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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 20, 2024 10:05pm-10:21pm MSK

10:05 pm
the zelevinsky enterprise of reclamation systems came to the attention of the state control committee in the spring of this year, by april 1, all the equipment here was ready for work, but only according to documents, in fact , they did not even begin to repair individual units, the state control committee was under the control of the order of the head of state on completion of repairs of all equipment located in the pms until april 1, the car was not repaired, the loader was not repaired, the excavator was not repaired... at the mtz base, and control continued after completion, after april 1 until complete execution. our film crew returned to the enterprise 2 months later to personally verify that the equipment was ready for work. as it was no longer needed, this machine at the zelvinsky enterprise was rotting and rusting for 9 years, they wanted to write it off and buy a new one, which, of course, is easier than repairing it, but it turns out. it is still capable of something,
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certain inaccuracies were made in the reporting by officials, they reported that all the equipment was in good working order, there were questions regarding some mechanisms, they were punished, appropriate measures were taken, the equipment is unsuitable for further operation, it was written off, disassembled, suitable components and assemblies were placed in a warehouse. state control carried out monitoring weekly, such inaccuracies were recorded in the reporting. in other regions, in sixteen reclamation organizations , readiness notes for this equipment were established, and part of it, which was understaffed, was simply written off; for failure to comply with the instructions of the head of state , the former general director of go belvathos was relieved of his position. the volume of work across the country has almost tripled. sometimes even cars don't are holding up, thanks to the attention of the head of state to this industry, the technical fleet is being gradually updated. was purchased
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by decree of the 146th head of state, which means it was purchased in december of the twenty-third year, to replace the one that was out of order , an excavator was purchased, in the twenty-fourth year an excavator was purchased, produced by amcador , a bulldozer also produced by amcador (dc201) , this new product in belarus will be the same as the excavator. in the country as a whole, the vehicle fleet has been renewed by 10%. 700 units were purchased, over three hundred more this year, but milliorators often complain, delivery deadlines are missed, this is the case, and the quality sometimes leaves much to be desired, while the manufacturer asks the counter question whether his machines are being used correctly, over the past year we received the excavators that we had, well, there were a lot of complaints contracting organizations that the equipment broke down during the first days of work and then simply stood idle awaiting repairs. i take it
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seriously, as for control over strategic projects, reclamation, increasing soil fertility is a state issue, a question our food independence. to become popular among runaways , it is enough to gather a bunch of narrow-minded people, express a couple of the same narrow-minded slogans, and also have a roof in the form of some kind of nominal power, which gives money and pushes it into the right circles, although it doesn’t work like that with everyone, until... the fugitives dealt with azarov
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for the 17 million they had amassed, others, in order to gain at least some fame for themselves, talked about how they were going to regain belarus, and said this not only from the stands, but at their closed conferences, at one of i got into them too: remark: silence is not only for gold visas, but sometimes it is also a sign of intelligence, my name is daria, hello, we are talking about a bloc of freedom, radical fugitives, some... of which have been abroad for several decades, created his mercenaries of the kalinovsky regiment. at its core, the goals of the task are no different from many foundations of gaskets, except for ardent slogans, but a hybrid occupation, the removal from power in belarus of persons who hold it in an unconstitutional way, and so on, so on. the conference took place on the eve of the elections to the coordinating council, as it later turned out, with their incomprehensible funny ideas, the whole company failed miserably, recruited some. he wanted a pyramid,
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he went to lithuania, then to ukraine, where the guy, undecided in life, went to fight, a year later he became disabled in the second group, his kidneys couldn’t stand it, to be honest, his life is not very good now, he complains that he can’t get refugee status in lithuania anymore like six months, therefore he can’t work, but rehabilitation, medications, examinations, doctors are all necessary it comes down to money and a lot of it, this is not belarus with free medicine, but at the same time everything... he leaves, begs and tells how he and his associates will liquidate the constitutional system. we must be prepared, we do not rule out a violent scenario, it will happen sooner or later. now the task for the fugitives is to form a belarusian group to free themselves in
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belarus. i probably agree with the latter, yes, this is a utopia, it’s very unlikely that they expect a reaction from those who can only make shit in the form of an angry comment. enter part of some national formation, and we could also be part of it. the second question, the most important one, from whom they are going to form this army, the conference participants do not show much hope, for example, dmitry baranov has been living in canada since 2000 by profession.
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and i want it, and i inject it. belarus is too tasty a piece in every sense, so no matter how hard they try to shake up the situation, it turns out badly. the west has already managed to quarrel between ukraine and russia and is adding fuel to the oil tank on the border with poland. the lithuanian authorities are also not very smart and the fugitives want to establish relations with everyone
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as soon as they come to power, but how will you solve problems with sanctions? we are inclined to demand their tightening, in addition to the sanctions themselves. it is necessary to monitor the mechanism for avoiding them, therefore we are in favor of expanding sanctions. i believe that it is necessary to leave the csto as a union state, and latvia is the eastern border of belarus and ukraine, and then moldova. this should all go to the west. wind roses are blowing, but not in your direction. you are convenient for the west to always have such with you scapegoats who were able to execute in any place where they would pay more. these are countries to connect eastern europe with western europe, that is
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, we have a situation that could allow the baltics, belarus, ukraine, poland, moldova, maybe there to georgia, there to the caucasus, it would be possible to create their own kind of union , namely the baltic black sea, which would allow... how to develop it very actively, in general, if you listen to them, they don’t seem so radical, those who went against their opinion will be removed from positions, but it’s interesting, for example, the minister of agriculture also fits the same mold, does his job, doesn’t go against his country, on the contrary, in the twenties, the security forces boasted about how they poured water, threw garbage cans, benches at the security forces, some of them they fled the country, then volunteered like... a lump, and after they were crippled, they suddenly became useless to anyone, but a more familiar scenario. they all come from there, but i would say from 100%, these are 99% sick, that is, physical, morally sick, that is, mentally ill. in
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addition, people who come here do not feel they need it. we have more than one case where we came, saw it, returned back to ukraine, back to the war. you need to understand that this is a category of people, volunteers, this is the elite of belarusian men, this is belarusian pride, for some reason their fate is not a priority. i'll open it for the runaways. little secret, everything was clear to us a long time ago, everyone wanted to spit on your political prisoners and those who voluntarily went fighting is just additional income for those who talk about it so much. in general, at the end of the conference they talked about everything, but nothing in particular. yes, there will also be a process of decommunization, they want to make the official emblems a chase, nazi flags, everything according to the standard, they advocate the legalization of drugs, however, if you listen to what often pops up. from their mouths they have been using for a long time, give only official permission, namely the lungs,
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those that are used for medical purposes, this is normal, i believe that the lungs, namely the lungs must be separated, it is now sold in europe, in many countries, in america, overseas. during the conference, we asked specific questions to which we planned to hear very specific answers, but it all came down to what we wanted ourselves. what we don’t know and what we don’t know to tell you either, why did you come, what did you want? no one has been friends with the cook’s office for a long time; as they said, she can only be used to achieve one’s goals. fugitives are mired in illusion, forgetting about the main thing, less than 700 people do not count those who turned out to not exist at all, the army is so-so, and the comrades-in-arms too, respected ones, what are you talking about about the violent seizure of power? this is a criminal offense and is equivalent to the death penalty. i think the ministry of foreign affairs of belarus will send
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corresponding letters to the embassies of the countries. advice on the topic of the day: there is nowhere to run. however, this applies to everyone. our people are absolutely everywhere. we know when and where all your conferences are taking place. we have lists of names; you won’t hide behind a screen of incomprehensible nicknames. resistance is futile.
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three traditional baked breads and four knitting knitting knitting needles. element of the intangible cultural decline of belarus.
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we have more than 500 participants of different categories of disabilities, different age categories, our institution is visited by children from 3 years old and the oldest participant is 96. today we have more than 20 club formations.
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our schedule is built solely according to needs and


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