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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  June 22, 2024 12:20pm-1:35pm MSK

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there is a hybrid war going on in relation to belarus, an important topic for the next meeting of the club of editors, and the collective west is waging this conflict by rewriting history, this began long before the current situation, they even tried to apply technology to us. at our school, it was probably somewhere...
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fields, and was also involved in actions against the crimean partisans. the russian foreign ministry has already spoken out about the inadmissibility of the west rewriting history. official representative of the foreign ministry maria zakharova noted that by deciding to install a monument, the romanian authorities are participating in deliberate systematic work to forget the historical memory of the war against fascism. no matter how much they distort history in the west, the fascist troops not only in the brest fortress, but in all directions encountered fierce resistance.
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the state archives provided us with unique, not at all christian, footage of the first days of the great patriotic war. watch the joint atn project without retouching, dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of liberation belarus, what truly unites.
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the mournful day, the beginning of the great patriotic war, is remembered in russia. an action was held in the center of moscow on poklonnaya hill; participants, including veterans, honored guests and volunteers, lit candles to honor those killed during the war. the embankment in the russian capital was illuminated by the light of 1,418 candles, corresponding to the number of days of the great patriotic war. memorial events are held in other cities of russia. memory candles appeared in chisinau at the eternal memorial. also one for each day of the war, those present paid tribute to the memory soldiers-liberators observed a moment of silence. a similar event took place in kyrgyzstan in bishkka, to the sounds of shastakovich’s seventh symphony , blockade survivors and volunteers lit 1,418 candles, remembering the victims and heroes of the great patriotic war. the bright events of the brics games
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have reached the finish line and today is the final competition day in the capital of tatarstan, kazan. tomorrow is the closing ceremony, but today. all thoughts are about a worthy performance in several medal sports at once. andrey kozlov, more details. indeed, we have games of countries brix is ​​already nearing its end. tomorrow on sunday this multi-sports forum will close, and by the way, it will take place within the framework of such a local holiday as sabantuy, which in the republic of tatarstan is always celebrated in honor of the end of spring field work among the tatars and bashkirs, and such an important tradition for the local people was decided so here is the beautiful grostran brix, which hospitable kazan hosted at... this big local holiday, but today we have such a big final competition day, about how our guys performed the day before, here are a couple of cool shots, let's take a look right now, i
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performed very well today, i tried for the whole of belarus, and a small picture of today... june 22, the day before the end of the countries' games brix, it’s not in vain that we came to the gymnastics center again, because today our graces will compete again, 14 sets of medals will be played for our belarusians, of course the girls here will be among the favorites, today we will complete the fencing program, three sets of medals, also in judo there are seven sets of medals, in kayaking there are nine sets of medals, in boxing there are 25, that is, today absolutely all sports, so that belarusians win maximum positions, our guys can do absolutely everything, so we are taking on...
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more are planned for today three matches of the thirteenth round of the major league: davtan, slavia, minsk arsenal and bate dynamo brest.
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moscow speaks. moscow time - 7:00. today is june 22, 1982. 41 years ago, on this day, nazi germany attacked our homeland. the great war has begun. thank you for attacking the fight against the germans. where is my medal, my memory will never add up.
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but i have to go, then we’ll talk, well, of course, we’ll talk, i’ll come back from the flight, i’ll come and talk , you’ll come back, or maybe you won’t come back, drown, where can i go, we’ve been together for so many years, i don’t have anyone, it’s you do you know very well that you need a receipt or a stamp in your passport? “i need confidence and certainty, then i still hoped to have time
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to give birth to a child, why didn’t you say it before, they don’t talk about such things, and in general you yourself don’t i really wanted to, i already have a daughter, that’s right, you have a daughter, you have a son-in-law, a grandson, you have everything, and in general you only think about yourself, ton, my daughter is your daughter"? yes, you have troubles i’m enough with them, it ’s really okay, i’m off, i’m already late, and you still have time, we haven’t agreed, but what can be solved is decided by actions, and if you don’t understand this, then i don’t know how? i’ll explain it to you, and in general you don’t have to come back after the flight, i’ll decide that myself, okay, we talked, there are sandwiches there, don’t forget the thermos.
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why is she doing this to me? where did i make a mistake? it’s probably in women’s blood that they have a desire for family life. it's still difficult to understand them. of course, there are a lot of strange things in them. although, why strange things? they are just different than men, and we forget about it.
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oh, dad, how nice, i thought you wouldn’t come, i thought you’d have coffee, be quiet, mitka is sleeping there and andrei is working, boil an egg, no, thank you, i’ve already had breakfast, yeah, right, sit down, sit down, yes, yes, yes, well, what is he working on there anyway, you know, dad, he has very interesting ideas. can to say, even innovative, and his friends generally believe that this will be a new concept of russian history, you know, a degeneration of science, yeah, you know, yes, that’s it, but for this you need to work a lot, a lot of work, to formulate all this, develop it, you know , well , listen, you’re a normal woman, already an adult, reasonable, a mother yourself, has he really
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messed with your head so much that you believe in all this, but what a story, what a concept, russian history... clearly, we were attacked, we defended, it was difficult, it became easier, but the concepts were put forward before him, he ’s a specialist, he’s a builder, he has an excellent profession, he was even sent abroad, which means he was valued as a specialist, well, he’s drawn to science, well, please, go study, finish college, graduate school, there, increase your knowledge, even some kind of mania, what does he know about history and why is history, and where does this opinion come from that he will make a discovery, why didn’t history specialists make a discovery before him, and he...
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well, where is his conscience, when he's sitting there, messing around, and you're spinning around like a squirrel in wheel, you know, quieter, you have a house, a child, and a job, so what, he’s skinny , so what, but a man’s duty to his family is to provide it with the most necessary things, and it depends on what is considered necessary, necessity is the concept is very relative, individual, great, andrey, i’m sorry for interrupting your work, but i would like to understand what you think about yourself, and what exactly, i actually think a lot, but no, i’m talking about the main thing, about life, that’s it about the family, finally, look at how you live, you haven’t bought anything in 3 years, everything is in shambles, there’s no money enough, but no, i don’t reproach you, we will still help, i just
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wish there was some kind of goal, i have goals, and you understand this perfectly well, semyon. mikhailovich, it is to them that i devote all my time, and personally i am quite satisfied with my life and work, well, yes, i have enough without your help, about you and me, and you, by the way, have a family, there’s a wife, a young woman , son, they want to live normally, and my wife understands me, she shares her husband’s views, but your son, by the way, doesn’t care about your views, he needs... fruits, juices, toys and cottages, finally, for my son, don’t worry, my son will have everything, let’s have breakfast, baby, feed your father and husband, and i’m full. you feed your husband and father, you are still an amazing person, semyon
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mikhailovich, you need everything, you can’t calm down, measure everything according to yourself, you need it, you do it, build it, arrange it, i ’m not telling you anything, but to us with svetka, you also make it possible to live as we see fit, for your help, of course, thank you. but help is voluntary, you are helping for us for ourselves, this is part of your active life attitude, you need coffee or tea, okay, i 'm off, show me the sparkle, have a good trip, take 25 rubles, bye, i'll be back on wednesday, i'll bring you more, forgive me for... . with andrey, but in my opinion, this goes beyond all boundaries, there ’s some kind of dead end here, dad, well, he’s not a boy anymore,
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you can’t help with reproaches, morals, this is some kind of dead end, but spit on his blatant ideas, take it. mitka and me, we’ll live, you’ll still go to dances. i can’t, i love him, and son, why should he to remain without a father, no, i need a family, i ’m with my husband, no, i can’t do that, well , you’ll get married again, what do you mean, it takes strength, i’ve been creating for too long to now destroy everything with my own hands, no, i can not. i don’t want to, well then don’t revise, you’re so wise , you understand everything about yourself, okay, let’s think about it, we’ll figure something out, well, until wednesday.
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landing in 10 minutes, who's impatient today? whoever starts begging today, maybe you can open the door, boarding
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in 10 minutes, i flew all night, didn’t sleep, well, be patient a little, and then sleep on yourself health, yeah, accountant or teacher or engineer? you can’t tell, everything got mixed up, everyone continued to dress in the same fashionable way, it was quiet, they were dishonest, sorry. village, all the villagers take care of their things, for some reason it is believed that in the city they can easily take you away, or maybe, maybe, on leave
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after college or already in the military service, husband and wife, the age difference is too big, oh, what do i care, who they are to each other.
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durable thing, fireproof, who's next, please, business traveler, two shirts, paste, razor, works well, hunter, fisherman,
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further away,
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why didn’t they give him a ride to the parking lot? there’s no prohibitory sign here, so why didn’t you give me a ride? i was late, didn’t they give me a ride? unclear, unclear. well done, has the dignity of understanding, an officer, although young, but already an officer, with a concept without
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fuss. finally from the military, a rare suit in these days, now they prefer to buy ready-made, specially sewn, you can understand, he served all his life, never got used to civilian clothes, semyon mikhailovich, minute by minute, i get it, hello, here is my ticket , here's to the dog i have a certificate, she is healthy, all vaccinations have been completed, she will be on my lap, she is good, kind, good.
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but i saw her somewhere, i even knew her, but from where, where, or it just seems to me, sclerosis, or something, it seems too early. i’ll rest just a little bit in peace, chick full again, i start dreaming about the road again early, early in the morning, early in the morning, i’m turning the steering wheel, then the sun is shining clearly in the window, then the rains are noisy with might and main, but how much do we
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need for business? if your partner were nearby, and the road was wide, the road was safe, the road was happy ahead, i greet each new one with interest. ferrying, apparently i was specially born for long-distance flights, early, early in the morning, early in the morning, i’m cranking, turning the steering wheel, then the sun is shining clearly in the window, then the rains are roaring with might and main, but how much do we need for the job, if only your partner were nearby, and a wide road, a reliable road, a happy road ahead, i learned very quickly. to appreciate fellow travelers, because a good road can replace a book, early in the morning, early in the morning, i turn, turn, the steering wheel, then the sun is shining clearly in the window, then the rains are roaring with might and main, but how much do we have to do?
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you should have your partner nearby, and a wide road, a reliable road, a happy road ahead, here’s the first report about... yes, they brought up tanks, no, no, no, not a battalion, no less than a division, clearly, i’m waiting,
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but what if this is a provocation? yes, it’s absolutely clear to me, they are preparing for an attack, be quiet, you’ll wake the baby, so what do you suggest if they start. “the tanks will be here in 15 minutes, we need to raise the artillerymen, let’s wait until the morning, we may not have this
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morning, we need to notify the commander, oh well, i ’ll call headquarters if anything happens.” well, mistress, you will feed, it’s war. the war has divided everything now, more than 40 years later, people say, this was before the war, this was after the war, war, revolver, captain,
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if you scare a child, go get dressed and assign a person to send women and children. i obey, let me do it, do it, yeah, well, annushka, let's say goodbye, leave now, go to minsk, if anything happens, go straight to your father in dubrovo, and don't be afraid of anything, and you'll find us later, when it's all over, i i will definitely find you. definitely, just take care of yourself and son. well, son, be smart. then i was 6
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years old, my father was 32, which means that now i am much older than him. and he stayed like that. i don't claim anything. you take only what you need for work, the library, of course, i lived with her for 25 years, well, that means these 25 years, she was happy with you, let her share. “our
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vacation together doesn’t mean anything, no, it means that since you said a, it means we need to say b. what kind of banalities are you saying, this is not a banality, this is life, forgive me, please, can i smoke too, i don’t smoke in the salon smokes, yes, like passengers, why go around everyone, ask?" "
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and the same age, that means he and i are the same age, yes
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, i look older, but no, on the contrary, you look younger, you have jeans, a shirt, a safari, my father is simpler, you judge, no , i was just envious, i don’t have jeans like these, they are too expensive, my parents couldn’t buy them, but of course i didn’t qualify for a cadet scholarship either, well, that’s okay, now i’ll start getting an officer’s rank, i’ll definitely buy them, oh well, i’ll go on my way place, the boy is still there, god forbid there’s a war, guys like these will be the first.
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how old was that lieutenant, but no more than this one, what happened to him, maybe he was promoted to general? but most likely he died, the first ones who stood up all lay down, uncle, you look like a vizier in a turban, from a book, arabic fairy tales, rather i am the caliph for an hour, and not the great vizier. how was it all?
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usually they shot, which of ours died? i don’t know, no need, can you tell me who? we held out for 10 hours, the last one, and the commissar, it was all over at 8 am. tanks were thrown at them, of course. i don’t know for sure, i know that they killed the beavers, the little prince, nikolaich, i took them their documents, but about the commissioner, i don’t know, i don’t know, what do you have to do now.
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oh, the warehouses have begun to be robbed, where, brother, has the decomposition gone, you don’t believe that you will return soon, stand, for a looter you are supposed to die on the spot, and that means, let him disappear, better, better we... will take it than the germans , well, we can go back, come on.
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hit the plane in one gulp, in one gulp. bury the dead, bandage the wounded, clean everyone’s rifles, put themselves in order, gather in the village in half an hour, gather
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the women. club of editors spend effort to knocking on a door that is locked, uh-huh, there is no point, there are enemies there, the authorities are there, not the people, in power.
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intellects, like artistic gymnastics , but what will the result be in a real battle ? the element is called
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a flip in the air 360° or more over the head andrey, a somersault of course, the diagram shows special exercises. for training athletes, what sports discipline are we talking about? i think it's the shot put , it's the shot put, absolutely right, that's the correct answer. watch an intellectual sports show, head game on our tv channel. if you had held out for at least a day then, we would have been able to regroup ; there was no one left to hold on to;
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there was no full-fledged battalion left from our division, and you, by the way, were also sick, so they cut off your flanks, we straightened out our position, but you had to hold on, hold on, you understand that enough is enough, well, you’re not tired, i’m sorry,
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but i don’t believe in love at first sight, it seems to me that after this first sight it takes at least a month to get to know a person, a month is not enough, it takes 3 months, that's it quarter, you can read all these indicators, a five-year plan in general is better, well, judging by these production indicators, then by the way i fulfill my five-year plan at the plant in 3 years, at the plant, at which plant, at the forefront, wow, how interesting , really, i ’ve dreamed about this all my life. yeah, are you interested? no, no, not really. the work is certainly interesting. i actually got there by accident, by chance, on
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a komsomol ticket. i really wanted to leave the village, but i’ll leave here soon. don't listen to her. we've been at the plant for 5 years now we'll get an apartment soon. well, yes, and you need to think about family life. it's time, otherwise you can end up with girls too long. no, don't worry, we won't stay too long. we have a lot of applicants, a lot, not so many, we have a women’s plant, well for some reason it’s a women’s plant, we also have enough men, who do you mean, well who, who, who do you mean , well, who, here’s a lieutenant, for example, well, you’re not married, no, no, you’re a comrade, but you have a girl, you have a girl, a girl, well, as it was, yeah, but at the moment there is no moment. what happened? i'll go smoke. excuse me, please, can i have another
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cigarette? you can do it again. comrades, we are surrounded, but we are a fighting unit of the red army and will fight to the end. i cannot take you with me, i cannot endanger your life and the lives of your children, i have no right to do this. “we
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’ll leave now, we’ll make our way to our own, i ’m sure we need a few more days, and we ’ll drive them back, be patient with these few days, i really ask you about this, i can’t help you now.” nale, step, march, hammer, hammer, eastern, the support is strong,
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the union is growing, growing, invincible, everything that was won with blood, with blood, we will never give up to the enemy, we will not forget, victories are damaged, we will not forget the lead blizzard, we will not forget your victories, everyday life, a vicious blow to the evil one. to the enemy, the far eastern, the support is strong, the alliance is growing, growing, we will not win, and what was won with blood, blood, we will never give up to the enemy, the far east, the support is strong, the alliance is growing, the guy is growing, and also
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won with blood, blood, and never.
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"be healthy, is it possible for women to do this, a man should forgive weakly the fair sex, but why, he’s just a bore, i can’t stand people like that, i would give him such a concert now if he weren’t driving us, and so he ’ll really drop us off in the middle of the road, so what’s wrong with him if you do, maybe he’s crazy, dear, he’s a normal person, when you apply for a driver’s license, you must definitely bring a certificate from..." a spanish passport, i brought it, he’s a normal, but not a very intelligent person, georgiy mamaladze, that i introduced myself, gia , this is my first and last name, i am a cold processing engineer metal, but i’m hot, i didn’t understand, well, i mean , i work in the food service, my name is lena, oh,
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elena vasilievna, it’s very nice, we’ll know that you, the cook, i’m the head of production in a restaurant, oh, this is very dear position, what are you doing? what he wants to say is that we shouldn’t do this to her, but what happens is, i can smoke, but she’s not allowed, we have equal rights, but no, we have equal rights with them, you can’t give birth, but she can, what kind of equality is there, i can list you a dozen points on which we don’t have equal rights with them, well, that’s okay, next time, before lighting a cigarette, he’ll first think, well then i won’t smoke in the salon either, well, you’ll do the right thing, it’s harmful, it ’s no longer fashionable. in europe, millions are quitting smoking, soon they will start here, it’s better with the girls, there’s there in the seventeenth chair,
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very much, even very much, you like her too, very much, and why, next time you’ll come up. let's discuss, after all, i advise you to pay attention to her, this is a woman for life, they take such as wives, and which ones they don’t take? they take everyone, but not everyone leaves, okay, we ’ll discuss this problem with you later, good guy, it’s a pity that i don’t have a son, i could probably teach him something. other young people went, others, more tolerant than us, they would have tried to smoke like that during my time at the dance, but no one would have gone to dance with her,
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yes, tomorrow, when i return from the flight, i still have to finally decide, i have to make an offer , why do i have him like that, where did i make a mistake, she loves flowers, i brought her chocolates, but chocolate is healthier. but not in this solemnity, excuse me , please tell me, maybe you have a toilet on the bus, sorry, there isn’t, in that case, could you stop the bus so that we can get off if absolutely necessary, well, if at least we will. 5 minutes for personal needs, men to the right,
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women to the left. i’m listening, the fact is that my wife and i are sitting in the back, we have twenty-sixth, twenty- seventh seats, well, your seats are good, good seats, the bus is excellent, but we would like to move closer to the front, so the bus passengers are seated according to purchased tickets, but understand, you understand, she’s pregnant with me. it makes me sick very bad, please help me, i didn’t say it right away, it was inconvenient, what’s inconvenient, very convenient, we’ll do it, but the boys
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are completely different, i was shy, my bubble would have burst, but i wouldn’t have dared to ask ... to stop, children are completely different, taller, they are fed well, they are not denied anything, and they do not know any fears, but we have had fear since childhood, we had to exterminate them for many years, now there is no fear, but the memory remains. halt mal an, gehen sie spazieren, frau, ein bisschen spazieren gehen, ja, ein bisschen gulliat, ja, sehr gut, halt, pazieren sie,
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frau, ist das ihr sohn, ja, seh, und wie heißt du, savut, ja , war ja, gut, nimm doch bitte, nur ein bisschen braves kerlchen, sehr lieb, gibt den stabs, ist das ihr sohn, zehn?
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da reg dich nicht auf, du kleiner, dir wird nichts besonderes, du kleiner, da reg dich nicht auf, mom, son, little blue, son, let me in, this is my child, let me in, mom, mom!
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who's there? lord, whose are you? where's your mom? not i know. oh, go, my baby, auntie, give me some bread for christ’s sake, why are you crying? if you don't know how to be baptized, don't be baptized.
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everything will be fine, eat, son, eat, we will find your grandfather, he is now a big man under the new government. you’ll spend the night with us, and tomorrow i’ll bring you grandpa, eat, son, eat, eat, russia is big, kirill, i won’t get through everything, great ivanovna, hello, where, here, senya, senya, hello, hello, good day, grandson my, hello, ours are coming back, what?
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you will make excuses, that’s good, come on, get dressed, get dressed, your son-in-law will come back, he’s not asking, after all, shut up, i’m silent, what can i do now, you’re the power now, so you , you bastard, kirilla, and you, yes, what are you doing, i thought about my grandson , come on, listen,
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semyon, are you afraid of the germans? and don’t be afraid , the german is of course not a fool either, because he doesn’t want to die either, you ’ve seen our tanks, you’ve seen them, that’s all, and don’t be afraid, we also have tanks, and we’ll give them a damned lousy kick in the ass . just don’t use bad words, because it’s lack of culture, hello,
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what have you come, what is needed, speak faster, speak more quietly, the burgomaster has complained about you, be quiet. you understand, well, be polite to them, you need to kill them, well, syomka, you’re probably bored without sugar, but here you go, thank you, you were entrusted with a responsible task, and then you’re a red commander in the past. i am obliged to obey discipline, i am subject to this discipline,
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brothers, now we will cross the bridge, so i blew it up three times... were you partisans here, well, these are our places, here our brigade controlled everything, here in this in this i’m still afraid to show up in the village, why? well, we were on self-support, no one supplied us with food, we fed ourselves, so from here i brought a calf and two piglets, and returned them after the war. i had to feed people, i came back after the war, they hit me so hard on the neck, i could barely carry my legs away, is it really possible that now i’m trying to go around this village, but you’re not for yourself, you’re for the detachment, people should understand this, well they understand,
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well, it’s still a shame, then i was rude in my youth, not in an intelligent requisition produced “you’re laughing now, back then it was no laughing matter, no matter where you throw a wedge everywhere, you could die of hunger, and your own people could be punished for excess, up to execution, you could run into the germans or the policemen, now more and more people are talking about the heroic, ". then there was all sorts of things.
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damn it, if they showed this in a movie, everyone would think that this white volga was stalking me, as they say, on its tail, no, reading detective novels is harmful,
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grandfather, what are you doing, where? what are you doing?
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