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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 21, 2024 12:40pm-1:00pm MSK

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the pioneers wanted to say, we will find out soon, in less than 10 years. history has learned about the labor feat of people. peat is a fuel that requires a lot of effort to extract. our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, through incredible efforts, extracted this fuel at the osinovskoye deposit. the first stages of extracting peat were the carved method, it was very labor-intensive; lump peat was carried in baskets in peat baskets, including a lot of women working in peat extraction. workers and specialists came from all over the ussr, they were the first to come to the osinovsky swamps to open a new page in the industrialization of the country. from all over the union. well, during construction
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, the work was carried out mainly by hand, people came from ukraine, from russia, everyone left with their shovels, their horses, manual work was very often done, the hardest, but people did not pay attention to it, they tried to do what is needed for people, for the future. for the state, what did the launch of belgres give to the republic in specific facts? the first powerful power plant had a fairly small capacity by modern standards, about 32 megawatts, but this of course is not so much, but nevertheless , these capacities made it possible to provide not only the region of the vitebsk region, but also the adjacent ones.
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the period of occupation of the republic by the fascists became a drama for the residents of orekhovsk, as for all residents of belarus. the lion's share of the equipment was transported to the urals in the kirov region, which was restored there and worked for the front, for the people, and many specialists went there, due to armor they were not even able to participate in military events, immediately after the victory they were asked to return here they...
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believes in unique natural resources and can dispose of them. at the radio house on revolutionary 3, the announcers were preparing to go on air with a new program. the broadcast network includes programs for industrial workers.
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gomel, maladzechne, garodne, babruisk, brest, other cities and regional centers, the zavadskaya thermal power plant near minsk was opened. 80% was produced locally. fuel the republic has powerfully declared itself as possessing unique natural resources. development of deposits of coli and rock salts discovered in the first the post-war years made it possible in the next
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decade to take a leading position in the world in the production of coli fertilizers. hello, everything is clear with you about the project with marina karaman. let's talk about complex things in simple terms. today from. for those who have a short path to belarusian citizenship, should they be afraid that unworthy people might get it, and are newly minted citizens of belarus required to know our state language? go! after it became clear that two of the four perpetrators of the brutal after the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole near moscow
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, they received deportation orders several times, but managed to live and earn extra money in russia; in a neighboring country, they conducted raids on large enterprises in cities with a population of over a million. it turned out that hundreds of unregistered foreigners were working there, and many of them were breaking the law and were subject to deportation from the country. the lion's share of state workers, without knowledge of the language and the willingness to adapt to a new society, long ago received russian citizenship. law enforcement officers began to contact people who registered migrants and discovered that one private agency in balashikha, near moscow, with the help of two purchased police officers, had fictitiously registered them. more than 1,500 immigrants from central asia and this is only one of the episodes in a multimillion-dollar russia after the publication about him, the internet exploded with a flurry of stories about the work of gray schemes for obtaining russian citizenship, then belarusians had questions, but with us this is possible, and we
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check those who he’s not coming to visit us, but to live, and how many people come to belarus? forever, on average. there is an explanation for this. in august 2021, alexander lukashenko spoke with journalists in the format of the big conversation with the president press marathon. it always lasts several hours and allows you to get a detailed response from the head of state to the most pressing needs of society. that’s when they handed it over to alexander lukashenko. refugees from ukraine, somehow speed up the procedure for them to obtain our citizenship. the president ordered to provide worthy, decent people with such an opportunity as soon as possible, with one condition: the future citizen must live, work in belarus and write applications in his own hand, so that there are no
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frauds with remote acquisition of the right to be called a citizen of our country. as a result, about six received belarusian citizenship in 2021. thousand people, in 2022 approximately 5,700, people who had long ago decided where they wanted to live, work and raise children were in a hurry to finally legalize in... 2023 the influx subsided a little, although almost 4.00 people received belarusian citizenship, and this is already a figure that not deviates from long-term indicators. foreigners can obtain belarusian citizenship in two ways using a simplified system on a general basis. if we are talking about a simplified application, then the documents are processed for 2-3 months, depending on which country the person came from. there is no need to pay for their review. and the decision is made at the level of internal affairs bodies. if citizenship is issued on a general basis,
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you need to pay five basic amounts for the procedure; it may take a year to review the application, because the package of documents is wider, there are more verification steps. the data is checked by the internal affairs directorate, the state security department, then it is studied by the presidential citizenship commission, and after that the lists of applicants are submitted to the head of state for signature. at the same time, the commission members propose. should someone from these lists be given citizenship, but for others should this decision be recognized as premature? here it all depends on whether the person meets the requirements that apply to an ordinary citizen of belarus? a person must work to be able to provide for himself and his children. there should be no dark spots of crime or outstanding convictions in his biography, all application documents must be in order, their list can be found in the latest edition of the presidential decree number 209 of november 17, 1994. the structure of the document
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includes provisions on the procedure for considering issues related to citizenship of the republic of belarus. the twenty-second point is the list of documents for applying for belarusian citizenship for foreigners. according to the simplified system, belarusian citizenship is granted to people who are in one way or another connected with our country. for example, a person. who lived here before the collapse of the ussr, once left, and now wants to return, or someone whose relatives, for example, grandparents, live here or lived here or died. in addition, under a simplified system, people with belarusian citizenship can apply for it for their children and spouses. of course, the degree of relationship with a belarusian and the fact of his residence in our country must be documented, and a relative’s birth certificate must be provided. if this is not possible, certificates from housing organizations, payment for housing and communal services, a copy of the work record book; if we are talking about spouses and children, then a marriage certificate about the birth
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of children will be required. a complete list of documents for this category of applicants can be found in the fifty- sixth paragraph of the above-mentioned provision from presidential decree no. 209. there is another group of applicants who have the right to speedy consideration of documents. 24 years ago, belarus, russia, kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan concluded. decision on a simplified procedure for obtaining citizenship, that is, the path residents of these countries to belarusian citizenship both faster and easier, although they are checked no less scrupulously, it’s just that between the employees of the migration services of the countries of the agreement , a system of work has long been established that allows you to quickly exchange data and establish the authenticity of the documents of the applicant for citizenship, while the one who receives it on a general basis, anyone who has the right to a simplified procedure must renounce in writing the citizenship of the country from which they arrived at their consulate or embassy,
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​​present a certificate to our citizenship or migration authorities stating that such an application has been submitted; without this, the application will not be accepted. and if a foreigner does not know our language, then he will not be given citizenship. entered into force in belarus on july 11 last year, their level of vocabulary training should be sufficient for unhindered communication. residents, emergency and social services of our country. a foreigner can choose to take an exam in russian or in the belarusian language . the results are assessed by criteria specified in the instructions developed by experts from the ministry of internal affairs and the ministry of foreign affairs. it was approved by resolution no. 138/9 of june 22, 2023, on the procedure for assessing the level of knowledge of one of the state languages ​​of the republic of belarus. briefly about what is in this document. the test taker is given 45 minutes for the exam. he answers questions in writing,
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in cyrillic, in legible handwriting, in the presence of an employee of the citizenship and migration department. you cannot take phones, flash drives and other gadgets with you. if the correct answers are less than 60% of the total, the exam is considered failed, and obtaining citizenship is delayed. this norm was introduced after a couple of cases in russia, when newly minted citizens. committed a crime, in the courtroom they declared that they did not know russian and demanded an interpreter. this is now impossible for us. in addition, according to the law on citizenship as amended in july , all foreigners who... received the right to be called belarusians and are required to take an oath of allegiance to our state. anyone who refuses to do this will not receive citizenship, even if the remaining stages have already been completed. passed. most of the people who have received belarusian citizenship in the last few years are immigrants from ukraine. last year there were almost 1,400 out of 4,000
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people. next come immigrants from russia. in twenty-three there were about a thousand of them. 200 people, the rest are citizens from kazakhstan, armenia, moldova, turkmenistan, syria, afghanistan, some are going home after a long search for themselves abroad, some are visiting relatives, some come here to study and can no longer part with our land and people, someone gets married, takes advantage of the opportunity stay forever in a country where one of the main values ​​is family, and someone comes for work and discovers here that very quiet haven where it’s not scary to build a business and... a house. people who come to us forever only initially have different motives. then they are united by a single desire - to become citizens of one of the few states on the continent that has the right to be called sovereign. when it comes to obtaining belarusian citizenship, the question is not relevant: why do we need this? we are our own citizens
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we don't call anyone. it’s not us who need this, but them, the people who feel at home here. belor. the state is a well -structured system, our territory is compact, our resources and technologies allow us to check who we give the right to become one of us, plans for economic development give us the opportunity to employ those who want, and if there are people in the world who need a real strong home, they see it in our country, they are ready to work for its good to continue its history in their children, there is no reason to refuse them, not to reconcile themselves. negative scenarios, even if they unfold very close, fear can deprive us of the joy of communication, the happiness of becoming a family for someone, the safety of accepting those who once left in search of themselves, because their return indicates that a foreign land could not stand comparison with our country, and to value the right to be a citizen of belarus. there are people who have written these words
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on napkins many times and swallowed the chimes, but so far their wish has not come true. i'm marina karaman and why not sou? there are new citizens in belarus, we have figured it out, everything is clear, before meetings, we talk about the very...
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see in the science project nearby on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. the news is now live, pavel lazovik is with you, good afternoon, how the president’s instructions for the construction of modern dairy complexes are being carried out, head of state. today alexander lukashenko is personally inspecting construction, on a working trip to the minsk region. the country continues to modernize military-industrial complex facilities; the task is to actively build and reconstruct.


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