, racial and religious intolerance are double standards. mid-belarus and russia presented the first joint report on the human rights situation in the world. will the medal box be replenished and today our athletes continue to fight for prizes at the brix games? in the program "rowing, wrestling, swimming" and more. the objectives of monetary policy in 2023 have been completed in full, assured the chairman of the board of the national bank pavel kalaur. today the regulator is answering to deputies and senators at a joint meeting in the house of representatives. at these moments in the oval hall, s... will receive many
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statements, due to which we managed to slow down inflation, ensure the stable functioning of payment markets and preserve the purchasing power of the population. we will find out the answers to these and other questions from our correspondent olga onishchenko. good afternoon, colleagues, the peculiarity of today’s joint meeting of deputies and senators is that the report is being held today not only by the deputy prime minister, who oversees the social sphere, but also by the head of the national bank. issues of finance and monetary policy always cause increased interest among people, especially now, when recently they are starting to actively promote the topic of supposedly upcoming devaluation and sharp rise in prices, the national bank today assures that the situation in the consumer market is calm, as in the foreign exchange market, and inflation absolutely fits into the forecast. in annual terms, as pavel kalaura noted, the increase in consumer prices in may amounted to 5.7%.
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monetary policy are implemented in full, people always feel, if something is wrong, that everything is fine, as evidenced by the growth of ruble deposits in banks, they have grown over the year by a quarter, which is important, 60% are long-term deposits, these are the latest data . in general, the national bank states that all tasks for june 1, there are no big problems in getting loans, these volumes of loans are growing, citizens and business entities are also taking loans, in the future monetary.
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growth does not ensure financial stability and price stability for a long time, it is a low rise in prices, so we consider our main task for this period to be the creation of such monetary conditions that would ensure the maintenance inflation is close to 4%. we are deeply convinced that 4-5% is the range that...
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belarus continues to eliminate the consequences of bad weather, squally winds and rainstorms dominated the country, the minsk and grodno regions suffered the most. in the zerevinsky district , a woman died due to a falling tree. according to the investigative committee, the night before, a family with children from volkovysk came to relax at the reservoir. when a squall wind began, everyone hurried to pack their things, the children hid in the tent. at that moment one of the trees fell straight down on the woman, she... her husband and children were not harmed from the injuries received. a task force was working at the scene of the incident; investigators are looking into all the circumstances of the incident. in the village of berezhki, zelvensky district, more than thirty houses were damaged by the disaster, roofs were torn off, trees were knocked down, power lines were damaged.
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the operational service is eliminating the consequences of the hurricane; power engineers, forestry department employees and the ministry of emergency situations are also working on the site. a special commission has been created to assess the damage caused. as a result. squally winds, gusts of which reached 22 m/s in six settlements of the zilvinsky and slovivsky districts, damage was recorded to the roofs of forty-six residential buildings, as well as twenty- three buildings, including four agricultural facilities and one social and cultural facility. employees of the ministry of emergency situations throughout the region 46 times assisted in sawing, cleaning, felled trees from the territories of private households, cars, roadways, as well as railway tracks. power engineers are now working in increased mode in the affected areas, without electricity in the morning there were 117 settlements left, emergency shutdowns eliminate more guesswork. the bad weather also made adjustments to the movement of trains; there were delays due to trees that had fallen on the tracks; trains were running up to an
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hour and a half late. an orange danger level will be announced today in belarus, thunderstorms, rain, strong winds, gusts can reach 20 m/s. the disaster swept through the latvian daugov pils, a strong storm toppled trees, glass was broken in some houses, cars were damaged, and the streets of the city were flooded with torrential rain. rains, traffic was disrupted, the rescue service received dozens of calls, but you couldn’t do anything, the window was broken, damn it, are you okay? western hypocrisy and double standards. the ministries of foreign affairs of belarus and russia presented the first joint report on the human rights situation in the world. the review
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is presented in relation to more than 40 countries, including many eu states, including belarus’ neighbors. as well as the uk, usa, canada, japan, australia and new zealand. application of so-called double standards when assessing certain human rights situations. ri shunok may become the first of the most serious problems remains the practice of the current british prime minister, who will lose his post after the general elections, they will be held on the fourth, due to political
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upheavals, and of course, for economic reasons, millionaires are leaving britain en masse. according to cnbc, by the end of the year the country will face a net loss of 9,500 wealthy people. which is twice as much as last year. this forecast marks a radical turn in development great britain, which was once considered the main residence of the world's richest people. creation of passenger equipment, joint development in medicine and glass production. representatives of the ministry of economy of belarus, small medium-sized businesses, diplomats and heads of domestic enterprises visited the vladimir region and studied the prospects of the union. cooperation, will it be possible to increase trade turnover to half a billion by the end of the year, in which city in the vladimir region are belarusian builders expected and what are the prospects for joint production of medicines. a new direction of cooperation between belarus and the vladimir region was studied by daria belousova-petrovskaya.
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vladimir is small, but one of the oldest cities in russia. it was founded at the beginning of the 2nd century . every year hundreds of thousands of tourists come here to admire its beautiful architecture. in the city. more than 230 buildings, many of which are listed as unesco world heritage sites. therefore, it is no coincidence that vladimir is included in the route of the golden ring of russia. but this is not only a tourist center, but also a powerful industrial center. there are dozens here large enterprises, from mechanical engineering to chemical and light industry. in terms of the volume of trade turnover in the sladimirov region , belarus ranks first among the cis countries and fifth among more than 100 partner countries of this russian region. last year it amounted to just over $400 million, and by the end of this year they plan to increase it to half a billion. today , virtually all belarusian brands are represented in the vladimir region. these are the products of such large industrial giants. like belarusian metallurgical and minsk motor factories. cooperation projects are being discussed.


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