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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 22, 2024 2:20am-3:10am MSK

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they said that this is a very profitable project for them in order to grab, so to speak, everything into their own hands, and apparently they will pump out, pump out everything they can, not to mention human resources, of course, we went through this in territory of iraq, when the american military pumped oil from there, this oil went to the us economy for free, yes, like others, libya, there are a lot of examples, but the fact is that ukraine is ours. ukraine, the richest country, uh, it’s just being stolen now, well, this is the worst, the worst thing that can happen be, because, of course, we will have to restore , help, support, then all of us slavs will have to, because we are one people, and we never abandon our own, i am sure that ukraine will sooner or later realize and return - to our slavic brotherhood, because we have a common history, common roots, and we will do, we will accept, of course. we’ll accept it, we’ll forgive it,
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but what’s happening now, how neighboring ukraine is being stolen, well , your heart just bleeds when you realize that everything that’s last is being taken away ukrainian people. it is clear that politicians are leading the ukrainian people towards this, towards this terrible catastrophe; the people, apparently in the main, are silent, but still understand that this is a tragedy and... what kind of solution to the problems in ukraine, after all , the summit was held in switzerland, they say that this is some kind of first step, they are talking about some other parties there, we will say this, where someone will come, something will decide the fate of the unfortunate ukraine, what do you think ? when will a normal eye finally rise? the people for... you very correctly said that
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it is the voice of the people, no international communities, holding summits, gathering heads of state, spending a large amount of money, taxpayers, on so-called peace initiatives, nothing will be achieved by this, here the people of ukraine must decide and decide for yourself, everything is going that way, the people are tired. the people are tired of lies, the people are tired of receiving their sons in coffins, the people are tired of living the way they live in poverty without prospects, the people are tired, and it will literally pass, i’m sure it won’t be long time and the ukrainian people will make their own decision, without any help, they will decide, because this cannot continue, and everyone understands this very well, and we see how
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the russian-speaking regions of ukraine were cleansed, everyone who died, odessa, nikolaev, kherson regions , there is no longer a male population left there, this is being done specifically so that these people do not stand up and overthrow the government that exists in ukraine today, so i am sure that - this grid in front of the eyes of the ukrainian people, it will soon will fall by ukraine will have peace and... everything will be fine with them, but at the same time i would not want american politicians to interfere there, because where america is, there is blood, where america is, there really is no future and no prospects. still, we are not learning the lessons of history, if we remember the plan, how they wanted to clear out virtually the entire territory of the population in belarus, because the same thing is now being developed in relation to ukraine.
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but it’s all visible, yes, that is, that today there is a hunt for ukrainians who have their own opinions, there is a hunt for people who do not agree with the policies of the authorities, if you do not support, you are already a priori an enemy of ukraine, what is this, how can a state behave like this towards its people, and these people talk about freedom, these people talk about freedom of speech, about democratic principles, this is simply a war zone. one continuous minefield. so we remembered the ost plan, we remembered the great patriotic war. and apparently, we need to remember one of the black dates today. today is 80 years since the tragedy in dalia. this is the sister of khatynia, one of the villages belarusian, which was burned along with the inhabitants. for us belarusians, the lessons of history are clear. we do a lot to avoid all the mistakes that could have happened, which maybe even happened in the beginning. and you know, we have probably
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already done a lot, and we have already managed to convey the concept of historical memory at some internal genetic level, we are proud of our victory, because we are grandchildren, great-grandchildren of the victorious people, and we are proud of this , we bring flowers to our obelisks and not only on may 9, on independence day, the day of the liberation of belarus, we always do this, we have preserved our...
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we just missed it all through ourselves, we will never be able to forget, to forgive, probably, somewhere as christians we, perhaps forgiven, but forget the horrors of that war, we still feel economically that the wisdom of the belarusian people will never allow our contribution to the liberation of the european to rewrite the history of the great victory. continent from the brown plague, we preserve our memory, our history, we know the lessons of history, but we we are strengthening our security, national security and military security, we have adopted a military doctrine, a concept of national security, in the development of these
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documents a certain other regulatory framework is adopted, but today, as you know, we have opened an exhibition on security, that’s what it’s called, international security belarus 2024, in general, is also one of the elements of strengthening our military national security. i agree with you, in honor of the fact that we have done a lot for our national security, a small state, there are only 10 million of us belarusians, but at the same time we were able to ensure the security of our people at the most modern military level, this is really something to be proud of. thank you very much to our armed forces for what they provide to us. peaceful to the sky over our beautiful belarus, thank you, andrey aleksandrovich, for today’s conversation, the analytical project of the current microphone is ending on the air of the first national channel of the belarusian radio and tv channel belarus24. the guest of the program today was deputy chairman of the belarusian party
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white russia andrey bugrov. thank you all for your attention and all the best! marite iozovna melnikaite. at the beginning of the great patriotic war she was evacuated to tyumen. in june 1942, volunteers joined the rifle division of the red army. after graduating from a special school for saboteurs with a group of partisans
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, he was thrown behind enemy lines. belarusian people's avengers helped her move to the territory of her native zarosai district. became a fighter. partisan detachment was elected secretary of the underground district committee of the komsomol, led propaganda work among the population, created several underground komsomol groups, and participated in military operations. the occupiers promised a reward for the head of the komsomolskaya pravda, but the locals did not give it. july 8, 1943, during the withdrawal. after blowing up the enemy train, the partisan group under the command of melnikaity was surrounded. in an unequal battle, marite was captured and wounded . she was tortured for 5 days, but she did not reveal the location of the detachment. july 13
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, 1943 melnikayty was shot. by decree of the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr. marite minimize appropriately. hero of the soviet union. posthumously. getting to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. this is a very interesting job, because when we come to work in our department and in other departments, we are constantly introducing something, constantly developing something, when it happens. is still being produced , it turns out that the consumer also makes his choice in our favor, this is such pride and
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such happiness as from the manufacturer, you can’t imagine, the approach to business that everyone should strive for, what production is vinegar, this is actually, to be honest, a specialty that is the most responsible people in the enterprise, work for me is joy, it is pleasure and results, it is stability, confidence in tomorrow, my work for me is life, it is always on me they say, you go to... so you smile, you go home from work, smile, we go forward, we move, and we are here too, so come to us, see how we live, watch the project, the quality mark on the belarus 24 tv channel. minsk for a long time headed for the east, this is the answer to challenges of the time and the desire to establish mutually beneficial partnerships with those who are ready for such cooperation, ready to work without an ultimatum. we have long-standing friendships. we are moving across the world
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map in all directions, despite the closed nature of individual countries that are accustomed to talking from a position of strength. asia, africa, europe and latin america. people, cities, enterprises where they know, appreciate and respect minsk. it is impossible not to notice belarus; it has preserved and is developing healthcare, industry, and government. you did not let the country be destroyed, you held it together. this is victory. and belarus gathers friends, we are already citizens of your country, our country, our country, i have been living for 31 years, it’s good, we are happy with everything, belarus is wonderful, my wife is belarusian, my children are already here, three sons, we have settled here for 45 years, main topics on the main broadcast, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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regional development, modernization. objects in the agro-industrial complex, social policy. a wide range of topics were discussed today in the derzhinsky district. on a working trip to the region, head states. alexander lukashenko inspected the construction of modern dairy complexes. the country continues to modernize military-industrial complex facilities. the goal is to build or reconstruct 10 dairy complexes in each region in the near future. mtc lyakhovichi in the derzhinsky district is an example of such reconstruction. it will significantly improve efficiency in the future.
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look, well, you’re an economist, you’ve done the math here, well, you have to say your word that this is the cheapest complex in the country, this is for us it’s very important, this year we, in my opinion, have about seventy complexes, i don’t know, we still need to build, but this year we are introducing more than a hundred complexes across the country, so we need to clearly understand the cost of this event. and if you really have, and this is probably the case, and
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the mayor of minsk tells me about this, you have the cheapest dairy complexes, secondly , these complexes need to be replicated throughout the country, we don’t need to show off and show off, as people say, so that some kind of architecture here would be super and so further, good architecture, a good complex, a beautiful, normal project, we will replicate it. throughout the country, support for agriculture carries an important social message, with convenient transport links to the capital. a gift for city residents was the new alexander sports and health complex. lukashenko took part in the opening of a modern sports facility. specialists from the cis countries and china came to belarus. in total, more than fifty organizations are participating in the international conference of scientists farmers in zhodino. innovative technologies in agriculture, selection and seed production are demonstrated, and experience in the military-industrial complex is exchanged. this year, belarusian agricultural scientists will present 20
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new varieties of popular crops for industrial production. emphasis on high productivity as well as drought tolerance. now we look at the direction of our selection not only at yield, at productivity, we also look at weather and climatic conditions, their adaptability to our droughts, we also pay great attention to early ripening, what does this give to the producer, extended harvesting time means extended drying time, processing, equipment that is busy in the fields will also have a long time before harvesting, and... all this leads to a positive economic effect. the scientific and practical center of the academy of sciences for agriculture is engaged in breeding work on 36 agricultural crops that are in demand in the agro-industrial complex of different countries. increase the export of equipment to the african continent. minsk tractor plant is actively working on new contracts. supplies have already been established to sudan and egypt.
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the cameroon market opened this year. there are plans to explore ganna, kenya, and nigeria is in the works. overall stock. a more promising one is that it is developing very strongly and the agricultural sector is probably the key one; in general , we will probably develop production in those countries where there are global markets in large volumes, probably this will probably be nigeria, perhaps minimally zimbabwe , in particular, egypt is now considered as a strong point of entry into the african continent, possible options could be french-speaking countries, in particular algeria, and so on. in belarus, the overall level
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of training of applicants has increased. this was shown by the results of centralized testing. more than 5,400 children passed... tests, preparation was at the proper level, average scores in each subject ranged from 60 to 65, the number of 100-point students exceeded 600 people, the number of gifted children remained at the level of last year, the average level of preparation became noticeably higher, in this year the number of budget places in the country’s universities has increased, plus 800 for pedagogical specialties, admission of students for engineering specialties has been increased by half a thousand places, for medical specialties - about 300, admission will be stepwise, first, of course , the winners of university olympiads will be defended, of which we have more than 1.00 people, it was determined back in march, literally in the near future , the guys who will be applying for the target form of training will begin to take oral exams, this year we see a significant increase in the demand from personnel customers, about 5,600 applications were received for
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targeted form of training for higher education institutions, this is a thousand more applications than last year. the international trail of search teams brought together students and schoolchildren from educational institutions in belarus, russia, kazakhstan, uzbekistan, georgia and tajikistan. in the church of all saints in the capital , students met with paralympic athlete alexei talai and representatives of the search teams of belarus. the main goal is for young people to study general history, the guys will take part in round tables, requime rallies, the day of national remembrance of the victims of the great patriotic war, and will also visit the brez fortress and the peace museum. within the framework of such projects, the guys understand this, they begin to explore the archives of their families, they begin , together with their classmates, with their friends, with the same activists, to get involved in other projects, and the more they immerse themselves in this topic, the deeper they
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understand , how important it is to preserve history, to love your family, to love the history of your family, since my great-grandfather in... and the head of the national olympic committee viktor lukashenko went along the route minsk-slonem. an event is planned here on the basis of children's social institutions in the city. participants of the motorcycle rally will depart from slonim. brest, where the requim rally dedicated to the day of national remembrance of the victims of the great patriotic war will take place.
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imagine that all the countries in the world suddenly stopped cooperating through interpol. in fact, now the same thing is happening between the countries of the european union and belarus, in particular with lithuania. but this is probably different. we know that criminals come to us, when crossing we receive an alert, notification about the fact that your man, who was wanted, we have three to five people like this every day, and they don’t detain a single one, that is, they travel freely back and forth, that is, their criminals move around, that is now europe is simply flooded with criminals, that’s right, all countries absolutely understand that if there is no interaction in law enforcement agencies. then there will be no result, for 4 years the crime situation in belarus has only been improving, while our law enforcement officers are working and making belarus safer,
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european police filters don't actually work. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on belarus24 tv channel. we don’t tell dry historical facts, we immerse you in the era.
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and give new life to old traditions. i’ll squeeze the hell out of the race, i’ll shovel the bears in the forest, right away with the projects ahead of time on the tv channel belarus 24. belarus is a land of endless forests, blue rivers and lakes. pristine nature, from which it is impossible to take your eyes off, and belarus is people, and
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we reveal their destinies for you, carry traditions through generations and at the same time change views on familiar things. all this makes the world a better place, we tell you about different people, but they have one thing in common: love for belarus. belarus 24.
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we have the patient’s blood, and now we want to clarify whether he has a breakdown in the immune system or not, and the condition may be secondary immunodeficiency, so we will now do it first. training study on the main cell populations t-cells, b- cells and natural killer cells. if there we will see some changes in the main populations, we will further develop the immunology of this patient until we find what is wrong in his body. we carefully take 100 microliters, we don’t need this blood anymore for now, we remove it, well, in this case, we will now look at the main
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antigens. there are cocktails of antibodies, like these, which means there are already several antigens here, in this case, these antigens will be to the main population of t cells, the main population of natural killer cells, general leukocyte antigen and antigen to tablets, that is, these are the main populations that i spoke about, we now have them and can later see them in the analysis, now we... take antibodies and add 10 microl of antibodies, and every antibody, every lot, a new supply of antibodies is always must be titrated in the laboratory, working dilutions and concentrations are selected, so that our tests look reliable and we don’t doubt them, we put antibodies here
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in a test tube, after that we... carefully vortex the whole thing and put it on 15 minutes into a dark place in the dark, we are in the transfusiology of medical technologies, and before it was the institute of hematology of blood transfusion and the republican blood transfusion station, at the beginning of 2000 the two organizations merged and we... we deal with the problems of donation, we deal with the problems of biotechnology, our annual blood supply of the republic is located strategically , including the center, the country has been investing quite a lot lately, especially in the past, we have very good equipment, now what we are now is very expensive...
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high-class and world -class equipment, we provide almost the entire republic, we are the lead organization for donation, so in general we have fairly high standards, the state provides quite a lot of funding, including, as for biotechnology, we are mainly involved in biotechnology , this is the scientific part of our center, and this is... the procurement of patient cells for both ala transplantation and aoto transplantation, we mainly work with mesenchymal stroma cells, which are injected patients, that is, we take the bone marrow from the patient, then we select the cells we need, medenchymal, stromal, after which we increase them in a certain quantity for each patient, for each
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pathology we have our own protocols, respectively. disease, but they very well improve the patient’s quality of life, we have more than twenty years of experience working with these patients, these are mainly patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, these are patients with epilepsy, and severe epilepsy, which is drug-resistant and cannot be controlled treatment, and we also have patients with spinal injuries, that is , these are bedridden patients, who
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have very good projects on targeted therapy for leukemia, the leukemic cell is, especially if the patient is treated for a long time, it becomes resistant to treatment, in order
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to select we are developing panels for therapy for this patient, including my participation in this, for the chemosensitivity of leukemia cells, that is, peripheral blood is taken from the patient. human life and the patient’s quality of life improves, moreover, they then in general, they go into long-term remission, but in general it’s also good for the state, the patient, his family, we also have a very interesting direction, we produce
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anti-rhesus immunoglobulin antid, which should be of great interest to ladies who may have an rh conflict with the fetus , so belarus is probably... one of the few european countries that produces such a product, in addition to the practical activities that we do here in the center, we, of course, also have a large scientific component, in in particular, i have more than six patents, a distinction, this is for the development of the industry and an excellent student in healthcare, i have been working for 33 years, in fact, i have not regretted choosing my profession for a single second.
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i chose my profession well, and i like it, now there will be magic, a cloudy solution, yes, here it is, a mottled solution, and you see, it begins to become more transparent and like varnish on a centrifuge. we walk for 3 minutes, they are centrifuged, now we have centrifuged,
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now we are removing the supernatant, we will wash the cells a second time, we will now add it here a small amount of. phosphate- buffered saline, and we can go analyze the cells on a flow cytometer. we loaded a patient sample and we see neutrophil populations, we see monocyte populations, we see lymphocyte populations. thus, we can simply determine by primary screening by light scattering of cells, cell morphology, and if. of any changes, after that
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the following analysis is carried out, this analysis is quite labor-intensive, perhaps lengthy, and, in general, sometimes takes more than one hour. we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science. today we are talking about how to prevent another outbreak of biological fires caused by the bark beetle. many even researchers say that we live on a planet of insects, and there are even books such as the planet of ants. let's share interesting facts. the science
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that studies and explains the social behavior of animals. it's hard to believe, but the punishing beetle is actually considered a forest orderly. it always attacks weak trees, to free up the territory for new, young and healthy ones. we ask the most exciting questions and look for answers to them. yes, researchers considered the ant society to be the ideal form of our human society, and even sought to find a solution to human problems by studying the life of ants. watch in the science nearby project on the belarus24 tv channel. childhood curiosity and genuine interest, and absolute honesty, sincere emotions of the characters, a talk show in which... famous people answer tricky questions of the younger
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generation, and my parents often talk about the fact that their dads and moms didn’t pamper them before the way they pamper us, but at the same time they control them the way they control us, why does this happen, do you think? the world has probably become tougher, there are a lot of temptations, that negative information background makes adults probably worry much more. for their children, and somewhere guardianship really becomes more than even necessary. please tell me, can a priest have any hobbies, for example, playing sports or going fishing? it would even be desirable if he could or i wanted to do something. if we are talking about sports, well, without sports, as you should, well, at least do exercises. watch the project 100 questions for adults on the tv channel. belarus 24,
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i was born in the city of minsk, in the first clinical hospital, in a family. in general , ordinary soviet citizens, my dad was in the military in the past, he was an artilleryman, born in the twenty-fourth year, being a young lieutenant, he went straight to the kursk bulge, there he saw how katyushas work, and there he lost his hearing, unfortunately, because he was very shell-shocked, the drumbeat broke, and he passed.
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invited our relatives naumovich to visit us, he is a teacher, wrote books on the belarusian language, studied the belarusian language at the university, and his friends, they told me that i would be an unemployed slacker persecuted by everyone, but this is not what actually played a role, played the role is that we had a huge knowledge society library at home, it was thanks to my brothers, they were fond of popular science literature. i loved reading all sorts of physical experiments, the origin of life on earth was for me in general, it’s just a discovery, so i became very interested in biology, but it was from this point of view, that’s why my mother dreamed of me
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becoming a doctor, we had surgical instruments at home, my mother treated the neighbors’ dogs at the dacha, they performed operations and opened abscesses.
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i didn’t tell a lot of things, but sometimes i told something and it was very interesting, in principle we were always interested in history, my brothers were very interested in history, we had a huge number of books on history, and although i dissuaded his daughter, she entered the history department, completed her master's degree, became a wonderful historian, he has an excellent master's thesis on the narratives of belarusian myth-making. about the connection between belarus and western european culture, and belarus
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is simply beautifully described in her dissertation, so i am proud of my child, and i am glad that i have her. the heroes of this program chose to live outside the city, where they see. more opportunities make the most of them, you moved from france to belarus, yes, you bake delicious,
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cool, traditional real croissants, there is some secret honestly, love, well , it’s clear and patience, love and patience, very good, that is, the real secret, kevin won’t reveal it, your grandmother. practiced herbalism, my grandmother had traditional herbalism, and you are not a traditional herbalist, traditional herbalism.


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