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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 20, 2024 12:40pm-1:00pm MSK

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it was possible to restore unique equipment, looms on which slutsk weavers made fabrics and transferred patterns to them that have been characteristic of this region since ancient times. each product was unique, with its own pattern, with its own composition. this is a prototype of those hand looms on which women weaved; fabrics were made in villages. here are four, you see remid weaving on the loom, this is exactly... this type of weaving was typical for sluchchina, this is four-shaft weaving, for our weaving sluchchina the patterned background in the products was typical, the border was colored threads, these are the shuttles that were in the villages, they create a plain weave, which is a little in this way, now the weaver will show you how this is done, the pattern, the design of the pattern is created with such a shuttle, it is laid by hand. the sludsk region
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was revived through national traditions, personnel were gathered, and the technology characteristic of the region was restored. it was then that the foundations were laid for creating a unique enterprise of its kind. today this is a brand of the republic, also thanks to the recreated manufacturing technique. ty slutsk belts. weaving wood. processing, pottery,
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glass blowers, culinary specialists, folk, national traditions, traditions of the regions of the republic were widely used in the revival of local industrial enterprises. in january 1945 , the bobruisk factory krasny pishevik already presented its famous product, which had become so popular in the pre-war period. bobruisk zephyr. it was difficult to imagine that a factory from which there was practically no there was nothing left, 34 former factory workers, eight specialists and 20 workers began to restore. the revival of the enterprise after the war began with a team, gathering people, gathering specialists, who remembered, who knew, who could do something. the recipe for the first product
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that began to be restored is based on postila marshmallow, an old recipe for whipping apple jam. posted, they require a lot of applesauce. and people thought about how to survive during this period. naturally, we looked at the raw material base, that there are a lot of trees, a lot of apples antonovka was growing. coming from the serial base, there was a red bank nearby, where.
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babruisky marshmallows are handmade marshmallows, handmade means that the ingredients of sugar, natural applesauce protein are mixed, all this is deposited in small portions on wooden boards, then the marshmallow breathes for some time, then dries, today the products of the red pishvik factory are still popular. deliveries are made even abroad, america, israel, the uniqueness of these products is that they have preserved their history a hundred years ago.
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on the first saturday of january 1949, the announcers of the belarusian radio were preparing to go on air with a new program, a radio magazine on soviet belarus.
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hello, everything is clear with you about the project with marina karaman. let's talk about complex things in simple terms. today we’ll talk about why it’s forbidden to bring
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dogs into belarusian stores, where taxes on pets go , and what fee you need to pay for keeping a cat. go. alexander lukashenko signed the law on responsibility. treatment of animals and it caused such a resonance on the internet that it brought down only the news about the return from orbit of our first cosmonaut could foam up the emotions in the comments. the most discussed provision of the new law was the ban on visiting shops and public places with dogs. their owners were indignant, many wrote that they did not understand who their pets were bothering, and some in the comments even called for a ban on bringing children into stores. unfortunately, it can be assumed that children have no such comments, but dogs do, and love for dogs, and indeed for any living beings, i personally consider an indicator humanity, but until they begin to inhumanly impose this form of humanity on others, without even understanding the norms of the new law. the law
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on the responsible treatment of animals contains many provisions aimed at protecting them from arbitrariness and cruelty. but since the article concerning shops and public places has attracted attention, let's talk about it first: a pet that a person keeps in his home because he has an attachment to it, legislators call an animal companion, paragraph 1-3, article sixteen of the new law prohibits bringing and bringing your companion to grocery stores, stationary cafes and restaurants, to public and social services , cultural... infrastructure to educational institutions, healthcare organizations, physical education and sports, to livestock facilities, to the territory of physical culture and sports facilities , and to other facilities whose owners have prohibited entry with animals. and then there are notes stating
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that these requirements do not apply cases when events with the participation of animals are held in the specified places, for example, a cat exhibition in a playpen or a competition “me and my dog” in a cultural center. in addition, the ban does not work if the owners of some objects from the list prominently post information that pets are allowed with them, that is, you cannot go into a grocery store with a dog, but in a cafe, the owner of which will hang a sticker on the door stating that that his establishment is pet-friendly , but previously it was impossible under any circumstances, if some cafes allowed their customers coming with furry friends, then it was illegal, so what do you say, right? new normal. now about walking with pets to grocery stores. let's think about how dogs and cats definitely belong next to products designed for mass consumption. for every owner , his pet is the fluffiest and most fragrant, but the facts are as follows: the dog runs on the ground,
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pokes its nose into everything it sees and gets to know other dogs in the best known way. cats are reputed to be the cleanest animals in the world. our surroundings, but this is more about their efforts, and not about the possibility. in fact, they bury the results of their vital activity with their paws in the tray, and then wash their paws with their tongue, and so on in a circle, i hope the questions about the sterile cleanliness of pets are closed. legislators introduced the rule on the ban on visiting grocery stores with animals for a reason, but based on the results of a public discussion that took place on the national legal portal. people asked to make sure that there are no animals in grocery stores, and that there is a separate there are a group of allergy sufferers here. for an asthmatic with a dog hair allergy to experience a choking attack, all he needs to do is bring home one or two hairs from a dog’s back. these hairs are even from a dog. in the hands of the owner they fly and settle on objects within a radius of 10 m, and a man with a dog in his arms walks not
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in a 10 m patch, but throughout the entire area of ​​the store. are allergy sufferers required to prepare for grocery shopping like a battle to the death? the proposal to create separate stores for those who do not want to be close to animals was actually voiced at this week online, as well as calls to limit access to hypermarkets for parents from a young age. children, because kids are noisy and often capricious. since these thoughts were born in several heads and received a couple of dozen likes, it means they deserve to receive an answer. following this logic, it is necessary to divide the markets into men's and women's, separately for those who move in a wheelchair; for some, the ramp is in the way. with this approach to division, god knows what we can get to, but the main thing in our constitution is stated that people are the highest value of belarusian society and the state. and raising the birth rate has long been declared one of the priorities of national policy. no one
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in this country will ever limit the rights of people for the sake of the imaginary comfort of even the most wonderful animals. no one here will ever equalize the rights of children and pets or drive allergy sufferers into a furless ghetto. but for the maintenance of dogs, here, as in all civilized countries of the world, you need to pay taxes. on january 1 of this year, the owner of a dog of a regular breed must contribute to the treasury 11 rubles 90 kopecks every 3 months. owners of potentially dangerous dog breeds must pay 59 rubles. 60 kopecks article 310 of the tax code allows local councils of deputies to reduce the amount of collection, but not more than twice. the minsk city council used this right to set a tax rate for the possession of potentially dangerous dogs. at 37 rub. according to data for last year, there were about 10 thousand officially registered dogs in minsk,
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even if you consider that all dogs in the capital of non-dangerous breeds, owners pay almost 12 rubles by the nose, multiplying them by four quarters and by 10 thousand dogs, we get about 480 thousand rubles per year. the income from taxes for keeping dogs seems large only to those who have not seen the expense. minsk alone costs about a million rubles annually, money is needed to maintain services and the costs of working with animals in one catching of stray animals, and this is a salary for several teams of employees, maintaining enclosures, purchasing injections for disposal. on cattle burial grounds, sounds terrible? yes, the consequences of human irresponsibility
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almost always terrible, dogs and cats do not end up on the streets on their own, people throw them there, and you need to be able to face this truth. money is needed for additional yard cleaning services, especially after winter. in words, all dog owners, the very decency and responsibility, in fact, the yard after the first thaw is like a minefield, the housing and communal services employees have to clean up all this stuff. in addition, funds are needed for the construction of walking areas, perhaps there are not many of them in belarusian cities yet, as we would like, but they build them and try to equip them in a variety of ways, and here too there is a nuance. as i said above, about 10 thousand dogs are officially registered in minsk, but in reality there are tens, or even hundreds of times more. owners simply do not register their pets, some to avoid paying taxes and not being held responsible, others simply don’t know. about mandatory registration, but on the site everyone has fluffies, so it turns out that according to the documents
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there are enough sites, but in fact there are not. to register a cat or dog, you need contact the one-stop service of your district administration with a registration application and passport. there is no need to present the pet itself; it is enough to indicate its name, color, height at the withers and breed. the animal will be registered and a certificate will be issued. a tag, a tag needs to be hung on the collar, if the animal is lost, it will be caught and handed over to the owner, cats with any residential address, dogs that live on private farmsteads, taxes are not taken... after registering a dog living in an apartment in the owner's dog house a new expense item will appear. special registration of dogs and potentially dangerous breeds is important. the list of potentially dangerous dog breeds in belarus was approved 23 years ago. there are 40 positions in the resolution so far. for now, because the new law
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on the responsible treatment of animals involves a revision of this list itself. move towards dividing dogs into categories. now there are two of them: ordinary and potentially dangerous dog breeds. next year, all dogs in the country will be divided into three categories: the first - ordinary dog ​​breeds, the second - breeds requiring special responsibility, they will be included in revised list. and third - dangerous dogs. the latter will include animals that once showed aggression towards humans. taxes will have to be paid for them. the same as for keeping dogs from the list of dangerous breeds, even if it is a dachshund. an important nuance: the act of aggression must be recorded by an authorized body, that is, there must be a court order or a police report with information that the dog bit someone. another innovation in the law regarding dogs from the list of dangerous. to keep such an animal at home,
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the owner must complete a special training course at the canine service. they do it. according to the new standards, not all dogs can be removed from the owner before completing the course, and if he refuses, then forever. the new law on the responsible treatment of animals is so comprehensive that it will take several hours of broadcast time to analyze it. those interested can find it on the official legal portal in the “official publication” tab “new arrivals”. date: april 2, 2024. i have highlighted the fourteenth article in the law, it allows any citizen of the country to contact the ministry of emergency situations for help in saving an animal if such help involves a risk to human life or health, that is, now you can call rescuers to catch a cat from a well, because an attempt by an ordinary citizen to do this can lead to that the cat and the citizen will drown.
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emchesovites have saved animals before, but not because they were obliged to do so, but because... we have good ones, and another good thing in the law is the ban on promoting cruelty to animals and the ability to ban people who have been convicted of such offenses and crimes are allowed to have pets, if under an administrative article for a term of up to a year, if under a criminal article for a term of up to 3 years. for cruelty to animals. belarusians are responsible under articles 16-29 and 1630 of the administrative law. code and under article 339 of the criminal code of the republic of belarus. remember that all dogs need to be walked on a leash, and those older than 3 months and taller than 25 cm at the withers must be muzzled. all solid biological waste from a dog must be collected and disposed of by its owner. refusal following any of the above requirements
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also entails administrative liability. photos can be evidence of a violation. be responsible for those we have tamed, but not as children, before the tamed creature itself, but as adults, before the people who share the same space with you. never forget that in belarus the main value is human life, the lives of our little brothers are very important, but no one will ever equate people with them, or use the old one. world saying: better seeing once is better than hearing 100 times; in this case, seeing a new law with your own eyes and drawing your own conclusions about it. i'm marina karaman , we've figured out the main nuances of the new law on animals. everything is clear, see you later.
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you are watching the news now in the studio olga kalairova, hello. a new step in partnership with africa is visited by the prime minister of the kingdom of eswatini in belarus. negotiations started in the government, with visits to belarusian enterprises on the agenda.


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