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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 20, 2024 3:00pm-3:11pm MSK

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the telenews agency team continues the information day, tatyana korol is with you, hello, now i’ll tell you about the main thing in the country in the world. a new round of friendship and partnership, we are expanding the horizons of cooperation with the kingdom. swatiny
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mutual interest from industry to healthcare. the social vector of the state policy remains a brand, by what percentage will pension salaries increase at the end of the year, the government is holding a report to parliament. a mega-storm hit moscow. hurricane wind blows away roofs, knocks down trees, residents are asked to stay home as there is a threat of tornadoes. and the victorious starts of the belarusians at the brix games, the bright sports emotions from the ringing of medals, we highlight for you in kazan. belarus is ready to be a reliable partner for the kingdom of eswatini. this was stated by prime minister of belarus raman golovchenko today at a meeting with his counterpart from this state. for a long time now, our country has been building friendly relations with the african continent, and we are ready to share the best.
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continent with visits, i will emphasize that the republic of belarus is a reliable and a proven partner for many african states. we hope that your visit will place the kingdom of eswati in the same category. we are interested in putting our bilateral relations, primarily in the trade and economic sphere, on a stable footing, on which both countries, belarus and... eswatine, could gain their
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advantages. now the delegation of the kingdom of eswatine is visiting belarusian enterprises, in particular the minsk tractor plant. by the end of the year, the government expects an increase in public sector salaries by 16%, pensions by 15. this was stated by deputy prime minister igor petrishenko in the oval hall. the government today answered before parliament about the priorities of social policy. generally. expenditures on financing the social sector this year will exceed 31 billion rubles or 12% of gdp; they are not decreasing; on the contrary, the trend is growing. the social vector remains the brand of belarus, so in order to increase the security of families, it was proposed to increase the minimum amount of maternity benefits for certain categories of women. as for sphere formation, assessments were given of the implementation centralized examination, it was noted that innovations in this area have paid off.
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the national bank today reported on the state of affairs in the monetary sphere. the key task is to prevent inflation from accelerating. at the end of the year it should not exceed 6%. and in the future, steadily gain a foothold at a lower level. level for
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the current five-year period, a target of 5% has been determined. at these moments, a meeting of the first session of the council of the republic of the eighth convocation is taking place in the capital. senators will consider two. including minors, pregnant women women, single women, men with children under 18 years of age. at the same time, categories of persons in respect of whom the amnesty will not be applied are determined. of the total number of 7,800 , this amnesty measure will affect convicts,
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2.5 of them will be removed, if they are accepted, we will pass the law, they will comply. all these criteria, then 2,500 people should be released from prison. a project to amend laws on state benefits for families raising children has also been submitted for approval. the main focus is on increasing the level of security. among the main innovations is an increase in the minimum amount of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth, temporary disability to care for a child, as well as the preservation of payments to families raising a child. disabled person of the first group, despite the fact that he has reached the age of eighteen. i will emphasize that the council of the republic acts as a political-collective expert and legal monitor in relation to rule-making initiatives that are adopted in our country. senators give them final assessment, provide a guarantee of quality,
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that is, they confirm that a particular bill fully complies with the basic legal and social principles of the country. i will also add that during the work of the seventh convocation, the senators approved over 360 , as well as the uk, usa, canada, japan, ukraine, australia and new zealand. as noted, the collected facts clearly show that for western exemplary democracies, characteristic russian and neo-colonial views turned out to be a splash of aggressive national assessment of certain situations.
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these are the notorious facts on the table. a multi-page, impressive report is provided. very specific examples of human rights violations and gross violations of human rights in those countries that undeservedly and unauthorizedly decided to consider themselves mentors in this area, and at the same time they themselves have serious gaps in the human rights sphere. the authors recommend that readers, when studying the country sections of the report, take into account the fact that these are the states that are actively trying to export. under the guise of universal point out to others their shortcomings, and in fact interfere in their internal affairs. you don’t have to look far for living evidence; atrocities occur at our borders every day. this time, polish security forces knocked out
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the eye of a refugee from iran; according to a local human rights organization, polish soldiers shot the woman in the head. according to the refugee, two border guards. poland opened fire without warning. the iranian citizen is now hospitalized. meanwhile, the polish prosecutor's office completely acquitted the three military personnel for shooting at migrants. the incident happened about a month ago. then the military was detained and even promised to be punished, but now there are no complaints. however, warsaw has already officially begun the process of legalizing the use of firearms by border guards. state border committee. warns of the inadmissibility of provocation on the ukrainian-belarusian border. recently, in the zone of responsibility of the zhytomyr border detachment, there has been an increase in the number of ukrainian armed formations, including special forces operations and special intelligence units of the ministry of defense of ukraine.
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our border guards responded to the situation. various units, including those with heavy weapons, are concentrated in the adjacent territory. mtlb, bmp. american bradleys, highmars salvo rocket systems, m777 howitzers, german-made cheetah self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, as well as other weapons. border guard service of the republic. belarus on the border with ukraine is on duty in enhanced mode , together with the ministry of defense reacts to change the situation by increasing the density of covering the state border, including through the capabilities of maneuver groups equipped with modern weapons and military equipment in the southern direction. additional measures are being taken to reconnaissance and monitor the state of the state border regime. i would like to note that the strengthening of a quite obvious reaction on the border with ukraine, first of all, action on...


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