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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 22, 2024 10:05am-10:36am MSK

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excellent, but as i must say, my name is so-and-so, remember my last name, it will sound loud and proud, my name is zakhar germanev, that was my song, that’s my song of life, it’s just beginning, i wish you a long beautiful fool glebova, yes, oh, glebov, what a genius he is, how i love glebov, in general i adore this composer, in fact, i’ll tell you how...
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adults, don’t leave, because you can’t go anywhere without us, you’re 100 years old, otherwise more, and especially to all aspiring musicians, well , bright, cheerful, applause to you. thank you, this is how this saturday morning turned out, no matter how many years we wake up on june 22 under a peaceful sky, this date will forever go down in history as a day of remembrance and sorrow, and this memory. we, i ask, at least not for long,
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my sadness, you leave me, cloud, bluish cloud, you fly to your family. home, from here to my native home, my shore, appear in the distance, an edge, a thin line, my shore, gentle shore, oh, to you, dear, to swim, to swim. at least someday, not a single family
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lives life without tragedy, and joy and love, somewhere far away, somewhere far away, go mushroom rains, right by the river in a small garden, the cherries are ripe, bending to the ground, somewhere far away in my memory, now, like in childhood , it’s warm, at least... the memory is covered with such large snows, in general, the whole heavenly office, including too rules, but human hands should not fail, you’re right, get me drunk, drunk, but not to the point of death, here it is again. like
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the last time, i keep looking somewhere in the sky, as if i was looking for an answer, i ask, at least not for long, say something to mommy, mom, i look like you have a good son, tell me, mom, i i love you, my sadness, leave me. cloud, gray, cloud, you fly to your home, from here to your home, good morning, belarus. good morning belarus.
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we follow the sporting life of our country. this week, volleyball vinchanka won its eleventh championship for olga polchevskaya - this is the first gold award as the main coach of the team. gomel managed to restore parity in the series against bntu bilas 1:1. the final score of the return match is 2120 in favor of the gomezh handball players. let's look at the most interesting things.
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alexander alexandrovich, good evening, hello, sergeevich, today we live in a terrible time, when the last veterans of the great patriotic war are leaving, and the collective west is not shy about rewriting history. it is in such moments that an effective symbol of heroism is needed more than ever. the brest fortress is also a symbol of the collapse of hope.
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i have already seen a lot over the years and felt, having come from the krovetskaya museum work to work in the brest fortress, there was already a certain historical onslaught, falsification of the fortress, so it is no coincidence that we bitterly joke that we have another defense of the brest fortress, only now from falsifiers of history, and this is scary, but we need to understand that falsification is possible only in a society that does not know its history well, so our... is a very important task, and it is no coincidence that we have the state is pursuing a historical policy, now it is insistent, that our youth especially know their history, because we say that we must raise a citizen of the country, but a citizen of the country, his inherent quality, without
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which he cannot be real a citizen of knowledge of his history, respect for his history, therefore our citadel, our brez fortress, it seems to me, now... now plays a particularly important role in educating a citizen, instilling pride in one’s country. you know, it was no coincidence that i invited you to the program today, because in reality we have known each other for probably 15 years, yes, and you were the first person who then conducted such a cool excursion, if you can call it that, around the brest fortress, because what i even learned for myself back then there is so much new, although all my life i have been interested in the history of the great patriotic war. the history of the brest fortress, and i lived in the brest region and knew this memorial complex very well, but you know, i just can’t understand how some residents of brest, who have a reminder of fascism in front of their eyes every day, this symbol of our heroism , could before our eyes, how
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could they fall for western manipulations in 2020, especially since, well, let’s just go a little further south already at that moment... you know, i was thinking about this too, because i was also worried about this question, because in brest, indeed, there were collisions on masherov boulevard, and everything was destroyed, vandalism was broken, this vandalism was happening, and it seemed, well, probably, we didn’t work on something, but then i realized that these guys who defended our country, yes, and the president who defended our country, they would also... excursions, so after all, the fact that we defended the country is
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our essential role, but why, why these people came out, everything you listed is all true, a certain greenhouse, in something infantile, i’ll tell you, because now life is like it’s never been in belarus, calm, well-fed, by and large, even look at the number of cars in brest, it’s a huge number, and people probably thought, that well... it will always be, but what are the manipulations, you know, what immediately repulsed and shocked me, remember these, 3%, yeah, that is, there are 97 of us, 3% of you, someone trembled and counted, that it will be better with the majority, they went in these demonstrations, but this is so blatant there was manipulation, but i think, how am i there, my family, yes, my friends, but how are people in the districts, in rural areas, you immediately cross them out, that is... these are not people, these are 3%, this is a huge mass of the population, and about
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ukraine, i’ll just say, for me, such a marker of this happened is that at one time , immediately after ukraine probably gained independence, if i’m not mistaken, they renamed the museum of the great patriotic war into the museum of the second world war in kiev, it would seem, well, aren’t they right, but you see, the difference is so big between world war ii and the great patriotic war. yes , where the war was for the seizure of territories, for the seizure of economic countries, and so on, in our country, where the war was for destruction, you know, this immediately raises the question of reconciliation, and bandera’s people maybe weren’t so bad either, that’s also veterans of the second world war, you see, well, now poland is trying to argue like this on two chairs, on the one hand, the volyn massacre, yes, on the other hand , hugs will not work, because you understand, after all, ukraine is our fraternal one. people now, in connection with the war in ukraine , you watch these videos and empathize, and
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the slavs are dying there, i remember that our people , yes, that the defenders of the brest fortress, how many ukrainian heroes there were, you wonder: how did you get to this life, and this is how here in the twentieth year, a quiet change in consciousness, manipulation of historical memory, and what is their own for them, well, i have already said more than once and during my excursions, i say, well, you understand: excursions come from ukraine, good people, all ours , but for them it was gradually necessary to explain, ours, who is ours, you know, they are gradually the red army by default, as for us, they no longer have it, it’s like it’s not ours, so detached, you know, then these myths came from ukraine that the nkvd fought there, who had previously been shot there in the basements of captured polish soldiers and officers, that is , a very strong manipulation of consciousness, there cannot be an awkward question, what would have happened to the grest fortress in your opinion if the coup had been a success? we would have a completely
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different museum, you see, we have a museum, our the main one, the first one, which opened in 1956, is called the museum of the defense of the brest fortress, there would be a museum of the storming of the brest fortress, as they are trying to do, you know, everything would be reformatted, i just see in retrospect back there that it is clearly gradual. little by little it went on, this policy, the transformation into the fact that the brest fortress is a soviet myth, that there was nothing here, don’t believe it, there are no excursions, nothing, we will now tell you another story, a true one, raised periodically the question is that there really was no heroic defense, of course, of course, that the memorial is soviet propaganda, that the writer sergei sergeevich smirnov is a propagandist, he exaggerated everything here, that there is nothing to be proud of. this is the key word, well , look, some pseudo-historians, they also claim that the supposed defense of the brest
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fortress, and as such, is a fiction, the redmen surrendered en masse, this is the most ridiculous myth you personally had to debunk, i won’t say that they absurd, and bitter, perhaps even for perception, firstly, our sofa experts, dear ones, i often had to read that there was a living barrier, this... the whole myth was invented by the defenders of the fortress, this is that the germans were hiding behind a living barrier of women and children, i decided this question for myself unequivocally , you see, there was a military sense in this. in the living barrier, they took up certain positions, hiding behind women prisoners, children there, the second memory is numerous, one of our women wrote, the commander’s wife, that they put me and the children there near the guns that were firing direct fire on the positions of the defenders of the brest fortress, her son became deaf, after that in one ear, you know, modernity,
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because a historian must always compare it with modernity, even on excursions when we lead...
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the arrows were read to us with an order to deal with commissars a few days before the start of the war without the right to take notes, that is , you understand the recording by ear, that is, you were already thinking about it, and god forbid something goes wrong, the order was not signed, they read everything, remembered it, you know, that’s why falsification, the attempts were very, very serious, several years ago foreign media almost buried the last defender of the brest fortress, and in israel.
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died, he is also a defender, but a defender of the fifth fort. another question is that sergei sergeevich smirnov, the museum staff of those years, yes, uh, considered the defenders of the fortress, namely the defenders of the fortress core of these four islands, and already those who fought in the forts of the brest fortress, they were, as it were, considered participants in the battles in and there very tragic stories, this is a separate topic of conversation, but in itself... here in the fortress core, he did not fight then in the forty-first year, so part of the truth, as always, yes, part is a little exaggerated, but well, it is believed that even major gavrilov, who accepted the last one , is officially recognized as the last defender of the brest fortress battle on july 23 , 1941, that is, a month after the start of the war, he was captured, then much
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later after the war he became a hero of the soviet union, and was buried in brest. yes from krasnodar, yes, but is it true that even in august before the arrival of both hitler and musaleni, the ruins were still being shot at, gavrilov, pyotr mikhailovich, we always say that this is the last of the famous heroes of the brest fortress, there are german documents already written on july 24-25 stating that on july 23 during the clearing. another sixth soldier was wounded, seven remains of russians were discovered, a senior lieutenant was captured, some historians believe that this is precisely gavrilov, if you remember, he initially called himself a senior lieutenant in captivity,
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others say that this most likely some other unknown defender of brest fortresses then there are german memories, and the commandant of the fortress von unruh wrote that when he arrived in brest at the end of july for his post, there was still shooting, he fought with this shooting, that’s what the cleansing was carried out back in august of the forty-first year, at the beginning of august before the arrival of hitler and mussolini, so this confirmation is still waiting, probably in the german archives, and even more so... this famous story with the last defender, who was captured in the spring of forty-two, it became the basis for the story by boris vasiliev. was not listed on the lists, i would like to literally tell you a little, briefly, why i, for example, believe that most likely this fact took
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place, because sergei sergeevich smirnov wrote about this in his letter, the foreman of the eighty-fourth rifle regiment, durasov, he was the commander of an ammunition supply platoon, and he wrote that yes, indeed, when i was in captivity, after my recovery in revere, this was a camp for... wounded patients, our prisoners, yes, he worked in brest together with one of jews, yes, they chopped wood there and so on further, such a service worker, and says, once it was already around april forty-two, this jew was late, and then he told this story that when he was going to work, he was stopped by a german officer who got out of the car and said: "you will come with me that they have arrived." or to the fortress, he said, there’s a russian sitting there who won’t give up, go persuade him, or we ’ll shoot you, this famous story happened, yes, when he said that you’re crying,
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that i want to see your powerlessness, and the german officer said it was real hero, everyone knows this, it’s written well in the story, but what next, sergei sergeevich smirnov, in the course of his research work, according to the characteristic features of this jew, yes, that he was a stapler in a restaurant, by the way, the building... there was a restaurant, has been preserved in brest to this day on komsomolskaya street, he determined that it was the monstavsky hall, that is, you see, durasov did not know the surname, it had already acquired its existence, specifics, and already during the research work of writing a book on the bresse fortress, but even this little, have brest is unique to us in that the only archive of the brest ghetto in europe has been preserved, the germans did not have time to destroy it in 1944, when a museum employee researched it...
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this is the person that the system, our system, really really needs, an active civil society position, this is very good, but the symbiosis of an active historian, a specialist who has been involved in the preservation of historical memory for more than 20 years, in practice, yes, and in such a symbolic place, you represent the first region in the council of the republic and will delegate of the supreme council, we’ll be a little different, but what was this path from a researcher to...
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it’s impossible, you see, even touching on this issue, yes, we have a certain staff turnover, people leave, but believe me, not the previous one director, yes grigory grigorievich bysyuk, whom i respect very much, not me, on purpose yes, we don’t fire anyone there , they leave on their own, if suddenly, you know, there is a difference in their views, here in their head , with what you say, then it's impossible, impossible, so yes, i regret that people they are leaving, but i think, well... the fortress itself often squeezed you out, because well, that means this is not the place where you should work, so it so happened that yes, i loved
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history since childhood, i went to the brest fortress , gradually this is how i came to work there, and worked, worked, and finally got a job, so yes, i just probably love my job, i like to give excursions, although now it’s not required by my position on the one hand, but sometimes i take excursions because... firstly, don’t forget, there was practice and just by communicating with people, you also get great pleasure, that’s why i’m probably saying, take a playing coach, believe me, this is very important, especially since i remember my impression that this story of yours really had such a serious impact then, it was completely different, not as usual , you know, probably also because, well , it’s not modestly good to talk about myself, but well, i honestly pass every excursion through the shower, and the main thing is that... for me, these defenders of the fortress, they are like family to our team, so when we talk about excursions, we worry about them, let them pass through our souls, i must say that one
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of the significant moments... in the work of the memorial is that we have preserved the continuity of generations, yes, we are not in a mine, in the sense, yes, for us , physical health and age are not the main thing, experience is very important, so i, as a director, try, here is our generation, older, yes, who taught me, for as long as possible, i say, while you work, work, because you are a living example of history, connection between generations, yes, and you are raising our youth, who comes by his own example, by his own...
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yes, of course, larisa goina bibik worked as a consultant, i was a scientific historical consultant, and the main consultant was valery vladimirovich gubarenko, who then headed the brest fortress, but all experienced employees participated, you know, we they didn’t do it that way, that only we would read it, we let all the experienced employees read it, so it ’s not just my opinion, that of the entire team, for example, because we firmly believed there, well, there were nuances, i can even say there -
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considering their tragedy is the heroism of people, therefore , since life itself invented it, no one will invent it, so these ones, yes, as if on the one hand it seems, well, it’s a good moment, gavrilov drinks there, let’s say in the face of hitler, yes, well, well, this doesn’t happen in real life, as soon as you lie, they stop believing you in other respects, of course, but alexander, alexandrovich, after all, hollywood is not shy about rewriting history, attributing victory to itself through yes. kinopopey, and well, maybe sometimes we don’t need this pedantry, after all, well, this is a difficult question, you know, i ’ll tell you this, mm, well, we, some believe in god, some don’t believe, i, for example, believe in god, so i think that we shouldn’t become the same , like them, because what is the point then, if we are the same, it is our peculiarity, yes, love for the truth
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of ours. people, but to the truth, that we will not lie or embellish ourselves, she will win in the end, however, she will still make her way, yes, they are now imagining such things that now during polls in poland, i watched, yes, he already says with whom, poland won, with which allies, yes, the usa, england, france, poland, and against whom, germany and the soviet union, there is kheroshima, a recent example, already numerous. yes, that almost the ussr bombed, they say, you know, i was lost by chance in the historical encyclopedia published there in america, i read, you know, how it was written about gagarin, the first soviet cosmonaut, that is, how subtle, you know, manipulation, the first soviet cosmonaut, that is, not just the first man in space, but the first soviet, and so on in everything, especially with regard to the great patriotic war, but people
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are not stupid either in the west or here. when they are faced with this outright lie, they want to know, but what really happened, this is when they want to know, unfortunately, a significant number, excuse me, as they say people are eating, but for such a slant it’s not very relevant to the program, but i remember perfectly a specific example now, yes, when the wargaming company, when they painted the image of an astronaut, there was gagarin, all in a helmet, but this well-known inscription of the ussr, yes, but suddenly it was not there. it just didn't turn out because you seem to know the image, the first cosmonaut, yes, but a small nuance, but it’s so significant,
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is my name?


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